Prehistoric: From Witch Soldiers to Hunyuan Wuji Luoxian

Chapter 169 Want to accept the big monster handsome?We should do it too

Chapter 169 Want to accept the top ten demon generals?We should do it too
Wu Yang noticed that apart from the dissatisfaction in Wu Hao's eyes, he deliberately named the other party, just to persecute Wu Hao, to see how capable and courageous he is.

You are dissatisfied with me, I will not pretend to turn a blind eye just to calm things down.

When Wu Gu asked, he remained silent, even if he was really dissatisfied in his heart, he didn't dare to speak out in person.

On the contrary, it was Wu Hao, who raised his eyebrows, strode forward, and said in a cold voice:
"Wu Yang, what virtue and ability do you have? You have occupied the position of Hall Lord since you came. Back then, you were just a small witch soldier. When you were creating witch treasures in the forging hall, you were taken care of by us. Now, you are repaying your kindness with revenge. It is simply hateful to take away the position of Palace Master instead!".

Wu Hao's words made the scene quiet for an instant, and the other witch doctors all looked at Wu Yang in fear.

You must know that Jiufeng Zuwu just left, and she handpicked Wu Yang to be the master of the Lihuo Temple. Now Wu Hao jumped out to oppose Wu Hao. Put it in your eyes.

Wu Yang looked at Wu Hao, he said calmly:

"This Lihuo Temple does not belong to your family. It is not up to you and me to decide who is the master of the hall. How can I not use you to judge me? Jiufeng Zuwu asked me to be the master of this hall. Her reasoning, do you think that your own vision is better than Zu Wu's?".

Wu Yang's words made Wu Hao stunned for a moment, not knowing how to reply.

The Nine Phoenix Ancestral Witch handpicked Wu Yang to be the master of the palace, and now that Wu Yi stood up to oppose it, wouldn't he be questioning the Nine Phoenix Ancestor Witch?

Zu Wu, that is the most glorious existence in the hearts of every Wu clan.

Now Wu Ji questioned Jiufeng Zuwu, which made other witch doctors suddenly feel dissatisfied with him.

"Wu Yang, don't want to spray people with blood. If you have real skills, show them to everyone, and I will admit you as the palace master. If you are incompetent, then get out immediately, and don't take another step away from the Fire Temple. "

Wu Hao cursed loudly, and the evil spirit between his brows and eyes became more and more serious. Invisibly, he was completely eroded by the evil spirit, wandering on the verge of death without knowing it.

Murderous intent flickered in Wu Yang's eyes, and his powerful aura burst out immediately, revealing the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal Dzogchen realm.

"If it weren't for the fact that infighting and fighting are not allowed in the tribe, you would be a corpse now!"

Wu Yang strode up to Wu Ji, his powerful aura firmly suppressed him, and he spoke coldly.

Wu Hao's eyes widened in horror, and he looked at Wu Yang in disbelief.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized how ridiculous his previous behavior was.

"You,,, how is it possible!"

Wu Hao couldn't resist Wu Yang's momentum at all, and fell to the ground in embarrassment, his face was full of horror.

He always thought that Wu Yang was just a weak person that he could handle easily. From the moment the other party entered Lihuo Temple as a witch soldier, he had never looked at Wu Yang directly.

But now, the strength shown by Wu Yang is enough to easily kill Wu Hao.

Wu Hao is just a mere early-stage Golden Immortal monk, his strength is not worth mentioning in front of Wu Yang.

"Get out of Lihuo Temple immediately, I don't want to see you again, if you let me know that you are doing small tricks secretly in the future, I promise to make you regret it."

Wu Yang's eyes are like knives, so Wu Hao dare not look at him.

This was Wu Yang's first day in Lihuo Temple, and he wanted to take this Wu Tiao into surgery.

Since the other party dared to provoke him openly, he would definitely not take Wu Yang seriously in secret, so keeping such a person would only be a disaster.

If he hadn't cared about the face of the ancestral witches and the rules of the tribe, with Wu Yang's character, he would immediately let the other party disappear in smoke.

Using both hands and feet, Wu Hao hurriedly crawled out of the Lihuo Temple.

"Witch bone, what's your opinion?"

After expelling Wu Ji, Wu Yang set his sights on Wu Gu again.

"My subordinates dare not!"

In the end, Wu Gu did not stand up to resist, and directly surrendered to Wu Yang.

Letting Wu Yang take over the Lihuo Temple was the will of the Nine Phoenix Patriarch Wu, and Wu Gu really didn't dare to have any objections.

"Okay, Wu Yu's decision to fight against the ancestor witch, today he will be expelled from the Lihuo Temple, and will never be hired. Wu Gu will continue to be the deputy hall master in the future, and take me in charge of all matters of the Lihuo Temple."

Wu Yang gave the order again, he didn't mean to completely seize the Lihuo Temple, on the contrary, Wu Yang didn't like management.

Whether it is the Forging Hall or the Lihuo Temple, he hopes that someone can help him take charge, and he is only a supporter behind the scenes.

Wu Gu was taken aback when he heard the words, he didn't expect that Wu Yang had just taken office, so he gave himself the power.

This made Wu Gu a little overwhelmed. Judging from Wu Yang's reaction just now, he seemed to want to clean up the Lihuo Temple.

But now he only dealt with Wu Ji, and then gently let the others go.

"Here is a top-grade innate spiritual fruit, Brother Wugu, take it and improve your strength as soon as possible."

Wu Yang casually took out a top-grade innate spirit fruit, which made Wu Gu even more flattered.

The witch bone smelled the fragrance of the spiritual fruit, but finally couldn't stand the temptation, stepped forward and said:
"Thank you, Lord Wu Yang, for the reward!".

Wu Yang nodded and said:
"You deserve it. You have worked so hard to manage the Lihuo Temple all these years. I, Wu Yang, am a person with clear merits and demerits. As long as anyone makes contributions to the Lihuo Temple in the future, I will give rewards in my own name."

Wu Yang said, and took out more than a dozen low-grade innate spirit fruits, and distributed them to the same clans who were in charge of things.

"Thank you, Lord Wu Yang, for the reward!"

All these stewards saluted one after another, with excitement and gratitude on their faces.

Many witch doctors in Lihuo Temple didn't recognize Wu Yang at first. For Wu Yang, a former little witch soldier, the witch doctors really had reason to look down on him.

But now, Wu Yang used thunder to expel Wu Zhen first, and now he took out the spiritual fruit to win people's hearts. This operation instantly frightened those villains who wanted to make things difficult for Wu Yang, and also attracted those who wanted to get closer to Wu Yang. Part of the same family as Yang.

"Everyone can continue in the same way as before, and I will personally tell everyone if there is anything in the future."

Wu Yang asked everyone to go back, and he began to patrol the Lihuo Temple.

Wu Yang used to be a member of the Lihuo Temple before, so he was familiar with the environment here, and now he focuses on checking the various medicinal materials in the storage hall.

After Wu Yang inspected the warehouse, he was a little disappointed.

There is no elixir he wants here, and most of the materials in the tribal treasury are too low-level to be suitable for refining [Water Fire Dragon Tiger Pill].

"It seems that this shortcut is impossible. If you want to refine [Water Fire Dragon Tiger Pill], you must collect the medicinal materials yourself."

Wu Yang shook his head, he thought about asking the thirteen ancestral witches to help collect medicinal materials, but the other party did not understand the way of witch doctor, and the medicinal materials that Wu Yang lacked were not one or two, so letting the ancestral witches to collect medicinal materials would It will get twice the result with half the effort.

After Wu Yang inspected the Lihuo Temple, he returned to the Forging Hall again.

Now everything in the forging hall is neatly arranged. Wu Shan, Wu Yu's son, is very talented in forging Wu treasures. Over the years, he has come from behind, surpassing Wu Yu, Wu Man and others, and his forging skills are incomparable to Wu Peng's. up and down.

After learning about Wu Yang's return, Wu Peng immediately approached him and introduced Wu Shan to Wu Yang.

"Second brother, this is Wu Yu's son Wu Shan. Now he has enough ability to forge Houtian Wubao alone, and his strength is still higher than mine. I brought him because I want you to arrange a Position."

This is the first time for Wu Peng to introduce talents to Wu Yang, which shows that he really values ​​Wushan.

"See your lord!"

Wu Shan stepped forward to salute. He did not have a special awakened blood, but he had his own unique talent in forging witch treasures.

Wu Yang nodded and said:

"Sit down quickly. I don't need to be so polite here. The person recommended by my elder brother will definitely not go wrong."

Wu Yang looked up and down, this Wushan's strength was at the early stage of the real fairyland, obviously Wu Peng often gave the other party some spiritual fruits.

In tens of thousands of years, to have the strength of a real fairyland, he has already surpassed Wu Yu.

Wu Peng laughed and said:

"Second brother, Wu Shan's forging talent is really good, so I have taught Wu Shan everything you taught me, and now he is completely capable of being a master in the forging hall."

Wu Peng strongly recommended Wu Shan, which also made Wu Yang nod his head.

"Since Wushan has the ability, let's be the deputy hall master. In the future, we can cooperate with the eldest brother to manage forging matters together."

Wu Yang agreed, the rapid development of the Wu Clan these years really needs more capable talents, and it is time for the Forging Hall to expand again.

"Thank you, Lord Wu Yang, thank you, Lord Wu Peng!"

Wu Shan stepped forward to thank him excitedly, and his position will be more stable in the future if he can become the deputy hall master.

Wu Yang arranged for Wu Shan to continue to forge Wu Bao, but left his elder brother Wu Peng behind.

"Brother, Jiufeng Zuwu let me take over Lihuo Temple. I am also interested in the way of witch doctor. This is the "Five Elements Precious Medicine Immortal Scripture" I practiced. If you have time, you can also study it. "

Wu Yang took out a jade slip, which contained the "Five Elements Treasure Medicine and Immortal Scripture", and some of Wu Yang's own summarized experiences.

Wu Peng took the jade slip, nodded and said:
"Second brother, those witch doctors in Lihuo Temple may look down on our brother, is it really okay for you to go there?".

Wu Peng stayed in the tribe all year round, and he obviously knew more about the tribe than Wu Yang.

Now Wu Peng didn't know that Wu Yang had broken through to the Golden Immortal Dzogchen, so he was still worried about his younger brother.

"Brother, don't worry, I was appointed by the Nine Phoenix Patriarch Wu Qin to take over Lihuo Temple. Even if the witch doctors there are dissatisfied, they dare not make any trouble."

Wu Yang smiled confidently, but Wu Peng was still worried.

Wu Peng put away the jade slips, he planned to study them carefully when he went back, maybe he could help his second brother in the future.

After Wu Yang explained the matter, he returned to the Lihuo Temple, and gave Wu Gu a copy of the jade slip of "Five Elements Treasure Medicine Immortal Scripture", asking him to study it carefully and pass it on to the Lihuo Temple's staff in the future. folks.

"This is the way of the witch doctor!"

After Wu Gu got the jade slip, his eyes were full of shock, and he was even more shocked by Wu Yang.

You must know that all the witch doctors in the Lihuo Temple practiced the way of medicine that they had explored by themselves, and the "Five Elements Precious Medicine Immortal Scripture" given by Wu Yang was the complete way of the witch doctor!

This level of witch doctor has a complete system of Taoism, which contains a variety of superb techniques for refining secret medicines. The most important thing is that this "Five Elements Treasure Medicine Immortal Scripture" is a Daluo Jinxian-level kung fu technique.

If Wu Gu practiced with all his heart, he would be able to break through to the Daluo Jinxian realm in the future by virtue of this technique.

"You take it to practice well, remember not to keep it privately, and communicate with everyone in the future to make progress together."

Wu Yang said casually.

"Thank you for your blessing, my lord. From now on, I will follow my lord's lead and do my best for Lihuo Temple!"

Wu Gu solemnly thanked Wu Yang for the grace of preaching, which made him extremely grateful.

Although the bloodline of the witch clan is strong, the various methods of practice are not interlinked. For example, the practice of the ancestor witch of Dijiang is the way of space. the benefits of.

It's like if you let a witch doctor with talent to learn forging, it may not be effective, and often even get twice the result with half the effort.

Coupled with the fact that the witch doctor's inheritance is incomplete, it is almost impossible to obtain a complete witch doctor's technique.

After Wu Yang explained this, he immediately returned to Xuanzhou Xiandao.

Now the demon emperor Jun is busy expanding outwards, Wu Yang is only waiting to go back to plot against the demon clan.

On Xuanzhou Xiandao, after Wu Yang came back, he found the six-eared macaque. He was collecting the current information of the monster clan.

After the demon emperor Jun returned to Tianmen Mountain, he learned that several ethnic groups had rejected the invitation of the demon clan, which made the demon emperor Jun furious.

After Wu Yang heard the news, he asked the six-eared macaque to continue to pay attention to the movements of the demon emperor Jun.

At this moment in Tianmen Mountain, Demon Emperor Jun was discussing this matter with everyone.

"Brother, a few small groups in the area should also be disrespectful to my monster clan. In my opinion, let's kill them immediately and destroy those small groups. I want to see who dares not to submit to our monster clan!"

Tai Yi spoke proudly, he never took those weak people seriously, but now he was rejected by others, which made Tai Yi feel unbelievable.

"Your Majesty, the Eastern Emperor's words are justified, please send troops!"

Ghost Che Yaoshuai roared, this time they went out to recruit strong men, but they failed to recruit any, which made Ghost Che very annoyed.

"Your Majesty, please send troops!"

The Yaoshuai Fei Lian also stepped forward and suggested that the Yao Emperor Jun send troops to attack those who don't know how to flatter.

After the Demon Emperor Jun pondered for a while, he nodded and said:
"Those who don't want to submit to my monster clan, like the witch clan, should be wiped out. Now mobilize the army, recruit the heroes first, and then destroy Feidan!".

After the demon emperor Jun gave an order, countless armies gathered one after another.

Dijun and Taiyi went out to fight in person, and Patriarch Minghe was left behind to guard the camp.

A group of monster races rode dark clouds and headed for the Yingzhao tribe in a mighty way.

At this time, the six-eared macaque on Xuanzhou Xiandao got the news, and immediately reported to Wu Yang.

"Master Wu Yang, Di Jun personally led the army to go out, they should plan to destroy the Yingzhao clan first!"

The six-eared macaque reported the news to Wu Yang.

Wu Yang was overjoyed when he heard the words, it seemed that it was time to act himself.

(End of this chapter)

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