Chapter 433 Dawn
The Japanese army threw away their helmets and armor, was chased and blocked by the Fifth War Zone, closed their doors and beat their dogs. As news of the frontline successes came one by one, Li Mu was also in a good mood.

At noon that day, on a whim, I drove a plane to the front line for a walk.

In order to avoid misunderstanding, the fighter plane flew very high and simply took a look around.Chief Li's methods are really unusual, one ring after another, the Tenth Division was already severely weakened by Li Mu's bombing tactics, but Chief Li's bombing tactics became more and more handy, the small book is really doomed.

After roughly flying around the front line, Li Mu came to the sky above Taierzhuang again. He had flown here many times to bomb, and the bombing the night before yesterday had indirectly helped Sun Lianzhong take back Taierzhuang, so he had never been here during the day.

Now, the troops here are all going to intercept the Tenth Division, and only some wounded soldiers are left here.

Li Mu lowered his flight altitude, took out his binoculars and looked down, at this famous place in later generations.

After days of gunfire and smoke cleared, the small town by the canal finally regained its tranquility.

After the baptism of artillery fire by the Japanese army, there is no longer a complete building in Taierzhuang.Of the four city walls, only the south side near the canal is still intact, and the other three sides are riddled with holes.

As for the houses, they are all in ruins now. The walls of the village have collapsed and the houses have collapsed. The collapsed buildings have piled up small hills on the street.

In some areas where the fighting was fierce, there was a thick layer of grenade shrapnel and shell fragments on the ground!God knows how tragic it is for the soldiers on both sides to repeatedly fight and fight around Taierzhuang, which created such a battlefield.

Looking at everything in front of him, Li Mu seemed to suddenly understand what the Scorched Earth War was. It was really not easy for Sun Lianzhong to persist for such a long time.

That is to say, the heroism of the soldiers is lamented, and it is sad that the war took place on our land.

After the war, the land was scorched and the people were in dire straits.One day, Xiaobenzi will also have a taste of the country's land being turned into scorched earth.


In the early morning of the next day, the publicity department of the Guofu couldn't wait to announce the news of the Taierzhuang victory, which was a real victory.

From Linyi to Juxian, from Tengxian to Taierzhuang.There are more than 5 people in the Fifth and Tenth Divisions of the Japanese Army.Only one cavalry of the Fifth Division, and a small number of remnants of the Tenth Division, plus a total of less than [-] soldiers, escaped.

There are a total of more than 4 people in the two divisions, and more than [-] people are buried here. The old elite divisions of the two small books are counted as expulsion.

What is even more unbelievable is that the two armies actually played a one-to-one casualty ratio, and even the small book's casualties were even better.This is unimaginable when the equipment, firepower, and training are inferior.

Since the invasion, the major battlefields in Songhu, Jinling, and North China have never recorded a one-to-one death ratio.

Originally in history, in the famous Taierzhuang Battle, only more than 1 Japanese soldiers were wiped out, which was already a great victory. Numerous media at home and abroad rushed to report, saying that the momentum of the Chinese soldiers was played, and the War of Resistance ushered in the dawn.

What's more, this time, more than 4 enemies were wiped out, with a one-to-one ratio, and Xiaoben's two elite divisions were removed from the list, which was even more shocking.

The good news spread, all walks of life across the country and overseas Chinese were boiling.In Guangzhou, Wuhan and other big cities that did not fall, tens of 10 people held unprecedented grand rallies and parades to celebrate the victory.

As the temporary residence of Guofu, all the people in the three towns of Wuhan, male, female, old and young, are immersed in festival-like excitement, and there are cheering crowds everywhere.The streets and alleys are full of large horizontal and vertical slogans: "Celebrate the Great Victory of Taierzhuang", "China will win!"

The sound of festive firecrackers turned the whole city upside down.

The people at the newspaper office loaded large bundles of extras in cars, and the supply was still in short supply.Some newspaper offices got so mad that they didn't want money at all, and scattered newspapers with the great victory all over the street. Countless people took the newspapers and read them over and over again.

All kinds of national salvation groups rushed to the streets, marched, shouted slogans, sang, impromptu speeches, performed operas, encouraged everyone's enthusiasm for the war of resistance, and called on the people to donate money and materials to support the front line.

Guofu also showed its talents in these activities.Various celebration activities were launched and organized to stimulate the anti-Japanese patriotic enthusiasm of the masses.Many democrats also took to the streets, giving impassioned speeches, calling on people to unite and resist insults.

As for Tokyo, Japan, when the news came back, it was a completely different scene.

The two divisions of Banheng and Jigu were almost wiped out, which has become an iron fact, which they cannot accept.

Since the invasion, they have been invincible and invincible.In their eyes, the so-called Fifth War Zone is only a few miscellaneous troops, and it is even more insignificant, and any division can be sent to sweep them away.

Now, the two veteran elite divisions have almost been wiped out, and the naked things are in front of them, which makes them unacceptable.

Especially the Ministry of the Army, now that the battle between the navy and the army is fierce, it cannot accept the battle report from the front, and it is still sophistrying in the face of the public opinion of the domestic people.

"This is not a defeat, but a small mistake. The fifth and tenth divisions still exist. The troops of Banheng and Jigu have not been wiped out. They just made a new strategic shift."

After the outbreak of the war, the fanatical people in Xiaobenzi also couldn't accept the defeat, and they all chose to believe this statement.

Only the Ministry of the Navy, who was overwhelmed, exposed their tricks on the spot and asked in the newspaper: "Transfer? Where to transfer? Wanwan? North Korea? The mainland? Or did you go to see Amaterasu?"

Hiroren was very annoyed, and he also couldn't accept that two elite divisions of such a powerful Great Imperial Army were defeated like this, and they were still removed in the first battle.

Immediately instructed the cabinet: "Choose the opportunity to launch a bigger attack, vowing to avenge the defeat of Taierzhuang, so as to restore the reputation of the imperial army's invincibility."

Lu Xiang knew very well that Xuzhou was an important town in the Central Plains, and Guofu would definitely not give up easily. If it could not mobilize heavy troops and encircle it on all sides, it would be difficult to open up the Jinpu line and connect the two major lines together.

After deliberating for a long time, I reported to Hiroren: "The loss of only two divisions cannot shake our army's major advantage in the mainland. For the fifth theater in Xuzhou, our army should lose no time and fight with a large force and a large scale. , hit them hard, and even wiped them out in one fell swoop. It has the great effect of dampening Guofu's will to resist the war, and can also restore the adverse effects of the Taierzhuang Battle."

Hirohito was overjoyed when he saw this, so he immediately approved: "The army is allowed to encircle and annihilate the Xuzhou Fifth Theater. It is also required that this attack must achieve huge results, and that the army of the Xuzhou Fifth Theater cannot slip through the net alone, so as to achieve complete annihilation."

In order to make a quick decision and not miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, the base camp dispatched troops to the North China Front Army and Central China on the same day, and issued a combat order to advance north and south and encircle Xuzhou.

Specific deployment: The No.16 Division and the [-]th Division of the Japanese Army, with more than [-] people in the two divisions, advanced south along Jinpu Road to attract the main force of the Fifth Theater.

The No.14 Division crossed the Yellow River from Puyang to the southwest of Shandong and the east of Henan, and blocked the Longhai Road, thus blocking the reinforcements from Xuzhou and also blocking the retreat of the Xuzhou defenders; the No.13 Division assembled between Bengbu and Huaiyuan on the southern line.

Advance to Fengyang and Hefei with the Sixth and Ninth Divisions; attack North Jiangsu with the [-]st Division.

In addition to the peripheral deployment, the Japanese army will gather a total of 13 elite divisions from the army divisions in North China and Central China, about 30 troops, equipped with various heavy weapons, and hundreds of aircraft. surrounded.Adopt the tactics of advancing north-south and turning flanks, encircling and annihilating the fifth theater troops gathered in Xuzhou.


On the other hand, the victory of Linyi and Taierzhuang greatly stimulated the principal's desire to win, and miscalculated the real strength of the enemy and us.

He actually took a special plane to Xuzhou to supervise the battle, and mobilized a large number of troops from various theaters, increasing the strength of the fifth theater to 60.

At the same time, Hu Songnan, Huang Jie, Guiqing, Yu Jishi, Song Lian and other ministries were placed in the east of Henan as backup forces, trying to compete with Xiaobenzi in Xuzhou.

After getting off the plane, the principal held a combat meeting and said to the generals in the five war zones: "Everyone...Xuzhou is at the center of the Huanghuai River, at the junction of the four provinces of Shandong, Henan, Anhui, and Jiangsu. The gains and losses are related to the rise and fall of the country..."

Immediately someone echoed and said: "What the principal said is very true. Xuzhou has always been a place that military strategists must contend for. If you defend in the south, you can ignore Henan and Shandong, and if you defend in the north, you can overlook the Huaihe must defend it."

Afterwards, several people echoed, but Chief Li remained silent.He knew very well in his heart that Xuzhou would definitely not be able to defend. Although he had won the battle this time, the overall situation of the enemy being strong and we being weak remained unchanged.

As the various armies of Xiaobenzi escape from various battlefields and attack from all sides, Xuzhou is bound to be precarious.

Seeing that no one was talking, the principal continued to emphasize: "This battle in Xuzhou must be fought hard. The decisive battle in Xuzhou can buy us more time. The longer Xuzhou defends, the more time Wuhan has for preparation. We can do the preparation work well. better."

Seeing that the principal has made up his mind, Chief Li said nothing more. After the victory of Taierzhuang, there was blind optimism in the Guofu. As the highest chief of the Fifth War Zone, he was not optimistic about the future situation.Xuzhou is surrounded by plains, and there is no danger to defend. The Japanese army is a mechanized force, and there are many air forces to assist in the battle. Fighting here will suffer a lot.

Under the current circumstances, a war of attrition with the Japanese army is the most stupid.With the equipment of the domestic army, it is most suitable to use the terrain conditions to engage in mobile warfare with the enemy.

But everyone is immersed in the victory of Taierzhuang, so what can they do, they can only obey the order and deploy a new Xuzhou battle.


When Li Mu read the news from the newspaper that the Guofu mobilized troops to prepare for a battle with Xiaobenzi in Xuzhou, he laughed a few times.

He knew that this battle would never be fought.

First, the principal was full of confidence, thinking that he had mobilized so many troops that he could fight the little devil in Xuzhou.

However, it was only after a few encounters that I realized that I couldn't do this kind of positional warfare, and with the gathering of Xiaobenzi's troops, they began to encircle from all directions.

The principal knew that he was impulsive, and had hoped that Chief Li could create another miracle.For this reason, he gritted his teeth and transferred more than 20 central troops from various places to the Xuzhou battlefield.It's good right now, these more than 20 people are about to be made dumplings.

At this time, he had learned a lesson from the tragedy of Jinling, and he would never let it happen again.

When the encirclement circle of the Japanese army was about to be formed, a withdrawal order was immediately issued to Commander Li, ordering the fifth theater to immediately abandon Xuzhou and break out to the southwest.

Chief Li had already made a plan for the retreat. Hundreds of thousands of troops retreated while fighting. The formation was not chaotic, and they retreated west and south step by step.Along the way, they broke through several lines of defense of the Japanese army and gathered in the southern part of Henan Province and the northern part of Hubei Province.

Only part of the army fought a few encounters with the devils, and basically all of them withdrew smoothly.

In this way, the Xuzhou battle ended anticlimactic.

Now that he knows the ending is like this, Li Mu doesn't intend to bother about it, he has more important things to be busy with.

After a while, the Battle of Wuhan will start. If there is no accident, Wuhan will eventually fall into the hands of Xiaobenzi.

Hankou is one of the most important channels for Li Mu to communicate with the outside world and do business. It is also the exit of the Nanyang waterway and the Han River.

If Wuhan is occupied by Xiaobenzi, the traffic on the water will be cut off.

Not counting that, Li Mu usually flies to Wuhan, then transfers to Kunming, then Hanoi, Bangkok, and Singapore.

If Wuhan is gone, the plane will naturally not be able to take it from here, and it will have to go north to Luoyang or even Xi'an.Don't say one more flight, but also take a lot of wrong roads.

However, according to his understanding, the civil aviation airports in Xi'an and Luoyang will not operate for a long time, and they will be bombed by devils soon.

Could it be that in the future, if you fly by plane, you have to go to Chongqing by land first. Not to mention the trouble, it will also delay time.

For a while, he couldn't think of a better solution. Unless he built a civil aviation airport in Nanyang, he would really have a headache.

Since no solution has been found, for the sake of the future, Li Mu plans to make a few more trips to Singapore to purchase more supplies while Wuhan is still alive.

After making a decision and arranging the affairs in Nanyang, Li Mu immediately rushed to Hankou by airboat.

On the way, looking at the motorboat under his feet and the waterway of Hanshui, Li Mu suddenly had a thought, if Wuhan fell, would Xiaobenzi drive the warship into Hanshui and drive straight in.

He shook his head for a long time. The warships can sail on the Yangtze River, but the Han River should not be able to enter.

However, warships can't get in, and those small gunboats should be fine.Not to mention the Han River, even those small rivers, tributaries, and gunboats are still unimpeded.

In this case, why don't I buy a batch of gunboats for backup, even if Wuhan is lost, the Han River and other inland rivers are still of great use, and they can't be left to the little devils to show off their power.

As long as the firepower is sufficient, not only can the little devils attack by water, but also ensure the safety of the transportation of these rivers, and even control these water systems.

(End of this chapter)

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