The heavens are vertical and horizontal, starting from Yitian

Chapter 138 You Don't Know What You're Facing

Chapter 138 You Don't Know What You're Facing

Ma Xianhong was stunned by the question, he stood there silent for a long time, and said in a low voice: "The company is not the only one who wants to deal with me?"

Xu Qian shook his head and sighed: "You still haven't understood the core question: who doesn't want you to successfully make the self-cultivation stove?"

Who wouldn't want him to successfully make a self-cultivation stove?

Ma Xianhong frowned in thought, and said in a deep voice: "People from the company, and those high-ranking people in the circle?"

Xu Qian didn't answer him immediately. He reached out to catch a leaf blown by the wind, and held it in front of his eyes to observe its texture carefully: "Are you so sure that ordinary people will like your self-cultivation furnace?"

Ma Xianhong's eyes widened.

At this time, he finally understood what Xu Qian was going to tell him, and he also knew the question that he had ignored all the time.

The reason for ignoring it is because Ma Xianhong has always taken it for granted that his self-cultivation furnace is good and beneficial to ordinary people, and ordinary people will definitely accept it and will not object.

As long as he succeeds in producing the self-cultivation stove and tries to spread it, ordinary people will definitely accept it with singing and rapping, but ordinary people are a large group, far more than non-human beings, will they think the same?

Xu Qian let go of the leaves in his hands, looked back at Ma Xianhong, saw him standing there in meditation, and said with a smile: "It seems that you have already understood the core of the problem. You only considered that the self-cultivation furnace is beneficial to ordinary people, but you never thought about ordinary people. Whether people will accept it, whether they have the ability to accept it."

Ma Xianhong said with difficulty: "Why won't they accept it?"

"Because it's two o'clock!"

Xu Qian stretched out a finger: "The first point is that they are unwilling to accept it, which involves the social structure of ordinary people. The society of ordinary people is different from that of other people. You also know this. Their social environment Far more stable than the alien world."

"They can study stably, work stably, get married and have children. Even though they don't have all kinds of magical abilities and means like aliens, they live a stable life. But if they become aliens, can their current stability be guaranteed? ? You, Ma Xianhong, promised them?"

Ma Xianhong didn't speak. He might be able to guarantee the stability of Biyou Village, but how could he guarantee a stable environment for everyone.

Xu Qian continued: "The difference between aliens and ordinary people will inevitably lead to changes in the social model. Changes mean turmoil, accidents, disasters, and even wars!"

"There is a saying, 'It is better to be a dog of peace than to be a chaotic person'. Why do you think they will abandon the current stable social model and re-explore a model that does not know the future?"

Ma Xianhong remained silent, for the first time he realized that his previous thinking was naive.

He didn't think about this at all, he just thought that the self-cultivation furnace was good for ordinary people, so it would definitely be accepted.

"This is just the first point, but some people don't accept it, and there must be ordinary people who want to accept it."

These words made Ma Xianhong's gloomy eyes light up, and regained their brilliance: Yes, if some people don't accept it, then it's better not to let them use the self-cultivation furnace, and just transform those who are willing to accept it into aliens.

Just thinking about this, Ma Xianhong suddenly woke up: No, he wants to turn all ordinary people into aliens. He wants to create a world where there is no difference between ordinary people and aliens. If only those who are willing to accept are transformed into aliens, Doesn't that deviate from his ideas?
But how to solve this problem?

Kill all those ordinary people who are unwilling to transform into aliens?

For a while, Ma Xianhong felt a headache!

Xu Qian stretched out another finger: "Second point, have you ever thought that the company will hinder you, and the big bosses in the alien world will hinder you, but have you ever thought that no high-level ordinary people will hinder you?"

Ma Xianhong's voice was hoarse, as if he had been thirsty for a long time: "Is it because of the lipstick line?"

In this world, there is a ratio red line between the alien population and the world's population—one in [-]. This is the researched population ratio of all countries in the world under one person, which means the ratio of the alien population that the world can tolerate to the world's population.

If the population of aliens continues to increase, once the ratio exceeds one in [-], the awareness of ethnic cohesion among the originally loose aliens will become stronger and stronger, and the risk of ordinary people becoming aware of the existence of aliens will increase.

As the proportion continues to increase, breaking through a certain threshold of pressure in human society, similar to the extermination of Buddha in the Northern Wei Dynasty, or the witch hunting incident in the European Middle Ages will repeat itself.

Xu Qiandao: "The lipstick line? You have to figure out the reason behind the lipstick line, why does this lipstick line exist, this is the key!"

"The difference between aliens and ordinary people is that aliens have strong individuals and a small number, while ordinary people have a large number of individuals and are relatively weak. If the population of aliens expands, in case aliens want to become the master of the world one day, they will be compared with ordinary people. People are divided into two classes, they are superior, and ordinary people are slaves, if you were an ordinary person, would you be willing? Do you think this kind of thing will happen?"

Ma Xianhong didn't answer, he knew the answer very well.

If the alien population increases, this is something that is bound to happen.

At that time, aliens will not regard ordinary people as the same kind, but as slaves, or even pig and dog food.

"Furthermore, have you ever thought about the high-level ordinary people? Those in power, those celebrities and nobles, those capitalists, do they think that everyone can be transformed into a different person?"

Seeing the expression on Ma Xianhong's face, Xu Qian sighed: "It seems that you haven't thought about it! If I were a person in power among ordinary people, a celebrity aristocrat, or a capitalist, I would never want those mud-legged people to be transformed into strangers! "

Speaking of this, Xu Qian exploded a foul language: "Everyone has become a different person, how can I show that I am noble and different?"

"Besides, everyone is different, and they all have magical abilities. There are too many variables, and it is more difficult to manage and control. It is not conducive to their rule!"

Ma Xianhong's body trembled suddenly, Xu Qian's words were like whispers of a demon, hitting his heart directly, causing a huge wave in his heart.

"Have you ever heard the saying 'the poor rely on mutation, the rich rely on technology'?"

"When everyone is an ordinary person, I have power, I have money, and I have a noble background, then I will leave 90.00% of the people behind. Even if those poor people work hard for ten lives, I am afraid they will not be able to catch up." In my current class, the class is so distinct, how beautiful the world is. But what if everyone becomes a different person?"

Without Ma Xianhong's answer, Xu Qian asked and answered by himself: "Maybe as long as there is a mutation, there will be mud legs from the bottom against the sky, rushing directly to the level that my ancestors have accumulated for several generations. How could I be willing to be mud legs?" Are the poor ghosts catching up?"

"So even if I can't become a stranger myself, I definitely don't want those mud-legged poor ghosts to become strangers!"

Xu Qian showed a smile, which fell into the eyes of Ma Xianhong and Guo Liang, which was extremely creepy.

"The same is true for those big shots in the alien circle. They have gained their current status and power through the abilities they have mastered. Why should they add variables to their lives?"

"The more aliens there are, the higher the probability that there will be someone who can pull them down!"

"If I were those big bosses, I wish that most of the aliens would die, and it would be best if only my family or a few dominate!"

Ma Xianhong and Guo Liang were stunned when they heard this, and immediately felt a chill in their hearts.

Especially Ma Xianhong, Xu Qian's words simply subverted his previous cognition. He knew that he would encounter enemies and obstacles, but he didn't know that the enemy would be like this.

(End of this chapter)

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