Chapter 246

Chapter 245

The battle at the port of Batavia finally came to an end. In this battle, eight regiments dispatched by the Dutch East India Colonial Army dispatched more than [-] people, six of which were disabled and more than [-] people were killed or injured. The total number of Ming soldiers who actually fought against them was only [-].

It was equivalent to one-third of the Dutch East India colonial army. In terms of equipment, the Ming army did not have any advantage, and even the six three-inch guns it carried did not have time to fire.Ning Haijun's jumping battalion was not equipped with even a musket, while the Dutch East India colonial army had nearly [-] muskets.

These Dutch East India colonial troops are also well-trained and have rich combat experience, especially to suppress the indigenous tribes and Chinese who do not obey the management of the Dutch East India Governor's Office. Usually, the colonial troops are dispatched.

In fact, the number of casualties of the Dutch East India colonial army was far greater than that of the Ning navy, because many colonial troops jumped into the river in order to escape.More than 3000 people were drowned alone, and the colonial army of eight regiments attacked, and less than [-] people returned. The rest were either drowned or surrendered directly. Ning Haijun captured more than [-] people.

The Ning Navy killed 27 people, of which 62 were injured. These wounded soldiers were mainly slightly injured. After all, the weapons in the hands of the Dutch East India colonial army were basically unable to cause fatal damage to the soldiers in the jumping camp.Of course, it doesn’t mean that the Dutch East India Company’s army equipment is not good. In fact, their muskets did a lot of damage to the soldiers in the jumping camp. 90.00% of the deaths and 80.00% of the injuries were caused by muskets.

Even if the battle is over, Li Weiluan still has lingering fears. Fortunately, the establishment of the jumping camp will not be expanded. With the development of technology, it is difficult to be [-]% safe in front of muskets, no matter how thick the armor is.

For this war, everyone is in a different position, and their views on that war are also different.The natives were very frightened, because they found that the Ming army was more terrifying than the Dutch. Of course, the Dutch were invincible in their eyes, but at this time, the Ning navy officers and soldiers had become terrifying devils in their eyes.

Of course, most of the Chinese are very happy. The arrival of Ning Haijun, especially Li Weiluan also accepted their gifts, which means that in the future, the Dutch will not dare to trouble them, let alone the natives now.

The Dutch were both shocked and angry. What shocked them was the fighting power of the Ming army, but they had no choice but to experience the fighting power of the Ming army...

The west port area of ​​Batavia finally gradually regained its calm. The bodies of the killed Dutch and Indian colonial soldiers were laid out on the ground like piles of hemp. There were puddles of blood everywhere, and the residual value of the human body was everywhere. , There are still many corpses of colonial soldiers floating in the river, which can frighten people's courage.

Sidney came to the Westport District under such circumstances, and behind him were the released Chinese, densely packed in a large area.

Ning Navy soldiers have already started to clean the battlefield. In the same way, all the clothes on the corpses were stripped off, and all weapons and equipment, including money and personal items carried on the corpses, were also sorted out and put together.

Located at the downwind port in the northwest of the port, a huge incineration site has been disposed of. These corpses will be pulled over and burned. If these corpses are left on the pier, they will soon stink and may cause plague. This will be very serious. troublesome thing.

As for the captives of the Dutch East India colonial army, they were very docilely washing the blood on the ground, as well as human organs and parts.


"Excuse me sir!"

Sidney has a strong sense of inferiority when facing the heavy infantry of the Ning Navy. They can't carry the heavy armor weighing 1.8 jin, and their Mo Dao, the whole body bears more than 48 jin.

You must know that when the heavy infantry was recruited, there were as many as 2 people whose height reached the selection standard of the Ning Navy. In the end, they only protected the establishment of more than [-] people, which is equivalent to choosing one out of a thousand.

The heavy infantrymen of the Ning Navy who were on guard were wearing visors, and their expressions could not be seen clearly at all. They were almost the same height, body shape, and equipment. In Sidney's view, they looked like they were carved out of the same mold. Same.

In fact, even if Ning Haijun took off his visor and revealed his appearance, in Sidney's eyes, these Chinese were almost all carved out of the same mold.

After getting the translation from the translator, the Ning Navy soldier said coldly: "Wait!"

Just when Sidney arrived, the tall and tall Xu Tong stood beside Li Weiluan, with a wry smile on his face and said, "General Li, how do we count our achievements in this battle?"

In Xu Tong's view, these colonial troops are very weak, and the Luzon colonial troops who fought against them are even stronger than them.

Li Weiluan smiled and said, "Didn't the commander say that when he was in Luzon? We are now in a foreign war, and all enemies are counted according to their military exploits!"


"But what? Are they considered civilians?"


"They are not civilians, but formed soldiers. Naturally, they must be counted as military exploits!"

Li Weiluan laughed and said, "We can't count on how strong our enemies are."

Xu Tong scratched his head and said, "During the battle in Luzon, I beheaded 37 heads. In the battle last night, I beheaded one level. Today, there are eleven heads. The total is..."


Li Weiluan said: "Very good, you can get 670 acres of land, have you made up your mind? Where are you going?"

"Let's Liaoyang!"

Xu Tong smiled and said, "If my father finds out that there is only less than [-] mu of land in Jinzhou, he will definitely feel distressed to death!"

"If you want more land, then go to Luzon. With your military achievements in Luzon, you should be able to divide nearly [-] mu of land!"

"I plan to ask for [-] acres in Jinzhou, which will be reserved for my father's retirement, and [-] acres in Liaoyang, and let my third brother be in charge of Jingying over there, and I plan to stay in Luzon for the rest!"

"Stay in Luzon?"

Li Weiluan was puzzled and said: "Are you planning to stay in Luzon?"

"I figured it out!"

Xu Tong sighed and said, "Luzon has my inner demons, I can't sleep well if I leave Luzon!"

"Heart demon, I think you can't bear to part with that pretty widow!"

Li Weiluan scolded: "You useless bear!"

"Ha ha!"

There was a burst of laughter around.

The military discipline of the Ning Navy is relatively strict, especially for the relationship between men and women.But the problem is that Cheng Shijie is a person of later generations, and has the inertial thinking of later generations.

When formulating this discipline, the consideration is to protect vulnerable groups.He doesn't engage in free love, and he doesn't care about this issue in this era.

However, when I was in Luzon, considering that the population in Luzon was too small, especially the Chinese population, this restriction was relaxed. As long as you are over the age, you can bring your partner and apply to the supervisor for marriage.

Although Xu Tong was not married, he fell in love with Tao Shi, a pretty widow in Zhenghe Port. Tao Shi was the wife of fisherman Lin Sen. When Lin Sen was out at sea, he encountered a Spanish patrol fleet and was bombarded by the Spanish fleet as a target. into pieces.

In this way, Dow became a widow. She lived with a pair of children. The eldest son was seven years old and the youngest daughter was five years old. When Xu Tong was guarding the Spanish prisoners, Dow's son Lin Dazhuang, who was seven years old, threw a stone at the Spanish prisoners of war. , at a young age, the attack was very ruthless, but when he hit the prisoner, he hit Xu Tong.

Dow apologized to Xu Tong on Lin Dazhuang's behalf, and Xu Tong felt that Lin Dazhuang was like his nephew who died young, with a tiger head and a tiger head, so Xu Tong gave Lin Dazhuang the canned food he didn't eat. The gangster who bullied Dow disappeared naturally.Dow asked Lin Dazhuang to recognize Xu Tong as his godfather.

Once they came and went, the relationship between the two became a matter of course.

Xu Tong decided to marry Dow.

While Li Weiluan and Xu Tong were chatting, the garbage on the pier, that is, the corpses of the colonial army, was almost cleaned up, and the ground of the pier was also cleaned, but the bloody smell in the air was still very pungent.

"Speak to the General, the Dutch want to resume negotiations!"

Li Weiluan said: "Notify Mr. Xie that it is his business to fight against us!"


Xie Jinglin came to Sidney and said coldly, "What are you doing here?"

"I have been ordered by Your Excellency the Governor to come here to discuss the resumption of negotiations!"

Sidney felt that he was surrounded by wolves, which was very unnatural.From the moment he arrived in Batavia's Westport area and landed, without looking, he had been watched by hundreds of thousands of eyes.

"I'm very sorry, after the last negotiation was unreasonably suspended by your governor, I don't think we need to negotiate now!"

Xie Jinglin is very clear that Brewer sent someone to restart the negotiation, so as to reduce losses by means of negotiation. This is really a joke, is it possible?

Things that cannot be obtained on the battlefield are naturally impossible to obtain on the negotiating table. The current Ning Haijun has a huge advantage over the Dutch. Chinese people everywhere have more and more confidence in Cheng Shijie.

These Chinese are also very clear that they want to keep the wealth they have accumulated over the years. Only by cooperating with Cheng Shijie, at least they still have a chance to survive and keep their wealth, while the Dutch or other colonial authorities of other powers will not leave them The next penny.

Originally, when the cannon was fired, ten thousand taels of gold would be worth it, but the problem is, with the Nanyang Chinese transfusing blood to Ning Haijun, Cheng Shijie is really not short of money now.

Of course, the Dutch East India Company was not short of money, they just lacked people.

"Sir, you can't do this. God is merciful. Too many people have died. As a member of the civilized world, we shouldn't fight bloody like barbarians..."

While Sidney was talking, he found that Ning Haijun was registering all Chinese in the port position.


"Lin Bufan!"


"53 years old!"

"Native place!"

"Huguang Chief Secretary Changsha Xiangyin County!"

"How many people are in the family?"

"Fifteen mouths!"

"What's their name!"

"The eldest son, Lin Zhufeng!"


"37 years old!"

"Whether you are married or not!"

"Married, wife Chen, aged 35!"



As the big seal was stamped, Lin Bufan held his ID card and household registration book with emotion on his face.

The ID card in the Ning Navy system is similar to the size of the physical card of later generations, but it does not have a photo. It is stamped from a copper plate, which is easy to carry and not easy to damage.

"You can't do this, this is the territory of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, you are breaking the law!"

Xie Jinglin said with a faint sarcasm: "You are really shameless. You raised the butcher knife and slaughtered us Daming people recklessly. This is your so-called benevolence. Why are you so thick-skinned? Oh, yes, you should have no shame... "

Sidney returned to the Dutch East India Governor's Palace very helplessly, and reported the attitude of the Ming people to the Governor.

Brewer is also understanding that Ning Haijun is asking too much.Now he can only pray that the Dutch Navy can be more competitive...

For the Chinese captives released by the Dutch, Xie Jinglin asked Lin Bufan to start providing food for these Chinese. They were imprisoned for nearly two months, and there were some problems in their physical condition.

When the food and water were allocated, there were bursts of choking voices from the Chinese people. Most of them had already resigned to their fate. After all, the massacre against the Chinese did not happen once or twice.

Under the management of the Dutch colonial authorities, the Chinese were actually raised as pigs. In the process of accumulating wealth for the Chinese, the Dutch colonial authorities did not impose restrictions.

Once the wealth of the Chinese reaches their psychological expectations, they will bring up the butcher's knife.

"Long live Daming!"

"Thank goodness!"

When registering the household registration of the Chinese captives, Ning Haijun's manpower was insufficient, so Xie Jinglin had to use these Chinese. Thanks to the material environment in Nanyang, the literacy rate of the Chinese was much higher than that in the Central Plains.

Among the more than 400 captives, as many as [-] were literate. Except for the old and weak, women and children who were temporarily settled, other Chinese made full use of them.

Lin Bufan looked at Xie Jinglin and said, "Mr. Xie, what should we do next?"

"Clear out the garbage in the port, and repair the destroyed houses and warehouses. Our fleet is coming, we must be ready!"

Lin Bufan asked in bewilderment: "Didn't you defeat the Dutch? Why do you still need to send troops?"

"The Dutch are not as weak as they imagined. They will not be reconciled. You must know that the Dutch East India has 35 strongholds. Excluding the big officers, there are 34 more. They armed tens of thousands of colonial troops. These troops were originally cannon fodder. The Dutch are sure to come back again!"

Lin Bufan was very surprised that Ning Haijun actually provided food for the captive natives, and the meals they provided were not bad. Pay attention, there are vegetables.Not only are there vegetarian dishes, but each person also has a fried fish with golden color on both sides.

The Ning Navy soldiers ate the food sent by the Chinese. Watching the Chinese children come over, as long as they said hello and said a word of Chinese, they would get a tin of canned food.

Even if the Chinese in Nanyang are rich, they are actually relatively rich. There are also many Chinese who work as workers or servants and have no property. For them, canned food is still a luxury.

Stimulated by Ning Haijun's leather whip and delicious food, the work progress of more than [-] captives was not bad. As more and more Chinese joined the repair process of the port, the appearance of the entire port has undergone tremendous changes.

First of all, the hills of rubbish were cleaned up, and after being cleaned up, white ash was sprinkled on them. After the streets were cleaned up, the blue-gray stone slabs underneath were exposed. All the sanitation, including the back of the corner house, and even the rubbish on the roof were also cleaned up. After cleaning up, a large area of ​​dilapidated and unsightly shacks around the pier were also demolished.

All kinds of rubbish accumulated on the water surface of the port that no one cares about for many years have also been cleaned up. Fishing boats and merchant ships are neatly arranged on the side of the port in accordance with the regulations. The problem of passage of the waterway was solved in an instant. After seeing the brand-new port, not only Lin Bufan, but even Breuer were reflecting on what the Port Authority had done during the years when the Netherlands was in power.

After racking his brains, Brewer had to admit that the Port Authority had done nothing in Batavia Port these years except collecting taxes.

There is another problem that has to be faced, that is, Ning Haijun has no intention of leaving. In the current Batavia West Port area, Ning Haijun formed a patrol team and began to patrol around and set up guard posts.

At the same time, Batavia Westport officially changed its name to Coconut City.

Several masons engraved a stone tablet overnight, and wrote "Yecheng Port!" in three big characters.

The bottom is engraved with small characters in running script. In October of the seventh year of Chongzhen in the Weiming Dynasty, the Minister of the Ministry of War, the Governor of the Five Armies, the General of Zhenglu, the Governor of Liaodong, and the Liaodong Dusi all ordered the captain-in-law and Haiguo Gongcheng to surprise Nanyang. , The red sheep in the catastrophe, the disaster is deep in Java, the western barbarians invaded, ravaged and ravaged, tens of thousands of citizens, loyal eyes can't forget the help of the king's teacher, Nanyang bansang.Chi Xin only fights for the festival of thousands of years, the leader of the country, Cheng Cheng, bowed to the army, and ordered General Zhaoyong to jump the battalion to command Li Weiluan to supervise the surprise attack.

Batavia West Port was renamed Yecheng Port.

Like Luzon, a temporary executive committee was established, Xie Jinglin was the director of the temporary executive committee, Lin Bufan, Li Sixi, Guo Sijia, etc. became temporary members of the executive committee, and began to issue Daming ID cards and household registrations to the Chinese people in Yecheng.

With the development of household registration statistics, Yecheng Port began a larger-scale construction, and more and more Chinese came to register. As the Ning Navy occupied Batavia West Port, local residents began to be expropriated.

Aboriginal people have no wages, just food.The Chinese are paid for their work, which is comparable to the level of Liaodong, with a daily salary of [-] yuan, or a monthly salary of [-] yuan.

While the construction of Batavia Westport was in full swing, the Dutch East India Combined Fleet on the Java Sea was also going in circles with the main fleet of the Ning Navy Navy.

They took advantage of the more familiar terrain and have never been in contact with the Ning Navy. Although the warships of the Ning Navy have an advantage in speed, the problem is that they will lead the Ning Navy to a sea area with complex sea conditions and dense reefs, and then slip away quietly. Walk.

In this way, the navy officers and men of the Ning Navy were very angry, but there was nothing they could do.

"Oh, these grandsons ran very fast, and let them run away again!"

Li Zhixiang was very angry at this time.

Naval battles are actually similar to decisive cavalry battles on the prairie. There is also a huge room for detours. It can even be said that rising battles are more complicated than cavalry battles.

If the opponent doesn't want to fight, they can go around in circles at sea.

Especially the sea is not always calm. If the visibility is too low, it is entirely possible to pass by. The problem is that after the cavalry, as long as a large-scale cavalry passes by, it will definitely leave traces. Experienced cavalry will find , can also be chased down.

But after the battleship passed by, no traces would be left behind.

Cheng Shijie smiled very easily: "Since they are playing hide-and-seek with us, then we will attack and save them and go directly to Batavia. I want to see how long they can hide!"

"The commander-in-chief means..."

Cheng Shijie smiled wryly: "We don't have time. Zheng Zhilong is only three or four days away from us. If Zheng Zhilong's fleet catches up, the battle will be fought! We will go straight to Batavia!"

Although Zheng Zhilong’s fleet is huge, Ning’s navy relies on its own equipment advantages, fast ships, and powerful naval guns, but the problem is that the Dutch’s armed merchant ships and warships are also large, unlike the black tail of five or six hundred tons. The ship is not as good as the [-]-[-]-ton Junk ship.

The three-inch naval gun of the Ning Navy has no ability to hit the soul of the thousand-ton armed merchant ship of the Dutch, and the four-inch gun can only hit the gunpowder barrel on the Dutch battleship with the blessing of luck. The problem is, now The Dutchman and Zheng Zhilong had already learned the lesson. They no longer put barrels of gunpowder on the deck, but put the gunpowder in the cabin on the ground floor. When needed, they had people carry the gunpowder.

Because the Ning Navy's flowering shells came out ahead of schedule, it forced the Zheng's fleet and the Dutch combined fleet to adopt the method of custom-installing gunpowder to avoid sinking a warship by a single shot.

Just as the main battleship of the Ning Navy sailed towards Batavia, dense sails appeared on the sea surface of Batavia. This is Zheng Zhilong's fleet.

In fact, as early as when the Ning Navy turned around and went south, the traces of the main battleship of the Ning Navy would be discovered, because when crossing the Penghu Strait, the Dutch discovered the main fleet of the Ning Navy.

Zheng Zhilong immediately judged that Ning Haijun was definitely not afraid of Zheng's fleet, but turned around to deal with the Dutchman first, and then went back to deal with him.

Zheng Zhilong also knew the reason why the lips were dead and the teeth were cold. Now the Spaniards no longer exist in Nanyang, and the Spanish warships that surrendered were all converted into armed merchant ships by Cheng Shijie.

Cheng Shijie looked down on the Spanish warships because their speed could not keep up with the Shanghai Shark class. Cooperating with the main warships of the Ning Navy would only drag down the overall speed of the Ning Navy.

The second is that the Ning Navy no longer lacks ships, but lacks excellent sailors.

Cheng Shijie turned around and dealt with the Dutch first before dealing with the Zheng fleet. He also had the intention of recruiting Zheng's sailors.When Zheng Zhilong was going south, he was advancing at full speed.

Arrive at Batavia Harbor first.

Although the Ning Navy occupied the West Port area, the fort was blown up by the Ning Navy's reconnaissance unit. Now they lack the means to attack the sea, and can only watch the Zheng's fleet slowly enter the port.

Zheng Zhilong has learned enough lessons, and now he doesn't dare to be careless. The fleet he entered the port is only a part of the fleet, and the other fleets are scattered on the sea and are responsible for vigilance.

Putmans immediately reported an astonishing news to Governor Brewer: "Your Excellency, something is wrong. Our power on Dayuan Island was wiped out by the Ming army!"

"How is this possible? Don't we have Orange City?"

Brewer said in disbelief: "We bought a lot of cement from the Ming people. Could it be that they have tampered with the cement? No, we have experimented and hit it with a hammer. One hammer is just a white spot. I don't know. I don’t admit it, the Ming army’s army is very strong, it’s not an exaggeration to call it the world’s number one, but how did they capture Orange City?”

Putmans smiled bitterly and said, "Actually, I also want to know how that bastard Metz lost Orange City!"

Brewer really couldn't figure it out, even if they bombarded the cement castle with 32-pound heavy artillery, it had almost no effect, but according to their intelligence, neither the Ning Navy nor the army was equipped with 32-pound heavy artillery.

"Can you ask Zheng's people to help us take back Batavia West Port?"

"I'm very sorry, Your Excellency Governor, Zheng's appetite is not small!"

(End of this chapter)

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