Chapter 345
The head of the house attendant lowered his eyes, followed the three-colored cat with its tail hanging down and crawling slowly and casually on the ground, saw her crawling to the feet of the high-ban waiter, looked up at him, and continued to crawl forward. When he passed under the high-ban waiter's feet, he touched the corner of the waiter's clothes.

Then he walked around the pillar, and after turning around, he passed through the middle of the hall in a boring way.

Shaking, like drunk.

When she met the maid serving the dishes, she immediately lowered her body, assumed a vigilant posture, raised her head to observe them, then trotted quickly, and ran away from the walking range of the maid.

The queen also loves cats, and loves keeping cats.

But I have never seen such a spiritually beautiful cat.

Not many people know about the banquet in His Majesty's palace tonight, but if the conversation in Changle Palace can be spread at this time, I'm afraid there will be many people who are willing to buy it with thousands of dollars.

It's just that not many people can hear it.

The prime minister of this dynasty has no power. Previously, the power was in the hands of the national teacher, and the prime minister has always had no great ability. The reason why he can be the prime minister is only because he is loyal to His Majesty and checks and balances the national teacher.Now that the national teacher left the court due to important matters, the prime minister was unable to take over the power, but returned to the six departments. The reason why he is still the prime minister now is only because he is loyal to His Majesty.

Talking tonight, the prime minister will not spread the word.

It's not uncommon for people to try to bribe them as internal servants.

Especially in the past two years.

But, although the dragon is old, his prestige is still there. Although the emperor in front of him is old, his prestige in the eyes of these servants is too high. They have seen too many storms with this emperor, and all the storms have stopped under his feet. So even now they still think that he can control everything, so naturally they dare not make small moves.

However, whether it is the prime minister or the servant, his heart is not as peaceful and peaceful as this cat walking and playing.

"You have to ask His Majesty first."


"Three years ago, His Majesty talked with me and told me that he knew that Chen Ziyi had no rebellion, but what does His Majesty think now?"

The prime minister, who had been sitting and eating, had stopped his chopsticks unknowingly, and looked up at the Taoist opposite.

Many servants lowered their heads one after another, posing as if they didn't listen much.

The Head of the Chamberlain was still watching the cat.

Seeing that Sanhua Cat had taken a walk to the emperor's desk, he felt that the movement was wrong. He turned his head and looked at the person in the temple. He felt that there was nothing different, so he shook his head and moved forward. He saw that he had reached the feet of His Majesty. The scene of Su, even if it is just an ordinary cat raised by the harem, came to His Majesty, it would have nothing to do with it.

The old emperor raised his head and looked at the young Taoist: "In today's world, who dares to rebel under my command?"

For him three years ago, he should be tougher.

Now it is no less confident.

Even because of the great victory in the north and the extraordinary achievements through the ages, it is more credible to the prime minister and the servants.

The Taoist pursed his lips, didn't say anything, but asked again: "Could it be that His Majesty suspects that he has rebellion, but under His Majesty's suppression, he dare not show it?"


The emperor let out a long sigh.

"The world is complicated, how can he decide things alone? Just like the affairs of the court, even I often feel helpless, let alone other emperors throughout the ages. The emperor who built this palace can't decide every brick, let alone the emperor sitting in this palace."

Song You heard it, and the emperor still felt that Chen Ziyi had no resentment.

"Then what does His Majesty want to ask? You know everything."

"For me, there is no one more trustworthy than my husband in the world."

"Then ask Your Majesty to ask."

"Sir, you went to Zhenbei Army, do you know how the army is doing?"

"At this time, Dayan was upright and prosperous, and the common people were all proud of being the people of Dayan, as were the officers and soldiers in the northern army." Song You only said truthfully, "From the bottom of my eyes, there are many loyal people in the army."

"I heard that Chen Ziyi ordered and prohibited in the army, and everyone obeyed?"

"General Chen's prestige is extremely high." Song You still answered truthfully, "General Chen also selected a large number of warriors from the northern rivers and lakes to check and balance the power of the clan warlords in the army. After years of fighting, he is already a rare army. General Chen has long been the heart of the army."

The prime minister looked up at them.

This is a double-edged sword.

If Chen Ziyi, who is in charge of this army, is loyal to the emperor, the emperor's power will be at its peak, but if he turns his guns around and goes all the way south, the consequences will be disastrous.

Then the emperor on the main seat asked: "Sir, do you know who will be in charge of the Zhenbei Army after Chen Ziyi returns to the court?"

"Chen Yi, the younger brother of General Chen, will be acting commander, and Zhang Junshi will assist him."

"How about Chen Shi?"

"Brave, loyal, and prestige in the army are all similar to General Chen, but not as good as General Chen."

"Sir, do you know that when I called Chen Ziyi back to the court, it was the two of them?"

"Who would be willing to die?"

Song You looked up at the old emperor.

Thinking about it, he couldn't be more clear about it.

The emperor was silent.


"Why is Your Majesty sighing?"

"I know that Chen Ziyi is brave and invincible, and loyalty is not inferior to the bravery at all, but he is old, and even if he wants to support it, it won't be long. He is fascinated. Chen Ziyi is in his early thirties. Now he is obsessed with the battlefield to kill the enemy and build a wonderful merit. He may have been like this in the future?" He can not kill him, but maybe his descendants may be like 朕? What will happen to Chen Ziyi at that time? "

"This question is too difficult. My master Tiansuan Taoist may know it, but I don't know it." Song You paused, and said to him, "And what I know, Your Majesty also knows."

"tell me the story."

"Now Dayan is in an unprecedented prosperous age, and His Majesty's prestige resounds all over the world, even among the frontier troops. But if General Chen can't return to the north, and the Zhenbei Army is loyal to him, Chen Wugui and the military division will definitely send troops to the south. Even if the soldiers from other towns don't respond, there will be chaos in the north, and this elite soldier will be buried." Song You said to him, "At that time, the world will be catastrophe, and thousands of miles of corpses will be buried."


The emperor's expression changed slightly.

This is what he thought of earlier, but thinking in his heart is obviously different from being told. Thinking of it by himself is also different from another person's feeling the same way.

"It's actually interesting to talk about history with His Majesty just now, and talk about the world affairs of the previous emperors."

"Where's the fun?"

"Some traditions will continue, as if they are alive." Song You said, "For example, the previous dynasty was unfavorable, and the royal family fought fiercely, so the descendants followed suit, like a curse, until the dynasty perished, and the succession of the throne was full of blood. Before that, the Wei Dynasty was frivolous, so for hundreds of years, the world was full of crazy people. The Yao Dynasty was good at first, but in the middle, it began to emphasize civility over military affairs and guard against military officials. Therefore, the army has not been strong for a time, and it is beaten everywhere."


The old emperor smiled lightly.

It was the first time he had heard of the angle of this sentence.

In fact, sometimes the bigger and more complicated the power structure is, the more afraid of making mistakes. The conservative atmosphere of big families and royal families is more serious than people think, and it takes more courage to change and start a new one.Therefore, a practice of the predecessors has a great influence on future generations beyond imagination, and it is likely to create a tradition.

But it's also a gamble.

Song You below looked at the emperor with calm eyes, knowing that the emperor would not make a decision just because of a few words, and everyone's advice would only add a little weight to one side of his thinking.

But at the same time, he also saw——

Long before tonight, the emperor had already had a tendency in his heart, but he didn't land easily, and naturally he didn't open his mouth easily.

Your own words might speed up the process.

The faster the process, the fewer variables.

always good.

"It sounds like Mr. Song respects General Chen very much." The prime minister next to him raised his glass and greeted Song Youyao with a smile.

"General Chen is a famous general through the ages, but whoever knows his deeds, no matter the predecessors or future generations, who can not respect him? I heard that even thousands of miles to the north, on the grasslands of northern Saibei, people with integrity, even enemies, respect General Chen." Song You also raised his glass with a smile.

The prime minister smiled and put down his cup.

Taking a casual glance from the corner of the corner of the eye, he caught sight of the old emperor's muddy gaze, and was immediately startled.

The Taoist laughed and shook his head.

The emperor was also disappointed.

After a long time, he looked at the Taoist and asked:
"Will the descendants of this generation of Fulongguan have the heart to see the catastrophe and corpses floating thousands of miles away?"

"Thinking about it, no matter how indifferent the successor is, if he doesn't ask about world affairs, he won't have the heart to see this scene." Song You still answered truthfully.

"Sir, I feel at ease when I say that." The emperor sighed again, "I can let Chen Ziyi go back to the north without hurting him, but I don't have a few years to live. Who can say what will happen in the future?"

When the prime minister heard about it, he knew that things had been decided.

"Dayan Guotai Min'an, Chen Ziyi, if the royal family does not force him to rebel, how can he easily rebel?" Song You also replied, "It is really not easy for Your Majesty to have such courage. If this courage can be passed on to future generations or even passed down from generation to generation, it will be even better if it helps the monarchs and ministers trust each other in the future."

"Is it all based on mutual trust?"

"Your Majesty, General Chen is not a person obsessed with power." Song You said, "General Chen came to me again a few days ago, and he also mentioned that now that the war in the north has been peaceful, he will be in command of the five towns in the north. It is not reasonable, and he wants to hand over the military power of the three towns. I think he will come and talk to His Majesty in a few days."

"It's really tiring to lead the soldiers and horses of the five towns." The emperor waved his hand and said, "It's good to let him have less burden."

"The prosperous age is hard-won, I only hope it lasts longer."

"Mr. has the world in mind."

"I'm just a Taoist in the mountains. In this world, it's enough for His Majesty to pretend to be in your heart." Song You shook his head and said, "It's just that I traveled to the north before, and the north was difficult. Even now, the bones of Yuezhou are still exposed in the wild, and there are no chickens crowing for thousands of miles. I really don't want other states to be like this."

The prime minister bowed his head and remained silent.

The head of the palace servant still lowered his head, looking at the cat.

The cat just circled around the emperor and looked at the emperor curiously for a long time, as if looking at the most powerful person in the world.After a while, she felt bored again, and now she walked to the door, stood up and looked out from the threshold, and sometimes when she heard the Taoist speak, she would look back at the Taoist, and it looked like this was not a palace, not an emperor's night banquet, but just a small building in her house, a boring party where the Taoist invited friends.

(End of this chapter)

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