Chapter 77
Wen Ning, why are you hesitating about the color of the sign?
Tu Bai was afraid that he had spent too much time with Gu Fei, so he became confused at the same time.

Pei You threw the letter paper aside, took a blank letter paper, and wrote a reply, with a very simple sentence——

"The source of the money for Chawen's wine shop."

Wen Tingchun didn't participate, the brothers and sisters of the Wen family wanted to open a winery, even if both brothers participated, the amount of money offered would not be enough.

Calling Gu Fei to take the letter away, Pei You fed the remaining letter paper to the candle as usual.

The flames jumped and occasionally made a puffing sound, which reflected the little mole on the bridge of his nose red.

He just quietly watched the handwriting on the letter paper being swallowed inch by inch by the flames, his eyes were as calm as if there were no waves.
In Beijing in early May, the weather is still cool.

Linglan has always been reliable in handling affairs.I am still a newcomer, but like a nun in someone else's house, I quickly went to the various matchmakers to get the roster information.

Marriage is a major event, the order of the parents, the words of the matchmaker.Linglan didn't dare to cover up Wen Ning as usual, and immediately told Wen Tingchun what Wen Ning was thinking.

Originally thought that such an absurd request, the master regarded the girl like a jewel, so he would definitely not agree to it.

Unexpectedly, after listening to it, he stroked his gray beard and pondered for a long time, then nodded sadly and sighed: "That's fine, as long as Ah Ning can think about it, that's fine too."

Seeing his sad expression, Linglan suddenly remembered that the wife of the family died after giving birth to Wen Ning.

If according to what Wen Ning said, find someone who already has a child in the family, and don't force her to have a child, in Wen Tingchun's view, it will be like escaping a catastrophe of life and death?

The love of the parents is far-reaching.

Linglan couldn't help sighing, the master really loves the girl.She, who thinks she is devoted to the girl, is more concerned about her appearance and being criticized for her poor marriage, but the master really only thinks about the girl's good life.

Wen Tingchun nodded, and Linglan didn't think about it, she just followed Wen Ning's request and screened and selected, unexpectedly there were a few that met Wen Ning's request.

One is the eldest son of the Cheng family of Dali Temple.The prime minister of Dali Temple lives in the fifth rank, which is the first rank higher than her master's. His wife died young, and he has no aunts and only one eldest son who is over thirty years old.

This eldest son has never married a wife. It is said that there is an extremely favored concubine in his family. The two are very affectionate, but the concubine is not loved by the deceased mother. She is a wife.

Although this young man has no son, he and his concubine are like glue, so it will be a matter of time.

The second is the nephew of the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, a son surnamed Qin.Although Mr. Qin's uncle is a second-rank official, his father doesn't have much power, and he himself only has an idle job in the military guard of the government.

This family is not as simple as the first one, but the sister-in-law is about to get married. The two sister-in-laws in the family say that they get along very well, and the in-laws are also easy to talk to. There are three concubines in the family, and both of them have given birth to sons.

This Linglan was not very satisfied, she felt like a flirt at first glance.But looking at the capital city, the concubine gave birth to a child before the main wife started, and the son was born. There are really not many families, and it is not too late to make a decision after seeing the real person.

The third one was just as Wen Ning thought, a widower.This person is twenty-eight, not an authentic person from the capital, nor did he work for the imperial court, but a businessman.The parents in the family are hardworking and thoughtful, and several restaurants in the capital are their properties.The original partner was a good baby mother from the novel. She was not very strong and passed away after giving birth.

The son is also affectionate, he hasn't been reunited in the past few years, and there is no concubine room in the mansion, only a four-year-old young master raised him up.

Wen Ning looked at the portraits of the three people, and immediately recognized the second person as Qin Yu.

She looked at the portrait, then at Linglan.

It's changed, even a well-known dude like Qin Yu showed it to her.

Linglan actually didn't recognize that the person in front of her was the one who made things difficult for "Wang You" and Shen Jin in the restaurant last year, and the matchmaker only picked good ones and said, how could she tell her all kinds of bad deeds of Qin Yu.

"Miss knows him?" Linglan has been with Wen Ning for so many years, and she understood her meaning with just one look, "I also think this is not very reliable. There are three concubines in the unmarried family, and two concubines. After giving birth to a son, the parents-in-law are harmonious, and the sisters-in-law are easy to talk, it may not be true."

Wen Ning rested her chin and tapped her fingertips on Qin Yu's portrait.

He's not useless either.

His advantage is... died early?

In my impression, he didn't survive the 15th year of the Showa era in his whole family, and he can't remember what crimes he got. Qin Shangshu couldn't save it, so it wouldn't be a small crime.

Wen Ning threw his portrait aside.


"This Mr. Zeng works in the Ministry of Industry?" Wen Ning raised her eyebrows and asked, pointing at the eldest son of the prime minister's family in Dali Temple.

Linglan nodded: "The doctor of the Tuntian Division of the Ministry of Industry."

Why is it Pei You's subordinate again?

Wen Ning pursed her lips in displeasure: "This person's family relationship is simple, but it's pretty good."

It's a pity that there are no children.

"Then let the master arrange it, and find a chance to meet?" Ling Lan said with bright eyes.

Wen Ning thought for a while: "Let's see and see first."

In a few years, there will be few people in the entire court who are not Pei You's subordinates. This person is better than Liu Ye, who can be regarded as Pei You's confidant.

"And this person..." Wen Ning's eyes fell on the third portrait.

The original spouse is deceased, and the youngest son in the family is four years old. He is not from the capital, and his relatives are far away in Suzhou.

Being in business should not be as strict as the rules of the officials.

"Can I see you too?" Wen Ning put away the portrait and raised her head.

Ok, Ok.

Linglan nodded again and again, the folk customs are quite open nowadays, meeting each other before marriage, as long as they are not alone or widowed, it makes sense!
Seeing that Wen Ning is serious about selecting candidates and is willing to meet each other, Linglan smiled all over her face, took the picture scroll and hurried to arrange the following matters.

If it goes well, maybe Wen Ning's marriage can be finalized before the Eldest Young Master welcomes her!
Things went smoothly as Linglan wished.

For the marriage of children, if there is a mistress, it is natural that the mistress should come forward, first ask the mother of the other party to talk about it, and test each other. If both parties are interested, then arrange a time to meet.

But Wen's residence doesn't even have a nanny in charge. Although Linglan is two years older than Wen Ning, she is still a young maid.This matter naturally fell on Wen Tingchun.

This is actually more convenient.

There was no need to spend time probing, Wen Tingchun directly held a banquet, and invited the Chengcheng of Dali Temple and the eldest son Zeng Xu to drink at the mansion.

The usual exchanges between officials.

As for the other, it's even simpler.

Yuntinglou, where Wen Ning often goes, is his property. She took Linglan there for five days in a row, and she easily met someone.

The appearance of the two sons... In fact, they both look average.

Zeng Xu has thick eyebrows and big eyes, and looks a bit fierce. Today's Yanli is much more delicate, but after all, he is a merchant, so his temperament is not good.

Among ordinary people, it's actually not bad, but compared with Pei Shizi...


Linglan stopped in time.

The girls in her family didn't mention the birth of the eldest son anymore, and she must never mention her sad things again.

"Girl, what do you think of these two young masters?" After returning from Yuntinglou, Linglan hurriedly asked Wen Ning what she thought.

In her opinion, neither of these two is worthy of her girl, no matter in terms of appearance or family background!
Maybe she will change her mind after seeing her and reduce her harsh requirements, so that there will be more sons in Beijing to choose from.

Not wanting Wen Ning to eat the plum cake she just brought back, she said indifferently: "I think today's Yanli is not bad."

"Brother often goes to Yun Ting Lou, so he must be familiar with him. Why don't you ask him to set up a match? If Yan Li is interested, I would like to meet him."

Linglan widened her eyes in surprise: "Girl, really?"

Wen Ning looked careless, but she looked over with determination in her eyes: "Of course."
The prefect of Jiangning Mansion, Xu Zhifu, could never have imagined that a gentle and harmless scholar who only knows how to write and write, had already seen his eyes and ears clearly during half a month of staying in Jiangning Mansion.

Buying of buying, threat of threat.

No matter how he spread the news to the outside world, the response he got was only: "Master, the superiors let you ask for blessings!"

"Master, there is not much money in the school, but the crime is not small. If the Holy Majesty pursues it, more than 100 lives in our Xu Mansion will be gone!"

Prefect Xu was trapped in the dark prison, and once he gritted his teeth, he was an outcast, so he broke the boat and made amends!
"Master Pei! Lord Pei! The criminal wants to see Lord Pei!"

From the outside, the minister of the Ministry of Industry from the imperial court is really a minister of the Ministry of Industry, running back and forth between the five schools in Jiangning Prefecture every day, personally supervising the construction, and setting an example for other schools in the eight Jiangnan Prefectures to refer to.

The plan to inspect the other five prefectures was also shelved due to the school in Jiangning prefecture.

When the news came out that Prefect Xu was imprisoned and handed over the entire account books of Jiangning Mansion in the past three years, everyone was dumbfounded.

The eight prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River contained each other and protected each other with iron walls. A hole was dug in this way.

On the day that Xu Zhifu and the account book were escorted to the capital, the news happened to reach the capital.

The superior man in gold-plated boa robe smashed the teacup in his hand angrily: "It's fine for him to be arrogant in the Ministry of Industry, but some courtiers in attendance don't care about him for my aunt's sake, and dare to touch my king's people!" !"

He lowered his head and knelt on the ground: "Your Highness, calm down!"

And Pei You, who had done all this, seemed unaware.

The five schools in Jiangning Mansion had been built for more than two years, and the adults from Jingli came to personally supervise the construction for more than a month, and finally they were completed and unveiled.

The cost of the government office is lower than that of a private school, and the gentlemen in it are appointed by the imperial court, and there are still quotas for admission to the Imperial Academy every year. From the eyes of the common people, this is undoubtedly a great happy event.

On the day of leaving Beijing, the common people lined up to see him off.

"My lord, the people of Jiangning are so enthusiastic." Gu Fei had never seen such a battle before, so he couldn't help but suggest, "Do you want to open the window?"

"No need." Pei You sat in the carriage, and there was a lot of people outside. He held a book in his hand and looked at it calmly.

Gu Fei only said that his eldest son was indeed not a mortal, and he killed two birds with one stone for more than a month.The construction of the school has been supervised, the prefect of Xu has been breached, and the people are happy, so His Majesty will be satisfied too.

After accomplishing such a big thing, I don't feel complacent, but I can still sit down and read a book.

It's just that the book seems to be a bit slow to read.

I always feel like he is a little absent-minded.

Gu Fei was worried that he had disturbed Pei You, and was about to get out of the carriage, when Pei You suddenly asked, "Does Tu Bai have a letter?"

Gu Fei was stunned: "Not at all."

The prince doesn't live in Jiangning Mansion these days, but any news will be passed on to him directly.

Pei You was still reading the book, her eyelashes were full, her eyes were silent, and the tiny mole on the bridge of her nose looked extraordinarily deserted.

But the corner of his mouth was lightly pursed, slightly downward.

Gu Fei had been with him for a year at least, and he vaguely noticed that he was a little unhappy at this moment.

Is there any important news that hasn't come from Tubai?
Gu Fei wanted to ask, but looked at Pei You's pursed lips, and swallowed the words.

I thought there would be some instructions, but Pei You kept reading the book and said nothing.

When the carriage drove out of Jiangning, without the voices of the people outside, there was only the sound of horseshoes and wheels.

Gu Fei sat for a while, cupped his hands and said, "Subordinate...resign?"


Pei You's voice was extremely calm, Gu Fei raised his eyes and glanced, his face was also extremely pale.

It seemed that his perception just now was just his illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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