The Heavens: A Qing, the Yue Girl at the beginning

Chapter 94 Ximen Fuxue and the Duel

Chapter 94 Ximen Fuxue and the Duel

Dugu Yihe had already seen Ximen Chuuxue, noticed the black scabbard sword in his hand and the cold light in his eyes.

There were blue veins on the palm of his right hand, and he said with emotion, "Ximen Chuuxue?"

In fact, Dugu Yihe understood the identity of the other party without asking, because he had already sensed the sudden murderous aura surrounding him, and he couldn't help but have the urge to draw his sword.

It was a cold, lonely, and ostentatious sword intent. As long as his sword and people were around, there would be a sword aura that would make people's eyebrows approach.

The previous Zhao Qing was also able to release icy sword energy to the surroundings by herself, but the sword energy she radiated disappeared in a flash, and most of it was concentrated in the sword body. It was difficult to see her martial arts when she did not make a move high and low.

Those who can release sword energy must be first-class swordsmen.

Dugu Yihe didn't look at other people anymore, confronting experts of the same level, any negligence could lead to death.

There was no expression on Ximen Chuuxue's face, she just replied coldly: "Yes."

Dugu Yihe said coldly: "You came here to kill me?" Although it was a question, his tone was very certain.

He looked at Ximen Chuuxue coldly, and the sword in his hand had already been drawn!

He knew that Ximen Chuuxue used a murderous sword technique, as soon as the sword was drawn, one of them would definitely die!
However, before the confrontation between the two officially started, it was interrupted by a voice.

"Master Dugu, I agree to your request." Lu Xiaofeng said suddenly.

The gazes of Dugu Yihe and Ximen Chuuxue were like two sharp knives overflowing with cold light, they were cast on Lu Xiaofeng together.

Facing the coercion of two top experts, Lu Xiaofeng just sighed, lowered his head and said to "Shangguan Danfeng", "I'm sorry, I offended you."

His left hand lightly held down the struggling "Shangguan Danfeng", and his right hand had already reached her feet.

He actually chose to compromise with Dugu Yihe after his own side came for reinforcements.

Ximen Chuuxue only saw Su Shaoying's three-seven-and-twenty-one moves, and thought that he could defeat Dugu Yihe's "double killing with sword and sword", but he didn't expect that Su Shaoying was not Dugu Yihe.

Lu Xiaofeng is very aware of this truth, he is worried that Ximen Chuuxue is not Dugu Yihe's opponent.

What's more, even if it was Dugu Yihe who was defeated, it was not what he expected to die like this for no apparent reason.

"Okay." Dugu Yihe nodded, the sword in his hand was not sheathed.

"Shangguan Danfeng" was originally flustered, but quickly calmed down.

She looked into Lu Xiaofeng's eyes sadly, bit her cherry lips, and said sadly: "Let me take it off myself."

She decided to take a gamble, betting that Lu Xiaofeng would never give up on him easily, betting that Dugu Yihe would soon die under Ximen Chuuxue's sword.

"Shangguan Danfeng" took off a pair of bright red embroidered shoes, revealing a pair of soft white slender jade feet.

Her red shoes were like the red embroidered shoes worn by brides, but what was embroidered on the upper was neither a mandarin duck nor an owl, but a swallow—a flying swallow.

Her feet are flat-toed and flawless, as if carefully carved by a famous craftsman with a piece of flawless jade.When any man sees these feet, he can't help but take a second look.

Lu Xiaofeng is a man, he is also looking at these soft and beautiful feet, and he sighs slightly in his heart, because each foot of "Shangguan Danfeng" has only five toes.

Although Lu Xiaofeng didn't really believe that King Jinpeng must have six toes, but there is no doubt that Dugu Yihe himself must "believe" - ​​after all, this is what he said.


When "Shangguan Danfeng" showed her toes, Ximen Chuixue slightly tilted her head, Hua Manlou lowered Ma Xingkong's neck, and Sikong Zhaixing hid somewhere in the field.

Only two men saw clearly the toes of "Shangguan Danfeng", one was Lu Xiaofeng and the other was Dugu Yihe.

Even though there is a risk of offending the princess of the contemporary Jinpeng Dynasty and the next generation King Jinpeng, in order to judge the authenticity of his identity, Dugu Yihe still decided to see the condition of the opponent's toes.

What he wanted to see more was actually six toes, rather than the five toes that meant that he might never find King Jinpeng.

In order to evade the responsibility of restoring the country, King Jinpeng has avoided their three confidants for a full 50 years! 50 years is most of a person's life!Dugu Yihe has no time to wait for the next 50 years!

When he learned that a princess from the Jinpeng Dynasty came to ask for the wealth of the past, his heart was originally full of urgency and hope.

And "Shangguan Danfeng" seemed to cut off his hope at this time.

In such a stormy weather, his whole body was burning with anger.

And at this moment, Ma Xingkong's speech added coal to Dugu Yihe's anger.

He could only hear him yelling loudly: "Master Ximen, take advantage of the time when old thief Dugu is restless, you should act first! His disciple Su Shaoying is my colleague in Tsing Yi Building, and he is lurking with me in the Zhuguang Baoqi Pavilion ..."

But it was Dugu Yihe who made the first move, his sword was already rushing towards Ma Xingkong.

Huamanlou let go of Ma Xingkong's control, swept three feet to the right, and came to Lu Xiaofeng's side.

Ma Xingkong was originally the assassin of Tsingyilou, Huamanlou had no idea of ​​fighting Dugu Yihe's swordsmanship for him.

Ma Xingkong also rushed towards Dugu Yihe's sword.

Huo Xiu not only got hold of his handle, but also "arranged" his family, otherwise he wouldn't have participated in this mission with a high probability of death.

He was going to take advantage of his own death to assure as much as possible that Dugu Yihe was the leader of Tsingyi Tower.

Before a raindrop fell from the edge of the umbrella, Dugu Yihe's sword was only two feet away from his chest.

Ma Xingkong's face was full of twisted smiles mixed with madness and relief.

But at this moment, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine.

When he realized something was wrong, he already felt something cold piercing his back.

Then, he saw something like this protruding from his chest.

A sword tip gleaming with black light.

Blood was dripping from the tip of the sword.

If you suddenly saw the tip of a sword coming out of your chest, how would you feel?

I am afraid that few people can experience this feeling.

Ma Xingkong looked at the point of the sword with a look of astonishment on his face. Immediately afterwards, his body fell into a cold and stiff state.

The sharp and cold sword energy withered all the vitality in his body in an instant, and did not leave him a short time to recollect his life.

The last thing he saw was the fluttering white gown and a drop of blood slowly dripping from the tip of the sword...

Ximen Chuuxue gently blew away the blood on the tip of the sword, looked at Dugu Yihe, and said coldly: "I killed him only because he is from Qingyilou!"

Dugu Yihe didn't say anything, he already understood Ximen Chuuxue's meaning: the people of Tsing Yi Building deserve to die, so naturally the leader of Tsing Yi Building deserves to die even more.

But the arrogance of being a swordsman made Dugu Yihe not speak out to defend himself.He originally wanted to kill Ximen Chuuxue, because the other party had killed Su Shaoying not long ago, who he was optimistic about the next generation heir to the head of the Emei Sect.

Lu Xiaofeng did not hesitate to agree to the condition of inspecting "Shangguan Danfeng" for Ximen Chuuxue, but now it seems that he did not prevent this destined duel.


Dugu Yihe's right arm stretched forward obliquely, and the broad blade of the sword was raised outwards. This is the starting posture of "Double Sword Killing Form 49".

His eyes suddenly became deep and dark, exuding a brutal and fierce sword intent, and his aura also became solemn and heavy.

This is a long-lost terrifying skill in the Jianghu. It is called "Three Corpses and Five Ways". It is said that it can use the five sufferings and five evils of Taoism to increase its output in a short period of time.Of course, in contrast, it consumes more internal energy than usual.

No one thought that Dugu Yihe would not rely on his own internal force advantage and the strict defense of double killing with swords to consume Ximen Chuuxue's early offensive, but wanted to make a quick decision!

Ximen Chuuxue's expression became even colder.

For him, the stronger the enemy in front of him, the more he longs for the next sword-to-sword confrontation, even if the price of this battle is his own death.

Next to the two, Zhao Qing and Lu Xiaofeng, who are highly skilled in martial arts, quickly figured out Dugu Yihe's purpose: the sooner the battle ends, the less likely others will intervene.

However, this extremely unlikely event appeared at this time.

Zhao Qing put away the oiled paper umbrella and threw it at its original owner—Shi Xiuxue, one of the Four Talents. After fighting with the rope and sword, he jumped to the side of the two of them, and said lightly:
"I know there are many conflicts between the two of you. You want to fight swords and kill people, but I want to stop you. Two people are dueling, and three people are also fighting. Why don't you have a two-on-one?"

(End of this chapter)

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