I really don't want to be emperor at the end of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 240 No Habit of Negotiating with Animals

Chapter 240 No Habit of Negotiating with Animals
Chapter 239

The biggest shock to Emperor Chongzhen in the Battle of Lu Song and Ming Xi was not that he got something for nothing, but opened a window.

It turns out that if you win the war, you can claim compensation from the other party.

This is a concept that neither officials nor emperors had in ancient times. In fact, there were many examples of compensation in ancient times. In the early Han Dynasty, making peace with the Xiongnu was actually a kind of war compensation.Of course, the most famous ones are the Weishui Alliance in the Li Shimin period and the Chanyuan Alliance in the Song Dynasty."

However, the compensation party is the Central Plains Dynasty.

Ming's foreign wars are not without victories, just like the Wanli Korean War, Ming's victory, and the Penghu naval battle, Ming also won, including the Liuluowan sea naval battle, and Ming was also the victorious party.

In fact, fundamentally speaking, after the victory of the Luowan naval battle, influenced by Western thinking, and Zheng Zhilong also had Western staff around him, the negotiations with the Dutch East India Company included war claims, and the money was based on protection fees. Handed over the form to Zheng Zhilong.

However, the imperial court did not benefit from it. Most officials of the Ming court were actually influenced by the Confucian doctrine of the mean, the Confucian doctrine of the mean.Don't be extreme, and leave room for doing things. To use a common saying, it is "to be forgiving and forgiving".

From the perspective of being a human being, there is no problem in not being extreme and leaving room for doing things.But the problem is that at the national level, this self-cultivation is a bit nondescript.It is not that Confucianism is not suitable for governing the country, but that it is not suitable for being placed in the law of the jungle of the forest of nations.

After the end of the Wanli Korean War, the imperial court was affected by the financial crisis and was eager to end the war. It neither asked for war indemnity nor compensation from Japan.

The result of the negotiation was: "First, the Japanese army quickly withdrew from North Korea and Tsushima after receiving the conferment; And according to the list provided by Xiaonishi, he appointed the minister of the country of Japan.

Until Cheng Shijie negotiated with the Dutch East India Company, he filed a huge claim against the Spanish Empire. Of course, the court ministers criticized Cheng Shijie fiercely. Enough is enough.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't know the truth until this time, that war can make money.


Cheng Shijie from Luzon misses the summer in Liaodong.Affected by the weather of the Little Ice River in the Ming Dynasty, although the summer in Liaodong is hot, there will be high temperature weather of 35 degrees, but the problem is that 35 degrees is already the limit.

But during this period of time, the weather in Luzon was as high as forty degrees, and it was unbearable for even a strong man to bask in the sun for half an hour.

Just after ten o'clock in the morning, Cheng Shijie already felt uncomfortably hot, and for some reason, there was no wind. Most of the weather in Luzon is actually good, only the extreme weather now is unbearable.

Zhu Weiti saw that Cheng Shijie was too hot, but there was no ice room in Luzon, so fortunately, he could use saltpeter to make some smoothies. When Zhu Weiti took a towel to wipe Cheng Shijie's body, he found Cheng Shi standing at the arch and looking inside. wait and see.

"What's the matter?"

Cheng Shijie knew that Cheng Shi was usually a person with sharp eyesight, and he would not come here because he had nothing else to do in this situation.

"Father, something happened!"

Cheng Shijie asked, "What happened?"

"Bad thing. A few days ago, a Chinese representative from Batavia, the Canton Ship "Chengfeng" was going to visit Luzon to meet his father, but this ship was seized by the Dutch East India Company..."

"What's the reason?"

Cheng Shi scratched his head: "I'm not sure, this news was sent by Mr. Wu Shangzhi, and he is waiting in the front yard to be received by his father!"

After Cheng Shijie changed, he came to the front yard.

"Meet the Master!"

"Free gift!"

After Cheng Shijie drank a bowl of mung bean paste, he still felt wet and uncomfortable.

In this kind of weather, swimming is the best choice, and of course it is also the best way to escape the heat, provided that you learn how to swim.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

"The life of the Chinese in Batavia in the Netherlands is very bad. They are similar to the living conditions of the Chinese in Luzon. They are double suppressed by the Dutch East India Company and the local aboriginals. Originally, they had no choice. No matter how difficult it is, it is better than in Daming. , at least there is no need to starve!"

Wu Shangzhi smiled wryly and said: "After the commander-in-chief occupied Luzon, more and more Chinese migrated to Luzon. There were originally more than 5000 Chinese in Luzon, but now it has exceeded [-]. In just over a month, there are two More than [-] people came to Luzon, and the Dutch East India Company began to feel trouble, and tried every means to stop it. A few days ago, the Li family, the Lin family, the Guo family, and the Shen family in Batavia The family changed their property and sold their property, and the whole family moved to Luzon. As a result, when they were traveling, they besieged the Li family's Chengfeng ship!"

Wu Shangzhi was calm at this time, and he was not filled with righteous indignation. After all, Cheng Shijie was now preparing to go to war with Spain, and the attitude of the Dutch was also very important.

"What did Putmans say?"

Cheng Shijie looked at Xie Jinglin who had just entered.

At this time, Cheng Shijie was really not angry, because the Dutch didn't make trouble for him, and he was going to make trouble for the Dutch. The forces in the south of Dayuan, this was originally planned.

Unlike the real people in Ming Dynasty, Cheng Shijie is very clear that whether it is Spain or the Netherlands, their fundamental center of gravity is in Europe, and there is not much power in the Far East. At least until the 30-year war is won or lost, they have no way to take care of the Far East. .

Fortunately, the Dutch actually took the initiative to come to the door.

The Netherlands, whose land area is only 190 square kilometers, has colonies in Southeast Asia with an area of ​​more than [-] million square kilometers. These colonies are collectively known as the Dutch East Indies and are under the jurisdiction of the East India Company.

Relying on the Strait of Malacca, the Dutch have only collected toll taxes in recent years, and the Dutch have made a lot of money, stuck in the trade channel of Ming Dynasty, and European countries have contributed a lot of tax revenue to the Dutch East India Company.

Needless to say, the importance of the Strait of Malacca, Cheng Shijie is unwilling to be stuck by his neck.

The change of attitude of the Dutch East India Company is actually not surprising, to put it bluntly, it is the benefit.In the land controlled by the Dutch East India Company, there are many Chinese living. These Chinese are the major taxpayers of the Dutch East India Company. Why does the Kingdom of the Netherlands have less than 500 million Dutch people to challenge Spain with [-] square meters of land?
We must know that the Spanish Empire has more than 550 million square kilometers of land in Europe, as well as more than 300 million square kilometers of colonies, and more than 500 million citizens.

The Kingdom of the Netherlands relies on blood transfusions from the Dutch East India Company. As Cheng Shijie occupied Luzon, the Chinese who could not live under the rule of the Dutch East India Company naturally chose to immigrate. They themselves were immigrants and gave up their industries in the Dutch East India It is also a good choice to go to Luzon for development.

But the problem is that almost [-]% of the production and operation of the Dutch East India Company relies on the Chinese. If it relies on the local aborigines, these aborigines are lazy and greedy. They can't do anything other than instinctive breeding and eating.Chinese immigration to Luzon violated the fundamental interests of the Dutch.

So sooner or later conflicts will arise.

"Marshal, don't be angry, you need to calm down, and immediately negotiate with the Dutch side, and we must bring him back!"

"Hurry up, the weather is prone to problems now!"

Cheng Shijie decided to get him back first, and as for revenge, let's talk about it later.

Xie Jinglin said: "The subordinates will urge them to ensure the safety of those Chinese as much as possible, and try to ensure that no one is harmed." Xie Jinglin didn't dare to say that, the white people were brutal in the colonies, he was very clear, just look at Luzon. Now, does anyone care about the life and death of Luzon natives?
No, Cheng Shijie wouldn't care.

"Tell the Dutch that if they dare to start a war, they should be prepared to take revenge from the Ning Navy!"


Cheng Shijie is stuffy and hot now, and his heart is also on fire.

"Order, Ning Haijun sailors, jump camp, and prepare for war!"


In fact, Cheng Shijie was not afraid of the threat of war from the Dutch. Whether it was the Dutch or the Spaniards, the methods used by colonial countries to compete for colonies in this era were really rough.

If Cheng Shijie participated in the colonial scramble, he would never resort to war. Just like the strategy of Dayuan, first establish a good relationship with the aborigines, give them weapons, give them training, and let the aborigines take advantage of their familiarity with the terrain. The Dutch adopted guerrilla tactics.

In fact, what Cheng Shijie didn't know was that the seizure of the Chengfeng by Batavia was also the revenge of the Dutch East India Company against Cheng Shijie.

Just when Cheng Shijie was about to attack the Dutch, the restless Chen Dayong was holding a meeting of senior officials against the Dutch colonial aggression alliance in Tamsui.

Colonial rule was unpopular wherever it was found, even in slavish India.The Dutch and the Spaniards invaded and plundered the mineral resources, timber, and land of the Dazuan, and even a little bit of sugar produced by the Dazuan. For this reason, they massacred and expelled the aborigines. No matter whether it is the mountain people or the mainland immigrants living in the coastal plains, they all hate them.

Now, when Chen Dayong ascended the heights, there were crowds of responders. Not only the young and strong ethnic groups in the mountains of Tainan came here after hearing the news, but even the mainland immigrants who had always been regarded as weak and deceitful also tried their best to come to the valley. Pulled up a local team of nearly [-] people.

Outside Danshui County, the Atayal, Seediq, Beinan, Yami, Bunun, Tsou, Rukai, Paiwan, Thao, Amis, Taroko, and Sakizaya More than a dozen ethnic groups, a total of 110 and three tribal leaders held a blood alliance with Chen Dayong. After offering sacrifices to the ancestors, they cut their wrists, let their own blood drip into the blood of the cow, and dipped their fingers in the blood on the alliance. Fingerprint.

Holding his blood wine, Chen Dayong swears to the sky: "From now on, we will abandon the past suspicions, work together to expel the Xiyi, and live and die together. If you surrender to the Xiyi without authorization or collude with the Xiyi, the people and gods will be angry and the whole family will be punished." , you are not allowed to enter the ancestral home after death!"

When the translator began to read Chen Dayong's words, all the tribal leaders raised their bowls at the same time and shouted in their own language: "From now on, we will abandon the past, work together, drive out the Xiyi, live and die together, and surrender to the Xiyi without authorization!" Or collude with Xiyi to negotiate a peace, and the gods and humans will be angry together, and the whole family will be punished, and they will not be allowed to enter the ancestral home after death!"

At the end of the alliance ceremony, Chen Dayong waved his hand, and dozens of carts were loaded with weapons and equipment. Of course, these equipment were mainly cold weapons, and the only hot weapons were actually grenades.

Chen Dayong distributed the equipment to the leaders of the various ministries according to the head. The Ning Navy officers and men would train these tribal warriors on how to use crossbows, how to make traps, how to use grenades, and how to maintain armor and other equipment.

Especially the grenade, because it is not filled with black powder, its power is not small. The absolute killing radius of the projectile made of pig iron is seven meters, but in fact it is very dangerous to be 35 meters away from the explosion point. Some shrapnel fly out 100 meters. Midu is still lethal, and it's no joke to get hit.

With the end of the alliance, groups of tribal rebels began to walk out of the temporary training camp of the Ning Navy, and these Dutch people actually started to be in trouble.

The first to suffer was the Qitianling logging camp.It was originally a dense forest, covered with towering trees, some of which have grown for thousands of years, and are regarded as holy places by the Atayal people.

However, the damned Dutch expelled the Atayal people, took the place as their own, and cut down the trees wantonly. Those ancient trees that had grown for more than 100 years were used by them to build ships, and the lesser ones were used to build camps and houses. However, the Atayals failed to take back the forest after several attacks, and the entire Atayals regarded it as a great shame.

Under the strong request of the Atayal people, Chen Dayong listed the Qitianling lumber camp as the primary target. After Hong Niangzi's reconnaissance, there were 51 Dutch soldiers stationed at the lumber camp, a total of more than 300 colonial troops from the Tagalogs. Moreover, there is a strong fortress, and a strong attack may cause greater casualties, so I decided to outsmart it.

On a misty morning, two Saiyan American huntresses carried a wild boar and appeared staggeringly at the intersection of the logging field, which immediately attracted the attention of the Dutch soldiers.

You must know that the two Yami huntresses are one of the best beauties in the world, with a strong body, a pretty but wild appearance, and bright clothes, and the wild boar that was hunted after a lot of effort is also huge. Surprisingly, it weighs more than 300 kilograms. No matter what these two things are, they are enough to attract attention.

The eyes of a dozen or so Dutch soldiers lit up, and they said in their hearts that this is a good time, pork and beautiful women will be delivered to their door automatically, where can such a good thing be found?Maybe they really didn't treat the aborigines as human beings, and they didn't even have to bargain, just rushed out and robbed them.

The two Yami huntresses screamed in fright, threw away the wild boar and ran away.The Dutch, who had already got their brains together, would not let them go. They laughed and chased after them, and followed the two Yami huntresses running like flying on the steep mountain, and plunged into a forest near the forest farm.

Then, after a scream, the heads of a dozen Dutch soldiers became trophies hanging from the waists of the hunters.

Then, dozens of smeared Atayal hunters, armed with crossbows and steel knives hanging from their waists, rushed into the logging camp like a tiger descending a mountain. The remaining dozens of Dutch soldiers had already moved their heads before they knew what happened.

The Atayals fought several times but failed to take back the forest farm. Chen Dayong took it down with a little trick. None of the 51 Dutch soldiers were spared. Although more than [-] Tagalog colonial troops saw the death of the Dutch, Surrender immediately, but the Yami and Atayal colonial troops who have the custom of headhunting also beheaded.

Only three Confederate soldiers participated in the battle were killed, and more than a dozen were slightly injured.

Early the next morning, on the road twenty miles away from Chixian City, a small group of Dutch soldiers appeared in front of them with six carriages escorted by them. There was nothing to be polite about. Stabbed with bayonets and chopped with machetes, eleven Dutch soldiers saw God in a daze. The large amount of gunpowder, flour, fine wine and more than 100 flintlock guns and more than 2000 rounds of bullets loaded on six carriages became trophies.

Of course, the Dutch East India Company is still unaware of this matter. The Allied forces were out of control, and they attacked the Dutch camps in the mountains everywhere, and set up ambushes on the highway to ambush the passing convoys and small groups of Dutch troops. Going like the wind made the Dutch feel restless.

In just one week, six logging camps, two mines, and three farms were destroyed, killing more than 200 Dutch soldiers and more than a thousand of their servants.

The road is even worse. The flat cement road is the hope of the Dutch to develop the Tainan area, but now it has become a shooting range. Within a week, 21 ambushes occurred on the road line, an average of three times a day, causing the Dutch Regardless of how much loss is estimated, the fear of being shot or even losing his head while walking on the road is enough for the Dutch.

The security situation in the Tainan area deteriorated rapidly. There were wars everywhere outside Dayuan City and Chikan City. Although the fortresses had not been attacked yet, everyone was in danger and panicked overnight.

Now that the Dutch are provoking trouble, no matter what measures they take, it is absolutely impossible for Cheng Shijie to compromise with the Dutch. The persona he built with great difficulty will collapse once he compromises.

Following Cheng Shijie's order, the war machine of Luzon's Ning Haijun quickly started.The soldiers of the Jumping Battalion who were on vacation immediately canceled their vacation and all returned to the camp. The soldiers of the Ning Navy on the street also began to prepare for war. A large amount of supplies were moved from the warehouse and transferred to the battleship.

Warships are quickly maintained, repaired, and ready for war.

"Mr. Wu, what does the commander-in-chief say?"

Wu Shangzhi had just returned to the Wu family compound located in the Zhenghe port area, and Li Shiji, the second son of the Li family, the representative of the Batavian Chinese, immediately went up to greet him.

Wu Shangzhi pointed outside: "What did you hear?"

"Bang bang bang..."

There was the sound of rhythmic footsteps.

Li Shiji immediately reacted: "The commander wants to send troops?"

"Ning Haijun has entered a state of combat readiness, and now we only need to see the reaction of the Dutch!"

Wu Shangzhi smiled and said: "The commander-in-chief is ready to send troops. If the Dutch don't let them go, they will have to fight!"

At this moment, a young man with a panicked face ran in.

"Second young master, it's not good!"

Li Shiji's heart tightened. He knew this man, and it was his brother's elder brother who called Gu Changsheng: "Changsheng, why are you here?"

Gu Changsheng hugged Li Shiji's thigh and cried loudly: "Second young master, the Li family...the Li family is over..."

The Li family in Batavia can also be regarded as one of the representative families of the local Chinese. The head of the Li family is Li Shiji's father Li Shichang, who let his eldest son Li Shimao marry a Dutch white man in his early years.

The Dutchman was an employee of the Dutch East India Company. Of course, his status was not high, but he was a member of the real power. In view of the 8 taels of silver dowry, the other party agreed to this cross-border marriage.With the care of the Dutch, the Li family quickly changed from an ordinary family to a well-known wealthy Chinese family in Batavia.

But the problem is that Li Shichang actually wanted to move his family to Luzon. This was a betrayal for the Dutch, and they couldn't bear it. Thousands of natives targeted the Li family's plantations, shops in Batavia, and The Li family's old house launched an attack.

In all fairness, the strength of the Li family is not weak. There are more than 500 armed servants. Without the Dutch colonial army, these thousands of natives would not have successfully breached the old house of the Li family.

But the Dutch colonial army was different. They had artillery and muskets. The old house of the Li family was breached within less than half an hour.

The whole family of the Li family in Batavia was killed. A total of 41 people were killed, including eight children. Li Shiji's eldest son was only three years old, followed by Chongzhen, who was born in February of the seventh year. He was only five months old and was also killed. Dozens of women were raped, including Li Shiji's wife.

Li Shiji fainted at that time.


Zheng He Port Affairs Office.

Putmans stared at Xie Jinglin and said, "Our request is that you must immediately stop supporting the natives of Dayuan, and promise that you will never..."

While Putmans was speaking, a soldier from Ning Haijun came to the venue, and he whispered in Xie Jinglin's ear.

Xie Jinglin's complexion changed drastically, he got up and said to Putmans: "Hans, I'm very sorry, this negotiation is meaningless, the two countries are at war, if you don't come here, you are an envoy and a diplomat, you can immediately Leave Luzon, or you will bear the consequences!"

Putmans' face changed greatly: "Thank you, what happened!"

"You have started using knives. More than 300 people died in Batavia Chinese, including 63 babies and 12 children under the age of [-]. You are really inferior to animals. Our Ming Dynasty has no habit of negotiating with animals. We want to owe him blood. Leave the blood!"

Putman suddenly had a big head: "Damn it, those bureaucrats!"

In Putmans' view, the Dutch East India Company has not yet recognized the reality, that is, the Ming Dynasty has risen again.

Meanwhile, Cheng Shijie signs his name on an order that reads "Operation Hurricane!"

Operation Hurricane specifically refers to the strategy of the big players, that is, ready to let Chen Dayong play.

If the Dutch still have a certain advantage at sea, then the war on land is completely the absolute home of the Ning Navy.

The war to recover the senior officials began first.

Cheng Shijie was reviewing the officers and men of the Ning Navy Navy Fleet in Luzon Port. He looked at the officers and men and said: "Just received the news that the Dutch massacred more than 300 Chinese in Batavia, including 63 babies. For the [-] children, my commander has only one sentence, blood payment is necessary. Soldiers, this commander, as the commander of the Ning Navy, ordered all the soldiers of the Ning Navy to face the executioners, not to be merciful, let alone accept their surrender !"

"Resolutely complete the task!"

(End of this chapter)

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