Chapter 384 Naruto Without True Self

Namikaze Minato thought a lot in an instant, and his face became serious. Some things changed a lot after his death, which was not what he expected before his death.

Ning Ci said: "This is Naruto's experience over the years, some I have seen with my own eyes, and some I have heard about."

Ningji Hinata's hands formed claws and brought them together in front of him. A ball of light formed between his claws. When he pulled his left and right hands, the ball of light flew up and turned into pictures and sounds.

This is the memory of Uzumaki Naruto that Neji copied from his own consciousness, and he even thoughtfully subtitled it.

Namikaze Minato glanced at it, and saw Naruto Uzumaki being coldly looked at by villagers, verbally insulted, and even directly chased and beaten by villagers. Words such as "demon fox", "beast", "why isn't it dead?" , Those people can't wait to beat Naruto to death immediately.

Those voices were even more outrageous. Some said that they deliberately did not sell things to Naruto yesterday, and some said that they tampered with the things they sold to Naruto...

Full of malice and hatred towards Naruto!

Namikaze Minato frowned deeply, even because of his sunny and gentle personality, he was also dissatisfied, and the third generation didn't care about it?It is impossible for the third generation not to send people to stare at Naruto, but he just allows these people to bully Naruto?
Could it be that he also wants to use other Ninja Village's methods of treating Jinchuriki, tormenting Jinchuriki, erasing his unnecessary emotions, and making him a weapon for the village?
Has Konoha also fallen to this point?
Thinking about this, Namikaze Minato thanked Neji: "Thank you little brother for telling me this. If it wasn't for little brother, I wouldn't know how Naruto lived in the village these years. It was because I didn't think carefully back then, which hurt me he!"

Namikaze Minato changed the subject, and asked again: "Little brother told me this, what do you want to do? I don't think Naruto is currently in the village!"

Namikaze Minato stared at Neji seriously. He wanted to know Neji's purpose, so he deliberately said the last sentence, "I don't think Naruto is currently in the village!", actually reminding Neji: I thank you for telling me Naruto situation, but I don't want you to take Naruto to defect to the village, if so, I will stop you.

Although he knows Naruto's situation in Konoha, Namikaze Minato still loves the village, is willing to believe in the village, and hopes that Naruto will stay in Konoha.

How could Neji fail to understand the meaning of Namikaze Minato?Said: "Four generations of Hokage don't worry, if you and Naruto think it's better to stay in Konoha, I won't take him away by force. After all, the seniors said, 'It's hard to persuade a damn ghost', and sometimes you have to 'let go of the complex of helping others. , to respect the fate of others'."

"I told the Fourth Hokage, first, I want you and Uzumaki Kukuna to prove to Naruto his life experience, to prove that I didn't lie to him, that he is really the son of the Fourth Hokage; second..."

Neji paused intentionally: "Ask the fourth generation a question. If you were Naruto and experienced Naruto's experience, what would you do? Would you feel hatred in your heart?"

Namikaze Minato didn't quite understand what Neji meant. He frowned and thought for a while, then chose to follow his heart and replied: "I may not hate the village, but I should feel hatred and anger towards those who bully me!"

Neji asked again: "Then if you know your life experience, what will happen to you and Uzumaki Kukuna-senpai who caused the predicament? To the third Hokage who concealed his life experience, and the person behind the scenes who secretly spread the rumors of the 'demon fox', what will happen?" how?"

Still unable to think of Neji's purpose, Namikaze Minato replied honestly: "If I were Naruto, I would hold grudges against me and Kukina, I would doubt Sandai's motives, and I would resent those who spread rumors .”

Ning Ci said: "That's right, this is the reaction that a normal person should have! Then do you know Naruto's psychological state?"

Namikaze Minato was taken aback, what do you mean, Naruto's mental state is not normal?

Ning Ci said: "Naruto has no resentment towards you at all. He even thought it was right for them to seal Nine-Tails in his body back then. He has no hatred or hatred towards the three generations and the villagers who have bullied him!"

Isn't that great?It shows that my little guy is broad-minded and generous, able to tolerate what ordinary people cannot tolerate, and can tolerate what ordinary people cannot tolerate.

No, no, a normal person shouldn't have these mentalities, he should be angry and hateful, instead of turning into a monster who is positive about everything!

'This boy from the Hyuga family wanted to tell me that someone controlled Naruto's mind and changed his spiritual consciousness! '

Namikaze Minato reacted, and his expression became extremely serious, because it showed that someone wanted to control Naruto psychologically and transform him into the desired shape from the inside.

Is Naruto Uzumaki who has been artificially modified considered their son?Had their real son already died under this modification, and now it was just another person living in their son's skin?

Namikaze Minato looked dignified, quickly formed seals in front of him, and quickly sensed everything about Naruto's body, but soon, he looked at Neji, and he did not feel that Naruto had cast illusions or other spells.

Ning Ci said: "You can't see that kind of perception mode, and I can see it through these eyes. Fourth generation, I will share my perspective with you."

Neji stretched out his right hand, and a ball of light appeared in his palm, flying down towards Namikaze Minato.

Namikaze Minato took a look and grasped the ball of light. His chakra and Neji's chakra were instantly connected. He saw Neji's perspective, and his eyes turned into white eyes at this moment.

From this perspective, he saw something he had never seen before:

That is the Chakra in Naruto's body. The orange-red Chakra with violent and hateful aura belongs to Kyuubi. It is the Chakra left by him and Kukina. It is Naruto's own Chakra. Sure enough It's the same as Kukina...huh?what is that?
There is a special kind of chakra hidden in Naruto's own chakra, that kind of chakra is extremely hidden, almost the same as Naruto's chakra, without these special eyes, it is basically impossible to see, even with these The eyes need to be quite careful to notice.

The hiding is too deep, basically and Naruto tend to be one!
Moreover, that kind of chakra gave him a strange feeling, inexplicably made him feel warm and sunny, and his mood became unnaturally happy, and all the negative emotions in his heart were fading.


Namikaze Minato woke up suddenly, the chakra was weird, it dispelled the negative psychology of people's hearts, and magnified the positive emotions of people's hearts.

This seems to be a good thing, but as a normal person, a real person, how can there be only positive emotions and no negative emotions?
Thinking that Naruto has been under the influence of this chakra for a long time, Minato Namikaze's eyes suddenly became sharp. Is his little guy a real little guy?

Some people want to control Naruto psychologically, thinking and thinking are what that person wants. In other words, Naruto has no self at all, and his current self is an illusion created by chakra!
(End of this chapter)

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