Chapter 370

"May I ask how to get to Yinnan County?"

"do not know……"

"I don't know!"

"It seems to be heading south. I don't know how to get there. No one usually goes to that ghostly place."

"Go and ask elsewhere..."

The transportation and information in this era are really backward. Many people are confined to a small world all their lives. At most, they know how to get to the next village and the county seat. As for other counties, a place a hundred or two hundred miles away I don't know how to go.

No one has even heard of Yinnan County.

The boy dressed in black and white repeatedly bumped into a wall, and couldn't help but feel a little frustrated and tired.

"Don't worry, try another way of asking." Song You said to him with a smile, without any intention of reproach, "It is said that there are tens of thousands of Longwei troops stationed around Yeshan in Yinnan County. They were stationed in Fengzhou and served as the imperial capital. The army in Angzhou defending the south was transferred to Yeshan back then, and there must have been a lot of movement. Now there are tens of thousands of troops, people eat horse chews, and Yinnan is poor, and there must be regular transportation of grain and grass. Moreover, I heard that the national division once The peasants were mobilized to hollow out the entire Yeshan mountain for repairs, and later released the peasants. These peasants may not know which county the mountain they built is in, but they must remember the general direction."

"Yan'an is stupid, she didn't expect that!"

"It's just that you haven't heard that there is a large army stationed in Yeshan, and you haven't heard about the situation in Yeshan." Song You said, "If you have heard of it, you can definitely think of it."

"I see, let's ask."

"The transportation of military rations is sensitive, and most of the cities in the mountains built by civilians are also sensitive. When asking, be careful."


The boy immediately walked back.

After a while, he came back again, with some joy on his face, and said to Song You: "Sir, I have asked, there are indeed teams delivering military rations passing through the county town regularly, usually from the west gate of the county town." There is a road going south, but I heard that it is not far there, and there is no main road, and it may be more troublesome to find the small road, I wonder if the footprints of donkeys and horses are still clear."

"It doesn't matter, we just need to know the general direction first." Song You said with a smile to him, "The yin and ghosts are getting heavier and heavier here, and ghosts from all over the world are gathering here. Wait until a team of ghost messengers arrive at night, just ask the ghost messengers."


The boy was stunned for a moment, feeling somewhat ashamed.

"It's very simple. Anyone can think of it. It's just that panic is not conducive to thinking, so it's better to stay calm when things happen."

"Thank you sir for teaching me!"

"Thank you for your hard work."

The Taoist smiled and walked forward first.

After leaving the city, it is full of barren mountains.

The mountains here are not high or big, but they are very dense. Walking in them requires turning up and down.

After walking for half a day, it is even more difficult to switch to a small road.

No wonder it is said that the roads in Zijun, Fengzhou are difficult.

Fortunately, a food transport team transporting military rations had passed by before, and there were no thorns growing on the roadside. As for the weeds on the road, they should have grown out in the early spring of this year.

These new grasses make wayfinding difficult.

I don't know how the people transporting food find their way every time.

But even so, the national teacher did not order the road to be built, but let it go. Presumably, he did not want to be known by too many outsiders.

Song You walked cautiously.

The swallow is also trying to find its way.

However, the grass is too lush, and the forests in the mountains are too messy. I just don't know how far I've gone astray.

Fortunately, it was getting dark now, so Song You found a grassland with relatively flat terrain and few thorns, cleaned up the gravel, and prepared to rest there.


The swallow landed on a nearby branch, lowered its head and said, "I'm sorry I didn't find the right way..."

"How can you blame yourself at will?" Song You said, "You explored the road for me for a year and a half, and saved me a lot of time and travel, but this is not what you should do. To say Wake up, I don’t know how much I should thank you, but there are only occasional mistakes, and you say that, but it makes me ashamed.”

"I didn't mean that..."

"After that, you must never say that again." Song You said, "You must know that if I didn't have you on this road, I would have made a few dozen miles of mistakes, and if you make mistakes occasionally, no matter how harsh you are, at most it will be just I should thank you less."


Yanzi lowered her head and answered weakly.

Seeing him like this, Song You smiled again: "What's more, I went down the mountain to walk in the human world. The official road is the human world, and this weeds are also the human world. Isn't it another experience? Who knows how to get here? Is it a kind of fate?"


Swallow still replied.

Empress Sanhua turned into a girl and ran to collect firewood.

Make a fire, make a meal, and sleep after eating.

It's just that in the middle of the night, when Song You fell asleep, he found something hard and sharp pecking at his forehead.


Song You woke up and opened his eyes to see, through the first quarter moon, he could see a small black shadow beside him.

"There was a bad accident over there..."

Swallow whispered to him.

Song You quickly woke up.

Looking back, the cat had also woken up early, lying on the edge of the wool felt, poking out one head, staring at the other side of the hill from a distance.

The night is quiet, voices can be heard.

Song You quietly lifted the blanket and walked slowly up the hill.

On the other side of the small hill, there were a few ghost messengers coming, talking while walking, but they didn't escort any ghosts, I don't know if they came out from Yeshan.

But their tone sounded a little frustrated.

"Those two ghosts are not weak, and they were generals. It was a great achievement, but they all came here and ran away. Can you not be angry? It doesn't matter if they run away. What's worse is that we I went to the north a few months ago, and it took so long to come back, but I ended up empty-handed, how can I explain to the higher authorities?"

"Then what can we do? The two of them are highly skilled. We can take a group of ordinary soldiers and ghosts, but if we take them two, even if they take off their armor and weapons, won't they be able to stop them?"

"It must be that you have exposed something!"


"Stop arguing, let's think about how to explain to the superior, let everyone talk about it, and tell the truth when the time comes..."


Someone saw the Taoist on the hillside.

Starlight and moonlight reflected the Taoist figure.

Ghosts see better at night.

"It's a Taoist!"


A group of ghost messengers are either suspicious or vigilant.

"You guys, don't panic. My surname is Song Mingyou, and I'm from a mountain in Yizhou. I don't have any malicious intentions." Song You said to the bottom, "I'm an old acquaintance of the national teacher. I want to visit the national teacher in Yeshan, but what can I do? The road in Zijun is difficult to find and walk, and I accidentally lost my way, so I want to ask some people for directions."

"You want to go to Yeshan?"

"Are you an old acquaintance of the national teacher?"

"How can we trust you?"

"Wait... may I ask what your last name is?"

"My surname is Song and my name is You."

Song You replied patiently.

A group of ghost messengers suddenly fell silent, looking at each other in blank dismay.

Immediately, it was the ghost messenger who was the first to discover something was wrong and said, "Dare to ask, but...but Mr. Song who exorcised demons in the north?"

"Before walking in the north, I got rid of many monsters."


The ghost messengers looked at each other, lowered their eyes, and saw the three-flowered cat at his feet, and immediately bowed their heads in salute.

"I've seen a real person!"

"I've seen a fairy!"

"I've seen your honorable driver..."

Several different titles, but very neat.

"Don't dare to be..."

After Song You finished speaking, he asked again: "How many of you have heard of it?"

"Return to your honorable master, you guys just came back from arresting ghosts in Yanzhou in the north, and heard some ghosts talking about your honorable deeds over there." A ghost messenger said respectfully.



"I just heard from some of you that two ghost generals were detained from Yanzhou and returned?"

"Don't dare to hide your honor, it is two ghost generals, one surnamed Feng and the other surnamed Chang, who were discovered by us while wandering outside. However, they are far more capable than us, even if they take off their weapons and armor, they are not us The only thing we can arrest is that we see that these two people are not small and wandering outside, and they are not good people. We are afraid of causing trouble, so we lied about inviting them to come to the ghost town to be officials, and tried to trick them. When they got here, the two of them went crazy for some reason and ran away again."

"Is that so..."

Song You couldn't help but find it interesting.

These two ghost generals, Feng Daer and General Chang, almost dealt with him when they were in Yanzhou, but they didn't see each other. I didn't expect that almost two years later, I had already arrived in Fengzhou thousands of miles away, and I could still hear him. Their names almost touched the top again.

This is also a kind of fate.

It's just that these two ghost generals are cautious and suspicious, otherwise they would not have run away without hesitation when they heard him coming. It is not easy for this group of ghost messengers to trick them here, so it must be these two ghosts From where did Jiang find out that something was wrong, so he once again staged the scene of two years ago and ran away decisively.

These two ghost generals are not well-behaved, but if Song You were to convict them, it would be very troublesome. It would be good if they could be taken to the ghost city and handed over to a special person to judge them. Now that he has run away, he is too lazy to go bother.

"I don't know how to go to Karma Mountain?"

"Your honor says he is an old friend of the national teacher, so you can't fake it. Your honor is willing to walk at night. If you are willing, we can take your honor there."

"Let us tidy up a little."

"Good good!"

The ghost messenger said hello several times, and was very happy in his heart. If he went back like this, he would definitely not be punished by the superiors.

After Song You turned back, he didn't feel sleepy anymore, so he asked Mistress Sanhua to transform into a human form, lit a lantern and held it for light, packed up his things, and then he and Mistress Sanhua each carried a lantern and followed the group of ghost messengers.

Originally, I thought that if I only asked one way, I would arrive at Yinnan County, and I would not be far from Yeshan Mountain.Due to the spirit of ghosts, there is no grass growing on Yeshan Mountain, and there are troops stationed there. Swallow has the air superiority, so it is easy to find where this mountain is, and then go directly to it.

But this is naturally the best.

So I slept during the day and hurried on the road at night, and walked for about two nights before passing through Yinnan County, and then walked the mountain road for another night before reaching the outskirts of Yeshan.

This place has been blocked by the army.

But the national teacher has already come here to welcome him.

(End of this chapter)

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