Neighbors are cute today too

Chapter 4 Social Animal Girls Have to Work Hard Today

Chapter 4 Social Animal Girls Have to Work Hard Today
After moving the luggage into the house, Li Xingruo also let out a long sigh of relief.

She is a senior student at Sunan University. Like the classmates around her, she found an internship during the winter vacation, and basically didn't stay at school this semester.

It is said that the New Year is not over until the Lantern Festival is over, but as a new social animal who is about to enter work, Li Xingruo left home and returned to school yesterday.

It took a whole day to pack all the luggage in the dormitory, and finally moved to the rented room today. This is also the beginning of her first time living alone, and she is in a strange mood!

As a graduate of Soochow University majoring in literature, Li Xingruo found a job as an intern editor, and his daily work consisted of reviewing manuscripts, requesting manuscripts, and writing reports.

It's time to start working tomorrow!

Well, it's not considered a formal job, but starting tomorrow, she will participate in a four-day training and study. In short, she has to change her mentality first.

Thinking of this, Li Xingruo is still a little nervous. There is a small group in their dormitory. The other girls either stay in school to continue their graduate studies, or find internship jobs early and start working. She is the last one in the group. Listening to sisters complaining about work every day, it seems that being a social person is not an easy task.

For this, Li Xingruo is also mentally prepared. I hope that the author can submit the manuscript diligently, that the leader will not be too idiotic, that overtime work will not be too late, and that it is enough to catch the last bus...

Putting the luggage aside first, Li Xingruo walked around the room to take a look at the environment.

The apartment is a small apartment with an area of ​​[-] square meters, with two bedrooms and one living room. It would have been nice if I could find my girlfriends to share the rent together. Unfortunately, it is too far away from where my girlfriends work, so Li Xingruo had to rent it by himself.

The rent is also not cheap. In southern Jiangsu, a house like this costs more than 2000 yuan a month in rent, and her own internship salary is only [-] yuan. She originally wanted to change to a remote urban village or something, but the old Parents disagreed, so my aunt asked her to find this house for her to live in with peace of mind, and she still paid her living expenses every month.

This made Li Xingruo feel uneasy, he even received his living expenses after an internship, and made Alexander really have to work hard to make money, and strive to gain a foothold in this big city on his own as soon as possible.

After the previous tenant moved out, the landlord also cleaned the house. The overall house looks clean. The refrigerator, air conditioner, stove, water heater, washing machine and other furniture are also complete. You don’t need to buy extra, just pack your bags and move in.

I just moved here today, so it's not practical to cook by myself, and I still haven't bought a lot of daily necessities.

Li Xingruo entered the new address, ordered a takeaway, and then called his mother on WeChat to report that he was safe.

"Hello? Mom~!"

"Ruoruo, have you eaten yet?"

"Not yet, I just moved all the luggage from the dormitory to the rented room, and ordered a takeaway, which will be eaten later! Have you eaten yet?"

"Just after rice, you should eat less takeaway, and cook more by yourself when you have time. Eating too much takeaway is unhealthy."

"I know, mom."

"Have you been to the rental house yet? How is it? Let's take a video and see."

"That's it, now, you see for yourself—"

Li Xingruo switched the WeChat voice call to a video call, and the figure of his mother appeared on the screen. She was preparing to cook in the kitchen at the moment. After seeing the video, she put down her work and looked curiously at the house rented by her daughter. .

"This is the living room, and this room is bigger, I will sleep here! Then this is the bathroom, this is the kitchen..."

The room is not big, so Li Xingruo took a stroll around with his mobile phone and finished taking pictures.

"So small?"

"It's not too small! The single room my friends rented is even smaller, and they don't even have a living room. I'm fine!"

"Your aunt asked you to live in her house, but you don't want to."

"Oh, I'm not a child anymore. Now high school students have to call me sister when they see me. It's not convenient to live at my aunt's house. I don't want to cause trouble for my aunt. My place is fine and safe. Whatever, don't worry."

Li Xingruo acted coquettishly with his mother, Lin Lu's eyes widened when she saw her, she must have looked like this, a sister who obviously looked quite aloof!

"Then I don't care about you. You should pay attention to safety when you live by yourself. Remember to lock the door when you get home, you know?"

"Know it."

"How are the neighbors? Is there anyone who looks weird?"

"No, everything is fine."

"That's good. Get on good terms with people. They say that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. It's best to help each other with anything. If you have bad intentions, don't associate with them."

"Know it."

"Is the company you work for far from the rented house? Walk or take the bus?"

"It's very close! It's only four stops by bus, but it's a bit farther to go to the branch office during the four days of training..."

"Then remember if you're on the way. It's a small matter to be late. Don't lose yourself."

"There are navigations now! I came here from the dormitory myself, and I'm not a child anymore, so I won't lose it!"

In the video, the mother sneered and mercilessly exposed the dark history of her daughter——

"I'm ashamed to say that in the first year of high school, you went to live at your aunt's house, and you ran out to wander around on your own. I don't know who got lost. I sat in the park all afternoon and didn't know how to get home!"

"I, my phone was out of battery at that time!" Li Xingruo was embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, mom won't nag you anymore. Now it's hard for college students to find a job after graduation. It's best for you to find the company you like. You need to learn more experience for internships. It doesn't matter if you have more money or less money. It's not enough to spend." Remember to tell your mother that you should get along with your colleagues more often, be sweeter, smarter, ask people if you don’t understand, it’s best to get the appreciation of your leaders, and strive to become a regular as soon as possible, but don’t work too hard, Mom sees In the news, young people often have accidents. If it is too hard, you will not stay in Sunan and come home. Your father and I don’t need you to support our family. Your health is the most important thing, you know."

Li Xingruo has heard her mother's nagging countless times at home, and she can recite the same words backwards and forwards, but at this moment, her heart is still warm, and she said obediently: "Got it, Mom~!"

"You don't have anyone to take care of you outside. If you meet someone suitable, go everywhere!"


Li Xingruo was very touched just now, but now he is speechless: "You told me not to fall in love when I was studying, and you just urged me to find a partner since I just practiced?"

"I didn't tell you not to talk about it, you didn't meet someone you like, so blame mom?"

"Anyway... Anyway, I don't have the heart to fall in love right now, hard work is the most important thing!"

"I don't care about you anymore, just drink whatever you like, remember to drink plenty of water, you know? I don't like to drink water at ordinary times, and I don't listen to it no matter how many times I say it."

"Got it, look, I brought a kettle, it's so big!"

"I don't know if the water in your rented house is dry or not. If it smells..."

"Mom, the phone is out of gas! Let's do this first, bye!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Xingruo breathed a sigh of relief. As expected, all mothers in the world are the same, saying "I will stop nagging you", is actually the subtext of the next nagging sentence. After the next chapter, I didn't do anything, just listen to my mother nagging nagging.

After finishing the call, she was alone in the small house, and the space seemed extraordinarily quiet. The floor was also high, and the ground could not be heard even when the windows were opened, which made Li Xingruo feel the loneliness that is unique to newcomers to society.

It seems that the predecessors are right, the first step into society is to get used to loneliness.

Before the takeaway came, Li Xingruo packed her luggage first, and cleaned up by the way. She loves to be clean, so she has to do it again so that she can live comfortably.

Feeling a little hungry, Li Xingruo took a candy from his bag and ate it first, and couldn't help but recall the embarrassing thing his mother just mentioned.

I still remember that day when I got lost and went to a certain park, where I met a little boy.

At that time, she thought that the little boy was also lost, but she didn't expect that his parents were divorced. Li Xingruo didn't have the nerve to tell him that his sister was lost, so the two brothers and sisters, who had different experiences, spent a bitter time in the park together. Afternoon sun...

I don't know what the little boy is like now, but I remember that he is a very cute little fat man.

Cute little fat man... I guess he's disabled now.

(End of this chapter)

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