
Chapter 30

Chapter 30

Although the dozens of other infantrymen in ambush had already aimed at them, none of them opened fire.

Without a scope, only a few talented shooters can effectively attack the target [-] meters away. For ordinary people, it is thankful that one of ten shots can be hit.

The human-shaped target at this distance looks like a small black spot to the naked eye, and it has to be shot with a ruler, and the bullet can be deflected a few meters away with one breath.

The short bursts of "Listen" continued regularly, as if the god of death was knocking on the door.

Company C, which was killed one by one like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, suffered more than 1 casualties in just one minute, and Major Eben was also scratched by fragments on his arm.

After finally determining the source of the firepower, three 2-inch light mortars began to fire at the grove, and the high-explosive shells that fell one after another made the machine gun firepower of the Ming army stagnate.

The second lieutenant, who was smoking leisurely, immediately lay down, but was burned to the face by the cigarette butt, and then ordered angrily: "Damn it! Shoot all the shells and crush them!"

C Company, which suffered another round of shells, did not want to hold on any longer. Now that they were under attack from both sides, the flank attack plan was no longer suitable for continuing, so Major Eben decisively ordered to retreat.

So under the farewell of heavy machine guns and mortars, C Company, which failed to make a detour, fled back in a panic after paying 37 casualties.

But at this time, Company A and Company B, which were attacking from the front, didn't know it. The sound of fierce firefights from there made them think that the roundabout attack had worked.

This means that the Ming army in front of them must disperse their firepower and troops to deal with the flanks, so...

"Second row, third row, let's go!"

"Let's go!"

In the sound of go and let's move, several red and white flares flew into the sky, more than [-] Lewis light machine guns and Vickers heavy machine guns in the distance fired together, and a dozen tanks fired wildly, not to be outdone.

With the assistance of a series of fire snakes, the densely packed British and Indian soldiers bent over and rushed towards the Zero Heights with their rifles in hand.

These drab figures were no longer as lazy as they were before. With the support of ferocious firepower, they approached quickly, and the open space of more than 200 meters was less than [-] meters in a blink of an eye.

The Ming army on the main position was in a state of being suppressed, bullets whizzed past like raindrops, the VZ.35 heavy machine guns on both wings could only fire intermittently, and the rest of the soldiers couldn't aim steadily.

At the foot of the mound, the enemy troops began to charge upwards, and many of them began to use grenade launchers to throw Mills grenades upward.

In this case, the best weapon for the defender is nothing more than grenades, so the soldiers directly leaned on the cover and threw a large wave of grenades forward.

The grenade with the safety pin removed bounced off the handle in mid-air, igniting the internal fuze, and exploded a few seconds later as soon as it hit the ground.

The Chinese have a long history of using gunpowder weapons for city defense, dating back at least 900 years to the Song Dynasty.The Ming army in the classical era had already widely used various explosives. The official name of the grenade equipped by the Ming army today is the 1-type grenade, and its prototype is the F7916-[-] grenade of the French army.

Made of cast iron, 38 prefabricated fragment slots, and 1 grams of explosives, this type of grenade can be described as a classic handed down from generation to generation. The Russian army also imitated it as the famous Ф-[-] grenade.

As a series of grenades exploded, more than a dozen British and Indian soldiers screamed and were knocked down by the flying fragments; the mortar shells that fell one after another also burst into dazzling flames among the crowd.

The broken body was overturned to the ground by the explosion, and the billowing air waves mixed with high-speed fragments swept across the surroundings. The successive explosions of grenades and mortar shells smashed gaps in the formation of British and Indian skirmishers.

The stagnant first echelon of enemy troops immediately spread out to the left and right sides, giving up the impact area in the middle to the subsequent second echelon.

Excited Liu Qidong shouted loudly, the officers and soldiers of the team were shooting and dropping bombs desperately, and at this moment they could not care about the suppression of the enemy's firepower, if they were timid, they would be broken through!
The Mills grenades that fell into the bunkers and traffic trenches caused a lot of casualties to the Ming army guarding the positions. Through the wisps of smoke after the explosion, the wounded covered in blood could be seen struggling.

In the hospital building, Zhou Changfeng has been watching from the sidelines until now, and he is constantly calculating the troops invested by the enemy in his mind-the two companies in the first wave have a total of more than 300 people, and then two more companies are moving in the second wave .

Half a quarter of an hour later, Company A and Company B of the Raigal Battalion were all repulsed after three attacks, and were forced to withdraw to the starting position of the attack to start shooting.

"Keep moving! Don't stop!"

In the sound of keep pushing orders, companies B and C of the second wave of the Hyderabad regiment (battalion) arrived, and immediately took over from them to continue the assault operation.

The Lewis light machine gun team moved forward for a certain distance, and the 2-inch light mortars fired smoke and high-explosive shells at the firepower of the Ming army's heavy machine guns. The British officers gave orders and blew their whistles.

Zhou Changfeng, who was paying attention to all this the whole time, shouted into the microphone: "Now, fire!"

The four 80mm mortars deployed in two positions immediately fired three rapid fires according to the predetermined fire support plan.

Twelve mortar shells landed in front of No. [-] Heights one after another. In an instant, flesh and blood flew across the sky. The British and Indian troops who launched the attack in a standing posture were killed and injured in a blink of an eye.

Since the target is an unprotected soft target, all anti-personnel bombs fired in this round of shelling are different from the general-purpose anti-explosive bombs. The explosives filled by the anti-personnel bombs are reduced from 420g to 280g, but an additional 64 A prefabricated diamond-shaped fragment, its effect can be imagined.

The observation post's murmured exclamation came from the microphone held by Zhou Changfeng, "Cena...Zhajin!, the effect is!"

This round of offensive by the British and Indian troops was immediately disintegrated, and several companies that suffered heavy losses had to retreat quickly.

Gunpowder smoke, smog, and dust gradually dissipated, and nearly a hundred corpses were lined up in haphazard manner in the fighting area with a radius of more than three miles.

Just now another A9 cruiser tank and two Carden-Lloyd ultralight tanks were destroyed by the Ming army's battle defense team. Together with the three in the morning, there are a total of six regiments worth more than 7000 pounds or more than 2000 pounds. The bonfire was burning, billowing black smoke.

"Sir, call Lingzhi Command!"

"Let No. [-] Heights report casualties and ammunition consumption..." Zhou Changfeng said while receiving the telegram from the messenger.

He glanced at it quickly, to the effect that he was asking about the battle situation, and at the same time told No.30 Fourth Division that the retreat was going smoothly, but No.12 Division was stuck by the maltose-like British and Indian troops and was trying to get out.

"Call back, our situation is good, and the enemy's offensive is relatively dull. However, my ammunition arrangement is allocated according to the previously given defense time. If the time is prolonged, the ammunition will not be enough; if necessary, please try to replenish it."



[Although history and military are almost inseparable, this is a category of historical literature after all, so I won't keep writing about wars. There are about [-] words left for this war plot, so stay tuned for the follow-up. 】

[Tomorrow Tuesday is the time to test the waters and push PK again, as usual, the fourth update, everyone must follow up in time, hope not to fail in the promotion...]

(End of this chapter)

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