
Chapter 102 Who's Saying I'm Bad?

Chapter 102 Who Is Talking Bad About Me?

In the early morning of the next day, the Lixiajia No. [-] arrived at Guangzhou Mansion, and then slowed down and slowly moored into a pier of the naval base. Several officers from the Nanyang Fleet and two civilians from the Intelligence Department came to greet them.

As soon as they met, several people bowed their hands together and saluted. The captain of the navy, who was the leader, corrected his face and said, "It's really fortunate that you have returned safely. You have worked so hard on the road, so let's rest for a few days."

Zhou Changfeng jumped onto the pier from the deck, and said with a smile, "Is the navy so enthusiastic?"

"Hey, that's out of the question. The Nanyang Fleet is here to welcome you." The dark-skinned, medium-built major made a "please" gesture, "I'm Li Yuanhai, the Fuqing ship." captain."

Looking at the three destroyers docked side by side not far away, Zhou Changfeng couldn't help asking curiously: "Captain Li, which one is your ship?"

"It's the first ship you're facing."

"I see, um... what is that ship in the distance?"

Looking in the direction Zhou Changfeng was pointing at, Li Yuanhai replied without hesitation: "Oh, that's the Wuyishan, which is waiting for maintenance. I guess it will be docked tomorrow."

The so-called Wuyishan is actually the lead ship of the Wuyishan class heavy cruiser, which is the latest treaty-type heavy cruiser of the Ming Dynasty.


However, the firepower layout of the Wuyishan-class heavy cruiser is a total of four double-mounted six-and-a-half-inch, or 208mm naval guns; the frontal armor of the turret is 176mm thick and can withstand direct hits from eight-inch shells. The thickness is 144mm, the bridge conning tower armor is 192mm thick, and the slightly weak horizontal armor is 64mm thick.

The power configuration is twelve heavy oil boilers and four steam turbines, with a total output of 12.2 horsepower, which can drive the entire ship with a standard displacement of 1.26 tons to a speed of 32.2 knots.

In fact, the Ming Navy is not very interested in the treaty-type heavy cruiser. They generally think that this thing is too tasteless.

Light cruisers and heavy cruisers are themselves very deformed products-light cruisers are a natural extension of armored cruisers, which is still normal; but heavy cruisers are a forced division of naval treaties, and in fact, everyone is not happy.

If possible, any country's heavy cruisers would never be limited to a standard displacement of [-] tons. This is really too restrictive design, and it also makes heavy cruisers a bit tasteless.

Naval treaties are undoubtedly the toilet paper in the minds of warship designers of various countries, and they want to throw it away quickly.

In addition to not exceeding the displacement limit and not violating the caliber limit of the main gun, the designers had to make difficult trade-offs in many aspects.

For example, the New Orleans-class heavy cruiser of the United States was forced to shorten the length and width of the hull, and the bow was also lowered, which deteriorated the seaworthiness and stability of the hull.

It can be said that the standard displacement of [-] tons is an embarrassing range, which not only affects the airworthiness, but also cannot increase the armor too much.

Daming, on the other hand, was unwilling to be bound by this, so he proposed to go through the back door alone.


The Ming Navy proposed to reduce the total number of ships to 10, but "appropriately relax" in terms of displacement and main gun caliber.

Would rather have less chicken breast than more chicken ribs.

So after some negotiations, the Anglo-American side requested to reduce one more ship, and a single ship should not exceed 1.2 tons; Daming said it was possible, but the maximum displacement of a single ship must be 1.3 tons.

As a result of bargaining, the Ming Navy made a special case—although the total number of heavy patrols cannot exceed 9 ships, the displacement of a single ship is relaxed to 1.3 tons, with a total tonnage of 11 tons, and the remaining 3.6 tons of heavy patrols are allocated to the Light cruisers and destroyers.

Are Britain and the United States willing to accept the restrictions of the naval treaty?They are naturally unwilling, but due to the impact of the economic crisis and limited budget, they finally decided to build a cheap treaty-type heavy cruiser.

"Zhao Rong, take your brothers to rest, I will hang out with Captain Li."


Although Zhou Changfeng intended to go for a stroll with Li Yuanhai, Shen Yu said that he was also bored, so the three of them went together.

"By the way, can we go to the Wuyishan ship?" Zhou Changfeng asked sideways.

"Visit one or two? Small things." Li Yuanhai didn't care.

The three of them came all the way to the berth of the Wuyishan, and saw a lot of sailors and forklifts coming and going here, and everyone's movements and expressions were quite relaxed.

Because I will go to the dock for maintenance tomorrow, I will remove most of my personal belongings and supplies.

Standing on the pier, I saw the huge double-mounted naval gun slightly slanted towards the sky, and the heavy cruiser with a standard discharge of 1.26 tons and a full discharge of 1.54 tons was in front of him, like a steel hill.

The honest, solid, calm and generous look, and then imagine the scene of flanking the enemy and the main gun salvo, Zhou Changfeng's heart was surging for a while.

This is true for heavy cruisers, how shocking would it be for battleships?
To be honest, he really wanted to see China's own battleships with his own eyes, and touch the huge naval guns that are big enough to hold an adult.

It's a pity that Li Yuanhai told him that several battleships of the Nanyang Fleet had gone to sea for gunnery training, and the Zhenguan and Yonghui in Hong Kong were also moored at the Zhanjiang base.

Feeling somewhat regretful, Zhou Changfeng followed him onto the deck of the Wuyishan. After expressing his intentions, a small lieutenant enthusiastically led them around.

Zhou Changfeng suddenly sneezed while walking through the various cabins of the heavy cruiser. It was really strange-there were only ventilation fans in each cabin, and it was also very stuffy, so why would he sneeze?Could it be that someone is scolding me?

At the same time, in a mansion in the middle of the capital...

"Is that person short-hearted? Is he really going after a few words of instigation?"

It was only today that Zhu Lingjing learned that Zhou Changfeng had led a hastily organized team to Batavia to kill the traitors. Her first reaction was, is this guy out of his mind?

The reason was that she planned to summarize her network resources and potential people who could win over these two days, so she thought of Zhou Changfeng, the guy who impressed her deeply at that press conference.

Check again, outrageous, why did this guy go to do such a shameful job?

The female attendant on the side said helplessly: "Your Highness, it is normal for such people to be willing to take risks to kill the thieves."

Zhu Lingjing let out a "huh" and said flatly: "Remember it first, it's best to come back safely, otherwise it will be a waste of a candidate."

(End of this chapter)

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