
Chapter 95 Stir it upside down

Chapter 95 Stir it upside down

Time bombs, this is something that often appears in film and television dramas, but it does have a certain use in reality.

However, in this era of underdeveloped electronic technology, time bombs with mechanical structures are often not reliable, and there is a certain probability of failure.In order to improve reliability, other designs are often added.

After Zhou Changfeng and others stole the armory of the Tadio barracks in the early hours of the morning, they left a surprise there.

The No. [-] timing fuze developed by the Equipment Section of the Intelligence Department has good versatility, but it only plays the role of timing detonation. When it is used, it can be installed on various explosives depending on the actual situation.

Zhou Changfeng was lazy, and directly wrapped three 100g pieces of explosives around the fuze with electrical tape—simple is simpler, but it is not unusable.

After setting the time, pull out the safety pin, the rustling sound sounds, and the timer starts.

To be on the safe side, Zhou Changfeng arranged two bombs at a time, and specially installed fuzes on the three boxes of 81mm mortar shells, unscrewed the fuses, and knocked hard on the boxes to unlock the inertial rear safety. Arm the mortar rounds to ensure that a martyrdom can be induced.

Otherwise, unfuzed munitions may be difficult to detonate.

Later, when two CTL-3 tanks rushed out of the garage one after the other, there were still two and a half minutes before the countdown of the timer ended.

On the playground in front of the barracks on the northeast side of the barracks, scattered Javanese soldiers were being urged by Dutch officers to line up.

The red, white and blue tricolor flag bathed in the morning light was slowly raised, and "Ode to William" was played-"I, William of Nassau...I, Prince of Orange..."

However, at this moment, the melodious music was broken by the sound of the roaring engine?
The people present followed the prestige, but they didn't know why.

"Damn it, who's driving the tank?!"

"Where is Captain Corbett in charge of the assessment?"

"Hey, make them stop quickly."

"Keep playing!"

The officers also stared blankly, because there was indeed a tank evaluation plan recently. The maneuverability was evaluated a few days ago, and the reliability is evaluated these days, so they subconsciously thought that someone had misremembered the time.

So a second lieutenant ran over with a few people, shouting loudly while running: "Stop! What are you doing?!"

However, the turrets of the two tanks turned towards them slowly at the same time, and the black muzzles of the machine guns pointed directly at the large group of Dutch and Indian soldiers on the playground.

To shoot a man first shoot a horse, to capture a thief first to capture the king, this is an eternal truth.

In the turret of the first tank, the expressionless Wang Mingfa pulled the trigger.

The orange muzzle flame burst out, and the gunfire of "da da da" suddenly sounded.

The angry Dutch officers standing at the front of the crowd were like live targets. Wang Mingfa operated the M7919A4 heavy machine gun in the car and poured a series of bullets at them.

A dozen rounds of 7.62×63mm M1 heavy-pointed stern rounds knocked down four officers at once, and a captain and three lieutenants, including the deputy battalion commander, were beaten to death.

The .3800 rifle bullet with a muzzle kinetic energy exceeding 30 joules is currently the most powerful conventional rifle bullet in the world. In a sense, it can also be regarded as the paranoid feature of Americans in pursuit of firepower.


Several Dutch officers who were knocked down struggled a few times in a pool of blood and then fell silent, which shows that the killing effect is very good.

However, it would be even better if it can be equipped with a gun, only the machine gun is not fun.

"You don't need to fight, just disperse this mob!" Zhou Changfeng turned his head and shouted.

All the Javanese soldiers present were stunned. What kind of miraculous situation is this? !Why did your own tank fire at your own people? !
After a short period of sluggishness, they dispersed, and the Dutch non-commissioned officers who were trying to maintain order were directly dispersed by the crowd.

The two tanks rushed straight to the gate of the barracks, as if entering no one's land, Zhou Changfeng even deliberately knocked down a wooden sentry tower, and the Javanese soldiers on it fell down screaming.

"Boom!!!" When they drove onto the road, a deafening bang came from behind.

Like a volcanic eruption, the entire arsenal was blown up, flames and smoke rose into the sky, and after a few seconds, broken house fragments fell like rain.

In fact, the safety of various ammunition has still withstood the test. Although Zhou Changfeng specially installed fuzes on three boxes of 81mm mortar shells and unscrewed the fuses, in order to trigger a larger chain explosion, but in the end, apart from these mortar shells, Only a small part of the other ammunition exploded, and more ammunition was blown away by the shock wave.

On the ninth-floor platform of the Katarin Hotel, Shen Yu was sitting thinking about whether to prepare a gift for his wife before returning home, but was startled by the sudden explosion.

He quickly picked up the binoculars, stood up and looked in the direction of Tadio's barracks, and saw two tanks rushing out?
Zhou Changfeng, Zhou Changfeng, you are too outrageous!We are here to kill traitors, not to make trouble in heaven!Just change your surname to Sun in the future.

Shen Yu, with a helpless face, sighed in her heart.

"Are you ready?" He asked, tilting his head.

Qiao Yang on the side nodded slightly, "It's all confirmed, it's very appropriate."

Six rounds of shells were placed beside the machine gun, and several chains of ammunition were also neatly placed beside the machine gun. According to Qiao Yang's request, Xu Qinglan brought two more glasses of water for the heavy-duty M7921, which had already been filled with half a bucket of water. The water cooling sleeve of the machine gun is fully charged.

3 minutes ago, in that wooden villa.

Sunlight poured into the house through the curtains, and Chai Guoyi woke up in the small room in the northeast corner of the first floor of the villa.

How many days has this been since he fled with his family?ten days?Half a month?He didn't seem to remember it himself.

Do you want to spend the rest of your life like this?When the information they have is revealed bit by bit, will the British fulfill their promise?Or treat him as an abandoned child?

When he was washing up, he was distracted, and he resolutely decided that he must save the most important news for the last, which is the key to whether his family can survive.

As for whether he regrets it or not, he is a bit regretful now. In the future, his wife, daughter, and youngest son may never have the chance to return to Daming.

However, if I were to make another choice at that time, I am afraid I would still make the same choice.

A person like myself who has no power, no money, is excluded, so that he is "relegated" to a place like Uzang to do logistics, is tantamount to cutting off all future prospects.

That being the case, why not take a gamble?Why bother with money?

At this time, he was pulled back to reality by the sound of the explosion.

Where did the explosion come from?That direction... seems to be the Tadio barracks?
Outside the villa, two British agents who were making jokes stopped their chatter, and the lazy Javanese policemen also stood up one after another, putting their hands on the pistols at their waists.

Like the people within a few miles nearby, they all looked in the direction of the explosion.

(End of this chapter)

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