Prehistoric: From Witch Soldiers to Hunyuan Wuji Luoxian

Chapter 195 God Bell Township, Dao Turns Unparalleled

Chapter 195 God Bell Township, Dao Turns Unparalleled

Patriarch Minghe smiled darkly. In his opinion, the plan this time is flawless. As long as Wu Yang is still in chaos, they will not be able to avoid the demon emperor's pursuit.

At this moment, Wu Yang, Zhen Yuanzi Daxian and the others galloped all the way, heading towards the direction that went deep into the chaos.

Now they are all aware of the seriousness of the problem. Before, everyone did not think too much about the danger in order to listen to the Tao. Now that they have calmed down, they really found that this time they were too careless.

"Continue to go deep into the chaos, there is no limit here, and the monsters want to fight us, let's see who has more patience!"

Wu Yang didn't mind delaying the two Demon Emperors and San Qing, anyway, as long as there was enough time, the prehistoric world would slowly improve step by step, and the longer it was delayed, the greater the benefit to the Wu Clan.

Wu Yang knew that Di Jun and Tai Yi would definitely not let them go easily, so Wu Yang and others had to go deep into the chaos, and then look for a breakthrough to return to the prehistoric.

There are many places where this land of chaos borders the prehistoric, as long as they "detour", they can still get rid of the demon emperor's entanglement.

It's just that where to detour and when to detour, this is a very serious issue, once it is encountered by the monsters, it may be really dangerous.

"This time it's not just the Yaozu, those who participated in the battle of Buzhou Mountain before will probably join in."

Patriarch Hongyun said that he has a lot of eyesight and has long realized the seriousness of the matter.

Daoist Mosquito nodded secretly, and he recalled the eyes of Patriarch Minghe. At that time in Zixiao Palace, the two of them almost couldn't help fighting, how could the other party let go of such a good opportunity now.

"If we meet, it will be a fight to the death, and we may not be opponents!"

The bloodthirsty light in Taoist Mosquito's eyes flickered, and none of them was a real softie who could become a Da Luo Jinxian level powerhouse.

If you don't want to work hard, you haven't been forced to that level yet.

"Fellow Daoist Mosquito is right, the monster race is bullying people too much, if there is no way out, fight them to the death!"

Wu Zhiqi's vicious nature is very fierce, he is not a meek and kind person in the first place, if you get annoyed, he would dare to poke a hole in you.

Wu Yang comforted everyone and said:
"Everyone don't need to worry too much. Things are not that dangerous yet. Di Jun and Tai Yi haven't found us yet. As long as we continue to fly deep, they may not be able to find our hiding place in this vast and chaotic land."

Zhen Yuanzi recognized Wu Yang's words, and the group of them retreated to the depths of the chaos without stopping.

The demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi searched for Wu Yang and his party in the endless chaos. The ancestor Minghe also met with Sanqing, the god of Jiuyuan Shuifu, the ancestor Tengshe and others, and everyone followed the plan.

Some powerhouses are secretly hiding at the junction of chaos and prehistoric, ready to "wait for the rabbit", while another part of powerhouses spread into the chaos to hunt down Wu Yang and others together.

In the chaotic Zixiao Palace, Daozu Hongjun immediately noticed the movement outside. He opened and closed his eyes, and after a few glances, he fell silent again, unaffected by this scene at all.

Hongjun Daozu was unmoved, but the will of heaven was not idle.

After Wu Yang and others escaped into the chaos, they soon ran into trouble.

In the depths of the tumbling chaos, ferocious beasts galloped towards them.

"It's Chaos Golden Retriever, everyone be careful!"

Patriarch Hongyun's heart sank, he sensed that something might be wrong.

Although the chaos is vast, they will not attract attention if they fly quietly, but if there is a battle, I am afraid that it will soon attract the attention of the pursuers.


There were more than ten chaotic Golden Retrievers in that group. It was obviously a group, and there was even a powerful existence at the level of Da Luo Jinxian among them.

The chaotic Golden Retriever is a chaotic beast, brutal in nature, bloodthirsty and warlike, but not very wise, so as long as it finds prey, it will rush forward without fear of death.

Chaos beasts of this level are the most difficult to deal with. It is okay to encounter them on weekdays, and you can deal with them slowly, but now Wu Yang and the others have chasing soldiers to search around. Can't get out.

"Could it be that the will of heaven is secretly targeting us again?"

Ancestor Hongyun's mind turned suddenly. After he experienced the first futon dispute in Zixiao Palace, he already had a very high level of awareness.

Tian Dao's targeting was too obvious, so if Patriarch Hongyun couldn't see it, he would really be a fool. It's a pity that he didn't have the strength to compete with Tian Dao, so he could only pretend that he didn't know it.

This is also one of the reasons why Patriarch Hongyun is very close to the Wu Clan and Wu Yang. Although he is powerless to contend with the Dao of Heaven, he has never been able to swallow this bad breath in his heart.

"Why don't I stay here to attract Chaos Golden Retriever, everyone evacuate quickly."

The ancestor Hongyun stood up and said that once the chaotic golden retriever is entangled, there is a high chance that the enemies who are looking for them will be attracted.

Zhen Yuanzi hurriedly shook his head and said:

"Brother, don't be reckless. There are three Daluo Jinxian-level fierce beasts here, and more than ten Taiyi Jinxian-level beasts. How can you deal with it alone?".

Wu Yang also nodded and said:
"Brother Hongyun, we advance and retreat as one, we share weal and woe, how can we let you come to the rear when we are in danger, and we escape alone?".

After some persuasion from the two of them, the other monks also expressed their opinions and wanted to go together.

Seeing this, Patriarch Hongyun felt a burst of warmth flow in his heart, and finally no longer insisted on staying.

"Quickly destroy these chaotic golden retrievers, and then we will leave together!"

Wu Yang rushed up first, avoiding the three Da Luo Jinxian level beasts, the twelve karmic fire red lotus under his feet exuded infinite karmic fire, behind him the Xuanyuan control water flag in the north, and the ground flame flag in the south, blooming one after another. .

As soon as he raised his hand, he smashed the Kongtong Seal down on his head, instantly obliterating a chaotic golden retriever, and at the same time, the treasure flag fluttered, and the power of water and fire swept across the four directions, strangling two fierce beasts again.

Wu Yang showed extraordinary combat power, killing three Taiyi Golden Immortal beasts in an instant, which made everyone secretly startled.


Zhen Yuanzi turned the power of Wutu into a golden sword, and fiercely fought one of the Daluo-level chaotic golden-haired jiao.

The nine of them are all powerful people, and they worked together to suppress the chaotic golden retriever.

However, everyone does not have such a rich net worth as Wu Yang, so it is not easy to destroy those beasts.


The chaotic Golden Retrievers hissed and roared, they were originally a group, passed down by blood, and now a few of them were killed by Wu Yang, how could the rest of the beasts give up so easily.

Patriarch Hongyun took out the red gourd from his waist, and the soul sand rolled out of it, covering a radius of ten thousand miles in an instant, and surrounded a group of chaotic golden retrievers.

Taoist Mosquito holds a reincarnation gun, Queen Linglong spreads infinite spider silk, and King Bloodthirsty Fox Bat flaps his fleshy wings on his back, joining the battle one after another.

"Master Wu Yang actually has so many spirit treasures in his hands, I am simply envious!"

Patriarch Jiuying screamed in his heart, he only has a pair of sun and moon double blades up to now, which is really nothing compared to Wu Yang's treasures.


All kinds of supernatural powers collided with the chaotic Golden Retriever, causing boundless waves to be stirred up in the entire Chaos Sea, and the sound of battle spread everywhere.

Wu Yang fought hard, and quickly dealt with several Taiyi Golden Immortal level beasts. His lethality alone was more than the three of Wu Zhiqi, Fly Taoist and Jiuying Patriarch combined.

The low-level ferocious beasts were all killed, and the nine of them surrounded the three big Luo-level ferocious beasts.

"Quick fight!"

Several people made a joint attack, but the Chaotic Golden Retriever was powerless to resist.

In the depths of the chaos at this time, Di Jun and Tai Yi are rushing over at a high speed.

"There was a fierce battle there, it should be Wu Yang and the others who were stopped by the beast!"

The demon emperor Jun's eyes sparkled, and he looked excited about catching prey.

"This time, they will definitely be smashed to ashes, and they must not be spared!"

In Donghuangtai's eyes, flames and divine light gushed out, and he spread the power of the primordial spirit to search all directions, not wanting to miss any trace of Wu Yang and others.

At this time, Wu Yang and the others had already dealt with those chaotic golden retrievers. Wu Yang used the yin and yang gourd to clean up the battlefield, collecting all the blood and corpses.

However, the demon emperor Jun and the others had already killed them, apparently they had discovered the traces of Wu Yang and others.

"Brother, there! Hurry up and warn everyone!"

The Eastern Emperor Taiyi cheered, and he immediately transformed into the real body of the three-legged Golden Crow, unfolding his dual wields containing the infinite sun's real fire, and rushed forward quickly, the chaotic clock in the golden crow's sharp claws emitted boundless divine light.

The demon emperor Jun crushed the Jade Talisman of Communication, transformed into his real body, and flew forward.


The Chaos Clock oscillates in all directions. This is Donghuang Taiyi deliberately knocking on the mountain to shake the tiger, intimidating Wu Yang and others.

In the chaos, Sanqing and Yandao Shenjun were all looking for Wu Yang's traces. At this time, everyone received a message from the demon emperor Jun. Except for the monks guarding the edge of chaos, everyone else rushed to the place where the demon emperor Jun sensed.

"Brother Dao, shall we go too?"

Zhunti Taoist asked hesitantly.

"Go, why don't you go, when we arrive, I'm afraid the battle will be over, we're just one step late!"

When Taoist Jieyin said this, Taoist Zhunti's eyes lit up instantly.

The two of them drove the Dunguang, and "rushed" into the chaos at a leisurely pace.

On the other side, God Fuxi and Nuwa didn't think so much, and left Chaos directly, not caring about the thoughts of the demon emperor Jun at all.

Donghuang Taiyi drove the divine bell to kill, but Wu Yang and the others finally exposed their whereabouts.

"We can't go any further, let's fly to the wilderness, otherwise we won't be able to get out once we are surrounded."

Wu Yang suggested that now that they are far away from their original location, there is still a high chance of turning back to the flood and avoiding the pursuers.

The soaring sun's divine fire shines in all directions, Donghuang Taiyi drives the chaotic clock to kill, he looks down on all directions, his eyes are full of indifference.

"Wu Yang, Hong Yun, Zhen Yuanzi, let's see where you are going!"

Donghuang Taiyi spoke proudly, with the joy of victory and disdain for everyone in his tone.

Wu Yang and the others ignored him at all, and continued to rush in the direction of Hong Huang.

At this time, on Xuanzhou Xiandao, the six-eared macaque listened to the situation in the chaos again.

"The second lecture of Zixiao Palace is over? Where is Brother Wu Yang?"

The six-eared macaque checks the situation every once in a while. In the past 8000 years, there were Tao rhymes spreading everywhere in Zixiao Palace, but now the palace gate is closed, and there are many sounds of creatures leaving in the chaos.

The six-eared macaque first searched along the shortest route back to the prehistoric world, but found nothing.

He soon discovered some conversations about chasing and killing Wu Yang, which made the six-eared macaque panic.

"Brother Wu Yang is in danger, this hateful Di Jun and Tai Yi, they are really despicable."

While the six-eared macaque was yelling, he rushed out of the hall quickly, and went straight to the land of Jiuyou to find the ancestor witch of Jiufeng.

Today's Nine Serenity Land has been completely occupied by the Wu Clan tribe, and there are members of the Wu Clan everywhere. If the Nine Nether Land was not so vast and boundless, the Wu Clan would have filled it up.

The six-eared macaque traveled unimpeded all the way, and the guards obviously recognized him.

Jiufeng ancestor witch sensed that the six-eared macaque was coming, and she woke up from her practice.

"Jiufeng Ancestral Witch, Master Wu Yang was trapped in the chaos by Di Jun and Tai Yi, and San Qing and others were chasing after him. Please help us quickly!"

The six-eared macaque reported the situation anxiously.

Jiufeng Patriarch Wu was taken aback when she heard the words, and there was a touch of panic in her eyes.

"Come with me!"

When the ancestor witch of Jiufeng mentioned the six-eared macaque, she immediately rushed to the nine heavens. At the same time, she loudly told the surrounding witches:
"Boys, hurry up and report to the various tribes. Brother Wu Yang is stuck in the chaos, please come to the rescue!".

Those Wu clan children who practiced near the authentic Golden Lotus scattered in an instant, passing news to various tribes.

Jiufeng Zuwu didn't want to wait for a moment, she was the first to kill out of Jiuxiaoyun.

The six-eared macaque continued to listen to Wu Yang and the others, and provided information to Jiufeng Zuwu to adjust her route.

At the foot of Buzhou Mountain at this time, the ancestor witches rushed over after getting the news, and all rushed to the edge of chaos.

In the depths of the chaos, Donghuang Taiyi caught up with Wu Yang and the others, he unleashed the Chaos Clock, and he used all his strength to strike, without any intention of leaving Wu Yang with a chance.


The Chaos Clock trembled in all directions. This treasure already had the effect of suppressing Chaos. Now in this land of boundless chaos, its role has been brought into full play.

"You wait to lead to death!"

Donghuang Taiyi is condescending, at this moment his domineering side is leaking, and he is in a state of self-confidence that is invincible in the world.

Seeing this, Wu Yang cursed angrily:
"Three-legged crow, you can only show your prestige in front of me, but if you want to kill me today, you may not be able to do it!".

Wu Yang and the others made a move together, combined with the power of the five Da Luo Jinxians and the four Taiyi Golden Immortals, to resist Taiyi's attack together.


When Chaos Clock's attack fell, Zhen Yuanzi activated the Xiantian Wutu formation to block most of the attacks. The ancestor Hongyun and Mosquito Taoist also shot at the same time, completely blocking Chaos Clock's attack.

Donghuang Taiyi sneered disdainfully and said:
"I want to see how many times you can block my attacks!".

Donghuang Taiyi urged the Chaos Clock with all his strength, and the berserk power broke out again. This time he used his strongest supernatural power.

"Shen Zhong Township, Dao Zhuan Wushuang!"

(End of this chapter)

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