Chapter 76

Xiao Tianyi galloped for three hundred miles, not only did he not find even a single demon hair, he didn't even smell of a demon.

It stands to reason that his Benlei Sword is much faster than many condensed alchemy monsters who are good at flying, so how could he lose it.

High above the sky, this true disciple of the Six Swords Pavilion unwillingly overlooked the vast land beneath his feet.

This place is still under the jurisdiction of the North Alliance, but because of its remote location and inconvenient travel, the population is not large.

Although there are sporadic demon clans haunting the wilderness, they are all little demons who are not good enough.

Could it be that the big demon changed direction midway because he was worried about being discovered?
Xiao Tianyi thought for a moment, then went back the same way to look for clues.



There are three poles in the sun, and the sun is like a fire.

This is Walnut Mountain, which is next to the North League under the jurisdiction of the Demon Realm, and there is a village under the Walnut Mountain called Walnut Village.

At this time, a young girl wearing a coarse cloth skirt full of patches was handling a scalper to plow the ground.

Since the beginning of summer, there has been very little rain, and the fields have been extremely dry.

Although there are canals for water diversion, they are all occupied by the big families in the village in turn, and it is impossible for the girl to use the canal to irrigate the field.

There is no other way, Tian Youning can only drive the cattle to plow the ground.

As the saying goes, a hoe is three inches long, let alone plowing the ground.

But the scalper happened to be in estrus, with a violent personality, and bullied her a little girl who was weak and weak, not afraid of the whip at all, and broke free from the plow rake several times.

Tian Youning pulled and beat her, not only was she sweating profusely from exhaustion, but her palms were also ground to a bloody mess.

Hot, tired and painful, all the grievances in her heart broke out for a while, and the girl sat under the scorching sun and burst into tears.

But when the sadness was over, the girl wiped away her tears and continued to plow the cattle till lunch time.

Thinking that her grandma was still seriously ill and bedridden at home, Tian Youning drove the scalper home to cook.

But as soon as he got home, the scalper went mad again, shaking his head and horns, unwilling to enter the cowshed.

"Rhubarb, be good, I'll go get cold well water to quench your thirst."

Tian Youning tightly grabbed the scalper's nose rope, and blood oozes from the palm of his hand again.

She gritted her silver teeth, endured the pain and opened the wooden door of the cowshed, and immediately froze in place.

I saw a big yellow cow lying down in the tidy and bright cowshed covered with hay.

This yellow ox was twice the size of his own yellow ox. Its two horns were thick and sharp, its body was full of lumpy tendons, and its hair was as golden as gold.

Moreover, the two bull's eyes are not moist and soft like ordinary cattle. Instead, they look like beasts, revealing a coldness that makes people's hearts chill. It looks like a bison.

But the seemingly ferocious and invincible bison had a big gash ripped open on its back by some ferocious beast.

I understand, this big buffalo must have been injured by a ferocious beast, so he hid in a human village in a hurry.

But when the girl was in a daze, the scalper seemed to have seen some ferocious beast, turned his head and ran towards the outside of the courtyard.

The girl wrapped the nose rope around her hands, and was pulled down by the ox at once, and was about to be dragged all the way out of the house by the ox.

But at this moment, the big buffalo in the cowshed suddenly let out a low cry.


The big yellow ox suddenly knelt down on its front legs and became honest instantly.

Tian Youning endured the pain and climbed up, before she was surprised by the scalper's anomaly, she heard heart-wrenching coughs coming from the room.

cough cough cough.

Not caring about anything else, the girl hurried into the house to take care of her seriously ill grandma.

Then she started to get busy like a spinning top.

Burn the fire and decoct the medicine, wait for grandma to drink it, cook and stir-fry vegetables, and then take the time to go to the old well at the entrance of the village to fill two barrels of cool well water and come back.

After the meal was ready, she hurriedly waited on grandma for dinner, then turned around and poured two basins of well water for the cattle and the big bison in the shed to enjoy the coolness and quench their thirst, and went outside to cut two large baskets of fresh grass, fearing that the big bison would be so big I couldn't get enough to eat, so I went out and cut two baskets and came back.

By the time the girl took care of her grandma and the family's livestock and picked up the rice bowl, the food was already cold, so she had to add some hot water to eat it.

After eating, she cleaned up the bowls and chopsticks, and then took grandma's wet and dirty mattress to the river to wash.

Because the palms were rotten, whenever she rubbed the mattress, it would hurt her heart.

After a busy afternoon, at night, I have to cook medicine to take care of my grandma, and I have to cut fresh grass for the two cows.

By the time everything was done, the girl was already exhausted.

But she didn't sleep. Instead, she used a rolling pin and a porcelain bowl to grind some herbs, and then walked carefully to the cowshed with a water basin and herbs.

The big buffalo was very alert, and immediately raised his head, staring at the girl coldly.

"This is the herbal medicine I picked when I was mowing the grass outside. It may help your injury!"

Facing the cold gaze of the big bison, Tian Youning was so frightened that she was at a loss, and even foolishly communicated with the big bison.

The big buffalo's nose twitched slightly, as if it was sniffing the herbs that the girl ground.

Tian Youning walked into the cowshed like walking on thin ice, and put the herbs under the big bison's nose.

The big buffalo took a serious sniff, then closed his eyes, as if acquiescing to the girl to take the medicine.

What a smart bison!
Tian Youning sighed secretly, and immediately dipped the towel in water.

She forgot the wound on her palm for a moment, touched the cold water, the girl frowned slightly in pain, then bit her lip, enduring the pain and gently wiped the wound and smeared the medicinal juice on the big buffalo.

During the whole process, the bison was extremely quiet and very humane.

"Okay, don't worry about recuperating, I will take care of you!"

Maybe the big buffalo was too obedient, Tian Youning wasn't as scared as before, after applying the medicine, he patted the buffalo's head and gave soft advice.

The big buffalo was extremely human, sticking out its fat tongue and licking the girl's bloody palm.

After taking the medicine, the girl finally couldn't bear it and yawned, with a few tears dripping from the corners of her eyes, and went back to sleep.

The courtyard finally quieted down.

The bright moon hangs high, and all sounds are silent.

In the middle of the night, the big buffalo made a low cry.

The yellow cattle outside the bullpen immediately crawled to the ground and crawled all the way up to the big bison. The cow's face was full of obedience and flattery.

Big Bison: "Moo?"

Scalper: "Moo moo moo!"

Big Bison: "Moo?"

Scalper: "Moo moo moo moo."

Immediately, the big bison got up and untied the nose rope for the ox.

The yellow ox led the big bison away from the courtyard.

The two cows left the Walnut Village one after the other, and then strolled to the farmland of the Walnut Village.

The ground is cracked and the seedlings are half dead.

With a confession, the big buffalo walked towards the distant river.

The scalper obediently stood there and waited.

After a while, the big buffalo came to the small river, and immediately bowed its head to drink.

Goof, goof, goof!

Every time the big buffalo took a sip, the water level of the creek dropped a few inches, but it bottomed out in a short while.

Then the big buffalo returned to the ground with a belly full of sloshing river water, and sprayed out the water with its head raised.

All of a sudden, the fields of the girl's house, as well as the surrounding fields, seemed to be raining heavily.

The scalper witnessed the majestic power of the big bison at the side, the bull's eyes widened instantly, and he was so excited that he exhaled two rough breaths from his nostrils.

It knew that this person must be a big monster! !
After watering the ground, the big buffalo brought the ox back to the girl's house.

Soon, a family in Hetao Village who occupied the canal to irrigate the land overnight suddenly found that the water was cut off.

"Son of a son of a bitch, the grandsons of the Liu family must have intercepted the water halfway!!"

"Take the guy, at worst, fuck them!"


Brothers from every family took a shovel and a hoe and checked the canal along the way, but contrary to everyone's expectations, there was no problem with the canal.

When a group of people were wondering, the person who walked to the river first suddenly slapped his buttocks and sat down on the ground in fright.

"My mother, where's the water?"


Early in the morning, Tian Youning got up to take a shower.

There is a strange thing, for some reason, the wound on her palm healed overnight.

The scalper, who was massaging the muscles of the bison in the cowshed, heard the noise, quickly withdrew his hooves, and quietly walked out of the cowshed, pretending to be immature.

But at this moment, someone eagerly patted the door of Tian Youning's house.

"You Ning, go and have a look in the field."

After speaking, the man rushed to inform another family.

Tian Youning was worried that something would happen to the crops, so she rushed out of the house, and when she reached the field, panting, she cast her eyes and was completely stunned.

Under the scorching sun, the fields in her home are extremely humid, and every seedling is covered with crystal clear water droplets, which are thriving against the sun.


The girl subconsciously covered her cherry lips, tears of excitement welled up in her beautiful eyes.

 Thanks to the student with the tail number 4821 for the reward of 500 starting points, hehehe.

  Thanks to fellow Taoist Luo Bai for the 100-point starting point reward. This student is very interesting. It should be to complain that Chen An didn't know what to do when he was taken to Chiniu Mountain, so he made a speech with fan value.

  In the middle of the night, I laughed, hahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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