Chapter 288 The Ghost in the Heart
However, even though Quan Guanqing realized that someone was messing with what happened tonight, he still had lingering fears because of his guilty conscience.The black shadow suspected to be Ma Dayuan's ghost cast a shadow over his heart.

At this moment, all the candles in the room extinguished without wind, as if there was some mysterious force controlling it from behind.

Quan Guanqing was startled and fell into the darkness.

The next moment, a beam of light came down from the roof, just covering the table in front of Quan Guanqing.

The door of the room was pushed open with a "Gaji", and a beautiful woman with heavy make-up in Chinese clothes walked in.

Quan Guanqing couldn't move his body, he couldn't speak, but after seeing the beautiful woman's face clearly, he almost jumped up.

Kang Min!

Kang Min walked from the darkness to the light, but didn't notice Quan Guanqing, just like Dan Jiao of the troupe walked to the front desk and sat down on his own.

Quan Guanqing finally remembered at this time: Isn't the room in front of him the boudoir of that little bitch Kang Min?No wonder it looks so familiar.

However, what the hell is that bitch Kang Min doing?

Quan Guanqing was puzzled.

But the person who came in the next moment made Quan Guanqing completely stunned.

That person's appearance, figure, and clothing are all clearly the same!

Quan Guanqing felt his scalp explode all of a sudden, and a chill continued to rise from his dantian.

As soon as "Quan Guanqing" entered the door, he rushed to "Kang Min" who was sitting upright impatiently. Kang Min tried to hide, but was hugged by Quan Guanqing.

Kang Min gave "Quan Guanqing" a resentful look, obviously very dissatisfied with the other party's anxious behavior.

"You are getting more and more courageous now! A small helmsman dares to seduce the wife of the deputy gang leader, isn't he afraid of being punished by the gang rules?"

Kang Min said quietly, but there was no hint of blame in her tone, it was more like flirting.

Quan Guanqing's saliva was about to flow down: "Madam, my dear Madam. I think you are thinking so hard that you are about to die of illness. You are my cure. I beg you to follow my advice." Come on."

Kang Min chuckled: "So shameless, who is your wife? You can do what you want me to do, but you have to promise me one thing. After I have done this, I will do whatever you want in the future." you."

Quan Guanqing was on the verge of death at this time, even if he wanted him to die, he would agree without hesitation: "Okay, I promise you, even if it is a hundred pieces, I will also promise a thousand pieces."

As he said that, he made a gesture to throw Kang Min down, Kang Min smiled: "I want you to fight against Qiao Feng, to rebel against him, do you dare?"

As if hit in the head, Quan Guanqing was stunned, and the movements of his hands also stopped: "You, what are you talking about?"

Kang Min stared into Quan Guanqing's eyes, and snorted coldly: "It's so bragging, but now I'm scared!"

Quan Guanqing's face turned pale, his expression struggled, and he muttered: "No, absolutely not. Leader Qiao has such great prestige in the gang. Wouldn't it be crazy to fight against Leader Qiao? This is absolutely not possible!"

Kang Min sneered and said: "I can't tell, you are so loyal to Qiao Feng, it's amazing. But do you think that if you don't dare to rebel, Qiao Feng won't hold you accountable for colluding with Xixia in secret, secretly communicating with the government, placing multiple bets, and double-deckering?"

Quan Guanqing's face changed greatly: "How do you know this?"

Kang Min glanced at Quan Guanqing with contempt: "How do I know, you don't need to know. Anything you do now is enough to ruin your reputation. As the leader of the great wisdom, you are different from The other sub-rulers and the subordinates wandered around. Only you have the ability to secretly gather a group of people in a short period of time to counter Qiao Feng's rebellion. Afterwards, I guarantee that you can at least be the elder of the beggar gang. Qiao Feng was expelled from the Beggar Gang, and given time and your methods, it is not impossible to become the next leader of the Beggar Gang. It is up to you whether you will lose your reputation or fight for it!"

Quan Guanqing's complexion changed for a long time, and finally he gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I promise you. However, I would like to ask you what can be done, why are you so sure that Qiao Feng will be brought down? There is not enough motivation, legitimate For the reason, the following commits the above, isn’t it courting death?”

Kang Min smiled slightly: "Naturally there is a way, just listen to me and I'll tell you."

After some whispering, Quan Guanqing's face was overjoyed: "Really?"

Kang Min laughed and said, "It's absolutely true!"

Quan Guanqing was overjoyed, walked around the room several times, and muttered to himself: "If this is the case, that would be great!"

The lights went out.

Quan Guanqing was plunged into the great darkness again, replaying the scene just now over and over again in his mind.

Isn't that the matter of him colluding with Kang Min and agreeing to deal with Qiao Feng together?
Why would this scene be staged in front of him?
Before Quan Guan could clear his mind, the lights came on again.

What happened next left Quan Guanqing stunned.

Astonishingly, it was Bai Shijing and Kang Min who conspired to commit adultery, and Ma Dayuan found out about their affair, and then Bai Shijing accidentally killed Ma Dayuan.When Bai Shijing was immersed in the fear of killing the deputy gang leader, Quan Guanqing opened the door to calm the panicked Bai Shijing, and suggested that Bai Shijing crush Ma Dayuan's throat and pretend to be a fake.

Afterwards, the three of Kang Min left, leaving only the body of "Ma Dayuan" there.

In the darkness, Quan Guanqing happened to meet the eyes of the dead Ma Dayuan.

Fear, like an invisible big hand, grabbed his throat.

At this time, under the extreme fear, his mind could no longer think, because the "corpse" on the ground stood up at this moment, walking towards him step by step with stiff steps.

"No, don't come here!"

Quan Guanqing wanted to shout, but his throat felt like stuffed with cotton. He wanted to move, but his limbs seemed to be filled with lead, and he couldn't move at all.

He could only watch the claw gradually enlarged in his eyes, pinching his neck, and then his breathing gradually became difficult, and he passed out.
The rain hit Quan Guanqing's face, and he slowly opened his eyes.

It's not yet dawn, but for some reason, with torches lit all around, I can see the surrounding environment clearly.

Quan Guan took a glance, and was immediately stunned: Isn't this the Xingzi Forest?
Was everything just a dream?

But why is that cold touch so real?
"Wake up?"

A cold voice rang in Quan Guanqing's ear.

This sound made Quan Guanqing bounce off the ground in fright, because he was so panicked that he didn't realize that he could move again for a while.

The next moment, Quan Guanqing saw clearly the owner of the voice, and suddenly realized, he gritted his teeth and said, "Murong Fu, so everything that happened tonight is all your fault!"

The flames reflected the figure of a man in a blue robe, surrounded by two elderly people about 60 years old.There were also two maidservants standing quietly behind him.

"Fucking ghosts? Is that necessary? What ghosts are in my heart, don't I know?"

(End of this chapter)

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