General Qin.

Chapter 7 Qin Army Camp

Chapter 7 Qin Army Camp
Jing Ke supported Che Shi, felt the stability of the road, and couldn't help nodding slightly.

He looked at the young man in front of him who was concentrating on driving the chariot, and the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

That's a good choice, maybe reconsider?
But it needs to change the time, because at this time, on the road ahead, a ranger in black armor has already appeared.

In the distance behind the ranger, one can faintly see the camps connected together.

Over the endless barracks, the black flag fluttered in the wind. From a distance, it looked like a long black dragon hovering over the land of Yanzhao.

The black dragon is still lurking in the abyss, grinding its teeth and waiting for orders.

Just wait for the king in Xianyang City to issue an edict, the black dragon will soar into the sky, open its bloody mouth, swallow the world, and tear the 800-year-old Yan Kingdom on the other side of Yishui to pieces.

Thinking of this, Zhao Tuo couldn't help swallowing, and as the appearance of the black-armored knight magnified in his eyes, his heart also jumped.

Qin army!

Unlike the terracotta warriors dug out of the ground in the previous life, what appeared in front of Zhao Tuo was the real Qin army, the terrifying army known as the Tiger and Wolf Army.

Swallow Han, destroy Zhao, destroy Wei, slaughter Yan, destroy Chu, and descend to Qi!
When the Xiongnu were driven north, the Hu people did not dare to go south to herd horses, and the soldiers did not dare to bend their bows and complain.

In the southern expedition to Baiyue, the king of Baiyue bowed his head and tied his neck, and commissioned his officials.

This is a bloodthirsty legion, an army that is invincible in this era!
Zhao Tuo took a deep breath, and seeing that the other party had already driven the horse, he quickly controlled the reins, slowed down the speed of the car, and observed carefully at the same time.

There are four Qin Army rangers in this group, all with their chests and heads held high, very imposing.

They wear leather crowns, short armor, short swords, and bows and arrows hanging from their horses.

"It seems that cavalry in this era mainly rely on mobility to fight, attacking when they are close, and shooting when they are far away."

Zhao Tuo thought to himself, he noticed that the war horses of the Qin army were equipped with complete saddles, but no stirrups.

This is a very important point, because without stirrups, the cavalry's feet will be suspended in the air, and there is no point of focus on the horse.Not suitable for real horse fighting, nor for large-scale charges.

And according to his previous observations, there were no horseshoes in this era.

"When Naigong develops in the future, I will show you the power of technology."

Just when Zhao Tuo was thinking about it, Qin Jun's cavalry had already arrived at the front.


The convoy stopped slowly, Zhao Tuo controlled the horses, and looked at the opponent up close.

There are four riders, three of them are around 20 years old, and the leading official is a little older, probably in his thirties, with scars on his face and short beards under his lips. Knowing that he is a veteran of fighting in the battlefield.

"Who is coming?"

he asked quietly.

Zhao Tuo couldn't help complaining in his heart.The diplomatic relations between the two countries have been communicated for a long time.

Before the arrival of Jing Ke's convoy, someone had already notified the Qin army's camp, and even Xianyang had already known about it.

These wandering riders are very clear, looking at the flying flags of the team and the holding hands of the envoys on the vehicles, the identity of the team is self-evident.

But the truth is this, diplomatic procedures still have to go.

There was a slight tapping sound from Che Shi behind him, and Zhao Tuo knew it was Jing Ke reminding him.

The driver of the car is not only responsible for the task of driving, but also responsible for these answers.

"The envoy of Yan State, Shangqing Jing Ke was ordered by King Yan to go to Qin State, and I have previously known that I will meet with the General."

You Qi replied: "The general has an order, please send the envoy to the camp."

Zhao Tuo turned his head and saw Jing Ke nodding to him, so he replied, "No."

Youqi opened the way, and the convoy moved forward slowly, driving along the avenue into the Qin Army's camp.

Zhao Tuo didn't dare to speak along the way because the atmosphere was too oppressive.

The Qin army's camps were continuous, like a series of fortresses connected in a row, and the shouts of killing could be heard from far away.

Qin Jun is practicing.

The halberds are like forests, and the banners are hunting!
The murderous aura rushed through the night, and the drums shook the sky!

Every sound of war drums made the ground tremble, and the bursts of shouts of killing were like a heavy hammer hitting Zhao Tuo's heart non-stop.

The hand holding the bridle trembled slightly.

"Afraid of a bird!"

"I haven't seen anything in my previous life. No matter how powerful they are, they still hold cold weapons. What kind of swords, bows and crossbows, no matter how powerful they are, can they be compared with muskets, cannons, and missile planes? Think about how it feels to drop an atomic bomb."

"Think about spaceships, star destroyers, two-way foils..."

All kinds of grand scenes flashed through Zhao Tuo's mind, the bombardment all over the sky, the tall mecha fighters, the boundless sea of ​​stars, and the magnificent cosmic starry sky.

The original discomfort was driven away from his body, and Zhao Tuo put a confident smile on his face again.

Compared with the various weapons that will destroy the world in the future era, as well as the vast picture of the universe.

What is the ancient army in front of you?

Zhao Tuo's hands stopped shaking, his waist straightened, and his expression was calm and composed.

There is an aura that I will not be afraid even if the sword is on my body.

This is the confidence one should have as a time traveler.

"This son is quite courageous."

Looking at this scene, Jing Ke couldn't help but nodded slightly.

At this time, he turned his head and saw Qin Wuyang's pale face on the passenger car behind, and his brows frowned again.

"The juvenile murdered only by relying on the power of his father and grandparents, after all, he was no more than a madman. This plan to assassinate Qin does not require his strong force, as long as his mind is calm, it is enough not to make King Qin suspicious."

"This person is tough on the outside and soft on the inside, I'm afraid it will ruin the big event. It's a pity that Prince Dan is in a hurry and doesn't wait for the person I'm waiting for to arrive. Alas..."

While thinking about it, he was outside the camp of the Qin army.

Jing Ke got out of the car, took the money alone, and paid a visit to the general of Qin.

" Wang Jian?"

Zhao Tuo raised his head and looked at the "Wang" banner flying not far away, his heart was agitated.

The Qijian is quite animal husbandry, and the army is the most refined.

The Xuanwei Desert is well-known for its great reputation.

Ever since Li Mu was killed by the God of War Guo Kai.

Wang Jian is the pinnacle of military generals in the world. This Qin general is like a huge boulder, weighing heavily on the hearts of the six kingdoms of Shandong.


Zhao Tuo knew very well that after Jing Ke failed to assassinate Qin this time, King Qin would order Wang Jian to attack Yan.

In this battle, the Qin army was as powerful as a broken bamboo. They defeated the Yan army on the banks of Yishui in the first battle, and broke through the centuries-old Jidu in another battle.

King Yan and Prince Dan fled in embarrassment and hid in Liaodong.

The unification of the Qin State is a general trend, and no one can stop it.

The wheel of history rolls forward, those who follow me prosper, and those who go against me perish.

Thinking of this, Zhao Tuo panicked.

"No, if you follow Jing Ke, you will definitely end up dead. You must find a chance to escape. How can your head be chopped off?"

Zhao Tuo made up his mind to escape, but the plan was full, but the reality was skinny.

Because of Han Nan's betrayal before, the convoy was very well protected.

When marching, there are rangers on horseback, and they monitor the movement of every carriage.When stationed and resting, there were even sentry patrols. Even Zhao Tuo could feel the eyes of the watchers when he went to the grass for convenience.

In this case, if the escape is discovered, it is easy to be shot and beheaded on the spot.

Especially after Han Nan's framing incident last night, Zhao Tuo found himself being watched and hated by Qin Wuyang.

A charioteer driving a chariot dared to steal the limelight from a nobleman's son. If it wasn't for Jing Ke's protection, Zhao Tuo would have been killed last night.

Even so, Zhao Tuo could still feel those sinister eyes watching his every move. Once caught by him, Qin Wuyang would definitely be happy to cut off his head.

"We have to think long-term. Also, if he goes to Xianyang with him, he will definitely die there."

Just when Zhao Tuo was thinking about his plan, he suddenly heard a series of hurried footsteps approaching.

He looked up, and saw a general of the Qin Army wearing a crown and armor striding forward, followed by several personal servants behind him.

"Fan Yuqi's head is here?"

(End of this chapter)

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