The Heavens: A Qing, the Yue Girl at the beginning

Chapter 209 Dao Xin Weiwei, Dreaming Again

Chapter 209 Dao Xin Weiwei, Dreaming Again (4K)

"Extend a few years?"

Wen Zhong looked at Zhao Qing with a firm expression, suddenly showed a kind smile, and said slowly: "It is really commendable that you can choose a balance and stick to your own ideas before the crisis."

"Miss Zhao, if I could go back to my youth and regain the confidence you have, I might have broken through to the upper six qi realm long ago. It's a pity that time will never come back, and people's hearts will die forever."

Wen Zhong sighed regretfully, and continued: "After Shaobo paid homage to Master Xin Wenzi, I also visited and asked Master Xin about the way of cultivation. Do you know how he answered me?"

Zhao Qing knew that Shaobo was Fan Li's name.Master Xin is Fan Li's teacher, Xin Wenzi, and Lao Tzu's student, who can also be regarded as her ancestor.

"Is it related to the heart?" After thinking for a while, Zhao Qing gave his guess.

Wen Zhong nodded, showing a gratified expression, and replied: "He told me, 'The ancients who are good at Taoism are subtle, mysterious, and unrecognizable'. Shaoqin, your Taoist heart is not perfect enough, so you just You will encounter huge obstacles in your practice."

"When Shun gave the Zen seat to Dayu, he explained the sixteen-character truth of the way of cultivating the mind. "The human heart is only dangerous, but the mind of the Tao is weak; only the essence is the only one, and you are allowed to stick to it." Cultivating the Tao is also cultivating the mind. .”

"The human heart is dangerous and uneasy, but the mind of the Tao is subtle and difficult to understand. Only by careful observation and concentration can we stick to a correct and impartial line. If we can truly understand this, we can say that we have the qualifications to practice Taoism. "

"People's hearts are only in danger, but Dao's heart is only subtle; only essence is only one, and you are allowed to stick to it." Zhao Qing silently recited these four short sentences in his heart, his thoughts were complicated, and he had a vague understanding.

"Existence and non-existence are interdependent; difficult and easy are interdependent." Wen Zhong turned and walked away slowly, and finally sighed: "All kinds of changes can occur between things, and who knows the result until the last moment?" How exactly?"

"After three years, I will ask the king to extend the time, but how much can be extended depends on the situation of the Wuyue and Yue countries at that time, and your practice performance."


In the blink of an eye, fifteen days had passed.

Under Zhao Qing's treatment and careful care, Ruixi's internal injuries and the atrophy of her lower limbs disappeared, and under the nourishment of gentle qi and medicine, she recovered to a level that was somewhat healthier than ordinary people.

At the same time, Zhao Qing also made a lot of gains in Kuaiji Martial Arts Academy, such as hearing a small part of "Xingkongyinjueyushenjin" and "Qianren Huanshanjin" at that time, as well as her discovery in Zangshuge. The two top methods of pure yin and pure yang are "Cathode Cold Front Strength" and "Yood Flame Empty Energy".

Of these four strength methods, except for the simplest external-use similar strength method "Xingkongyinjueyushenjin", which she has quickly practiced to a small degree, the other three have only been introduced for a short time due to lack of time.

Starting from Huajin, generally speaking, Jin practitioners will choose one or two strength methods as their major, so as to develop a strong energy field with special attributes during the strong energy stage.And through the manipulation of related attributes by the aura field, one can enhance one's understanding of the nature of the world.

Just as a person wants to become a top painter, he needs to copy, trace, and learn from others in order to create his own great paintings.

The three stages of Gang Jin are to gradually integrate the strength method you are majoring in with your own spirit, energy and spirit, and turn it into your own through small changes and adjustments again and again. ", reaching the realm of not distinguishing each other.

By asking Wen Gao, who was in charge of Zangshu Pavilion, Zhao Qing suddenly discovered that in Lu Xiaofeng's world, the poison of corpse insects he discovered was also recorded in the main world, and he gave a solution.

That is, when breaking through to the first level of divine energy, the essence, energy, and spirit are all "ignited" through sublimation, turning them into an invisible and qualitative "three-in-one heart fire", and igniting the yin hidden in the essence, energy, and spirit. Only when the slag and residual poison are burned out can the spirit be transformed into a god with strength, reaching the theoretical lifespan of 300 years.

"Sanhe Xinhuo" is neither yin nor yang, invisible and qualityless, and has no external power.However, according to the records in the library, when in the six qi realm, collecting the essence of Lihuo and combining it with it can turn it into a powerful "three-in-one real fire".

According to Zhao Qing's speculation, this so-called "three-in-one real fire" is actually equivalent to the later "three-in-one real fire" in Taoism.

Regarding the igniting of the "Sanhe Xinhuo", according to her reading and understanding during this period, there are three paths: upper, middle and lower:
One is to see the nature clearly, to transform the true nature, and to cultivate the essence, energy and spirit to the peak. The three are integrated into one, and then they can be born naturally; Coupled with a higher spiritual realm, it is born with the guidance of the extremely pure essence of heaven and earth.

As for the third low-grade path, it is to introduce some special evil spirits, poisonous gases, etc. into the body, and use the yin and yang sympathy between the external turbidity and the internal turbidity to forcibly break through.

This method not only has a limited success rate, but the backlash against failure is huge, and it also cuts off the road to the peak of divine energy, let alone breaking through to the six qi realm.

In Zhao Qing's judgment, Wu Ming's breakthrough at that time was quite similar to the third path.

However, considering the difference between the Jinli method and the Qi refining method, and Wu Ming's step too far, it seems that he jumped directly from the peak of Huajin to the level of half a god, the specific situation is hard to say.

Creating breakthroughs alone is not the same as the normal path of practice, which is a reasonable thing to do.

In addition, in the deepest part of Zangshu Pavilion, she also found more than ten volumes of bamboo slips deriving from Yanhongshang Jianwei's martial arts. "Strength" and other remnants of unique learning.

Back then, Zhao Qing was deeply impressed by Wu Guomiwei's martial arts. Even though the two martial arts practiced by this person were only deduced fragments, she still carefully read them several times and remembered them. down.

"Wuding Sunda Qikong Mingjin" is too incomplete, Zhao Qing only understands that the movement technique that comes with this skill is extremely outstanding, and it is also top-notch in terms of unloading strength and defense.However, as a major strength method, it has a lot of incompleteness, and it is absolutely impossible to cultivate.

And "Spiritualization Forming Light and Heaven Sword", while incorporating a large number of spiritual illusion applications, it almost directly points to the essence of sword energy, endowing sword energy with spirituality.

Although it is only a fragment, most of the Shenjin chapters are missing, which still brought her a lot of inspiration.


No. On the evening of the 15th, Zhao Qing left the Kuaiji Martial Academy and returned to his residence in the area of ​​Yuwang's Ancestral Temple.

As the sun sets, it scatters thousands of rays of light, dyeing half of the sky red.

Mr. Yuan set off from the small island in the middle of the lake near the attic, walked all the way on the waves, lightly jumped to the top of the building, and threw a few fresh fish he caught casually into a bamboo basket several feet away.

During this period of time, fighting against Zhao Qing, who had made a great breakthrough in martial arts, and trying to learn a few strength methods she brought out from the martial arts academy, countless insights arose in Gong Yuan's heart, and he was sure that after a while, he would The peak of Zihuajin breaks through to the level of Gangjin.

Ruixi poured out the fresh fish from the bamboo basket, grasped it and put it on a piece of wood, sharpened the knife, and was about to light a fire to cook.

"Man is the knife and I am the fish." Zu is the chopping board for cutting meat.

Since Zhao Qing brought out modern culinary ideas to influence her from time to time, although the meals she cooked were not as good as the full-time chefs in this garden, they were not far behind.

On the middle floor of the attic, Zhao Qing listened to the sound of cooking upstairs for a while, and couldn't help showing a faint smile.

Taking a deep breath, she sat cross-legged on the ground by the window, quietly emptying her mind, clear and transparent, without any distracting thoughts.

After the Mingyu Gong recovered to the ninth level of perfection, after more than ten days of running-in with the heart and spirit, and entered the same fluctuation as the heaven and the earth, Zhao Qing started a formal breakthrough in the sympathy between heaven and man quietly.

She concentrated and concentrated, and gradually gave birth to the feeling of "mind and thought, psychic penetration, soaring at will, and nowhere to go". From the inside out, she broke through the barriers of the physical body.

All of a sudden, in the several miles around the attic, every little life in the garden had a reaction with himself, forgetting both things and me.

Even the sense of the life of the fresh fish upstairs gradually dissipating was clearly reflected in the depths of her heart.

Heaven responds to man, man responds to heaven, and heaven responds to man.

In a trance, Zhao Qing developed a sense of spiritual immersion, feeling as if he had become the center of the universe.

The essence of the sky runs down from the top, and the essence of the earth goes straight up from the Ren and Du channels, and intersects in the cycle of the Ren and Du channels.

The porch opened suddenly, and there were countless light spots faintly appearing in Zhao Qing's body. Each light spot was like a star, flickering and erratic, as if it was gestating majestic power.

The strength of her body is getting stronger and stronger, and her blood is more pure. The bones and bone marrow in her body are shining with crystal luster, and they are gradually being purified and sublimated; there is a muffled thunder and roaring sound, which is emitted by the activities of her lungs. sound.

Maybe dozens of breaths later, maybe half an hour, when Zhao Qing heard Ruixi gently reminding her to go to eat, she had already completed the breakthrough process of sympathy between heaven and man.

After casually trying the feeling of mobilizing the power of heaven and earth, Zhao Qing was a little disappointed. Since he just officially entered the level of sympathy between heaven and man, and his own accumulation is quite solid, the actual power increase is only about [-]% to [-]%. level.

However, by mobilizing the power of heaven and earth continuously, after a period of accumulation, it may be possible to increase the power by another [-]%.

In addition, when fighting, you can also borrow the attributes of the power of the surrounding heaven and earth. For example, during a thunderstorm, you can use the traction of the air mechanism to try to make the thunder in the sky fall to the designated position as your own assistance.

At the same time, after opening all the spiritual apertures in his body, Zhao Qing suddenly discovered that the depths of the seventh consciousness were constantly attracting free spirits, converging and condensing them, and slowly nurturing a special high-level thought.

After thinking about it for a while, coupled with some intuition, she realized that this was not the embryonic form of the eighth consciousness, but the Yin God that would take shape in the near future.

Under the effect of the sympathy between heaven and man, with Zhao Qing's pure yin bright jade true energy, after breaking through, a yin god was born naturally.However, unlike the Yang God, the Yin God is formed at a slower rate, rather than being formed and condensed all at once.

The yin god born in this way is indeed slightly lower than the yang god in terms of power, but it is more of a difference in bias, not a distinction between high and low.

According to Zhao Qing's deduction, as long as she completely "ignites" the yang attribute hidden in Mingyu Gong, after achieving sublimation, the yang god can also quickly achieve it.

The earth is burning brightly, the last ray of the setting sun disappears below the horizon, and a round of bright moon gradually rises.

After dinner, Zhao Qingjing sat down and decided to have the next dream.

During this period of time, there are 25 strands of Jinxing Qi refined through the "Heavenly Soldiers Refining Form and Entraining Qi".However, they were all used on the sword qi to quench the veins, so they couldn't be used.

Slowly closing his eyes, Zhao Qing consumed the [-] strands of golden energy accumulated in the previous world, and put them into the dream reference.

The quaint mark lit up for a while, and she felt her consciousness being shuttled out by a white light, and she came to an extremely distant place.


In the seventh year of Yuanyou in the Northern Song Dynasty, at the beginning of March.

Zhao Qing looked at the majestic and towering peaks in the distance, and noticed that a large temple with a somewhat luxurious atmosphere was built on the north of one of the peaks.

The peaks are wild, the rocks are full of snow, the clouds carry snow;

Walking on the mountain road, while admiring the beautiful scenery, Zhao Qing quietly sensed the aura of heaven and earth around her. This is the ability she possessed after reaching the sympathy between heaven and man.

In Zhao Qing's view, the aura of heaven and earth in the main world is extremely thick, but not active, as if it has been suppressed by something; while the aura of heaven and earth in this world is naturally much thinner than that in the main world, but it is more active out a lot.

Come and go, the bonus effect of the sympathy between heaven and man is basically the same.

After getting used to it a bit, she thought about it and decided to go to the temple on the mountain first to inquire about news about this world.

Zhao Qing unleashed his lightness kung fu and flitted across the ground for two or three miles. Suddenly, he heard the hooves of ten horses walking and the sound of talking to people in the distance.

However, it was the words of "Ji Li Gu Lu". Among the ten sentences, they only understood one or two words, and they didn't know what they were talking about.

Of course, with Zhao Qing's hearing ability, it can be easily distinguished that there are a total of nine Fanren who spoke.

After listening for a while, the voice suddenly changed. A middle-aged man recited a Buddhist name softly, suppressed all the words, and then said: "Tianlong Temple is coming soon, you guys should be more serious. In Chinese, don’t lose your etiquette.”

"Think about the plans you made before, and don't forget them."

"Follow King Ming's decree!" The other nine people replied in unison, their voices full of awe.

Tenryuji?King Ming's decree?This is the story of Jiumozhi going to Tianlong Temple and fighting the six-veined sword array with a flame knife.

Zhao Qing thought secretly in his heart, and understood that this world should be Tianlongbabu.

Although a little disappointed, I feel that the force here is not very high, but the consumption of Jin Xing's energy is also reduced, which means that the stay time is longer, and we can find ways to improve the spiritual level and prepare for future dreams. Prepare for a senior world.

In addition, there is enough time, which is just used to practice those newly learned strength methods, so that they can go hand in hand with the way of refining qi.

Having said that, in the eight parts of Tianlong, the deeds of Shakyamuni's becoming a Buddha are clearly mentioned, and it is described in terms of "that year", which may not be that simple.

Yi Jin Jing, Shen Zu Jing, Dou Zhuan Xing Yi, etc. are also excellent martial arts, and they should be able to bring me a lot of inspiration.

In addition, the martial arts of the Xiaoyao Sect seem to be quite miraculous.In particular, the "rejuvenation" of Changchun Gong, which is immortal and eternal, has exceeded the content of martial arts that I understand.

Zhao Qing thought about these things in his heart, and in a blink of an eye, he had already caught up with the ten horses, and saw the specific situation of this group of people from a distance.

The leader is a middle-aged monk wearing a yellow monk robe. He is over 40 years old and wears cloth and straw sandals. Naturally, he is Jiumozhi, the king of Tubo.

His face is full of spirits, and there seems to be a faint flow of precious light, just like bright jewels, naturally shining, which makes people feel admiration and closeness in their hearts.

The other nine men, most of them were ferocious and forbidding, they did not look like people from the middle lands, but they were the followers brought by King Dalunming from Tubo Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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