Warhammer: I, Bartor Farmer

Chapter 6 The first killing

Chapter 6 The First Killing

What kept flashing through Roel's mind was not the revolving door, but the sailor's words, and he kept calculating that he had two gold crowns a month, which was equivalent to two and a half months' net income of the empire's peasants, and working for the lords and nobles. No 19 tax required!
At this moment, he stood firm and held his breath. Although there is a saying that it is only a few hundred yuan a month, what are you doing so hard, but his current salary is very good!
Don't lose your job!
As he backed up, running against the moonlight, he quickly bit open the ammunition pack, and the disgusting creature behind him was still chasing after him.

It took more than 20 seconds for the gunpowder to be exposed, stuffed into the gun body, and pressed down. It took more than [-] seconds in the running state.

Roel was out of breath. This was the first time he ran so fast and finished reloading so well. He turned around and pressed the barrel of the gun against the monster behind him. The thing hit the muzzle of the gun because it ran so fast. , the head hit the gun barrel directly, and the gelatinous skin overflowed with strange mucus, which was driven by centrifugal force and sprinkled on Roel's face.

Roel held his breath, the cold muzzle blocked the ghoul's head, and the trigger was pulled.

So close, in the light of the nearby campfire, it looked like he was shooting humans, but for the moment he forgot his skills.

The Rick collar rifle is so close, it is theoretically enough to bring it to see Moore, but the five-point attack power is dissipated by the skill out of thin air, and the monster is just hit by the impact of the black powder and rolls on the ground, making a terrifying wail .

Roel was not a pervert, and instead of killing it himself, he made this frail young man feel a lot of guilt, so that he froze for a moment, and was thrown down by another ghoul.

Fortunately, he immediately put a gun on his body and didn't fall down, but the hood his mother took the time to sew on the clothes was scratched by the claws of that disgusting thing.

Roel was panting heavily, his malnourished body was completely overloaded at this moment, not to mention some monsters might appear in the darkness.

His adrenaline was soaring, and he shouted like crazy. "How dare you tm you tm?!"

At this moment, his madness was even greater than his fear. When his life was in danger, he directly kicked the monster that grabbed him.

The ghoul happened to be unstable after the attack, so it fell to the ground, its face completely immersed in the bonfire. The mucus in its body seemed to be very flammable, and it burned instantly.

Roel stepped on its body with all its strength, and let its head sink into the bonfire. The disgusting smell of burning carrion, with the miserable scream of a ghoul, Roel had a rather terrified expression on his face. , but he dared not let go.

He put all his attention on the gun, and even stepped on the ghoul's body with his whole body, letting it be burned by the flames.

Roel reloaded and fired again at another ghoul on the ground whose head was bleeding.

The miserable howls lingered in the forest like a chorus, Roel murmured. "I'm a fighter, I'm a fighter..."

"I can't be afraid..." With trembling fingers, he reloaded the third round of ammunition, and made up the poor thing again.

The battle lasted for 1 minute, although only the beginning was counted as a battle, and the content after that was just the punishment for the ghoul.

Roel looked at the limp bodies on the ground. One face was completely miserable and brown, and the other had three big holes opened...

As if his soul had been emptied, he sat limply on the ground, taking a big breath of air.

"My lord, Yurik, I'm a warrior, I'm a warrior..."

Roel is definitely not cowardly, at least he is the winner, the sky held the evil moon high, the effect of adrenaline dissipated, and the first reaction of Roel, who regained a trace of clarity, was to load the bullet.

The night is still long, the ghouls are just the beginning, and the zombies, Moore's statue has been destroyed, but Roel's face is calm.

He thought that since the statue is counted as the front row, that is to say, everything that hinders the enemy's progress can be counted as the condition for activating the skill.

With such a clear analysis, he immediately found a few large enough rocks nearby, and then stacked them sparsely in the narrow gorge.

Put the gun on it, and the zombies in the distance are gradually approaching. There are still 17 rounds of ammunition prepared. If I knew it would be dangerous to be on the night shift, I should have done more.

At this moment, the moonlight is not clear enough, and shooting rashly will only waste the bullets. Roel adjusted his mentality. If he wants to survive in the world of Warhammer, he must be calm and brave.

When the zombies approached, Roel would throw out a part of the bonfire to illuminate the area. He would only shoot at a distance of 20 to 30 meters, because it was difficult for his accuracy to ensure that the shot was not empty.

And he also deliberately picked up many small stones. With the blessing of skills, although the small stones were armor pierced, they actually made them feel like they were hit by a heavy punch when they touched the zombie's body.

But after all, they are stones, so they are not fatal. At most, let them fall to the ground to buy time.

Soon the first night's duty began to be orderly. Sure enough, the skill could be triggered, and one shot took away all the mobility of a zombie.

Next, he sometimes searched for dead branches and fallen leaves to light the bonfire, and sometimes searched for stones suitable for throwing. In the long night under the moon, there were constant gunshots in the plain. Soon Roel was proficient at reloading and hit the target. The speed can also be pulled to within 40 meters.

At this moment, it only takes him ten seconds to load the gun. You know, even the best old hunter in the empire needs 25 seconds to play the flintlock well!

Although it is a waste of time to clean the barrel of the gun regularly when there are no zombies, the power of the flintlock gun is in the hands of Roel at this moment.

In just one hour, there were 16 corpses lying nearby. Most of them were shot in the body, but the rotting flesh was almost smashed to pieces. At this moment, Roel even had the mood to aim at the head.

If the night was longer, he could definitely become a qualified hunter in a desperate situation.

However, as time gradually pulled into daylight and the evil moon gradually fell, the number of undead became less and less. In the end, there was only one of the 20 ammunition packs left.

But for Roel himself, it can be regarded as Tual's blessing!

He was afraid that if he wanted to reload the gunpowder now, the chamber might explode due to a mistake!This matter also made Roel decide that he can eat less in the future, but the ammunition packs must not be less!
At this moment when the bright morning sun rose, Roel was completely relieved, and it was the first time that he realized that he had persisted here all night!

He collected the statues of Moore that were still usable, wiped the muzzle of his gun, and combed his back.

On the first day of work, I really almost died!
Under the sunlight, he suddenly discovered that the hideous and terrifying ghouls from last night were just lumps of flesh lying on the ground.

He kicked the disgusting thing, and when he left the battlefield, a sentence suddenly sounded in his ear.

[Station once in the enemy area, gain characteristics, act alone, increase the movement speed of the big map by 3%. 】

[Defeat the undead once, gain the characteristic, undead loather, increase the attack power of the dead by 1. 】

【Get a little skill point】

(End of this chapter)

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