Chapter 171

Chapter 170

Looking at Mang Gurtai's head, Cheng Shijie was very happy in his heart. He was also afraid of making a mistake. Once he reported it to the court, he would cause a big oolong if he made a mistake.

Cheng Shijie asked, "Does anyone know him?"

"The slave knows him!"

Su Wannayan who was standing beside Hu Erqi said.

It was only then that Cheng Shijie noticed Su Wannayan. The last time he recognized Oboi before the battle, Cheng Shijie noticed him. As one of the five ministers, Fei Yingdong's nephew, Oboi was the number one warrior in Manchuria. And the status is not ordinary.Let alone ordinary Jiannu know him, I am afraid not many people have heard his name.

Su Wannayan saw Cheng Shijie's doubts, and hurriedly explained: "I am the grandson of Suoerguo, the former leader of Suwanbu, and my father is Huerhaqi Bayan, the third son of Suoerguo. , I am still Oboi's cousin!"

Cheng Shijie knew that Oboi was born in the Guarjia clan with a yellow banner, but he didn't know that the Guarjia clan was divided into Suwan Guerjia clan, Yehe Guerjia clan, Antu Guerjia clan, and Yehe Guerjia clan Branches such as the Uraguerja clan and the Uraguerja clan.

Cheng Shijie knew Su Wannayan's name, but he didn't understand the Jurchens' habits. Su Wannayan's full name should be Su Wanguaerjia Nayan.

Su Wannayan continued: "When I was in Shenyang, I met Mang Gurtai three times, and I definitely won't admit my mistake!"

"Just don't admit your mistakes!"

Cheng Shijie said: "Let's see if we can collect Mangurtai's armor and weapons. These are important trophies and will be sacrificed to the Taimiao in the future!"

Sun Chengzong looked at Cheng Shijie in shock.

Cheng Shijie was a little puzzled: "As Mangurtai, isn't he qualified to sacrifice to the Taimiao?"

"Enough, enough! If Mangurtai's identity is not enough, then who is enough?"

Sun Chengzong just couldn't believe the facts in front of him. It was too unbelievable to capture Nurhachi's seventh son Abata alive and behead his fifth son Mang Gurtai.

Cheng Shijie smiled and said: "I thought that only the head of Huang Taiji was qualified to sacrifice to the Taimiao!"

In fact, what Cheng Shijie didn't know was that in history, Mao Wenlong raided Zhenjiang Baocheng and captured more than 60 people including Zhenjiang guerrilla Tong Yangzhen and his son Tong Songnian.

At that time, it was very difficult for a guerrilla to kill a slave, let alone Mangurtai, one of the four great Baylors?
According to the Ming system, Mangurtai is at least a prince.

Sun Chengzong looked at the front of the formation, and the army of Jiannu came rushing in like a storm, wave after wave, and couldn't help frowning, and said angrily: "Is Jiannu built with iron? Even if it is an army of iron, there are casualties So many people should retreat!"

Cheng Shijie said with a smile: "Even if they are made of iron, today they are old...!"

Cheng Shijie wanted to say what was wrong with me, but he changed his mind immediately in front of Sun Chengzong: "This commander also wants to make Jiannu soft."

"Meng En!"

"Under the door!"

"Pass on the commander's order, add more fire!"


Following Cheng Shijie's order, the green light flare, which is actually a firework, soared into the sky, and the firework flew to a distance of more than 100 meters in the air and exploded in the air.

About five miles away from the battlefield, hundreds of scouts from the Ning Navy were fighting with Jiannu's rangers. They saw the fireworks in the sky.

"The time has come, send the signal!"

One after another green fireworks appeared in the sky.

Seeing this scene, Huang Taiji was startled: "Cheng Shijie still has reinforcements?"

The answer is yes, although Cheng Shijie's main combat troops are only left, right, and guards, three infantry commanders, plus cavalry commanders, and scout cavalry, chasse cavalry troops, more than 3 horses, and garrison commanders, as early as Dongjiang Before the army and the Guan Ning army arrived at Baliwan City, the garrison commander of the Ning Navy arrived at Baliwan City as a grain transporter.Although the sporadic scouts of Jiannu can see that the Ming army and civilian husbands will leave after arriving in Baliwan City.

In fact, they just left during the day and marched back to Baliwan City at night. Now the garrison troops of the garrison capital began to receive orders, and they slowly moved towards the battlefield.

Looking at the signal, Huang Taiji realized that something was wrong. Now that Jiannu was in danger, he could barely hold on, but it was at the end of his battle. Huang Taiji wanted to push Zhenghuang Qi up as well to make a final decision.

If Cheng Shijie still had a hidden army, he would definitely be in big trouble.

"Come on!"

"The slave is here!"

"Go and check, how much Cheng Shijie has behind him!"


In Baliwan City, the garrison army who received Cheng Shijie's order began to line up neatly, holding weapons, and slowly left the city. When they arrived at the outside of Baliwan City, the Jiannu servants watched the army rushing out like a tide, as if they were in the middle of nowhere. icehouse.

Black flags, black helmets, and black armor are like black ink everywhere. Almost [-]% of the soldiers in the tens of thousands of troops are fully armored. If this is not the main force of Ning Haijun, their eyes can be dug out and used as stamps.

"Quickly report to King Khan that the Ming army still has a large force!"

This Ning naval force, watching the Jiannu cavalry serving in the distance, was not nervous, but formed a huge hollow square formation, without panic, noise, or stop, but continued to march.

There are more than 1 troops out of the city, but they haven't finished yet. How many troops are there?
In fact, the 1 bureaus of the real garrison, plus the recruits from the Shuangcheng Guards Management Committee, are not many, barely over 1, but after actual combat, Jiannu knows that black-skinned troops like Ning Haijun are different from other Ming troops. It's completely different. Their [-] people are more powerful than the [-] people in Dajin Kingdom.

With nearly 10 troops, they fought around 6 or [-] people in Ning Haijun for two days. The losses of Ning Haijun are not clear, but they are definitely much smaller than Daikin.

Du Du roared: "The sound of the Ming army's firecrackers stopped, and their firecrackers can no longer be fired..."

Jiannu's morale was boosted, and the charge became more violent.

It is definitely a joke to say that Ning Haijun cannot fight in close combat.Ning Haijun was not rich from the beginning, how long have they been equipped with firearms?

Before the Dengzhou Mutiny, Ning Haijun's firearms were less than [-]%, which was only a symbolic role. At that time, Ning Haijun relied on hand-to-hand combat.

Especially the pikemen of the Ning Navy, they formed a dense formation, completely ignoring Jiannu's charge. In front of the relatively dense formation, Jiannu seemed to be unable to fight.

Ning Haijun is in an absolute space, so as to fight more and less. Usually, four or five spearmen deal with a Jiannu. In this way, no matter how high Jiannu's martial arts are, they will not be able to display them.

On the battlefield, no matter how good your kung fu is, you are still afraid of being stabbed by spears. People have five or six spears, blocking all the space, where to hide?

As the saying goes, one inch is long and one inch is strong. Facing a spear more than four meters long like Ning Haijun, Jiannu could only watch the opponent's spear piercing his body.

"Uncle Ten, be careful!"

Du Du saw that the soldiers in front of De Gelei, the small banner owner of the Zhenglan Banner, were dead and injured, and hurriedly shouted for De Gelei to retreat.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

The spearmen of the Ming army fought hand-to-hand with Jiannu in the front, while the soldiers of the Ning navy in the back, holding grenades, threw them at the Jiannu formation, and flew past with the grenades.

All the slave soldiers in front of the Deges fell down, and a grenade landed a dozen steps in front of the Deges' horses and exploded. Normally, the power of the grenade was not enough to kill the Deges, but it was very Unfortunately, when the grenade exploded, a piece of the broken knife of the slave soldier was blown away.

The knives equipped by Jiannu are very sharp. Most of them are made of high-carbon steel. As the saying goes, steel is easy to break.

This palm-sized broken knife, like shrapnel, flew towards the Dege class, chopping off half of the Dege class's shoulder...

Dege class died as soon as they met each other. Thousands of Zhenglan Banner soldiers under his command were suddenly in a panic. Mang Gurtai, the main banner owner, died, and they also had Dege class, the small banner owner. Now both banner owners are dead. , They are still playing a fart...

"Defeated, defeated..."

The majestic Jiannu yelled desperate slogans, let alone fighting forward, the front, left and right, three directions are full of long spear arrays of Ning Navy soldiers, and they are compressing towards them.

The collapse of Zhenglan Qi was not complete. Seeing this, Cheng Shijie said with a smile: "Jianu can't hold on anymore, life is over, shoot out all the shells!"

"But, Commander, our people are too close, and it is easy to cause accidental injury!"

"Accidental injury, I will deal with you!"

Cheng Shijie hung up the walkie-talkie directly.

Yuan Shiliang reluctantly ordered: "Fire, all on time!"

Twenty-four three-inch guns and more than 24 French machine guns fired the last salvo, blowing up a large area of ​​Jiannu again.

"Defeated, defeated..."

The remnants of the Zhenglan Banner were finally terrified, they turned around and ran towards the Jiannu camp. Some Jiannu were not afraid of death and wanted to fight again, but they were smashed to pieces by the Jiannu cavalry.

More importantly, following the direction of the Ning Navy's middle army, there was an earth-shattering sound.

Cheng Shijie took the walkie-talkie and said: "All soldiers, I am Cheng Shijie. This commander orders you now to leave Jiannu with fertile land and attack with the whole army!"

All the infantry of the Ming army, including Ning Haijun and Dongjiang Army, shouted in unison: "Long live the commander! Long live the commander!"

The infantry raised their spears and brazenly launched a white-blade charge. Many Jiannu soldiers were caught off guard and were threaded into meat skewers together in threes and twos. The entire army was rushed back again and again, and finally stabilized. Thousands of extremely ferocious horizontal swordsmen were killed in the middle, brandishing horizontal swords like tigers rushing into a flock of sheep, crashing into them, the horizontal swords flew up and down, blood splashed everywhere, like slaughtering pigs and sheep.

They have persisted with Ning Haijun for so long, and the belief in their hearts that they must win is that Ning Haijun's hand-to-hand combat is not enough, but in fact, they have fought hard with Ning Haijun's pikemen for so long, costing thousands of lives, but did not achieve what they wanted. results.

In Jurchen, the belief that the Jurchen was dissatisfied and invincible was shattered by Ning Haijun's long formation.


Just when the Jiannu in the formation collapsed, Huang Taiji had just received the news.

"What did you say? Twenty or thirty thousand Ning navy ships are dispatched from the city of Baliwan?"

"Reporting to the master, 3, should not be less than [-], and almost everyone wears armor, that must be the main force of the black skin!"

Huang Taiji felt great hatred in his heart. At this critical moment, Ning Haijun still has more than 3 fresh troops who have not joined the battle. If they join the battle...

That's a fart!

In the past, when Huang Taiji and Jiannu analyzed the Ming army, they usually divided the number of the Ming army by ten. An army of 3 horses was regarded as three thousand. Even 6000 troops are enough to defeat the Ming army.

But now, Huang Taiji looked at the more than [-] men and horses in the Zhenghuang Banner, and Ning Haijun dispatched [-] active forces to press the entire Zhenghuang Banner up, which may not be able to stop Ning Haijun.

At this time, Huang Taiji had already felt the intention of retiring, and he could no longer see the hope of defeating Cheng Shijie. As for whether Cheng Shijie would become the confidant of the Dajin Kingdom in the future, that was a matter of the future, and he could no longer take care of it. .

"Hurry up, pass on the order of King Ben Khan, and the whole army retreats!"

Before the messengers around Huang Taiji ran to deliver the order, there was already a mass of Jiannu routs in front of him.

"Failed, defeated!"

Huang Taiji was confused: "What's going on?"

Yue Tuo, covered in blood, came back with a look of grief and indignation: "King Khan, the fifth uncle is gone, and the seventh uncle is also broken!"


There was an unbelievable expression on Huang Taiji's face. He was chilled all over, his eyes were dull, he was shocked, scared, angry, confused...

"King Khan!"

Huang Taiji fell on his back, Yue Tuo hurriedly stepped forward to help Huang Taiji up.

At this time, more broken soldiers swarmed in.

Yue Tuo looked at the unconscious Huang Taiji, and with difficulty helped Huang Taiji onto the horse's back. Two soldiers led Huang Taiji's horse and hurriedly asked, "Lord Baylor, what should we do now?"

Yue Tuo looked at Huang Taiji who was "unconscious" but riding steadily on his horse, and immediately understood that he was responsible for the blame. Of course, it is not a big problem for Huang Taiji to bear the blame. May be disqualified.

It's amazing to find a reason for him to recover.

Thinking of this, Yue Tuo pointed in the direction of Shenyang and said, "Retreat, retreat..."

Huang Taiji was really pretending to be dizzy, he was very puzzled, what's wrong with this god?
Ever since Nurhachi raised his troops with the help of thirteen armors, of course, as a person who witnessed it, Huang Taiji knew that the so-called thirteen armors did not refer to the real thirteen armors, but Nurhachi's father Ta Keshi and grandfather Jue Chang'an, etc. Armor on thirteen corpses.

In order to promote Nurhachi, it became Nurhachi who relied on thirteen pairs of armor to raise troops and successfully seized the country of Daming. This is a discredit to Daming.

It's also for bluffing. If 500 people beat 500 people, it's nothing special. If 10 people beat [-] people, it's a legend.

In fact, in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, the government was corrupt, not to mention the commander of the Jianzhou Zuowei of the Ming Dynasty, the second-rank General Dragon and Tiger, even Cheng Shijie, the Dengzhou Wei Zuoqian household, although he did not have a pair of iron armor at the beginning. It's not because of him, but because the former Qianhu Gaowang sold all the armor.

In the second year of Jingtai in the Ming Dynasty, an order began to be issued, ordering each Wei to build 160 sets of military weapons, and each school had [-] sets of weapons.Jianzhou Zuowei, the guard, has his own production tasks. How could Nurhachi only have thirteen sets of armor?
Of course, this is not important, everyone knows that this is just bragging, the general idea is that I started from nothing and overthrew the Ming Dynasty.

In this way, Comrade Zhu has won thousands of miles with a dog stick.

Dorgon, Duoduo, Azig, Du Du, including Hauge, were all dumbfounded.

It was the first time that the Dajin Kingdom lost to the Ming army in a battle with more than [-] people, and the loss was so miserable that there was nothing to say about the loss!

Tens of thousands of soldiers were buried on the battlefield. The heads of Baylor Mangurtai and Dege fell to the ground.

However, the yells of the Jiannu soldiers came like a tsunami, drowning everything, and they had no choice but to believe it!
"Failed, defeated!"

The defeat was complete and complete, and the defeat was out of control!
Hauge's eyes were red, and he looked like a maniac. He swung his long knife and slashed and killed the fleeing slave soldiers. Every time he felled one, he let out a roar: "Don't retreat! You cowards, don't retreat, rush up, kill them!" Just these lowly Han dogs! You are not allowed to retreat, and whoever dares to retreat, I will chop off his head and demote his wife and children into slaves, do you hear that!"

However, under the fierce attack of Ning Haijun, Hauge's threat completely lost its due effect. More and more Jiannu soldiers chose to run away with their backs to Ning Haijun, and were hacked by Ning Haijun or Dongjiang Army from behind. fall.

Once they lost the belief in victory and the courage to fight, the performance of the Jurchen warriors known as "all invincible" was not much better than the soldiers of the Ming army who had been defeated by them thousands of times.

Zu Dabi said in disbelief: "Jiannu was defeated!"

"Good defeat!"

Zu Dale's voice was full of tears: "Brother, we defeated Jiannu!"

"Cry ass!"

At some point, Cheng Shijie had already come behind Zu Dale, he yelled at Zu Dabi and Zu Dale: "What are you doing in a daze, your ears are stuffed with donkey hair, can't you hear my command?"

Zu Dabi came to his senses: "Cheng Shuai!"

"The whole army fights back, and leave Jiannu to Lao Tzu as a fertile land!"

Zu Dabi raised the Mo Dao in Yang's hand, and said with a smile: "Understood, brother, did you hear that? Cheng Shuai has an order not to keep any of them. The whole army will fight back and leave Jiannu as a fertile land!"

The generals of Ning Haijun, Guan Ning Army, and Dongjiang Army roared like heaven and earth were falling apart, and the offensive became more and more fierce. Under their blows, Jiannu was no longer as simple as being defeated in battle, it was simply collapsed for thousands of miles!

Although it is said that the Ning Haijun soldiers who are the main force are very tired, the morale of these soldiers has risen to the peak. There are only a few dozen people, but they dare to chase hundreds of Jiannu.Although there are only a few hundred people in a small army, it has the momentum of thousands of troops.

Although Hauge was unwilling, the soldiers around him said: "Master, retreat, if you don't retreat, it will be too late!"

Hauge yelled in his lungs: "I have followed my father Khan since I was a child, and I have never been defeated, let alone retreating in front of Minggou! Kill me! Kill me all those Minggou! They only have less than Four thousand cavalry, what are we afraid of? What are we afraid of!"

The soldiers whispered: "King Khan has withdrawn!"

Hauge turned his head and saw Huang Taiji's banner, slowly retreating, moving all the way to the northeast, and the speed was getting faster and faster.

Seeing that Huang Taiji was retreating, Hauge was also like a discouraged ball. His father ran away, but he still persisted!
The Ming army was extremely excited, and the whole army rushed towards Jiannu like a tiger descending a mountain, especially the Dongjiang army, who charged the most fiercely, and the Jiannu warriors surrounded by them instantly turned into being picked on the point of their guns. Plasma and chunks of flesh waving.

At this time, the Jiannu soldiers had completely lost their fighting spirit. They snatched the horses and fled desperately. They were completely out of control and only wanted to escape. The farther away from here the better, the farther away from the Ming army the better!
They had a lot of horses, and their mobility always had the upper hand. The infantry of the Ming army couldn't catch up, so they could only vent their anger on those who failed to grab the horses.

At this time, the happiest person is not the Ming army, but Su Wannayan, who is a Jurchen. He is proficient in bowing horses, but he has no intention of being polite to Jiannu. He bites Jiannu like a pack of blood. The main force of slavery is Zhenghuangqi.

The Chasers with less than 2000 troops insisted on holding on to the Zhenghuang flag, and the more than [-] troops did not let go. Those small troops that fell behind would bite and eat one after another. dead body……

The only ones who did not participate in the pursuit were the artillery and fire support troops of the Ning Navy. They had enough combat exploits. After adding the Ning Navy's garrison capital to the battlefield, there was no shortage of manpower.Now the Ming army has a large number of people, which makes Jiannu want to resist and has no courage to resist.

After the victory, the morale of the Ming army was like a rainbow, and they chased for [-] miles in one breath. Jiannu's flags, weapons, and corpses were also thrown for [-] miles. It was not until heavy snow fell that the Ming army temporarily stopped their pursuit.

At this time, the thirty li radius was already covered with corpses!

At this time, Sun Zhichen was still in disbelief: "I actually won the battle!"

Sun Chengzong looked at Sun Zhichen with some puzzlement and said, "You seem to have some regrets?"

Sun Zhichen was indeed a little regretful. Originally, his cousin Sun Shisanniang wanted to disguise herself as a man and followed him to southern Liaoning. At that time, he was worried that Shisanniang would spread rumors that would insult Sun's family tradition, so he only brought his servant Concubine Luo.

If she had brought Thirteen Niangs here, even if she became Cheng Shijie's concubine like Luo Shi, she would be prosperous and wealthy for a lifetime.

You know, among the sixteen sons of Nurhachi, three of them, the fifth mang Gurtai, the seventh Abatai, and the tenth Dege were planted in the hands of Cheng Shijie. This great achievement is enough to be named a marquis.

Sun Chengzong heaved a sigh of relief. With this victory, Jiannu suffered heavy losses and would not be able to recover for at least three to five years. Daming was finally free to deal with the traitors in the world.

"Long live Daming, long live Daming..."

The cheers of the soldiers of the Ming army came from a distance. Cheng Shijie was riding a horse, and wherever he passed, there were the voices of soldiers of the Ming army shouting long live.

"Cheng Shuai wins!"

"Cheng Shuai is mighty!"

"Cheng Shuai is domineering!"

Cheng Shijie was also very happy.

Shen Mingyu came forward and asked: "Commander, shall we still pursue?"

"Of course we will continue to pursue! This is our territory. Don't they come and leave whenever they want? If they want to leave, they have to leave something for me! Count the casualties, set up camp, and continue the pursuit tomorrow! I Let Jiannu always remember this day!"

(End of this chapter)

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