Chapter 185
Even if they were saved, didn't sing any stupid songs or stories, and were just cleaning up in Class A, you couldn't deny one thing, these chumps were talented in every way.

Dang Gao looked at the thing with his eyes wide open, and said in a serious tone. "My God, what is that?!"

Ragged supplement. "It must be some terrible demonic weapon."

At this moment, the three realized that they were not on a commercial ship but a warship. When they raised their heads, their hearts became even hotter. This must be the test given to them by the lady of the lake, let them save Bretonnia!

They were so convinced, so determined, that they didn't realize that they were lying on the ground with their buttocks raised, being seen by passing sailors. This group of hated imperial people discriminated against the Bretonnians even more in their hearts. up.

And in the ship's command room, several businessmen gathered here. On the table were several bottles of rare high-end wine, white bread, and a whole roast pig, and they were also big and round.

The land of Warhammer World is quite fertile, especially in Marienburg at the junction of Reikland and Bretonnia, it can be said that there is no need to worry about food, which also makes many merchants a little curious about food.

Roast suckling pig is just a small dessert in the conference room. They prefer peacocks, elephants, and all creatures you can imagine from other continents, as well as the unimaginable mutants that are affected by the eight winds.

Of course, there are more important jobs for them than food.

The businessman who salvaged the three fools opened the wine and served himself a bottle. The bright red liquid swirled in the wine glass, and then he took a sip.

He let out a hot sigh. "The wines in Bretonnia are really good, especially the boy from Bordeaux, who actually..." He turned the wine bottle, and on the cover of the bottle was a beautiful picture of a peasant girl stepping on grape juice, especially the painting The young girl is curvy and extremely beautiful.

If you know Roel, you may find that the prototype of the girl in it is Alimara, with brown hair, big eyes, and a sense of vitality.

And such a picture is so lethal to the old nobles of the empire, it is no wonder that they turned a blind eye to the fine wine of Marienburg.

The other merchants looked at the wine bottle in a whimsical way. This is a beautiful mind and admiring eyes. They kind of want to find the girl in the picture, and then...

Let her produce wine for them and make a fortune!
At this moment, Alimara, who was communicating with the fishermen in the collar, how to rent a fishing boat, and how much to pay for a broken fishing boat, suddenly felt a chill all over her body...

The theme of the meeting was not how to catch women, but sailing on dry land, which was built by Marienburg with huge money, and the prototype was the steam tank of the Empire.

A hundred years ago, relying on the banknote ability, Marienburg successfully borrowed an imperial steam tank for a month, but the best engineers in Marienburg could not reproduce this miracle. It has both magic and steam engine structure, black powder and Faith, they couldn't make a second steam tank without mages and engineers and a perfect assembly line.

But Marienburg is still rich in the end, and there must be a genius with a lot of money. The design of dry land sailing was taken out, and this battle steam engine will undoubtedly become the most powerful machine in Marienburg.

However, driving this machine would require a lot of manpower and material resources, and they didn't want to use it, but they needed to give Bretonnia a blow.

Because the lack of mercenary resources is too serious, they can only use land boats. They believe that even the so-called holy grail knights cannot resist such a powerful monster machine.

When the noble businessman spoke. "I'm in favor of launching."

Others followed suit. "I agree too."

"The Vincents agree!"

"The Ronners agree!"

There was an indeterminate sound, and this terrible steam engine also began to fill up various burning materials and water...

The nobleman smiled sinisterly, looked at the beautiful female portrait on the wine, and licked the corner of his mouth.

"The Holy Grail Knight must not be able to resist it..."

"The Holy Grail Knight will definitely not be able to resist it!"

In Class A, the short man yelled, and the tall man immediately covered his mouth.

"Shhhh...they don't know we found this..."

Looking at the board in rags. "We can take it down."

"If we destroy this monster when we start the battle, won't the victory belong to Lord Roel?"

The tall one looked at the board. "I'm not sure, I mean, can we get it done?"

Short retorts. "Did you forget? We are tall and short brothers, and beggar brothers..."

Scolded in ragged clothes. "I'm not a beggar, I just see through the world, it doesn't matter if the clothes are good or bad!"

The three of them bickered for a long time, and finally decided to stand on this board and step on it, trying to see if they could break the last nail. They were crowded together, and a board was only one meter long. The three of them standing together were ridiculously funny, and then Tapping like a tap dance.

After a while, the servant came back with bread and hot soup, and saw these three idiots tap dancing in Class A...

"My God, my God, what are you doing to Baron Henrik's ship?!"

He watched these three drooling, snot-nosed idiots doing the tm Kislev tap dance on the best battleship in Marienburg, and his heart was half a beat behind.

He walked over, put down the food, and slapped each of them, making their eyes stare...

High said. "I saw the stars!"

dwarf supplement. "No, that's because he's too strong..."

Dressed in rags, he supported Class A, enduring the feeling of dizziness.

The tall and burly servant emphasized. "I see you go crazy again, don't eat your dinner!"

Then sit by and supervise them to continue working. They can only pick up mops and wooden buckets and continue to clean up the never-ending brine on Class A.

High emphasis. "I never want to touch a mop again in my life..."

short answer. "No, no, your mother will still let you mop the floor."

High answer. "Except Lord Roel."

And the one in ragged clothes was just mopping at the cracked plank with a mop, honestly, who would watch three idiots mopping the floor, at least that famous servant would not.

Soon, under the unremitting efforts of the three, the nails on the board made a sad sound of hissing. For the first time, the best battleship in Marienburg was broken by a foreigner. problem, but it can be easily taken at this moment...

Clothed in rags, sticking to the two idiots, talking. "Get it done, drive this thing away when you rest at night!"

Two idiots...cough, heroes, with wisdom shining in their eyes.


(End of this chapter)

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