I really don't want to be emperor at the end of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 340 The capital settles the ledger with them

Hearing the bursts of cheers from the city of Pingdingzhou, Shuo Lei felt very irritable. He patted the silver pot in his hand on the table again: "Isn't their main force thousands of miles away? How did they come here?"

"Khan, don't worry about how they got here now, it's meaningless!"

Yatai smiled wryly and said: "It is only their vanguard troops that are coming here now, and their main force may arrive soon, King Khan, what should we do now?"

"This one……"

Shuo Lei took a deep breath, his brain was running fast, forcing himself to calm down.Although he had never fought against Ning Haijun before, under the city of Pingdingzhou, Ning Haijun used actual combat to tell them that Ning Hai is the most powerful army in the world.

Ning Haijun is not only good at defense, even their allies, the rebels in Taiyuan Mansion spent six or seven thousand lives, proving how terrifying Ning Haijun's real defense is.

After all, Ning Haijun's defense of the city is strong, and it is still within the acceptance range of Shuo Lei. It is well known that the Han people are good at defending the city and defending it.Shuo Lei knew the strengths of the Ming army. They were well-equipped and well-trained. Their biggest weakness was their cavalry. They were not good at field battles.

But under the city of Pingdingzhou, Li Dingguo and Cheng Shijie proved to the Mongols with actual combat that the Ning Navy can not only fight defensive warfare, but also field warfare.

In the eyes of the Mongols, Ning Haijun is simply a group of evil spirits from hell. No matter how powerful the army rushes up, they will be mercilessly shredded and devoured by them, leaving nothing behind!

"We used the people of the Ming Dynasty to attack the city, which forced their Ming army to go out of the city to fight us. Although we suffered heavy losses in the field battle, we finally caused some damage to them!"

Yatai understood: "King Khan means that we should arrest some Ming people?"


"I'll do it right away!"

"Victory is ours!"

Seeing that the morale was a bit low, Shuo Lei shouted at the soldiers under his command: "Warriors, where are we from?"

The Mongolian soldiers shouted weakly: "We are from Uliasutai"

Shuo Lei roared: "No, you are all wrong, we come from a dense forest where there is no flat land at all! The trees there are denser than weeds, the ground there is frozen harder than iron plates, and the wind there It is sharper than a knife. In summer, it is a swamp. If you step on the wrong foot, you will be swallowed by the mud, and you will never be seen again. In winter, it is a land of ice and snow. The wind and snow can drive people crazy! There, we have summer Fishing, and in winter, chasing bears and tigers in the mountains through the thick snow, using Costin and all kinds of leather goods to curry favor with the officials sent by the Ming court! What we fear most is the blizzard. It will make our weak tribe disappear completely!"

Speaking of this, Shuo Lei's tone became passionate, and he asked loudly: "Who led us out of the hellish deep mountains and old forests to the fertile Liaohe Plain?"

Chechen Khan soldiers shouted: "It's Genghis Khan."

Shuo Lei yelled: "Who is it that kneaded our scattered tribes into an invincible force of hundreds of thousands across the world?" "

All the Mongolian soldiers shouted: "It's Genghis Khan!"

"Is there an enemy we cannot defeat?"


"Is there a turtle shell we can't break?"


Shuo Lei then asked: "How is the Central Plains compared to Mobei?"

The Mongolian soldiers laughed even louder: "It's a hundred times stronger!"

Shuo Lei then asked, "Do you want to be kicked out of the Great Wall and return to Mobei to live like savages?"

The Mongolian soldiers answered in unison: "No!"

"Do you want to enter the Central Plains and live a comfortable and prosperous life like the Han people?"


"The world of flowers and flowers in the Central Plains is in front of your eyes. Inexhaustible wealth and a comfortable and prosperous life are in front of your eyes. Similarly, the most powerful enemy is also in front of your eyes! Have you seen the black cavalry? They are The only obstacle for us to take control of the Central Plains is to crush them. The vast and fertile Central Plains and the picturesque Jiangnan are all ours! Follow me, smash them, and occupy them! There is no retreat order, either win or the whole army Annihilated!"

Shuo Lei's voice was like thunder: "I hope you can all understand that we have gambled the luck of the whole family when we go south this time. We can't retreat. One step back will lead to an abyss! Mongolian warriors, follow up!"

After Shuo Lei finished speaking, he kicked the horse's belly, the horse neighed wildly, and rushed towards Pingdingzhou City with all four hoofs spread.

Pingdingzhou City, Cheng Shijie was looking at the corpses of Ning Haijun's soldiers, many of them turned into cold corpses, the carriage, at the foot of the city wall, and the ground were full of Ning Haijun's corpses.

In this battle, the Ning Navy had close to 2000 wounded soldiers, less than 560 uninjured soldiers, and 400 or [-] injured. That is to say, Cheng Shijie led more than [-] troops to Pingding Prefecture. Less than [-] remained.

He never imagined that the casualties were so heavy. It is said that one-tenth of the army casualties in the feudal era would collapse. If this theory is true, Ning Haijun has collapsed countless times.

Li Dingguo led 150 cavalry into the battle, and only 650 of them returned in the end, all of them were injured, and more than [-] died in battle.

Cheng Shijie led 2000 troops into the battle, but in the end only more than 100 people returned, with nearly half of the casualties.

It can be said that the scouts of the Annan Army of the Ning Navy are the seeds of Cheng Shijie's jungle warfare, and they are also the seeds for the establishment of the mountain and jungle troops of the Ning Navy. However, these seeds were sacrificed under the city of Pingdingzhou. feel good.

Cheng Shijie's face was so stinky that the Ning Navy officers and men around him didn't dare to breathe.Especially Cheng Shijie, watching the young soldiers withered at their flowery age.

Cheng Shijie wanted to cry but had no tears. This battle was so miserable, especially the battle surrounding Cheng Shijie, which became Ning Haijun's worst nightmare since he became an army. Shouted at Cheng Shijie: "Marshal, let's take a step ahead!"

Those Ning Haijun rushed up one after another, completely putting their life and death at risk, and that square inch of land became a bloody Shura slaughterhouse.

Cheng Shijie's hand was pinching the battle damage report, and the names on it were shocking. All the soldiers who died in the Ning Navy would have their names written in red pen, and a bright red name meant a bright red life.

The more Cheng Shijie watched, the more his hands trembled.He has always tried his best to avoid direct hand-to-hand combat with the Jiannu or the Mongols. He has worked hard to develop weapon innovations. He has found the most effective strategy and tactics against the Jiannu, causing the Jiannu soldiers to suffer unprecedented defeats. But the problem is, this As written in "Soldier Assault", the key factor in determining the outcome of a war is still people.In the end, on the battlefield, it is still a contest between people.

In all fairness, the loss of the Mongolian army was nearly eight times that of Ning Haijun's, but Cheng Shijie was not reconciled. He seemed like a wounded beast, howling: "My commander, I want revenge. The blood debt can only be tasted with blood..."

Lu Xiangsheng looked at Cheng Shijie, who was a little out of control, and he didn't know what to say. He said that righteousness does not manage money, and compassion does not command soldiers. It is true that Ning Haijun suffered heavy casualties, but the problem is, to put it bluntly, Ning Haijun died How many?They only killed or injured less than 500 people, but they lost a full six to seven thousand Mongolian troops.

Calculated in this way, Ning Haijun actually made a lot of money.

"Cheng Shuai, don't be angry!"

Lu Xiangsheng stepped forward and grabbed Cheng Shijie's hand and said, "Cheng Shuai..."

At this moment, there was a tsunami-like roar from outside the city, and the Mongols launched a night battle for the first time.

Cheng Shijie shouted: "Artillery, fire me at the Mongolian army!"

The next moment, the artillery of the Ning Navy fired all the rockets at the swarming Mongolian army.

Hundreds of fire dragons rose from the ground, criss-crossed in the sky, pulled out dazzling arcs, and rolled down, and the erupting flames suddenly reflected a corner of the sky red!

The Mongolian soldiers stared blankly at this scene. Their extreme horror made them lose their thinking ability, and they forgot to dodge. They just watched the shells flying towards them in a daze. In fact, they couldn't dodge even if they wanted to!

The rocket shells turned into rain of fire and poured down from the sky. The rumbling noise shook the sky for ten miles, and the shrapnel flying around with flames was like a festive firework. The flames in the Mongolian army camp were tumbling, screaming and screaming It was earth-shattering, God knows how many people were blasted into the air, God knows how many people were smashed to pieces in the flash of fire.

Li Dingguo was beside Cheng Shijie, grinning as he watched the flames rising high in the Mongolian army camp.He had already seen the power of the rocket launcher, but he was still thrilled, and felt a little sympathetic to the Mongolian soldiers. How could such a power be endured by flesh and blood!

However, Cheng Shijie didn't show any sympathy. He knew how ferocious these prairie wolves were. Before breaking their backs, no one was qualified to sympathize with them.

The rocket bombardment continued, and the rocket launcher continued to fire. He used the telescope to chase the fiery red arc flying through the sky at high speed and the sea of ​​flames rolling and roaring in the Mongol barracks. : "Dog Tartar, I didn't expect that, let me all die!"

"Launch! Launch!"

There were continuous roars from the firing position shrouded in gunpowder smoke. The artillerymen of the Ning Navy were firing at the fastest speed, and another wave of rocket shells roared out, causing terrible casualties to the Mongolian army.

The distance is a full three or four miles. Within this distance, the Mongolian army originally had dozens of artillery pieces, but after these artillery pieces were destroyed by Li Dingguo, they did not have any counterattackers to reach these hateful artillery pieces, so they could only stand up. beaten.

The rocket shells falling like raindrops, the rocket shells falling from the sky like a rain of fire caused great damage to them, but also brought them useless fear. In the smoldering army formation, the Mongolian soldiers finally The morale inspired by Shuo Lei, at this moment, was completely demoralized by the rocket bombing. Countless Mongolian soldiers cried loudly, ran wildly, trampled on each other and killed countless people. The Ming army has not yet come. They It was completely messed up.

Seeing the bloody and bloody scene of his army, Shuo Lei felt his eyes darken and his chest feel congested!He tried his best to attack Pingding Prefecture, just wanting to take Pingding Prefecture before the main force of the Ning Navy arrived, but now the Mongolian army has no power to fight back. What is this?
This can be regarded as pretending to be forced and being fucked.

Cheng Shijie's attitude was very clear, that is, to use the advantages of firearms to bully people. At the same time as the rocket shells were fired, the Mongolian army also approached within a mile.

In the past, at this distance, there was nothing Ning Haijun could do to take the Mongolian soldiers, but now, Cheng Shijie has enough ammunition, no matter whether he can hit the target or not, let the rifleman start firing. Considering the artillery factor, even the army in the [-]th century could not resist the firepower of the Ning Navy.

After all, the army in the 32th century did not have the weapons to kill the enemy at a distance of about [-] steps. The soldiers of the Ning Navy, especially the three general fire support posts in Lishu, each post had a total of eight Thunderbolts, totaling The [-] Thunderbolts also crazily fired bullets at the Mongolian army.

The 32 thunderbolts, like 32 death scythes, crazily harvested the lives of the Mongolian soldiers. Finally, the soldiers of the Mongolian army were like inflated balloons, which were punctured by the soldiers of the Ning navy.

At this time, countless soldiers of the Mongolian army began to turn around and run towards the distance. They were not running in the direction of the Chinese army or Taiyuan, but wanted to flee back to Mobei.Compared with Ning Haijun's sharp shells and bullets, they Ning Yuan fled back to Mobei, and fled back to Mobei, at least they still had a chance to survive.

However, if they attacked Pingdingzhou City, their chances of surviving were less than one percent.

The Mongolian army came in mighty force, collapsing like a tide.

Seeing the Mongolian army fleeing, Lu Xiangsheng didn't care to talk nonsense with Cheng Shijie. If he didn't take this opportunity to chase and kill the Mongolian army, Lu Xiangsheng's art of war over the years would be in vain.

Amidst the sound of rumbling guns, a wave of people slowly rushed over.It was the Ming army, more than [-] Tianxiong cavalrymen lined up neatly, holding sabers, approaching the Mongolian army camp that had been blown into a sea of ​​flames.

After leaving the city gate of Pingding Prefecture, Lu Xiangsheng's general Lei Shisheng shouted, "Tianxiong's army is attacking!"

"Rush!" The Tianxiong cavalry roared in unison, and suddenly accelerated. Tens of thousands of horseshoes raised and fell, knocking the ground shaking non-stop, raising choking dust, and more than 2000 light cavalry. The flood is coming!

The Mongolian army was blown out of their bodies by the fierce artillery fire. Before they recovered, the cavalry of the Tianxiong Army had already rushed in front of them. They had no time to organize resistance. They could only watch the cavalry rushing towards them. Let out a desperate scream!

Lu Xiangsheng did not participate in the attack. He looked at Cheng Shijie and asked, "Cheng Shuai, what are you going to do next?"

Cheng Shijie sighed and said: "Take a rest, go back to the capital and settle the accounts with them!" (End of this chapter)

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