I didn't intend to become a fairy

Chapter 69 I'm afraid I met a fairy

Chapter 69 I'm afraid I met a fairy (+2)

Outside Anqing County, Fuji's Grange.

A bamboo house is close to the farmland, and the windows pushed up are pushed up to the maximum by wooden poles, so that the spring breeze and spring light can come in.

There are thousands of hills outside the window, overlapping into a painting.

A scholar sat lazily inside the window. There were a lot of pens, ink, books and inkstones on the table. There was also a pile of straw paper. So he spread the fragrance of ink all over the house, and he was fascinated by the smell.

There is no shortage of paper balls in the bamboo basket next to it.

The scholar picked up the few sheets he had written recently, put them in front of his eyes, read them carefully, altered them from time to time, and thought about them from time to time.

In Nianping County, there are rumors of praying mantis eating people's shadows. Local people will walk around when they encounter praying mantises, especially on sunny days.I heard that the newly appointed county magistrate did not believe it. One day he went out to inspect and sat in the field, but he was actually eaten by a praying mantis. Half of the shadow was eaten when he found it. Only half of the shadow remains.

The scholar went to visit specially, not a rumor.

There is another county beside the Liujiang River. If the local people want to learn how to swim, they don’t go down the river. Instead, they catch a kind of dragonfly in summer and use the dragonfly to bite the child’s navel. After the bite, they will naturally swim.

Upon inquiry, the locals learned how to swim in this way.

The scholar also caught this kind of dragonfly last year, used it to bite his cousin's navel, and then pushed him into the river. I don't know if Anqing's dragonfly is wrong or my cousin is not a child anymore, but it didn't work.

Naturally, these also have to be recorded in the book.

From time to time, deliberate and change a few words.


Looking at it, the scholar thought of the encounter on the Liujiang River at the beginning of this year, and couldn't help smiling for a while.

Although I have heard and memorized many stories, all of which are magical and interesting, but how can they compare with the encounter with that little gentleman?
Across thousands of mountains and rivers, it is impossible to search for Taoist temples.

On the way back, I happened to meet a real person and didn't know it.

It's ingenious, it's indescribable.

And thinking of the elegant demeanor of that gentleman, the pleasure of getting along with him on the boat for a few days, and his encouragement and affirmation of himself, the scholar couldn't help but smile, and it was really hard not to write it down.

After struggling in my heart for a moment, I finally picked up my pen.

Dip in the ink, and hang the pen to ponder, how to write and how to word, so as not to bury the fate on the river.

The sunlight flicked through the window, and the shadows of the flowers moved forward.

The spring breeze blows in the sweet fragrance of cauliflower, which calms people down, but it also blows the straw paper and book pages on the table, turning them rattling, and makes people feel helpless.

Suddenly, the scholar thought again——

Maybe it's because the expert has a feeling, so he entrusted Qingfeng to come for questioning.

Maybe it's because the lonely little ghosts in this world also like these stories written by themselves, and can't wait to read them together.

The scholar smiled, but also took the pen.

The paper is full of writing, and after a rough reading, I feel that the writing is beautiful, the words are beautiful, the words are flowing, there is wit in the indifference, and there is fairy spirit in the wit, I really like it very much.

There is only one topic left.

The scholar pondered silently.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door.


It was my cousin's voice.

The scholar turned his head to look, but frowned.

It's not that I'm afraid that when I open the door, there will be some little ghosts, imitating my cousin's voice to deceive myself, although I have heard and written such stories in the book, but if I really meet them, I will feel calm and polite Invite them to drink a cup of tea.What he was afraid of was that when he opened the door, besides his cousin, there were also the elders of the family and the teacher of the family school standing there, trying to drag him back to his home or the family school.

This is just a farm house, because it is far away from the family house and has a good view, it is only used as a study by him.

After all, writing miscellaneous books is disgraceful these days.

It's not impossible.If I write again at the age of 40 or 60, no one will talk about me anymore.Wait until the age of 20 or [-] to write. Those who can talk about themselves are probably gone long ago. If they can still talk about themselves, I just write them into my story.But now he is only in his [-]s, and the tribe still hopes that he can study hard and get a good reputation.

Those who are as detached from the world and unconstrained by worldly vision like that gentleman are, after all, a minority.

Otherwise, how can you be an expert?


There were still knocks on the door calling him.


The scholar put away the scrap paper, got up and pushed the door open.

I thought that if my cousin brought the elders or teachers from the clan, I would take him to experience the rumor of praying mantis eating shadows this summer, so as to enrich the story in the book with more details.


When the bamboo door opened, there was only one person outside.

My cousin is also in his early twenties, and he stood outside and looked at him with a smile: "I knew you were here! Why did it take you so long to open the door? Could it be that you have hidden a charming female ghost?"

"Just you?"

"Of course! Otherwise?"

"Why are you here?"

"Of course something happened!"

"I'm busy today."

"I just came back from the city and heard some things. I think you must be interested, so I will tell you."

"Is the Liujiang Conference over?"

"Not yet. But after the martial arts competition is over, there is not much excitement to watch. Many idle Jianghu people have dispersed. Only the Jianghu big faction is still there, and they get together to drink and talk every day."

"What did you hear?"

"The waterway from Anqing to Lingbo is connected, do you know?"

"Huh? How did it work?"

"Haha! I knew you hadn't heard of it!"

"Speak quickly!"

"Pour a cup of tea first..."

"Fart! Hurry up!"

"The water demon was eliminated by a passing fairy."

"A passing fairy? Which fairy?"

The scholar quickly moved a chair and stool, sat down with him, and stared at him closely.

"I don't know which god it is. Anyway, it was a shepherd boy who first discovered that the water demon was dead and ran to the city to inform the city officials. A youthful looking fairy wandering around the world, tsk tsk, the fairy water didn't even touch it, and there was no magic trick, the river boiled, bubbling, and the water demon floated up."


"what happened?"

"Can you say that again."

"Cousin don't worry..."

The cousin laughed, he didn't know how dangerous his shadow was at this time, so he just told him from the beginning.

After hearing this, the scholar was stunned for a long time.

For a while, I thought of the stories I had heard about Fulong Temple, and for a while, I remembered the detached demeanor of that gentleman, hiding in the fairy mountains outside the world, walking in the world to cast down demons and eliminate demons at will, and only karma with those who are destined Sometimes, even if a person who has no predestined relationship goes to the door, he can't find it even if he searches the whole mountain. How can this Yinyang Mountain not be a fairy mountain, and how can the people in the mountain not be immortals?

I have something new to write.

However, he didn't want to write at this time, he just wanted to sit for a while and savor the new story and the previous encounter.

The first reader of a book writer is himself.

But I don't know where that gentleman is wandering around at this time, and what he is doing.


There are still two hundred miles away from the boundary of Pingzhou.

Song You was lying on a hilltop.

The soil quality on the mountain is quite good. This piece of soil is full of peas, growing densely, with no gaps visible. From a distance, it looks like a green blanket.

At this time, the peas are not yet mature, but they have already produced fruit, and they have grown to a size slightly larger than mung beans, which can be eaten raw.

Pick a piece of pod, take out the pea, put it in your mouth, it is very tender and refreshing, with a hint of sweetness.

Song You used to eat like this.

When I was in Fulongguan, I planted the peas by myself, so I naturally tossed them casually.When I was young in my previous life, on the way home from school, I ran to other people’s pea fields with my classmates to lie down and eat, relying on the tolerance of adults for children.
Now it is barely considered stealing.

It's just that you have to pay back for eating.

The same thing is, no matter the past or present, no matter the past or the present, this moment is very peaceful.

Lying down and looking up to the sky, my eyes are full of blue sky and white clouds, the breeze blows in front of me, bringing the fragrance of pea seedlings, and a swallow flies freely in the blue sky.

I just feel free, quiet and beautiful inside.

As the saying goes——

I lie on my back in the world without a house, without a tent, so free, without worries, my life is worth such moments.

Song You took another piece of pod and pushed it aside.

There is a bit more sweet taste in the mouth.

"Xiao Xue Suo Suo..."

The three-coloured cat next to him was crawling, sniffing left and right, looking up and down, sometimes jumping up to pounce on the little butterfly on the ground.

This kind of butterfly is only as big as a fingernail, it is blue-purple, and it is difficult to catch.If she caught it, she would take it to the side of the horse, put it all in a cloth pocket, and feed it to the swallows later.

She felt that the swallow was always afraid of her.

The Taoist said that swallows are afraid of cats.

So she never caught a bird to eat during the journey, and she could catch it easily several times, but she held back and let it go, but the swallow was still afraid of her and refused to stand with her.She thought maybe she would catch some worms and feed him to please him, maybe it would be all right.

Song You didn't care about this and let her play.


The swallow passed by at low altitude and left a sentence:
"Sir, someone is here."

As soon as the words fell, a woman's voice sounded:
"Where did the thief come from!?"

Song You straightened up from the ridge immediately.

I saw a woman with tanned skin coming up from the path down the mountain, staring straight at the people in the soil, nervous and angry.

Seeing that she was a Taoist, she relaxed a little, but she was still very angry.

"Who are you? But stealing my peas?"

It's really like in the previous life, when I was a child, I was found by adults when I was eating peas on the mountain.

But it was not that time after all.

"Sister-in-law, don't panic."

Song You just got up with a smile, patted off the soil and grass clippings on his clothes, pointed at the edge of the soil, and immediately a little bit of luster fell, like stars and rain, falling into the finger.

Then he handed over:
"A mountain man from Lingquan County, Xiayizhou travels around the world. Passing by here, he borrows some peas from his sister-in-law to satisfy his cravings. But I definitely don't steal them. The peas here will grow back at most one night, and there may be more than before. Some, sister-in-law, just take a look."


The woman was frightened immediately, not knowing what to say.


Song You bowed to her and walked down the mountain.

The three-flowered cat continued to flop twice, trying to catch the butterfly, turned her head and saw that he was gone, she stared at the butterfly reluctantly, then turned her head and ran after him.The bay red horse walked silently, and the swallows in the sky drew an elegant curve in the air, and they all followed him.

The small road was covered with grasses, and within a short distance, several figures were blocked and could not be seen. Only the sound of the bell of the horse was still faintly heard in the mountains, and the direction could no longer be discerned.

The woman stared blankly, her eyes wide open.

After a long time, I patted my legs.


This is afraid to meet a fairy.

 Thanks to the leader of the "Stars in the Night" boss, bow and show your breasts!
(End of this chapter)

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