urban life

Chapter 412 Auntie, I Still Want to Work Hard

Chapter 412 Auntie, I Still Want to Work Hard
Fireworks go down to Yangzhou in March, and the spring scenery of Bashu races south of the Yangtze River.

The two traveled slowly all the way, and finally arrived at the Holy Land of Hou Mengting's dream, Rongcheng.

On the last trip, because the two were together not long ago, she deliberately avoided Rongcheng. She went home to visit Zhou An's parents during the Spring Festival.

Entering Rongcheng, the sky is getting late and the lights are on, and the scenery under the neon lights becomes more beautiful as the night progresses.

Hou Mengting became excited, lying on the window, her almond eyes wide open, admiring the scenery outside, like a naive child.

After coming to the reservation hotel, checking in, and washing up briefly, Hou Mengting dragged Zhou An to the outside in a hurry.

Outside a hot pot restaurant with a very good reputation on the Internet.

Hou Mengting patted the back of Zhou An's hand and said, "Hurry up, hurry up."

"I know you're in a hurry, but don't be in a hurry." He said helplessly, "In Rongcheng, there is a queue for good hot pot."

The two of them came early, but there were still more than 20 tables ahead.

About half an hour later, the two finally got their wish and entered the store and ordered a lot of food.

Zhou An just put a few large frozen meatballs into the pot, and within a minute, Hou Mengting couldn't wait to put them in a bowl, bit half of them and swallowed them.

He was stunned for a while, and it took him a long time to recover, and asked softly, "Are you familiar?"

Hou Mengting closed her eyes slightly, as if thinking about it, she pondered for a while and said, "It's a bit cold."

"...Damn, Hou Mengting, are you sick?"


The woman spat it out and grinned, showing no embarrassment at all.

As the ingredients were slowly put into the pot, Hou Mengting ate the hot pot almost at the same frequency and speed, and didn't even like to talk to Zhou An. The only thing they had to communicate with was to tell him to cook quickly.

Looking at this girl, Zhou An sighed helplessly.

Why did you fall in love with her in the first place?

"Can you slow down, no one will fight with you."

Hou Mengting tilted her head: "Aren't you going to fight me?"

Hearing this, Zhou An had blue veins: "Which one is more important, me or the hot pot?"

"Of course you are important."

His expression softened a bit, he picked up his chopsticks, picked up a scalded squid from the other party's bowl, which was her life's favorite, and asked again: "Which one is more important, me or the squid."

Hou Mengting watched his behavior and said quietly: "You stole my squid."

Zhou An put the squid into his mouth, chewed it, and asked, "If the squid and I fell into the hot pot, who would you catch first?"

"Zhou An, what nonsense are you asking, of course I'll get you first."

"You fell in, can the squid still be eaten?"


The first hot pot meal in Rongcheng, Zhou An was very unhappy.

This girl belongs to the stone, oil and salt do not enter.

"Bear me."


"Bear me."


Rongcheng, a bustling commercial street, is bustling with people coming and going. Tourists from all over the world take pictures of the iconic building of "Giant Panda Climbing the Wall", with bright smiles on their faces.

And under the "Giant Panda Climbing the Wall", Zhou An and Hou Mengting are arguing with each other, and they refuse to give in to each other.

Zhou An looked serious and serious: "Bear, mao."

"Bear, me."

He was so anxious that he took out his mobile phone, searched, and while showing his fiancee the correct pronunciation, he corrected: "Panda."

"Xiong me." Hou Mengting looked at the screen and insisted on her own opinion. Seeing her fiancé's suffocating expression, she was also a little irritable, and waved her hand, "Oh, no matter if it's Xiong me or panda, in my opinion, they are all called pandas." .”

Zhou An raised his eyebrows: "Yes."

"Nonsense, at least I graduated from a prestigious university, how can I not know how to pronounce it correctly, bear me."

MD, illiterate.

Zhou An didn't bother to talk to her, lowered his structure and level, rolled his eyes, and walked straight forward.

The corner of Hou Mengting's mouth in the back drew a perfect arc, she took a step, and quickly chased after him, grabbing his right hand at once, leaning on her delicate body, admiring the scenery in front of her.

After staying in Shanghai for a long time, Zhou An has no interest in this kind of bustling commercial street, except that there are still people, and there are huge crowds of people.

If it was just to watch people, it would be more comfortable for him to sit in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of his home and watch the endless stream of people on the Bund of Shanghai.

But my sisters are quite satisfied.

One is that, as a native of Northeast China, she is full of curiosity about everything.

Second, the bustling commercial street is full of all kinds of snacks, such as sizzling squid, octopus balls, Orleans grilled wings, and tiramisu. It is undeniable that the taste is not bad.

"I want to eat that."

Zhou An glanced at the other person's belly, and said hesitantly, "I'm afraid I'll hold you to death."

"I'm hungry."


Along the way, Zhou An was already full from eating her corner snacks, but this bitch was still hungry.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, when the sun is at its most intense, everyone in Momo should pay attention to sun protection, but it is completely unnecessary for Rongcheng.

For the perennially cold and drowsy city of Rongcheng, it is like a stimulant. Men, women and children, even the white-collar workers in the building have found a place with plenty of sunshine to bask in the sun.

in the park.

"Hmm" Hou Mengting picked up a cup of tea, took a sip, then leaned back, lying on the chair, squinting her eyes slightly, "No wonder people often say that young people don't go to Sichuan, old people don't come out of Sichuan, and the sun is shining." Let’s sit, drink some small tea, feel at ease.”

After a pause, he suddenly glanced at his fiancé opposite, and continued, "Brother, why don't we settle in Rongcheng, the life of Rongcheng people is so comfortable and enjoyable."

As soon as Zhou An understood the other party's thoughts, he said, "You should be superficial, especially referring to the food in Rongcheng."


He stared at it, curled his lips and said, "Lose weight! Look at your old man's belly, it's almost piled up."

Hou Mengting sat up all of a sudden, looked carefully, and stroked, as if she didn't notice any signs of gaining weight, she lightly exhaled, and replied unhappily: "Hmph, no loss! This beauty is born beautiful and hard to give up. No matter how much you eat, you won't gain weight, with a slender figure, a delicate face, and a big beauty."


A narcissistic woman.

Zhou An wanted to complain about the other party, but after looking at him, there was really no place to complain.

Because the narcissistic words of this girl turned out to be the truth.

The upper body is a gray knitted sweater, and the lower body is matched with gray slacks. I originally wanted to cover up the slender legs, but it adds a bit of flair. The willow waist and beautiful figure.

There is a pair of black sunglasses on the forehead, exuding a laid-back style.

"What are you looking at? You haven't seen a big beautiful woman, have you?" As if sensing the gaze cast on her, she gave her fiancé a hard look, "I'll call the police and sue you for harassing beautiful women."

Facing Zhou An's plain (looking at a fool) eyes, maybe she felt too serious, she smiled awkwardly, and pretended to look around: "Rongcheng is worthy of being a comfortable city, and the park is full of people when I go to work."

"If you don't know how to find a topic, don't look for it. If you find an embarrassing topic, it seems that you are so uneducated." Zhou An replied, suddenly remembered something, slapped his forehead, "Oh, you are illiterate, it's okay .”

Nowadays, the pressure of social competition is so great, and if you break your head for performance, there is no such thing as a comfortable city.

Most of the people who can come to the park to drink tea during work hours are locals from Rongcheng who made a fortune from the demolition and relocation. They lie down completely, eat rent and receive subsidies, which are enough for daily expenses, and those who pay for their leisurely life are the influx of foreigners.

When you move forward with a heavy load, someone must be stepping on you.

"Ahhh, I'll kill you." Hou Mengting stretched out her arms and charged at him.

"Don't make trouble." Zhou An grabbed her elbow and stood up, "Go, I'll take you to a good place."


"I've heard of it too."

The two told the waiter, walked into the park, walked for a while, turned left and passed a path, hiding under the shade of a tree.

Zhou An nodded to Hou Mengting: "Because you eat too much and don't exercise all year round, so I must live longer than you. After you pass away, I must find a wife to spend the rest of my life with, so I Get used to the blind date first."

He had heard about the blind date corner in this park a long time ago, so he naturally wanted to see it today.

"Humorous." Hou Mengting smiled sweetly, "Don't worry, I won't let you live alone in this world and suffer the pain of loneliness before I die."

Zhou An couldn't help taking a breath.

This bitch can always say the most vicious words with the most gentle face.


"Oh, young man." Approaching the blind date corner, someone came to chat.

The person who came was a middle-aged and elderly woman. Judging from her appearance, she should be a few years older than Zhou An's mother Lu Yulan. She was dressed in colorful clothes and looked particularly fashionable compared with people of the same age. There was a hemorrhoid between her eyebrows. , is very recognizable.

Seeing Zhou An, he walked over quickly, with a smile on his face, and said, "Are you here for a blind date?"

"That's right." Before Zhou An could clarify the truth, Hou Mengting spoke first.

"You are?" The fashion aunt stopped smiling, frowned, and glanced at Hou Mengting.

"I'm his sister."


Auntie Fashion nodded knowingly, then smiled again, raised her eyes to look at Zhou An, looked at Zhou An carefully and seriously, nodded as if satisfied, and said, "What do you expect from the other half?"

"Young, beautiful, rich, with a car and a house, no loan." Hou Mengting patted Zhou An and answered for him.

"Hiss" After hearing the words, the fashionable aunt frowned, took a light breath, rubbed her chin and thought about it, and then looked at Zhou An, "Young man, auntie, to tell you the truth, young and beautiful and rich are two different things." When it comes to age, you can only have one thing. You are asking too much, what kind of conditions do you want your other half to have?"

"I'm rich." Zhou An glanced at Hou Mengting, feeling that this girl was thinking of some evil trick to punish him, so he quickly replied, "Auntie, the doctor said that I have a bad stomach and can only eat soft food."

As soon as this remark came out, the fashion aunt was very happy, and the wrinkles were almost piled up. She clapped her hands and said, "Oh, it just so happens that auntie has a girl in her hand who is very suitable for you. To be honest, I should be older than you." You are three years older, but you still have charm, and more importantly, you have a car, a house, and savings, what do you think?"

"What's the point of being three years older? It's not a big deal. Love can transcend age boundaries." Zhou An's eyes lit up instantly, and he asked earnestly, "Really?"

"That could be fake."

"Female junior holds gold bricks, Auntie, please bring me to meet her, and when she succeeds, I will give you a big red envelope."

Speaking of this, the fashionable aunt's eyes were bright and energetic, deep wrinkles appeared on her face, and there was a hint of rosiness on her face, she said coyly, "Do you think I am suitable?"


Is your old man multiplying by ten or dividing by ten?

The third year of the female junior held gold bricks, and co-authored me to hold ten gold bricks?
After saying what she said in her heart, the fashionable aunt stopped being pretentious and went straight to the point: "Auntie is a fan of sai, a fan of big sai, I like young, handsome, and good-looking guys like you. I fell in love with you at a glance today. As long as You are good to me, and I will never treat you badly."

Speaking of this, the fashionable aunt took out a bunch of keys from her pocket and placed them in her palm: "Young man, promise auntie that this bunch of keys will belong to you. I still have an idle BMW at home for you."

Zhou An was stunned for a long time before slowly waking up, looking at this longing aunt, her hair was thinning and gradually turned silvery white, her body was a bit bent, her face was covered with traces of time, and the deep wrinkles painted the vicissitudes of time .

He swallowed and said, "Auntie, I'm young, and I still want to work hard."

"Why are you working so hard? Auntie will give you the warmest care."

"Auntie still has hundreds of thousands of savings in her hand, which is left by my old man, and I will give it to you."

"You don't have to worry about the distribution of the family property. As long as you are with your aunt, I will make a will. After death, all the family property will belong to you, and my children will not get a penny."

"No, let's add a contact information first. Love is something that comes from getting along. After a long time, you will understand my love for you. Love can transcend the shackles of age and the structure of physiology."

"Hey, don't go, let's chat for a while."


Watching the handsome figure disappear, Aunt Fashion looked depressed, lowered her head, and sighed deeply: "Hey, falling in love is not so easy, everyone has his temper."

Well, it's been a waste of time today.

At this moment, a young man who had been watching for a long time approached her, with a gentle and kind smile on his face: "Auntie, I don't want to work hard anymore."

The fashionable aunt glanced at the other party, and said disdainfully: "It's none of my business if you don't work hard, just you Phoebe, who doesn't look at yourself and doesn't want to work hard, and thinks about some crooked things all day long. Young people should have The vigor and responsibility of young people, the country has trained you for more than ten years, it is really bad luck."

He shook the key in his hand: "Do you deserve a five yuan key? You can't afford it!"

After finishing speaking, the fashion aunt cast a real look in the direction Zhou An left.

The comparison between the two made the handsome young man even more commendable.


(End of this chapter)

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