Chapter 169 The Return of the Night Pearl
Principal's room.

After reading the cover of the paper in his hand, Hans said excitedly and hesitantly:
"Professor Snape, do you really want to sign Sir Iris as the second author?"

"Yes, Your Excellency Hans." Colin smiled.

"Absolutely not!"

Before Hans could speak, Iris sternly refused.

"Your Excellency Iris..." Hans wanted to persuade him not to refuse.

However, Iris was the first to speak: "Professor Snape, I know what you think. You think you are not qualified enough, and you want to add the names of us old guys to the signature of the paper, so that it can pass the review more easily."

Before Colin could answer, Iris continued in a hurry: "But in fact, you don't need to worry about it at all. Your thesis is clearer than your final report. As long as the examiner is not blind, there is absolutely no need to worry about it." There will be problems, not to mention you have the guarantee of Lord Felix..."

"Lord Iris."

Taking advantage of the old man's panting, Ke Lin quickly interjected: "You misunderstood, I have never considered the issue of passing the thesis, but based on general academic habits, you know, when I took over the project of the Burning Magic Pattern Group, You have almost done a lot of basic work, and some of my thesis directly cites your research."

"But when I voluntarily withdraw from the project, it means that I have given up that part of the research."

"Indeed, according to the regulations, I can not sign your name, but this is not my character." Colin said.

"Your Excellency Iris, maybe you can think about it..." Hans hurriedly tried to persuade him.

For this principal, this is definitely a good thing.

Generally speaking, when an academy teacher publishes a paper, the most they can write is XX magic academy professor in the identity column. When calculating the overall strength of an academy, this can be included in the calculation.

But obviously, if Iris's name was added to Cohen Snape's thesis, it would be tantamount to increasing the proportion of the college invisibly.


Iris would be lying if he said he wasn't tempted.

Once the thesis is passed, the figure of only 1.5% is enough to be recorded in the annals of history, and the Albert Medal is even more in the bag.

This is not only the glory of Iris, but also the glory of the entire Ilya School of Magic and even the Principality of Banner.

You must know that the last time Banner won an Albert-level award was decades ago.

The Banner Magic World without the Magic Federation as a backing not only lags behind academically, but also has a natural disadvantage in terms of personal connections. Although academic awards are relatively pure things, it is impossible for them to be free from political factors.

This is also one of the reasons why most magicians want Banner to join the Youlan Alliance.

Without waiting for Iris to make a decision, Colin continued, "Not only that, but I also hope that His Excellency Hans or Ackerman can be the corresponding author of this paper."

As soon as these words came out, even Hans was speechless, unable to speak for a while.

The so-called correspondent author, although it sounds like he only cares about the duty of communicating with the editorial department, actually has a very high status.Theoretically speaking, the corresponding author is the overall person in charge of the project, who bears the funding of the project and is responsible for the content of the paper and the reliability of the data. If a student publishes a paper, his supervisor is usually the corresponding author.In general, it is also the external contact of the paper.

"This...doesn't seem very good..." Hans looked a little awkward, wanting to agree immediately, but he was also embarrassed.

It is also common for new faculty members to appoint the principal or senior professor as the corresponding author. On the one hand, novices have no experience in paper submission and external communication. On the other hand, the reputation of the corresponding author also increases the credibility of the paper. a guarantee of

For Cohen Snape, however, none of this was needed.

He can be the first author and corresponding author at the same time.

Cohen Snape was able to put the name of the Elia School of Magic and Magic on the thesis, and he was already very considerate of the school. After all, the school provided him with only some paper and a few student assistants. It is understandable to say that he completed it independently.

Hans even had a feeling that Professor Snape probably felt that there would be many similar achievements in the future and didn't care at all.

But no matter what, Cohen Snape's move was a huge surprise for the Academy.

"Lord Hans."

Ke Lin said with a smile: "Actually, I am not very interested in submitting manuscripts and negotiating with journals, including publicity, so I also hope that the academy can provide help in this regard."

This statement is both true and false.

And the biggest reason why Ke Lin gave up part of the honor to the academy was the chaotic night pearl.

He came to Ilya for three purposes.

One is to get the Chaos Night Pearl to speed up your space magic research;

The second is to rebuild the commercial road between Xia Ya and the Western Continent;
The third is to prompt Banner to join the Youlan Alliance.

These three things are all considered from their own or Xia Ya's interests.

Now the first goal has been completed, but for the college, it is not a big loss.Although everyone knows that the loss of the Ye Mingzhu is not the responsibility of the academy, the union is not monolithic, and some people will oppose the addition of new members for certain reasons, which will give those people an excuse to oppose Banner's joining Youlan alliance.

Ke Lin considered himself a good person, and if it wasn't for the fact that Ye Mingzhu was so important to space magic, he wouldn't have made such a move, not to mention that the Elijah Academy of Magic had always been good to him.

Therefore, compensation from other aspects is also planned.

An Albert Medal-level paper, with the signatures of a second author and corresponding author, is far more valuable to the academy than Ye Mingzhu.

After listening to the steps given by Colin, Hans immediately smiled: "Professor Snape can rest assured about this. Although we are not members of the Federation, we have been cultivating for many years after all, and we still have some basic contacts."

"Since that's the case, I'll trouble you, the principal, about choosing a journal to submit to and communicating with the reviewer." Ke Lin smiled and bowed.

"No trouble, no trouble..." Hans laughed from ear to ear.

Leave the principal's office.

Get out of college.

Colin walked on the streets with pleasant scenery in Ilia, breathing the pleasant air.

The most tiring work has been done, and the rest is half by planning and half by luck.

He originally wanted to go to the beach to relax and eat seafood with local hard bread, but within two steps, his mood suddenly became heavy, as if he had a bad premonition.

Colin seemed to think of something, sighed slightly, and immediately walked back to the apartment and entered the basement.

(End of this chapter)

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