Chapter 262
Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling only felt that they were in heaven during this time, living in a big mansion, wearing brocade clothes, and eating delicacies that were unimaginable before.

Zhao Mingyuan even gave the two of them a lot of pocket money to travel around the city after studying.Buy whatever you want, and play whatever you want.

The two were grateful and felt that no one had ever treated them so well.

They couldn't help but secretly made up their minds that they would definitely live up to Master's great kindness.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are still twelve or thirteen years old, it is the time when they are fond of playing.

Coupled with Zhao Mingyuan's deliberate connivance and extravagant spending, he gave the two of them enough money.

For a while, the two played wildly in the city, like wild horses that had run loose.

Zhao Mingyuan naturally didn't take it seriously, children, what's the point of playing around, what catastrophe can they cause?
Unexpectedly, the two soon brought him a surprise.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling unexpectedly brought back a great beauty.

No one else, even Zhao Mingyuan has met, the sister-in-law who sells buns, Wei Zhenzhen.

This is the repayment of Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling's kindness.

The two thought they were developed now, so they thanked those who helped them back then.

And Wei Zhenzhen, who was kind-hearted and had helped the two of them many times, was naturally the first to bear the brunt.

The two visited Feng's bun shop many times and told Wei Zhenzhen about their current situation.

Wei Zhenzhen was also happy about their encounter.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling wanted to use the money Zhao Mingyuan gave to help Wei Zhenzhen.

However, even if the two kept going, they couldn't change Wei Zhenzhen's current situation, they could only watch her tired.

Even though the two secretly gave the money to Wei Zhenzhen, they were discovered and taken away by Lao Feng and the evil doctor.

Seeing Wei Zhenzhen being scolded and even beaten by Lao Feng and his wife many times, the two couldn't help feeling angry and stepped forward to question her.

But the world is like this, how can the two of them change it?
After all, Wei Zhenzhen was just Lao Feng's concubine, and there was no reason for her husband and wife to bully her concubine.Hit as much as you want, and curse as much as you want, the two of them have nothing to do with it.

On the contrary, when they saw someone supporting Wei Zhenzhen, Old Feng and his evil doctor became even more angry, which made Wei Zhenzhen's situation even more difficult during this period.

Not only did Wei Zhenzhen have to do more work, but she couldn't eat or sleep well all day long.From morning to night, without a moment's rest.

This made Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling see it and feel pain in their hearts.

After all, the two of them had long regarded Wei Zhenzhen as their own sister, so seeing her being bullied like this naturally felt uncomfortable.

Later, the two came up with an idea, that is to pay for Wei Zhenzhen's ransom.

Of course, to say it was a redemption was actually to buy Wei Zhenzhen away.

After all, Wei Zhenzhen's identity is just a concubine, so she can be bought and sold legally.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling bought Wei Zhenzhen from Feng's family at a high price.

In fact, Lao Feng's wife is a Hedong division, and she is the real head of the family.Lao Feng didn't dare to disobey a word of her words.

As for Wei Zhenzhen, although she is a concubine in name.But in fact, it was just a slave servant of the Feng family.

This is also because Lao Feng's wife is too jealous. Seeing that Wei Zhenzhen is young and beautiful, she is afraid that Lao Feng will spoil his concubine and destroy his wife, so she refuses to let Lao Feng touch Wei Zhenzhen.

On the contrary, Wei Zhenzhen got a blessing in disguise, and thus retained her innocence.

Now someone is willing to pay a lot of money to buy Wei Zhenzhen, a concubine, just to get rid of old Mrs. Feng's heart disease and make a lot of money, how could she refuse.

On the contrary, she saw that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were too young to come up with such a large sum of money, and guessed that they might have stolen it from home.

Therefore, fearing that the night would be long and dreamy, and the family members of the two would come to return the goods, they hurriedly completed the transaction and gave Wei Zhenzhen's contract of sale to the two.

In this way, the transaction went smoothly, and before Wei Zhenzhen knew anything, she was sold again.

It wasn't until she came back from selling the buns that she learned the news.

Looking at Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, two half-children in front of her, she didn't know whether she was happy or worried.

Although she should be happy to leave Feng's place.

However, she was sold to the Feng family by her biological father.Now it was sold to someone else by the Feng family.Being sold one after another, how could Wei Zhenzhen be happy in her heart.

But looking at Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling who looked anxious in front of them, Wei Zhenzhen naturally understood that the two of them were doing it for their own benefit, and it was no wonder they were there.

The kind-hearted Wei Zhenzhen quickly forgave the two of them, but Wei Zhenzhen didn't know where to go when she suddenly left Feng's house.

Then, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling brought her here, hoping that Zhao Mingyuan could take her in.

Wei Zhenzhen heard that their master Zhao Mingyuan gave all their money, and thought of the two spending money to redeem her, fearing that they might be scolded when they went back, she agreed to come with them.

Zhao Mingyuan looked at the slim Wei Zhenzhen in front of him.Although he is clothed with wooden hairpins, his beautiful appearance is still moving.

Although Wei Zhenzhen's appearance can only be regarded as Xiaojiabiyu, she cannot be called a peerless beauty.But what makes her more attractive is her gentle temperament and kind character.

After all, how can a woman who can charm Yu Wenhua be taken lightly?
In the original plot, Wei Zhenzhen fell into Yu Wenhuaji's eyes due to a chance meeting, and was immediately snatched away by Yu Wenhuaji, treating her as a treasure.

You know, Yu Wenhuaji is the son of the Yuwen clan, one of the four great clans in the world, and he has seen countless beauties.

What's more, Yuwen faction had already killed Yang Guang at that time, and many beauties that Yang Guang collected had already fallen into the hands of Yuwen faction.But Yu Wenhuaji still favors Wei Zhenzhen alone, her charm can be seen.

Seeing Zhao Mingyuan staring at Wei Zhenzhen, he was slightly stunned.Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling couldn't help winking secretly.

Obviously, they thought Zhao Mingyuan was fascinated by their sister's looks.

Both Zhao Mingyuan and Wei Zhenzhen are very kind to them, if the two can get together, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling will naturally be happy to see it succeed.

Different from the misunderstanding between Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, Wei Zhenzhen could tell from Zhao Mingyuan's bewildered eyes that they were definitely not obsessed with her.

After all, Wei Zhenzhen often sells buns in public.Therefore, it is often stared at by different men.She naturally has her judgment on the psychological changes of men.

She clearly felt that Zhao Mingyuan seemed to have thought of other troublesome things when he saw her.

Could it be that Xiao Zhong and Xiao Ling will cause some trouble if they redeem her body?

Wei Zhenzhen didn't know whether she should stay or not.

If there is really any trouble with him, then it's good to leave here.

Although she didn't understand that she was just an ordinary peasant girl who was resold as a concubine, so what trouble could she have?

At this moment, Zhao Mingyuan had recovered, with a smile on his face, and said to Wei Zhenzhen: "Xiaoling Xiaozhong told me about you before.

The two of them are also grateful for your care, and they also sincerely treat you as their own sister.

Although the two of them acted recklessly this time, it was for your own good.

And it's a good thing for you to get out of that place.

If Miss Wei really has nowhere to go, why not just stay here.

It happened that Xiaoling, Xiaozhong and the others were still young and needed someone to take care of them.

It would be great to have a sister like you to take care of them. "

Hearing that Zhao Mingyuan was willing to let her stay, Wei Zhenzhen breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on her face.

Although it is very hard to work in the Feng family every day, what is more terrifying than that is being helpless.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling redeemed her body, although it was really for her own good.

But she is a weak woman, and she really has nothing to do after leaving the Feng family.

Did you find someone to marry?
However, she was just someone else's concubine before, so what kind of good family could she marry?
Besides, maybe after getting married, she might be no different from the Feng family.

Wei Zhenzhen was uneasy all the time, until Zhao Mingyuan told her that she could stay, and she really settled down in her heart.He took out a contract from his pocket and handed it to Zhao Mingyuan.

It was her contract of prostitution.

This contract of sale was signed when Wei Zhenzhen's father sold her to Lao Feng's family.

Now, the old Feng family sold her again and gave her to Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling naturally didn't want the deed of sale, so they returned it to Wei Zhenzhen and asked her to keep it herself.

But now, Wei Zhenzhen handed over her contract of selling herself to Zhao Mingyuan.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling hesitated to speak when they saw this.

Zhao Mingyuan didn't refuse, he reached out and took it.

Wei Zhenzhen then bowed to Zhao Mingyuan and paid homage to her master.

Since then, this place has been her home.

After that, Wei Zhenzhen became the housekeeper of the manor, taking care of the three people's daily necessities of life.

Although she was busy all the time, it seemed that she was so busy that she didn't even have time to rest.But with her light footsteps and the smile on her face, everyone could tell that she was in a good mood and had a great time.

Putting on a brocade dress and colorful skirt, Wei Zhenzhen looked even more beautiful, even Zhao Mingyuan couldn't help but take a second look sometimes.

Of course, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling couldn't help asking Zhao Mingyuan secretly why they accepted Wei Zhenzhen's contract of selling their lives.

After all, the two of them knew that the other servants and maids in the house had their contracts of prostitution already returned to them by Zhao Mingyuan.

Why did Zhao Mingyuan accept Wei Zhenzhen's contract of sale?
Zhao Mingyuan explained to the two of them: "This involves a science called psychology.

Psychology is the science of judging people's inner thoughts by studying their words and deeds.

And the reason why Wei Zhenzhen wanted to hand over her contract of prostitution was because she didn't feel safe.

After all, although the Feng family treated her badly, it was still a place to live, and it was also her home.

But when you took her away, she had already left her without a home, like a dog bereaved, she was naturally panicked.

I've accepted her deed of sale, and she'll call this place her home.

With a new home, she naturally felt at ease and felt a sense of security.

After all, for a bird in a cage, although the cage confines it, it also protects it! "

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling listened to Zhao Mingyuan's words, and then compared Wei Zhenzhen's words and deeds, and found that Zhao Mingyuan's judgment was spot on.

Only then did I know that the two of them almost did something bad with good intentions.He couldn't help but be more convinced by Zhao Mingyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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