Chapter 193 Make Something Big

"You are younger than I thought, Mr. Snape, welcome to the Wilner Higher Academy of Magic."

Engel's demeanor and words made Colin quickly think of Principal Hans of Elijah. Apart from the difference in appearance, these two people looked exactly the same. He wondered whether the principals of these colleges were trained in batches.

However, the level of high-level magicians is as good as fake. Colin said hello with the etiquette of the younger generation: "Hello, Your Excellency Engel, it should be my honor to come to the top academic hall in the Western Continent."

"Everything has been prepared, and all the teachers and students in the school are looking forward to your speech."

Engel's words are both polite and true.

According to the agreement between Colin and Felix, the main content of this speech is to announce the construction method of the water arrow spell model he published in the paper.

Simply put, the spell model is actually a three-dimensional pattern.

It's just that most of the patterns are more complicated, the more high-end spells, the more complicated the model.

However, through the pattern of the spell model itself, only the effect of the spell can be deduced and calculated.

Casting a spell is a process of constructing a model.

To put it bluntly, it is easy to remember a pattern, but to know how it is "drawn", the inventor must personally explain and give pointers, from which point to start, to which point to end, what is the trajectory of the structure, and the priority , Every detail error will cause the spell to fail.

This not only requires a strong memory, but also requires a long period of thinking simulation.

This has led to many magicians who have been awakened for many years, often only know a few simple spells, and cannot even pass the initial assessment.


The exchange speech was arranged in the morning, and the location was the central square of the college.

Because there are so many people who apply to listen to the lectures, no classroom can accommodate them.Although Ke Lin has promised that he will publish the formal model construction method in the "Elemental Theory" introduced by Felix, but he can hear it first, and no one wants to miss it.

The effect of shortening the water arrow's casting time by 10% can be large or small. After all, this spell is too basic, and it is dispensable for those powerful magicians. The shortened casting time is related to their own strength. The worse the level, the greater the improvement. obvious.

But the magicians in this world are mainly low-level after all. According to the rough statistics of the Blue Bay Club in the Youlan Alliance, among the 100 magicians, less than 5 are above the middle level, and the remaining 95 are , most of them are awakened magicians who failed to pass the preliminary examination.

For those magicians who may only have one "Water Arrow" in their lifetime, Cohen Snape's congratulations are not trivial. After all, if you improve a "Monstrous Wave", it has nothing to do with me.

Colin stepped onto the temporary podium, and there was thunderous applause.

He glanced at the many expectant eyes below, and smiled slightly: "I know why everyone is here, please rest assured that you will not be disappointed, but before getting into the topic, please allow me to talk about the content of the thesis, after all, in the In my opinion, the basis of spells is still in the theory of elements."

This concept may be controversial in other places, but it is recognized by almost all magicians in Osteria.

Everyone was not in a hurry. In addition to the spell model, it was also a rare opportunity for Cohen Snape to explain the nominated paper.

In the auditorium, there was only one person who was completely stupefied.

Gabriel came here an hour early today to grab a seat in the front row. As a middle-level magician, he is not very interested in the construction of water arrow models, but Cohen Snape's paper is of great interest to him. It was very inspiring, and it was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to hear my speech.

However, when the young professor stepped onto the podium, Gabriel stood there in a daze.

Because he was sitting in the front row, he could see the other person's face very clearly.

Isn't this the student who spoke in his class yesterday?

Why did you say your name was Cohen, not Cohen Snape!
Cohen Snape, come to my class in person!

While Gabriel was in shock, he almost collapsed.

Yesterday's class also included a lot of my own personal opinions and conjectures. Some students who don't understand these contents can be confused, but a top scholar who was nominated for the Albert Award, elemental collapse and magic pattern After listening to my own class, I guess I was about to die laughing.

My mother had a convulsion yesterday, what nonsense am I talking about?
Some unfounded illusions and guesses... It's over, once the other party tells the principal about this, not only will his teaching position be difficult to secure, his academic career may also be over, and he will not be able to get along in the magic circle, a typical social death .

However, the matter has come to this point, and Gabriel has nothing to do. His mind is blank, and he can't even listen to the speech.

Colin had already seen Gabriel sitting in the front row, and smiled at him deliberately, but the other party seemed to have lost his mind.

He didn't care, put the speech on the table, and started the formal speech.

"For everyone in the same city as Your Excellency Felix, you should be very clear about the phenomenon of water element exploration for..."

"The content of today's lecture may be partly different from the paper I published before..."



As the speech progressed, the audience became more and more confused.

Because, as Snape himself said, the content of what he said today was different from the previous papers, but there was no partial discrepancy, it was quite different.

Many people took the papers to compare and listen to the lectures, only to find that this was not the case at all.

There were already some small discussions in the audience.

On the side of the podium, Engel looked at Felix beside him, also with a puzzled expression on his face: "Your Excellency Felix, what Mr. Snape said seems to have nothing to do with his thesis."

Felix was one of the few people who could barely keep up with Colin's thinking, but he was really puzzled.

"It is related to the thesis, but the derivation method and the final result seem to have indeed changed. Following this line of thought, the spell model seems to have changed dramatically from before."

"But why would he do that?"

"I don't know." Felix shook his head.

The rustling discussions gradually stopped, because everyone basically couldn't understand them at all.

If it is not still waiting for the final model construction, it is estimated that someone has already got up and left.

The one-hour speech was finally coming to an end.

"So, according to the modification I made to the original paper just now, I believe everyone has understood what I mean..."

Everyone was speechless for a while, I understand a ghost.

Only Felix and a handful of senior faculty seemed aware of something.

"This guy, something big is going to happen again." Felix murmured.

Sure enough, I heard Cohen Snape continue to say: "That's right, as everyone thought, the bridge theory of the basic frame of the magic pattern is no longer something illusory, but a real theory that can be realized, although it has no effect so far. I imagined it to be good, but it was a good start, next, please help verify my results..."

At the beginning, everyone was completely confused, but after hearing the first half of the sentence, they couldn't help complaining, what can the "Magic Pattern Basic Framework Bridging Theory" be realized?
What is "the same as everyone thinks"?
What did we think?

The bridging theory of the basic frame of the magic pattern, in simple terms, is to use the bridging method to greatly simplify the magic pattern and improve its efficiency. It is unimaginable to promote and popularize it on the basic framework of the magic pattern.

Even if the person who said this was Cohen Snape, it was not convincing, let alone the long speech in front of him, no one could understand it at all.

However, everyone's disdainful expressions were immediately covered up by the last sentence.


Already had results?

I saw Cohen Snape slowly sketching a spell model using water spells on the blackboard curtain behind him.

This is completely different from the model he published in the paper, except for the basic framework.

Before everyone could ask questions, Colin continued: "This is the spell model I improved overnight last night. Its effect is slightly better than the one I published before. According to the actual measurement, the improved water arrow has a higher casting speed. It can be increased by 30%.”

The voice just fell.

The auditorium exploded.

From 10% to 30% directly?

It's too scary.

I don't want to believe it, but Cohen Snape said that it has been tested. This kind of verification is very simple, and it can even be done on the spot. In his capacity, it is impossible to tell such a lie.

And it's completely unnecessary.

Before everyone had time to think about the impact of this contribution, they heard Colin continue to say: "I will announce the construction method of the spell model on the spot, but before that, please allow me to ask a member of the Werner High School of Magic I would like to express my gratitude to a teacher, without his help, I would not be able to complete the improvement of this spell model in just one night."

Having said that, Colin reached out his hand in Gabriel's direction as an inviting gesture.

"Mr. Gabriel, thank you for your wonderful presentation in class yesterday, which inspired me a lot."

All eyes focused on a young magician in the front row of the auditorium.

Gabriel's eyes widened, completely unaware of what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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