Warhammer: I, Bartor Farmer

Chapter 207 Reaching Luschia

Chapter 207 Reaching Luschia
An ominous omen has descended on the vast land of Luskia, and the humid air floating in the rainforest already feels heavy, but it is even more depressing at this moment.

It seems that even the "soul" of the rainforest itself is holding its breath, like a beast called "nervous" is stalking.

Under the dim eaves, countless alert eyes are peeping.

The sound of war drums echoed across the misty land, and the lizardman guards were fully focused, waiting for the enemy to come, and they were sure that, yes, the enemy would come.

But neither their mystical powers of prophecy, nor the sacred plaques engraved with omens from above, the greatest and most abundant magical fruits on this planet can tell the Lizardmen when and where the enemy's attack will come. .

The city of the moon, the top of the temple of eclipse, the astrologer, the transcendent observer, the great oracle of the stars, the chief priest Tetuoko (the greatest skink priest, the skink that can sit on the Slann chair) is using His cold, unfathomable eyes searched the sky, trying to find what he had left behind.

As time went by, Tetuokou's eyes were still staring at the stars, his whole body was motionless, only the third eyelid was sliding quietly.

Despite his best efforts to find the omens, the oldest Skink priests could see nothing, and only with the blessing of the Old Ones, Tetuoko could read the vision of the future from the many constellations that swirled in the night sky, no mortal could rival his cognitive abilities.

But now, he found that the arrangement of the stars was all out of order, and the whole astrology was completely chaotic and disharmonious.

It wasn't the atmosphere that blocked Tetu'okou's sight. His shining eyes were enough to see through the fog and thick clouds over the jungle. He could even see through the raging typhoon and see the stars clearly amidst the lightning and thunder.

For a century, he felt he had been able to hold the sun, moon and stars spinning in the sky, and look for omens in them.Only Xie Yue's green chaotic light hindered him. That light was a kind of evil that could interfere with the divination of the Skink Priest.

Unlike the sun and those reliable stars, the orbit of the evil moon is unpredictable, illogical, and moves out of order.These days, the evil moon always seems to rise with a sense of superiority, and it becomes incomprehensibly huge, filling the entire horizon.

In the last month, the evil moon has been hanging in the same position, interfering with Tetu'okou's astrology. Even in the daytime, Tetu'okou can still see it.

This thing mocks order, the order of everything.Tonight was different, the Cursed Moon did not show its pockmarked and pockmarked face in the night sky, but the Skink Priest's panic increased instead of diminishing.

According to his star map and prophecy, the star of Feathered Serpent, Kyatel, should be the brightest star over the eclipse temple today, but it is not there, and the star of Feathered Serpent is not there. Do your best, Tetuer Cole still couldn't read any vision of the future, except one that was black.

The evil moon may rise at any time, and it will be more difficult to work at that time, Tetu'ekou is unyielding in divination.

The Skink Priest felt instinctively that time was already a luxury, and he was running out of it.

Suddenly, a weird idea was ignited. Maybe the big plan failed?He suddenly felt uneasy, his reptilian instincts were right, he changed his target, who could save the big plan...

In a daze, the star road is still bright. It is a star pointing to the western continent. According to this position, is it the human empire?
But he soon had a clearer premonition. Tetuoko closed his eyelids, and the illusion gradually became clear in his mind. It was the horizon of the boundless sea, and only a black spot was floating in the sea at night. Concentration increased, he saw it.

Humans, there are three humans sitting on a tin boat, he wanted to look more carefully, his body began to breathe heavily, and soon, he saw...

It was a bumpy cheek full of booger and dirt, which was suddenly enlarged, and the pores and oily spots on it could be clearly seen. The greatest Skink was shocked by such a change, and abruptly quit meditation...

And his scream frightened half of the lizardmen warriors in the city to come to protect...

On the sea level, the three strong men who made the most powerful Skink mage tremble were wearing "grass skirts" made of kelp. Because of the long-term voyage, their clothes were already damaged, and they became rare rags on the ship.

In fact, neither the tall brothers nor Huo Nuo realized that traveling on the sea is not easy, and they deviated from the road quickly because of the exhaustion of fuel, and drifted on the sea for a long time.

Food and fresh water also disappeared quickly. On today’s iron-clad ships, they have dismantled the bottom cabins and made fish drying racks and wooden bowls to catch water. The fresh water containers and food bags in the ship are also full. Seagulls, aquatic plants, dried fish.

Facts have proved that the unsustainability of knight lords can't kill people like Bretonnian peasants, demi-human races, so nature shouldn't be able to kill them.

Hono yelled. "Another sharp-toothed fish! Dinner is ready!" He sliced ​​open the belly of the fish and drank the not-so-salty blood inside. It was a monster with black scales and sharp teeth. Forked up.

And there is obviously no flame on the ship, in fact any piece of wood is very important, so they learned a craft, which is to use the tool knife on the ship to eat sashimi as thin as cicada wings.

During this time, they even learned how to ferment seagulls, and then absorb the fermented things, probably viscera, to supplement their own vitamins and prevent scurvy.

It makes people wonder whether Bretonnian farmers can farm in the Chaos Wilderness.

Their strong adaptability allowed them to survive for almost three months, which was not easy. Without supplies, a normal navigator can only survive for about [-] days, not to mention that the three of them have no idea how to survive. Know.

Gao stood on Class A, his skin was tanned like the others, looking at the endless sea horizon in the distance, the three of them were indeed very noisy, but the huge sea made them unable to lift their spirits.

They were still very vague about the concept of the boundless sea before, but now they almost fully understand it...

Gao said. "I want to go home and I want to eat stew."

dwarf supplement. "We haven't accomplished the lord's goal..."

Horno said. "It doesn't matter, it's almost the same everywhere."

The three of them were chatting, chatting, and a touch of green suddenly appeared on the endless sea level in the distance.

high asked. "Did I see hallucinations again, is that land?"

short answer. "No, I saw it too."

Huonuo immediately picked up the oar he made himself. Although they realized that it was a waste of energy after swimming with it for a few days, they were reluctant to throw it away. Fortunately, they encountered a shark behind them, and now there is a mouthful of shark teeth on the oar print.

"Swim, swim, it's really land!"

The three of them never imagined that one day they would be so enthusiastic about something they were accustomed to, and it felt like seeing a beauty.

But the distance was not close, and soon they felt that they saw a mirage, rowing, rowing, and rowing, their physical strength and food could not support them like this, and the touch of green did not necessarily grow bigger after rowing for so long.

They didn't see such a situation once. For example, they saw a huge island last month, like a ring, with birds singing and flowers on it, pleasant scenery, and beautiful buildings. The beauty is so beautiful that people can't speak.

They rowed harder for a long time, but at last the island suddenly disappeared and could not be found again.

The Bretonnians are good at summarizing, so they all judged unanimously that they had seen hallucinations.

It's probably the same this time...

The tall, the short, the ragged, and the tired lay on the deck basking in the sun and going to sleep, completely unaware that they had seen Ulthuan and Luschia in just three months.

Bretonnians are born adventurers, and explorers from Bretonnia often accomplish amazing things in the eyes of the locals, such as carrying the Tomb King back to his hometown as the remains of the Holy Grail Knight, and using Tyrannosaurus eggs as collectibles Get it on board.

The former sparked a battle between the factions of Bretonnia and the Tomb Kings, and the latter was on board with dragon eggs rotting, leaving no one alive.

But you can't deny the innate optimism and luck of the Bretonnians, and their enviable attitude towards living a day-to-day life.

The three of them quickly fell asleep under the warm sun, and when they woke up, a gust of moist and warm wind revived them, tall, short, and ragged looking at their side.

They are leaning against the shore at the moment, this is the land, but it is not the same, the towering trees are densely covered, a bit like the legendary Athel Loren Forest, but it is not the same, there are too many vines, moss, and this The shape of the tree is also very strange.

The leaves look densely packed, like that kind of blinds. The wind is humid and hot, and the soil is soft and waxy. If you look closely, they are all leaves.

But the three of them couldn't bear it any longer. They jumped off the iron boat, kissed the beach, and immediately found a few trees with large heads and sparse leaves.

They wanted to eat something that was not aquatic products so much, so they picked up stones and smashed them for a long time, finally dropped one, and found that the fluffy fruit was hard and difficult to break open.

With a bitter face, Huo Nuo went to the boat to get a carpenter's knife, useless force to get rid of the "fluff" and then cut it, pounding the handle of the knife with a stone, wasting a lot of effort, milky white juice flowed out like a clear spring.

"Wow, there's a lot of juice, the inside must be even more full!" Gao commented.

"Yes, yes, it must be rewarding." Shorty echoed.

When it was opened, a lot of juice fell on the ground and was sucked by the beach, but there was only a little pulp inside...

The three of them grimaced, shared the worthless fruit, and walked into the forest boldly. After all, they were too hungry, and the only weapons for the three of them were two woodworking knives, a shovel and tongs for shoveling coal …

They wandered along the shore, poking at the strange bushes, and soon discovered something new, which was a red fruit, similar to blueberries, but pointed.

The ones born are a bit tall, but the tall ones can be touched. He picked a lot, but felt that the tips of his fingers were a little hot for some reason.

He fiddled with the thing, and squeezed one open, hollow, with small yellow "wheat ears" inside, very cute.

"I really want to get some pets."

"I don't know how it tastes?"

"Not necessarily good!"

The three of you talked to each other, and finally decided to eat it!

When those things were put into the mouth and chewed, they immediately felt that half of their face was numb, and then it was...

"I'm so fucking in pain!" Gao shouted.

"I*it's biting me!" cried the short one.

Looking at the pepper in his hand in rags, he silently threw it on the ground.

But they didn't pay attention to one thing, that is, one should never shout in the extremely dangerous virgin forest, because the really dangerous things in the forest are silent.

And they obviously got the attention of something.

It was a huge rainforest tyrannosaurus. As the top predator here, its recent rage was stronger than before, because the annual tyrannosaur rut came, and this almost seven-meter-tall monster was looking for a partner.

The tyrannosaur's intelligence is actually not bad. There is only one way for them to judge their mates during the estrus period, and that is to collect prey. One is to ferment the rotting corpses of those things to increase the temperature of the eggs, and the other is to ensure the excellent genes.

In fact, this tyrannosaurus has been a bit depressed recently, as long as a lizardman with a little experience can tell that it is young, although it has a huge body of seven meters, it has just grown up.

Inexperience makes it face the status quo of no mating rights, and the furious and irrational Tyrannosaurus is made worse by hormones. Even the lizard warriors will not walk in the forest this season, let alone make a scene.

When the three recovered from the hot chili kiss, a huge monster also popped out of the forest and stared at them.

High said. "sky!"

He looked at the huge body of the tyrannosaurus, its rough skin, and its nostrils were the size of his fist. Driven by hormones, he was gasping for breath.

The short one saw it too, and it was the scariest thing he had seen in his life, bar none.

Horno said immediately. "I know such eyes, like a frog, we just need not move, and it won't find us."

The tall one and the short one nodded immediately, but the tyrannosaurus rex is not a frog, and this is not Jurassic Park either. A half-human-sized blood basin opened its mouth wide and bit the tall one!
Gao's dead soul was furious, and subconsciously used his hand to hold the big mouth, but he was obviously unlucky, his palm suddenly sank into the wet place, which was the nasal cavity of this cold-blooded animal...

As soon as the Tyrannosaurus lowered its head, it felt a special touch. What was that?
It's chili, and Gao's hand just pulled the chili.

Intense stimulation appeared on the Tyrannosaurus rex, the most powerful predator in the forest received the most painful stimulation since birth.

Gao was terrified, but he found that his arm was stuck by the stimulating and shrinking dragon's nose. He was lifted up by the violent Tyrannosaurus, and the arm pulled his whole body, and he was about to die of pain!
He could only exert all his strength, climbed up, turned his hand half a circle, and climbed onto the dragon's head abruptly...

The remaining two people looked dull, and the Tyrannosaurus also ran away because of the continuous stimulation. The two people had no choice but to make a decision immediately.

Hold on to the dragon tail!Then climb!
And just like that, three Bretonnian peasants were treated like the most honored Lizardmen warriors, riding a forest overlord.

(End of this chapter)

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