Chapter 44
It was already late at night after returning from the night market, and the two returned to their respective rooms.

After returning to the room, Lu Lin did not go to sleep immediately, but turned on the computer again, and began to continue investigating the situation of Kaiyuan Group.

After all, being able to grasp more information about the other party can also gain more benefits for oneself in the acquisition, isn't it?

However, after a round of investigation, Lu Lin couldn't find anything useful.

Even with Lu Lin's ability to dig up information, he couldn't find the filth of the Kaiyuan Group. It seems that, except for some internal employees, the rest of the group is quite clean, and it is even difficult to squeeze the employees. No.

Kaiyuan Group even pays overtime pay for overtime work. In this era when it is normal to squeeze employees, it is not easy for a large company to do this.

Seeing these, Lu Lin also took a high look at Kaiyuan Group. After all, there are really not many conscientious companies nowadays.

"Tsk, I really didn't expect that this Zheng Kaiyuan is actually an entrepreneur."

Lu Lin still admires entrepreneurs who talk about conscience and do practical things like this. What people should really hate are those capitalists who drink the blood of low-level employees and create benefits for themselves.

After searching around without finding anything, Lu Lin could only turn off the computer and stop thinking about it.

For such enterprises, should be given enough respect.

After putting away the computer and washing up, Lu Lin went straight to sleep.

Early the next morning, after several people woke up, they gathered in the lobby of the hotel, preparing to send Yan Ruowei's roommate from Guangzhou to leave.

After all, I have already graduated, and it is time to go home and find a job, so I can't delay here for too long.

Saying goodbye is always sad, after all, they are roommates who have been together for four years. Although Lu Lin and the others just met this girl, to Yan Ruowei, they already exist like family members.

When parting, the eyes of several girls were red, and although the few boys beside him would not cry, they were also very emotional in their hearts.

"Fortunately, the brothers are all from Qindu, otherwise, if we really separate, we probably won't be much better than them."

"Yeah, it's okay."

"By the way, Meng Lin, why don't you have to go to work recently?"

"Yeah, how many days have you been out here to play, and the company doesn't need you to go back to work?"

Watching the girls gossiping at the farewell, they suddenly remembered that since Meng Lin came back on the day of graduation, it seems that he really hasn't been to work, and he ignored this problem because he was too excited to play.

"Uh, I quit my job."

"Why, didn't you find a job through your family's relationship?"

"The supervisor over there is so fucked up, looking for trouble every day. Moreover, the internship period is not paid. I have already applied for arbitration with the Security Bureau. There is really no need to stay in this kind of company."

"The vibe is too bad."

"It's really you. Is this the post-00s rectifying the workplace?"

"However, you resigned, how do you explain at home?"

"Let's talk about it later, it won't be too late when I find a job again."

"What about you, what are your plans?"

"I don't know. I should find a job first. I can't be idle all the time. After graduation, the family will not pay living expenses. I have to make some money, otherwise I will starve to death."

"Where is Lao Lu, what's your plan?"

"Go home and inherit the family property, right, Lao Lu."

Hearing everyone's questions, Lu Lin couldn't help but smiled, looked at the three of them, and said.

"No, you have to finish the tasks at home first."


"What mission?"

"It's like in the novel, the training missions that the big family set up for their younger generation?"

"Almost, anyway, my family asked me to buy New Century Hotel, and then find a way to increase the revenue of New Century Hotel by 30.00%. This is the first test."

"Kaiyuan Hotel, isn't it the hotel we stayed in these few days?"


"Good guy, this hotel probably costs a lot of money."

"Well, I have inquired about it. The construction cost of this hotel is about [-] million yuan. However, over the years, the hotel has basically never made a profit. It has always been a loss-making business. If it weren't for the fact that the hotel can improve the surrounding Kaiyuan Group industry. If it’s worth more, I’m afraid it would have been demolished long ago.”

"Seven hundred million, that's considered a loss in recent years. If you want to buy it, you have to pay a lot of money."

"That's true, but we'll have to wait until we talk to find out."

"By the way, you guys don't have to worry about work. After I buy the hotel, you can come and help me."

"I'll help you, don't go, you don't know what level my brother is."

"That's right, if the hotel is already losing money, if we get involved again, if it loses more, it will be over."

"We know that you are thinking about us, but you still have to think carefully about this kind of thing, Old Lu."

Seeing the seriousness of these people, Lu Lin felt a warm feeling in his heart.

If it were someone else, they would have accepted Lu Lin's invitation without any hesitation when they heard that they could hold the thighs of local tyrants. Also thinking about myself.

"Don't worry, my family has a great career, and it's not bad for you. Moreover, I don't need your advice. I just need you to be good executors."

"For the operation and transformation of the hotel, I have a general plan in mind, but I just need someone to help me implement it."

"This matter, I believe you should be able to do well."

"The big deal is that if the hotel loses money, I won't pay you wages."

"Old Lu, you really have the potential to be a capitalist."

"Okay, since you have said so, the brothers will do it with you."

"Although we may not be able to use our brains, but if we execute it, we will definitely put your interests first. You can rest assured about this."

"Okay, I don't know who you are, I don't know how many of you look good, don't worry, I will take you to the pinnacle of your life."

"Okay, those brothers will depend on you."

"Ha ha ha ha."

Different from the parting with the girls, the atmosphere on the boys' side was extremely lively under the mutual confrontation of several people.

Perhaps, this is the friendship between boys. Whether it is serious or sad, as long as one person starts to be unreasonable, the atmosphere will instantly become relaxed and happy.

After sending the girl to the plane, they drove back to the school directly. After all, there were still things in the dormitory that hadn't been packed. Naturally, they had to pack up before leaving school.

(End of this chapter)

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