Life in the world of film and television

Chapter 532 Chapter 541 Ancient Song

Li Mu said: "Perhaps Uncle Master and Mr. Mo Da have different experiences since childhood and have different perspectives on things. Uncle Mo often hangs out in the market and comes into contact with ordinary people. Hu Qin must have felt this."

"Uncle Master comes from a well-known family and is a well-known tycoon. He interacts with elegant people. It's natural that he won't get used to it."

"However, music! Everyone has their own preferences. Whether it is elegant or vulgar, there is no distinction between superior and inferior."

Liu Zhengfeng smiled bitterly and said: "What my nephew said is reasonable, I have learned a lesson."

The two chatted for a while, ranging from music to swordsmanship. After talking about the Five Swords of Huashan, they talked about the swordsmanship of the Hengshan School.

Liu Zhengfeng suddenly sighed and said: "Among my swordsmanship in Hengshan, the 'Returning Wind and Luoyan Sword' and the 'Thirteen Styles of Thousand Changes of Clouds and Mists' are naturally very brilliant, but the most brilliant set of swordsmanship in my Hengshan is" Hengshan Five Divine Swords'!"

Li Mu pondered: "But there are five sets of swordsmanship: Tianzhu, Furong, Zigai, Shilin, and Zhurong!"

Liu Zhengfeng nodded and said: "Yes! Of the seventy-two peaks in our Hengshan Mountain, these five peaks are the highest, so our Hengshan Mountain has five sword techniques, named after the five peaks of Tianzhu, Furong, Zigai, Shilin, and Zhurong."

"And my 'Hengshan Five Divine Swords' transformed these five sword techniques into 'Quan Ming Hibiscus', 'Crane Flying Purple Cover', 'Stone Book Sound', 'Tianzhu Cloud Qi' and 'Goose Returning to Zhurong' Five moves. One move covers all the way. The essence of dozens of sword skills along the way is integrated and simplified into one move. One move has both attack and defense. It is so powerful that it is my Hengshan Sword. The Crown of Dharma therefore respectfully calls these five sword techniques the 'Five Divine Swords of Hengshan'."

Li Mu suddenly realized: "So that's it. I've been taught a lesson. I'd like to see it if I have the chance."

He also knew in his heart that the Five Divine Swords of Hengshan had probably been lost in Hengshan, and some should be found in the secret caves of Jade Girl Peak. He now has a foundation in swordsmanship and his internal strength is not weak. After returning to Huashan, he can go to Si Guo Ya to find out.

Liu Zhengfeng sighed: "Alas... It's a pity to disappoint my nephew. When my Wuyue Sword was fighting against the Demon Cult at Jade Girl Peak in Huashan Mountain, my master and his uncle were both killed. I was still young at that time, so I had learned a lot about the five sword techniques of Tianzhu, Furong, Zigai, Shilin, and Zhurong. However, the Five Divine Swords of Hengshan, each move including one Lu, had not yet been truly taught due to its profoundness and mystery. I didn't want it to be lost from now on, alas..." Liu Zhengfeng couldn't stop thinking about this!

Li Mu said: "That's a pity. I really want to see the elegance of the Five Divine Swords of Hengshan."

Liu Zhengfeng said: "It seems that my ability is limited. I heard from my ancestor that the five sword techniques of Tianzhu, Furong, Zigai, Shilin, and Zhurong complement each other, and it can be said that they are all-encompassing. If you learn these five sword techniques "Quan, if you have excellent natural talent, you may master it and understand the Five Divine Swords of Hengshan. Liu's talent is dull. Although he has learned these five sets of swordsmanship, he cannot understand its secrets. I am really ashamed!"

Li Mu said: "Uncle, there is no need to underestimate yourself. The 'Five Divine Swords of Hengshan' are profound and profound. They cannot be understood easily. Just let it go."

Liu Zhengfeng smiled bitterly and said: "What my nephew said is that Liu has lived half his life, but he is not open-minded enough on this matter."

The two of them laughed, exchanged glasses of wine, exchanged cups, and chatted while eating!

Liu Zhengfeng suddenly changed the topic and said: "Senior Brother Yue is really lucky to have a good nephew like me. I have been traveling for half my life and have known many people, but few people can compare with my good nephew. My nephew is also very close to me, so why should my nephew leave in a hurry? Why don't we stay together for a while longer!"

Li Mu chuckled and said: "Thank you, uncle, no need. I have been away from home for many years, and I came down this time just to visit home."

Liu Zhengfeng nodded: "I see, it's important to get home, so I won't keep you here."

After chatting for a while, the banquet was about to end, and suddenly a heroic laughter came. A figure was like flying smoke, coming from far to near, and soon drifting down.

"Brother Liu, I have changed a new section of the song. Please listen to it and give it a try."

Liu Zhengfeng's expression changed slightly, then returned to normal in an instant. He glanced at Li Mu secretly and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that his expression was normal.

Liu Zhengfeng then stood up and said: "Master Nephew, this is my good friend, who is also a master of music. We have known each other through music. In the past few years, we have been creating a song together, but it is still crude and needs to be revised from time to time. Let Master Nephew What a joke."

Li Mu said: "Oh, it turns out he is a master of music, so today I am blessed!"

But he secretly wondered, could it be Qu Yang he was talking about? From this point of view, their relationship may not be short. If it was a song co-created by the two of them, could it be the legendary "Swordsman" whose name is only heard but not its sound?

At this time, Li Mu finally saw the person coming: tall crown, broad belt, white hair, childlike face, slightly sunken eye sockets, a pair of dark brown eyes, overflowing with light, sparkling energy, and good demeanor.

After seeing Li Mu, he was slightly stunned. Seeing that Liu Zhengfeng didn't say anything, his expression returned to normal.

Liu Zhengfeng quickly introduced Li Mu, saying that he was the nephew of the Huashan sect...

After some polite exchanges, Li Mu soon realized that the two of them were obsessed with each other, not caring that he was around, and might even have forgotten that he was there.

Liu Zhengfeng took out the flute and put it to his mouth. Qu Yang also took out the seven-stringed guqin and tinkered with it a few times. The two looked at each other and smiled, showing no concealment of sympathy.

Then, it actually started playing live.

Together with the sound of the piano, it is very elegant, sandwiched between the quiet flute, and then the sound of the piano gradually becomes louder, while the sound of the flute slowly becomes lower, but the sound of the flute is low and continuous, like a gossamer floating in the wind, but it is continuous, adding to the feeling of excitement. meaning!

One plays the harp and the other plays the flute. It is very harmonious to hear the melodious music of the harp and flute. Suddenly I heard a clanging sound coming from the Yao Qin, which seemed to have the intention of killing, but the sound of the flute was still gentle and gentle.

After a while, the sound of the piano gradually became softer, and the two notes were high and low. Suddenly, the rhyme of the piano and the flute suddenly changed, as if there were seven or eight Yao Qins and seven or eight cave flutes playing music at the same time. Although the sound of the piano and flute is extremely complex and changeable, each sound is ups and downs, sweet and moving.

After listening for a while, the sound of the flute changed again, and the main tune changed. The lyre was just an accompaniment of the jingling and jingping, but the sound of the flute became higher and higher.

The harp and flute played together, and a tragic song lingered for a long time. The two people looked at each other and smiled while playing the strings and stroking the flute. Suddenly there was a sharp clang, the music of the piano stopped, and the sound of the flute also stopped.

Suddenly there was silence everywhere, and everyone was immersed in it, and they didn't wake up for a long time.

It took a long time before Li Mu came back to his senses and was deeply impressed by Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang's musical skills.

It is really rare for two people to find such a rare soulmate and have such a similar temperament. It's a pity that they belong to two factions, good and evil, which caused the whole family to be destroyed. Liu Zhengfeng suddenly smiled and said: "Master nephew, this piece of music is not complete yet. This is the first time we have played it together in front of people since we composed it. What do you think of this piece?"

Li Mu sighed: "It's like the sound of heavenly music. It's hard to describe its beauty in words. If I wait until my uncle completes this piece, maybe it can be compared to the eternal masterpiece 'Guangling San'."

Qu Yang laughed loudly and said: "In the past, when Ji Kang was about to be executed, he played a song on the guqin and lamented that "Guangling San" would never be heard again. But he didn't know that the guqin has seven strings, and the first string is the lowest. If the second string is slowed down to the same sound as the first string, the sound will be deep and majestic. But the first string is also called the "jun string". Tuning the strings like this can be said to be 'offending the king with his ministers'. The world only knows that Ji Kang never taught this music, but they don't know his reasons!"

Li Mu said: "It turns out that there is still this theory that Guangling San' was lost."

Qu Yang said with a smile: "Guangling has spread, and it may not have been lost?"

Li Mu said: "Oh!"

Qu Yang said: "Qu has seen the music score of 'Guang Ling San'."

Li Mu also knew about his robbing tombs to find music, but he didn't reveal it at this time: "Didn't I say that since Ji Kang, 'Guangling San' has ceased to be popular!"

Qu Yang stroked his beard and said: "This is true, but I look down upon the people of the world. Ji Kang is a very interesting person. History books say that he was 'magnificent in literary terms, good at talking to old people and villagers, and very capable of being a knight.'"

Zhong Hui was a high official at the time and went to visit him because of his reputation. Ji Kang was busy working on his own and ignored him. Zhong Hui felt bored and had to leave.

Ji Kang asked him: "Why do you come here when you hear something, and go away when you see something?" Zhong Hui said: "You come here when you hear something, and go away when you see something."

Zhong Hui was considered a smart man, but he was too small-minded. He was angry because of this incident and spoke ill of Ji Kang to Sima Zhao, who then killed Ji Kang.

When Ji Kang was about to be executed, he played a zither tune, which was indeed very magnanimous. However, he said that "Guangling San" would be extinct from now on. This sentence would be underestimated by future generations.

This song was not composed by him. He was from the Western Jin Dynasty. Even if this song was lost after the Western Jin Dynasty, wouldn’t it have disappeared before the Western Jin Dynasty?

Qu was not convinced by what he said, so he went to excavate the tombs of emperors and ministers of the Western Han and Eastern Han Dynasties. He dug 29 ancient tombs in a row, and finally found the music score of "Guangling San" in Cai Yong's tomb. . "

Qu Yang laughed out loud after saying this, feeling very proud of himself, but he didn't see Liu Zhengfeng wink at him.

Even if Li Mu knew it, listening to it again now, he couldn't help feeling that it was indeed a demon sect that had no scruples in doing things, digging twenty-nine ancient tombs for a piece of music. "

Liu Zhengfeng secretly observed Li Mu's expression and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that he looked calm and unmoved. He and Qu Yang are emotionally compatible, and they are rare bosom friends. However, his identity is terrifying, and their relationship is difficult to tolerate in the world!

Qu Yang's words just now violated etiquette and law, and he was not like a man of the right way. He was really afraid that others would find out what he was saying, and then he would be in serious trouble.

Liu Zhengfeng slowly let go of his heart and quickly smiled at Li Mu: "My brother Qu is a brave and brave man, and he is also a strong-willed man. It's just that he is obsessed with good music and has endless admiration for 'Guangling San'. Such behavior is a bit excessive." Yes, but it’s Brother Qu out of his sincerity towards music! It’s best that I don’t mind, my nephew!”

Li Mu smiled and said: "Senior Qu can tell the truth frankly, which shows that he is an open and honest person."

Qu Yang laughed and said: "I said that this little friend is an open-minded person at first glance. How can he have the same vision as a secular person? Brother Liu Xian and I know each other through music, have a close relationship with each other in our hearts, and make friends through music. How can we be friends with such a noble character? If you become a close friend, so what if ordinary people are confused in every way?"

"I am a wild traveler from the far end of the world, playing the string and flute, feeling at ease!"

After hearing this, Liu Zhengfeng couldn't help but sigh: "Brother Qu is also my lifelong confidant and the best friend. Brother Qu and I hit it off as old friends, and we play the harp and flute in harmony. In today's world, I think little brother plays the piano and plays music, and no one can compare with Brother Qu. Kong plays the flute, and I won’t let anyone else do it!”

When Li Mu saw the two talking about each other, he showed his true feelings as if no one else was watching. Even Liu Zhengfeng, who was all-rounded and smart, was not immune to this. He could only sigh, "They are really two idiots, but the ending is a bit tragic."

"The two seniors play the piano and flute in harmony. The sound of such a confidant and elegant sound makes people envious. It reminds people of Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, Guan Zhong and Uncle Bao. It can be said that the mountains and rivers meet the friends. If this song is completed, It will definitely become a legend!”

Qu Yang laughed loudly and said: "Thank you for the compliment, little friend. Brother Liu Xian and I are obsessed with music. Based on 'Guangling San', we have spent several years to create this song. We have no regrets."

Li Mu looked at the two people, thinking of their endings, and couldn't help but secretly sigh. The most touching scene in Guangling San's history was the scene before Ji Kang was beheaded. Three thousand imperial students were moved by it and begged for mercy, but in the end they could not be saved. Ji Kang, after Ji Kang finished playing, he looked up to the sky and roared, there is no more Guanglingsan in the world! Guangling San was lost.

Ji Kang, who was the leader of the Seven Sages of the Bamboo Grove among famous celebrities in the Wei and Jin Dynasties, was executed precisely because of his wild and unruly personality.

"Swordsman" not only inherits the melody left by "Guangling San", but also inherits the tragic fate of Guangling San and Ji Kang.

Later, Liu Zhengfeng refused to betray Qu Yang and watched as his son, daughter, and wife were executed one by one. His daughter Liu Qing cursed loudly and was slashed diagonally from the shoulder to the waist with a sword. Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang died tragically... Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang were inevitably killed in the end. He died from menopause.

It seems that Liu Zhengfeng and Qu Yang died tragically. Liu Zhengfeng was also a responsible and loyal person, but Liu Zhengfeng sacrificed his family's lives for his own loyalty.

His family members also showed their loyalty and generosity in serving justice. Perhaps in the end, the youngest son Liu Qin showed cowardice, which made people feel spineless, but it is also human nature.

Liu Zhengfeng exchanged the lives of his family members for one of his own righteousness. Perhaps he felt that this was what made him a loyal person. Perhaps he felt that his family members were his private property and could be sacrificed. Perhaps this was the ancient etiquette!

For the sake of all friends, he will not care about anything, even if his whole family is killed.

In fact, if he had been ruthless at that time and stood up to resist before his family was killed, even if he was defeated and killed, the outcome would not have been so tragic; or he could have imitated Zhang Cuishan and his wife and killed themselves to apologize. What excuse is there to kill a bunch of women and children in front of so many people in the world?

The demon sect was used as an excuse to kill Liu Zhengfeng. Many people in the world may not dare to speak out against it due to the general situation. However, Songshan is a well-known and upright sect after all, and it needs a fig leaf. Even if they kill all the people, they will not come out openly.

In short, Li Mu couldn't figure it out. Did Liu Zhengfeng really value music and loyalty above all else, even the lives of his family?

With such doubts, Li Mu did not interrupt the two people's discussion of music, and said goodbye and returned to the inn. He would return to Fujian tomorrow. (End of chapter)

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