Warhammer: I, Bartor Farmer

Chapter 173 Declaration of War in Marienburg

Chapter 173 Declaration of War in Marienburg

When the businessmen heard the news, they felt their scalps tingling. Although they were considered Imperials, they didn't have a strong sense of belonging. However, they were the only ones who could cheat the Imperials.

But they only answered the doubts in their hearts. A successful businessman in Marienburg would definitely not like the business group formed by a Bartor Lord.

Notable, but only so much.

If they are asked to leave their jobs of hundreds to tens of thousands of gold coins because of this, a so-called
Peasant knight lord is certainly not enough to watch.

Just as many people were about to leave, those gorgeously dressed mercenary managers stepped onto the stage.

"Don't be misled! He's not just a Bretonnian! He's our nightmare!"

At this moment, those merchants stopped suddenly, because the four above had mastered the defense force of Marienburg, it was impossible to say that they were high and powerful, and they could only say that they could be wiped out with every move.

"Is that person really the so-called idiot lord? Don't you think you can beat our business without sales channels?"

Those merchants suddenly realized, and their expressions quickly became terrified, because they realized that this time they dumped wine, next time it was wool, and the next time it was tea. How could a Marienburg compare to the whole of Bretonnia.

Soon relying on Bretonnia's production capacity, a steady stream of goods will be transported into the empire, and then Boldero will replace Marienburg and become the new commercial core.

This is unacceptable to the merchants, because Bretonnian people are too virtuous, and they don't want to cooperate with those guys who are called farmers.

The powerful businessman in the crowd spoke quickly. "Block the road. In the future, merchants in the city will need approval to pass."

This move can be said to be self-defeating, and roads are also very important to the people of Marienburg. Strict surveillance just to eliminate potential opponents is also very painful for Marienburg.

For example, large chambers of commerce need to spend money to hire soldiers, dispatch ships, and related documents. The production of seals is not a small amount of money.

More directly, there is also a reduction in the evaluation and transportation capacity among merchants, which is nothing more than a self-defeating one thousand.

And the merchants in the Warhammer world are not soft persimmons, their warships are all equipped with cannons!
When this issue came up, the merchants of Marienburg with abundant martial arts immediately agreed that they would rather suffer short-term losses than to cultivate a terrible competitor. its cause.

That is, Marienburg is extremely easy to unify the spearhead in the face of interests, and their particularity also represents the choice of the market and their own monopoly.

It is the largest oligarch in the Old Continent!

But even so, those high-level people are still not satisfied.

"There are not one mercenary in our city, and we no longer have the strength to form a long-term blockade."

Those businessmen showed real surprised expressions at this moment, because the more places they traveled, the more they understood that force is the real basis of business.

Thousands of mercenaries, a large number of warships, sailors, and their servants are the foundation for Marienburg to survive between the empire and Bretonnia.

"No, it's impossible. I have 100 servants under my command, and I am willing to send [-] of them. Is this enough?" a rich man shouted.

The person on the high platform still shook his head.

"I send 20 people..."

"I give 50!"

Strange "quotes" continued, as if human beings were just another commodity in their eyes, until everyone present spoke, and the high-ranking mercenary managers nodded.

They quickly realized that five hundred...

500 people!Exactly the number of people needed to regulate the sea roads.

"Where are the mercenaries? It's just made up of servants!"

management said. "All of them were hired by that peasant knight to deliver the goods!"

Marienburg quickly fell into fiery restlessness, which was dissatisfaction with Roel, his disturbance of the market, and the threat of Marienburg had reached its limit.

Marienburg, which has stood in the world for hundreds of years, is facing a real threat at this moment.

The businessman in the crowd shouted. "Go to war!"

The suddenly restless merchants have reached a unity, how to solve this damn Bretonnian unity, Marienburg is not without military strength, even their strength is unexpectedly strong.

The merchants reached an agreement, the shells were loaded on the cargo ship, the servants put on the armor, and the war mobilization you can imagine was quickly filled.

Some people say that if you need to train your soldiers, then you need 3 times the number to keep them out of production and still pay normal wages.

Generally speaking, human civilization in the Old Continent would not be able to do such a thing, which is why the Bretonnian nobles are superior to others. Even in the Empire, the daily training of the provincial army is not the main thing.

In order to maintain its existence between the two great powers, Marienburg's guards can be said to be the most powerful infantry regiment system owned by human civilization.

A large amount of artillery, ammunition, firearms, and a very high approval rate, the only disadvantage is that the merchants do not know how to fight...

As the battleship left the port and cut through the surface of the Reik River, Marienburg hadn't been activated in the form of a war machine for a long time, making people forget that it is also a huge group independent of the empire.

Roel, who was far away in Bordereau at the moment, was completely unclear about this matter. For him, selling wine this time was just a whim to make money. He was a man who wanted to resist the invasion of Chaos and save the world.

Money is very useful, but compared with money, it is crucial to find a way to win more force.

If he spends too much energy on business, he will only put the cart before the horse.

When Roel dried his gun barrel after a long absence, the silvery iron glistened under the light, and on the port of Boldelo, huge trees were cut down one by one. Luo's miracle.

Countless people are driven by the power of money, the shipbuilders of Bordeaux gather together, the loggers work at full speed, and the mercenaries teach the farmers how to use muskets and cannons.

The fiery furnace forges pieces of fine iron, and even Nock couldn't help but marvel at what Roel had done, he said.

"It turns out that it would be so spectacular to start a territory with all its strength, and this is just the appearance of preparing for war."

"By the way, are you still suffering from the end of the world? Are you doing all this to relieve your fantasy?"

Roel rolled his eyes. "Noke, why don't you go back to your hometown, your mouth has become like an elf."

Nock pouted. "Because Guotai is safe at this moment."

Roel scolded.

"All my predictions are not hallucinations."

"Also, who gave you the illusion that war is far away from you in this world?
Nock choked up...

 The story of the anti-chaos pioneer Roel and the backstab master, this is why the bottom of the order camp crushes the evil, but is often beaten and cried.

(End of this chapter)

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