Chapter 199
After the worship, the bride is naturally sent to the bridal chamber.Only Zhao Mingyuan was left to receive the guests and host the banquet.

In fact, there were only two outsiders, Jiumozhi and Duan Yu, and the rest were women, so naturally Li Qingluo entertained them.

Both Jiumozhi and Duan Yu felt embarrassed for disturbing the worship hall, and they were even more grateful for the host's hospitality.

Even Jiumozhi couldn't refuse, and drank three cups of vegetarian wine in a row.

Then, Jiumozhi said what he wanted to do.

Of course, he only said that if he had something to do, he wanted to find the Sanhe Village of the Murong family in Gusu, and asked if this was the Sanhe Village.

After all, this is Zhao Mingyuan's big day, and Jiumozhi is too embarrassed to come up with an excuse to worship Murong Bo, how unlucky that is!
And Duan Yu seemed to cooperate so much that he didn't say a word in order not to cause trouble for the groom.

Of course, even if Zhao Mingyuan didn't ask, he knew Jiumozhi's reason for coming.Then he said: "You have come to the wrong place. This is not Sanhe Village, but Mantuo Villa."

The mandala is the camellia.This island is full of camellias, how many times has Jiumozhi heard Duan Yu whispering in his ear along the way?Naturally, it can be heard that Zhao Mingyuan did not lie.

Presumably this is the Manduo Villa, they really found the wrong place.

But I heard Zhao Mingyuan continue to say: "Although this is not Canhezhuang, the Murong family is somewhat related to our family. In fact, my wife is Mr. Murong's cousin."

Hearing this, Jiumozhi's eyes widened immediately.Although he was in the wrong place, he came to the right place.Finally, I was able to get news about Shenhe Village.

Zhao Mingyuan went on to say: "However, Mr. Murong doesn't seem to be in the south of the Yangtze River these days, but there are some people left to watch the gate. If Master is not in a hurry, you might as well rest in our Mantuo Villa for one night, and go there tomorrow."

At this time, it was already dark, so Jiumozhi agreed to rest here for the night as Zhao Mingyuan said.

Zhao Mingyuan doesn't need to worry about the issue of their own accommodation arranged by his servants.

Zhao Mingyuan returned to the bridal chamber, facing his bride Wang Yuyan.

Lifting off the red hijab, she looked at Wang Yuyan who was sitting upright, beautiful as a flower, and looked at herself with affection in her eyes.

This is a girl I raised by myself, and I like it both in terms of emotion and personality.

Zhao Mingyuan knew that he would travel all over the world in the future, and he might meet many beauties.They have all kinds of styles and personalities, and there are all kinds of beauties.

It's just that it's really hard to find a girl who suits me like this, a girl who loves me like this, and once I miss it, I won't stop.

Thinking of this, Zhao Mingyuan couldn't help being more gentle, took Wang Yuyan's hand to the table, and first drank the Hebei wine according to the rules, which is the so-called cross-cup wine.

After completing this series of ceremonies, the bride can speak.

Zhao Mingyuan said softly to Wang Yuyan, "You're hungry, I've sent people to fetch food."

Wang Yuyan said happily: "Brother Yuan, how do you know? I am indeed hungry, I haven't eaten all day."

In fact, a person who has achieved internal strength will not be affected even if he does not eat for a day or two.

In fact, Zhao Mingyuan was so busy that he didn't eat anything all day, but he felt nothing.Of course, this is also the result of his deeper skill.

However, Wang Yuyan was spoiled and raised since she was a child, and she has never been hungry, so naturally she couldn't bear it.

Thinking of this, Zhao Mingyuan secretly sighed in his heart, it seems that this time walking the rivers and lakes, it can't be just the two of them together as expected, someone needs to follow and take care of them.

Zhao Mingyuan couldn't help but think of Ding Chunqiu, the old fairy of Xingxiu.Ha ha, maybe I have to learn it myself.

Could this be the tradition of the Peripatetic School?

Soon a maid brought food, and Zhao Mingyuan ate some with Wang Yuyan.

In fact, since this world is full of vitality, there is no need to practice refined qi, so warriors do not have high requirements for food.

Everyone just ate some out of habit, just to taste the taste.

Next, the two of them washed up under the service of the maid, and Wang Yuyan had already removed the phoenix coronet.

All the maids withdrew after finishing their service, leaving only the newlyweds Zhao Mingyuan and Wang Yuyan in the bridal chamber.

The red candle was shining brightly, Wang Yuyan's white skin, under the candlelight, revealed a bit of bright red, like plum blossoms blooming in the snow, amazed the world, and was indescribably bright.

It also made Zhao Mingyuan's eyes brighter.

Under Zhao Mingyuan's scorching gaze, Wang Yuyan's nervous heart was pounding, and she felt that the gaze was like fire. When she saw it, she felt as if she was being burned, and felt hot all over.

Although Wang Yuyan was ignorant of worldly affairs, she already felt something.

However, after all, she grew up in this Mantuo Villa and rarely went out.Naturally, no one in the villa dared to tell her these private things.

Before the marriage, Li Qingluo gave her a picture scroll, which is now under the pillow.

However, she only glanced at it once, and was too ashamed to look at it any more.

Wang Yuyan was so nervous and at a loss, she said softly, "Brother Yuan, what should we do next?"

Zhao Mingyuan said: "Then we can do bad things."

Wang Yuyan said: "People say that after paying homage to marriage, a child will be born after entering the bridal chamber. Brother Yuan, how did you have a child?"

Wang Yuyan continued: "My mother said that there is no need to teach this, Brother Yuan must know, I just need to listen to Brother Yuan. Brother Yuan, do you know?"

Looking at Wang Yuyan's curious appearance that doesn't know much about the world, but in contrast to her figure that can't be concealed by thick dresses, there is a different kind of temptation.

And her curious gaze reminded Zhao Mingyuan of the careful teaching she had given to Wang Yuyan over the past few years.

Therefore, Zhao Mingyuan said: "Actually, this is also a kind of practice, the way of yin and yang, you should have heard of it?"

Wang Yuyan said: "I've heard of that.

A lonely yin does not grow, and a lonely yang does not grow.Therefore, heaven and earth are matched with yin and yang.

It seems to be mentioned in several Taoist exercises.It's just that Yuyan can't understand many places.

What's more, when I asked you, Brother Yuan kept it secret and didn't tell me. "

When it comes to learning knowledge, Wang Yuyan seems to have returned to the way Zhao Mingyuan explained and discussed martial arts with her in the past few years.Immediately, the nervousness was relieved, and he almost forgot that he was in the bridal chamber and wanted to discuss the mysteries of martial arts with Zhao Mingyuan.

Seeing Wang Yuyan's interest, Zhao Mingyuan said: "Yes, this is indeed a great knowledge.

I didn't tell you before because it was not yet time.

These things can only be said between husband and wife.

Now, we have become husband and wife.

Now that we have come to this point, let's practice the way of yin and yang tonight. "

Wang Yuyan was very happy to hear that the mystery that had been solved for many years could be solved.

But I heard Zhao Mingyuan say maliciously: "It's just that when practicing the way of yin and yang, it will emit a lot of heat, and even sweat profusely.

If the ventilation is not smooth, the heat cannot be dissipated, and there is even a risk of becoming obsessed.

Therefore, Yuyan, it is not acceptable for you to dress so thickly.Come on, take off your clothes first. "

Seeing Zhao Mingyuan talking nonsense in a serious manner, Wang Yuyan did not suspect him.

The bride naturally had to wear layer after layer of dresses, Wang Yuyan already felt bored, but because of etiquette, she endured it all the time.

Now, upon hearing what Zhao Mingyuan said, naturally there was no objection.

Therefore, with the help of Zhao Mingyuan, Wang Yuyan took off her wedding dress layer by layer, only wearing thin underwear.

Immediately, her uneven figure was exposed in front of Zhao Mingyuan's eyes, and a scent of fragrance also filled Zhao Mingyuan's surroundings.

Seeing this, Zhao Mingyuan hurriedly took off all his clothes, only wearing shorts with short nose, exposing his chest.

The fair skin looks very delicate, and the streamlined muscle lines formed by practicing martial arts all the year round exude a masculine charm.

Although Wang Yuyan didn't know much about muscles, she also felt a different kind of beauty, so she couldn't help but put her hand on it.

Huh?It feels good, but it feels weird. Is this a man's body?

Wang Yuyan couldn't help touching it a few more times.

At this time, she felt that there were more hands on her body, stroking her body, which made Wang Yuyan feel trembling.

Looking up, he saw Zhao Mingyuan looking at her with evil eyes.

Seeing Wang Yuyan's strange eyes, Zhao Mingyuan responded: "You touched me, and I touched you twice. Isn't this a reasonable and normal relationship?"

That's right, after all, she did it first, Wang Yuyan couldn't tell what was wrong for a while.

Now that she is married to him, she will naturally let him handle it.Mother had already said that in the bridal chamber, everything should be obeyed by him.

Besides, this is my elder brother Yuan, and I would have listened to him anyway.

It's just that it feels so strange, Wang Yuyan couldn't help but want to make a strange sound.It's just that she was afraid that her brother Yuan would make a joke, so she gritted her teeth and tried not to make a sound.

Seeing Wang Yuyan's charming appearance biting her lower lip, Zhao Mingyuan's movements gradually eased.

Seeing that Wang Yuyan gradually relaxed, Zhao Mingyuan began to teach Wang Yuyan how to practice this way.

The Dao is mysterious, the two of them indulged in cultivation for a long time, and they fell asleep at some point.

The next morning, Zhao Mingyuan woke up, feeling the soft fragrance and gentle jade beside him, and seeing that flowery and delicate face, Zhao Mingyuan felt extremely satisfied.

As if sensing Zhao Mingyuan's gaze, Wang Yuyan also woke up and slowly opened her eyes.

Seeing that someone beside her was looking at her, Wang Yuyan was startled at first, then realized that she was married, and said with a coquettish smile, "Brother Yuan, I hate it, you're frightening people!"

Zhao Mingyuan pretended to be angry: "There is no Brother Yuan here!"

Wang Yuyan soon understood, looked at Zhao Mingyuan affectionately, and called out: "Husband!"

"Lady!" Zhao Mingyuan immediately responded.

As if some ceremony had been completed, the two felt more intimate and became a real couple.

(End of this chapter)

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