Daojun: Start with the top-grade golden elixir

Chapter 135 1 Element Mana Force Overwhelms Ever-changing Tianheng, and the Storm Is Coming

Chapter 135 One Element Mana Force Overwhelms Ever-changing Tianheng, and the Storm Is Coming
When Meng Fusheng was struggling with the five Nascent Soul Venerables of Tianhengzong, Xu Zhuang took the lead to pull out the escape light, and noticed that Jiang Chengzi was following him, and he didn't stop there, fleeing upwards like lightning, but he reached the extreme in a short while. High in the sky, completely cloudless, filled with the rays of the sun.

Xu Zhuang turned his eyes back, and seeing Jiang Chengzi following closely behind, he couldn't help but think to himself: "The third level of Yuanying is really good, I have spared no effort to force escape, Jiang Chengzi can still follow closely." Afterwards, it can be seen from this that even though my Taoism has been refined into Gangyun and has the blessings of meritorious deeds, it has not reached the eighth or ninth level after all, and it may not be much better than Jiang Chengzi."

Having said that, Xu Zhuang didn't feel alarmed, instead he became very excited and folded his body, ready to meet the enemy.

It didn't take long for him to cultivate the Nascent Soul, but his supernatural powers had already improved tremendously compared to the time when the golden elixir was achieved. The few opponents he met, all of them were dealt with casually, and he even had an inexplicable illusion of incomparable superiority. .

Of course, Xu Zhuang knew in his heart that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky, but now he is indeed a bit impatient. In the previous battle with He Haojun, the Dharma body used a lot of swordsmanship, which even made him feel that he has improved. Now he is stronger than He Haojun. Jiang Chengzi really made him look forward to it.

However, what Xu Zhuang didn't expect was that Jiang Chengzi, who was chasing after him at this time, felt a little dignified in his heart.

Xu Zhuang's arrogant provocation had already greatly touched Jiang Chengzi's nerves. He wished he could catch up and cut Xu Zhuang under his horse immediately. When the secret technique envoy came, he firmly bit Xu Zhuang and castrated him.

Although Jiang Chengzi is not particularly good at escapism, he is not someone who can easily be overwhelmed by a second-tier Nascent Soul cultivator. He is arrogant, not stupid. , at least not only is the method of evasion profound, but also the skill is not low, but it can no longer be underestimated."

But the most urgent thing is to catch up with Xu Zhuang first, otherwise if he can't maintain his secret technique, he might lose his position in an instant. When he was thinking about it, he suddenly saw Xu Zhuang stop his castration, he couldn't help being slightly happy, and thought: "Great opportunity, we can't let him get away again!"

So without further ado, Jiang Chengzi shook his body, and the clouds swelled, and a black star flew out. It was just a flicker, and it had turned into a big black hand with a radius of several thousand feet. The chaotic force field was in the palm of the hand. It seems to have disturbed the space, showing a twist like a vortex.

Compared with He Haojun, Jiang Chengzi's Taoism is obviously more profound. As soon as he raised his big hand, the chaotic situation immediately spread for more than ten miles, covering Xu Zhuang faintly, cutting off the possibility of Xu Zhuang escaping, showing the real "capture" supernatural power .

However, Xu Zhuang just stood in the air, and with a long shout, a cloud that seemed to have thousands of colors and brilliance, also seemed to be colorless and invisible, rose slowly from the top of the zenith.

For the first time since Xu Zhuanglian became Yuanying, he exerted all his mana with all his strength. Before his supernatural powers developed, a vigorous and vigorous momentum has burst out from the cloud representing Taoism!

It seems to have come into being from nothing, the world was opened up, the sea is changing, the ancient time flows like water, the universe, the world, the five elements, and even the sun, the moon, the galaxy, yin and yang, all kinds of breaths are in full bloom, in the clouds, it seems like thunder rolling With a loud bang, Xiantian Taisu blatantly struck out with a qi grab!

Maybe it was extremely slow, maybe in an instant, two thousand-foot-long hands bumped into each other in the air, Jiang Chengzi let out a loud shout, and the majestic mana came in, immediately boosting the force field, attracting, repelling, pulling, pushing, extreme pressure, tearing , turning... Countless chaotic forces acted on Xiantian Taisu's great capture of energy at the same time, Jiang Chengzi had spared no effort, trying to break Xu Zhuang's Taoism in vain, and won this battle in one fell swoop.

The next moment, Jiang Chengzi's gaze was shocked, and he saw that Xiantian Taisu's qi grab ignored any force field, pierced through the pitch-black big hand, and took it down without any loss of power!
Confusion flowed through Jiang Chenzi's heart in an instant, and in the next instant, boundless strength came to him. The dignified Yuanying three great monks were actually detained in this way, no matter how much their mana was pumped up, they couldn't move an inch.

Jiang Chengzi finally understood what kind of opponent he was facing, his Taoism, and his countless force fields were as meaningless as mosquitoes and ants scratching an itch.

As a result of Xu Zhuangxing, with a full one yuan of magic power, he used Xiantian Taisu's one qi to capture it, and smashed it majesticly!
"How can a monk at the second level of Nascent Soul have such terrifying supernatural powers?" In Jiang Chengzi's eyes, there was an inexplicable expression as if his conception had collapsed. Despair, hatred, and regret could all be tasted, and they were finally buried in the darkness.

Xiantian Taisu's qi-grabbing hand suddenly closed, and he squeezed lightly, there was a muffled sound like an explosion, and he returned to calm.

Standing in the air, Xu Zhuang, the three-element elephant-body Dafa naturally operated, and the exhausted one-element mana naturally retreated into the depths, and a new full-fledged mana emerged. Xu Zhuang's face did not show joy, but a hint of disappointment.

Congenital Tai Su Yi Qi Great Capture, this supreme supernatural power has been his best and most reliable method since he comprehended it. With the improvement of his cultivation, the profundity of Taoism has already reached an unimaginable state. No substitute technique, no method of moving, can never escape his detention.

And he really didn't feel the slightest sign that Jiang Chengzi had escaped from his grasp. A Nascent Soul triple major monk seemed to have been defeated so easily in his hands. He seemed to have escaped and hid in some incomparably solid object, but no matter what, he was already a turtle in the urn, and it seemed that he had no strength to resist him.

Xu Zhuang shook his head, and was about to turn the congenital Taisu's great capture into a ball of confinement, first to suppress Jiang Chengzi's Nascent Soul and his treasures, and leave them for later processing, but suddenly his heart skipped a beat and he pulled out violently. As soon as he retreated, he flew a few miles away.

I saw that in the palm of Xiantian Taisu's big grasping grasp, there was a sudden shocking sound, the big hand exploded, and the destructive breath and overflowing vitality swept out like a tide, blowing Xu Zhuang's clothes fluttering, and his big sleeves fluttered fly.

Xu Zhuang opened his Dharma eyes and looked in against the strong wind. Sure enough, a dark black light flew out of it. The fragment completely lost its aura and fell into the sky.

Xu Zhuang's eyes narrowed, and a sudden surprise appeared in his heart. Jiang Chengzi actually defeated Xiantian Taisu and escaped from the Yuanying at the cost of destroying the magic weapon. In this way, it seems that there is still... maybe a little suspense in this battle.

Although Jiang Chengzi lost his body and even destroyed the magic weapon, since he has such a fruit, it is not impossible to fight again.

However, to Xu Zhuang's surprise, the moment Jiang Chengzi Yuanying escaped from the fragments of the magic weapon, his figure seemed to evaporate, shrunk suddenly, and pulled out an astonishing rainbow light. Flee quickly in the opposite direction.

Xu Zhuang's gaze was slightly solemn, he never expected that Jiang Chengzi's Guojue would be used for escape.

The Nascent Soul is not like a physical body at all, and it flies away extremely fast. Jiang Chengzi immediately ignited the blessing of the original power of the Nascent Soul, and instantly flew at an incredible speed. It was nearly times faster, and for a moment, Jiang Chengzi seemed to have escaped from the sky.

Although it was just Nascent Soul who escaped, if he was allowed to return to the Tianheng Cave to preside over the formation, then it would be meaningless for Xu Zhuang to win the formation, so this is something Xu Zhuang would never allow.

Seeing that Jiang Chengzi had fled tens of miles away in an instant, Xu Zhuang had no choice but to make up his mind, turned over with one hand, revealing a thin brocade handkerchief, and thought: "Unexpectedly, I have not participated in the competition for the wicked Taoist." , it really came in handy.”

Xu Zhuang has always been proud, but when it is time to be cautious, he will never be tired of arrogance. This time, all the opponents he faces are Nascent Soul Dacheng, and they are also people in power. Unfortunately.

Although he is absolutely confident that he can win, but this time he went to battle, he also prepared all the means that can be used in the background, such as Wu Qi He Ying Pocket. Now that it is time to use it, he does not feel it is a pity that the treasure is in his hands , if it cannot be used, it is no different from a fine collection.

Without any further hesitation, Xu Zhuang spit out his mana on the Wuqi Heying pocket, aroused five of the Qi, pointed at Jiang Chengzi's figure, and shouted: "Definitely!"


In the Tianpu method meeting place, when the fighting method was at its most intense, Meng Fusheng used a fire spirit to instantly kill two of the five members of Tianhengzong and injure one. Instantly reduced.

As for the remaining three members of Tianhengzong, although they were extremely furious, they restrained their hands and feet when they moved their hands. They were afraid that Meng Fusheng still had a powerful method like the magic light of fire, so they didn't dare to press too hard. Meng Fusheng's mana was exhausted.

As a result, Meng Fu was born right in the middle, relying on the superiority of the mana of the three-element elephant body, he managed to deal with it with ease, and fought for a long time, but he did not fall into a disadvantage.

However, such a situation obviously did not satisfy the Tianheng Sect members, especially Li Yi, who gradually couldn't hold back anymore, he exchanged winks with the two fellow sects, and suddenly made frequent killing moves, pressing every step of the way.

Just when Li Yi was about to force Meng Fusheng into a trap and reveal his flaws, he suddenly heard a loud bang like the sky crashing and the earth cracking. Seeing the white qi diffuse above, it is hard to see clearly.

Meng Fusheng's eyes were shaken, he almost lost his voice, and he called out in private: "That's Xiantian Taisu's one-energy capture? Could it be Master Xu..."

Meng Fusheng still couldn't believe it in his heart, but his face lost his composure. Tianhengzong and his party were not clear about the situation at first, but when they saw Meng Fusheng's expression was wrong, they were overjoyed.

Li Yi's heart relaxed, Meng Fusheng's fire-like divine light was so powerful that he was really terrified. If the magical talisman was forged by Xu Zhuang, he would really be sweating for Jiang Chengzi. Fortunately, now it seems that There is no need to worry too much.

Just pulling himself together and preparing to win the battle quickly, he suddenly heard Elder Wang behind him question: "Is that so?" The other person had already shouted: "Jade Seal, Master!"

Li Yi looked up in a daze, and saw a jade fragment flying down, although the aura was dim, but as a member of the Tianheng sect, how can he not be able to distinguish the original appearance, he was immediately horrified.

How long has it been since Jiang Chengzi chased him to the sky?He waited for five against one, but he still hadn't won the battle. No matter how he fought, the magic weapon of the town teacher was broken. This...

What happened to Jiang Chengzi?

When the three of them were wondering at the same time, five colors suddenly burst out in the sky, and the divine light traveled across the sky, flying out for hundreds of miles in an instant, as if they were connected in a ring in the air, circulating endlessly, and finally all went back together, condensed into one point, and shone for a moment , there was no more movement.

After a short time, I saw the cloud and air naturally dissipate, and the white rainbow flew out from the inside, and a handsome and extraordinary white-clothed Taoist appeared in the sky. His eyes swept across the field, and he nodded slightly at Meng Fusheng, flatly boasting: " Nephew Meng, you did a great job."

Meng Fusheng readily responded: "Thank you for your praise, Master Uncle, I don't know how the battle is going for Master Uncle?"

Xu Zhuang just smiled, his eyes fell on Li Yi and the others, and he said flatly: "The one who surrenders will not die."

When the three of them heard the words, there was no luck at once, their faces were as pale as the sky had fallen, let alone the three of them, all the spectators on the stage in the arena were dumbfounded.

Jiang Chengzi, the outstanding master of Tianhengzong, drove He Haojun out of the sect, and the three great monks of Yuanying who had been assigned the position of Dongtian, were defeated by this person in a short time. It is really hard imagine.

His lips and teeth trembled for a moment, Li Yiqiang raised his spirits and asked: "If I wait to surrender, what do you want to do with Tianhengzong?"

Xu Zhuang said calmly: "Virtue is not worthy, so I have to give up the big domain. No matter if I retreat to the prefecture or county, my sect does not want to pursue it."

Li Yi smiled wryly, and said with difficulty: "Your Excellency, I, Tianhengzong, is the descendant of the ancestor of the Earth Immortal. The blessings of the land have been around for thousands of years, and the Tianheng Domain is named by this sect..."

Xu Zhuang responded indifferently: "If you don't follow through with death, you will have to perish."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked, especially the people of the three sects, their faces were already heavy, and even the elders of the Long Xiangzong were very unhappy.

Venerable Youming of the Xiyi Sect frowned several times, but he was originally concerned about Jiang Chengzi's status, and now he was afraid of Xu Zhuang's power, so he pondered for a moment, but called Venerable Deming beside him, gave a few orders, and Deming responded with a salute , quickly stepped off the jade platform, and went outside the venue.

Apart from the Xiyi Sect, the other two Sects also behaved differently, Yang Biji saw it in his eyes, stopped talking among the elders, and looked up.

Li Yi was very entangled, finally sighed, and said: "I have received the favor of the sect to support me, I must not surrender, I can only fight to the death."

Hearing the sound, the elder with a broken leg on the other side cheered up, and shouted: "That's right, the left and the right can only die, and the battle is over."

On the other side, the elder who was the first to escape under the fire god's light showed a tangled look on his face, but he didn't respond after all, but just sacrificed the magic weapon.

Xu Zhuang saw everything in his eyes, and smiled lightly: "Okay, I respect you all, you can make a move."

The three of them looked at each other, but put away their heavy expressions, looked at each other with a smile, then shouted in unison, and jumped up!

With one hand behind Xu Zhuang's back, he pulled out a small silver sword from his hair with one hand, and stood it in front of his eyes, as if appreciating it for a moment, and then flicked it with his fingers.

"Chop!" Following Xu Zhuang's faint sound, a brilliant platinum sword light flashed past, and Tian Yun, who had been messed up by several fights, suddenly cut open!
(End of this chapter)

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