What is it like to be a teacher as a magister?

Chapter 71 The First Space Magic

Chapter 71 The First Space Magic

In order to ensure safety and complete the transaction as soon as possible, Gilman dispatched the royal griffin group that has been cultivated for many years to deliver the supplies, accompanied by a great magician and three high-level magicians, also for on-the-spot verification when receiving the photo camera.

As for Tulun, Roman Sagan personally verified the authenticity of the six items.

A week later, Colin got what he wanted as he wished. Among the seven items, he excluded Schiller Mora's "Three Questions of Cutting Double Rings and Regression Counting".

And because the camera was too large and heavy, the nine-headed griffins could not be transported for a long distance, so they had to choose to go by land, which would take nearly a month.

In the following time, Ke Lin was almost completely immersed in studying.

Especially the "wind nuclear collider", I have to say that the wisdom of the predecessors is awe-inspiring.

Burke Marreas, Gilman's late magister.

Even Roman Sagan has bluntly stated that many ideas are influenced by him.

Ke Lin himself had done several wind-nuclear collision experiments, but none of them were successful, not to mention consuming a lot of materials, and almost hurt himself.


In mid-November, Thunder City had just come out of the atmosphere of the Fire Worship Festival, and soon the king's birthday would be ushered in. Many places in the city had already begun to decorate in advance.

Colin, with dark circles under his eyes, was looking for information in the library.

Close the copy of "Unused Coupling Parameters" in your hand, and then let out a long sigh.

Ke Lin finally understands why many people cannot go on the academic path.

Everyone will have bottlenecks, and the ability to solve bottlenecks is where a scholar truly reflects his strength.

Since crossing, these days are the most difficult time for him. When there is no progress, people will become very desperate, and when success is in sight, they just can't find the last way to get there, no matter what the state , will produce a scratching anxiety, which can easily drive people crazy.

It was only then that Ke Lin understood why the teacher did not allow the senior sister to participate in this research. This is indeed not a human thing.

If it wasn't for his perverted concentration, he might have gone crazy already.

When the hard-shell book cover touched the bookshelf, Colin was stunned for a moment. He found that no matter what angle he looked at, he couldn't put the book back in its original place. After trying a few times, he realized to his annoyance that he had found the wrong place. When I was looking up the books just now, I unconsciously walked far away. This one-foot-high thick cowhide hard-bound book should be placed on the higher shelves in the first few rows.

He took the book and walked back. After walking a few steps, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind. The feeling of touching the book and the bookshelf just now was so familiar.

Ke Lin didn't have time to look for the original bookshelf, so he went straight to the stairs on this floor, and handed the "Uncommonly Used Coupling Parameters" to a staff member before leaving the door.

"Sorry, I forgot where I got this book from, please help me put it back to its original place."

"No problem, Mr. Wayne." The staff took the heavy books.

Colin walked down the stairs quickly, preparing to leave through the back door, where a taxi could be easily found.

However, before he could go out, he saw Eleanor walking towards him excitedly.

"Mr. Wayne, you are indeed here."

"Lady Eleanor?"

"I came here specially to find you. I have good news. The phonograph has been completed." Eleanor couldn't help but twitched her toes twice.

"Completed?" Colin was taken aback: "How long has it been?"

"It's been a week, Mr. Wayne, you originally estimated that it would take six days, but we only spent an extra day to test its stability. Mr. Wald has been testing it for nine hours, and the effect is perfect. "

"That's right." Colin smiled and said, "That's really great."

"So we couldn't help the joy in our hearts. Everyone sent me to find you, hoping to show you the results as soon as possible."


Colin forced a smile on his face, and said:

"I am as happy as you are, but I still have some other things to solve for the time being, and I trust your work. Now that the work has been completed, everyone will rest for a few days, and you can prepare for the New Year first."

After he finished speaking, he nodded slightly to Eleanor, and left in a hurry without waiting for the other party to answer.

Eleanor's expression of excitement froze on her face, and her hands were still in the air.

Chinese New Year?
Is it that I didn't make things clear just now?

Such an important matter, why did it mention the New Year?
Eleanor was stunned for a long time before gradually recovering, not knowing how to go back and explain to others for a while.



Two days later.

The third floor of the mage tower.

In a spacious laboratory.

Colin opened his hands wide, and pressed his palms on the two glass covers of an instrument on the table. A small square of butter was placed in one of the covers, while the other was empty.

His eyes are firm and his hands are steady.

Roman Sagan stood on the opposite side of the table with his hands behind his back, looking at his disciple with a serious face.

After an unknown amount of time, a ripple suddenly appeared in the air.

Then, as if a corner of the piece of butter was subjected to some unknown force, it began to slowly decompose. At the same time, in another glass cover, a light yellow substance was slowly formed on the originally empty iron plate.

For nearly a minute, Colin lowered his hands profusely with sweat.

The pointer in the center of the instrument deflected slightly in one direction.

Suppressing his drowsiness, he picked up a pen and wrote in the notebook on the table: "November 45, 50:180:4.3 am, the [-]th second test, successful, test target: butter, transfer weight : [-] Tucker, the test duration..."

When everything was finished, Colin seemed to have exhausted all his strength, and sat down on the bench behind him.

Roman Sagan bent down and looked at it for a long time, then raised his head, and he didn't know whether it was gratification or emotion in his voice:

"You did it."

"Yes, teacher, we succeeded." Colin wiped his sweat and grinned.

"Seven months and 21 days." Roman sighed: "I set you five years, and you only spent less than eight months."

Ke Lin showed shame and said: "However, the symbolic meaning of this magic is greater than the practical use. Not only does it consume a lot of mental energy, but it also needs to cooperate with instruments and materials, so the effect is minimal."

"Creating something from nothing is the most difficult thing. Anyway, this is a real space magic." Roman breathed a sigh of relief.

Transferring a piece of 4.3 taks of butter to a distance of less than one meter will consume almost all of Colin's mental strength and two pieces of Black Crow Stone worth 15 gold lang, and must be coordinated by an improved wind core collider .

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't have much practical significance.

But on the other hand, this is indeed the world's first known space magic.

It meets all the characteristics of a spell: it requires a magician to cast it himself; it consumes mental power; it has a unique and reproducible spell model.

Colin smiled and said, "Speaking of which, teacher, the most important thing to thank for this success is the Gilmans. Without their pioneers and the generosity of Grand Duke Schulz, I'm afraid it will take a long time to achieve the current results."

"Hehe, it's true."

"However, sometimes when you think about it, the gap between us and the Western Continent in terms of elemental research is simply chilling." Colin said seriously.

"This is why I have always called on everyone to pay attention to the study of elements. Unfortunately, we do not have the special environment and historical accumulation of the Western Continent after all. This situation cannot be reversed by a few people." When Roman mentioned this issue , The worry on his face was not concealed at all.

(End of this chapter)

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