
Chapter 235 Dead.

Chapter 235 Dead.


The wind howls!

Rolling up the wind and sand all over the sky, people can't open their eyes, and they may even be blown away if they are not careful.

"This damn weather can change at will."

A well-built young man cursed.

He had just followed his uncle out to run a business, and he was not very used to such windy days.

They escaped the strong wind and finally arrived at the ruins of an ancient city before sunset.


Meng Hai did not bring anyone into the ancient city, but set up camp near the ancient city to rest.

"Since you're here, why don't you go in?"

Li Yanchu asked.

Meng Hai explained: "This kind of ancient city was abandoned thousands of years ago, and no one lived in it long ago. The old people said that there are evil ghosts in the city. If you enter, you can't get out."

Li Yanchu was taken aback: "Are there any evil spirits camping around here?"

Meng Hai smiled and said: "This evil spirit has never left the ancient city, and the vicinity of the ancient city is very safe, free from wind and sand, so passing merchants rely on the ancient city to rest."

Li Yanchu nodded slightly.

Meng Hai turned around with a smile, and went to arrange camping. These people are veterans and don't need to watch them, they are just patrolling as usual.

The outside of the pass is not as big as the Western Regions, the Northwest, and the desert desert is not that big.

According to Meng Hai, one day he will be able to cross this desert, which is a barren wasteland.

There are also places with rich water and grass, usually inhabited by barbarian tribes.

There are dozens of people in the small ones, and thousands in the big ones.

Li Yanchu sat in the camp, closed his eyes and meditated.

At this moment, he had already changed into a Taoist robe, and he was no different from any ordinary merchant traveler.

By this time the sun had set and the heat had disappeared.

What followed was a biting chill, and the wind blew on his face like a knife.

There was a night watchman in the caravan, and Li Yanchu didn't arrange for him because he had just arrived.

Three or four big men with knives on their waists and hulking backs were patrolling while talking.

There are ferocious sand bandits in the desert, and they cannot relax at all times.

Li Yanchu was studying Taoism in the camp, and the burly young man in Bairi was in the same tent as him.

And his uncle.

The young man's name is Liu Fang, and his uncle's name is Liu Lin.

At this time, Liu Lin had already rested, and there was a uniform snoring sound in the tent.

Liu Fang tossed and turned and couldn't sleep. The young man in this grade was full of vigor and energy.

He hasn't touched a woman for a month.

"Li Daochang, are you asleep?"

Liu Fang asked tentatively.

Would love to chat with this person.

Li Yanchu opened his eyes: "Not yet."

Liu Fang smiled and said: "I really envy the Taoist priest's state of mind, I can't learn it."

Li Yanchu smiled slightly.

Liu Fang glanced at his uncle, and said in a low voice: "Do you know Daoist Li, after walking fifty miles out of the desert, there is a Hanjiabao, the daughter of the owner of the Hanjiabao, she is beautiful and beautiful, so beautiful." .”

Liu Fang looked yearning.

Not stingy with his barren compliments.

Li Yanchu said: "Are we going to enter the Han Family Fort?"

Liu Fangdao: "Of course, Hanjiabao is an important transit place for passing merchants, and it is the only way to Hengduan Mountain."

Li Yanchu's heart moved: "To go to Hengduan Mountain, you must go to Hanjiabao?"

Liu Fang nodded, still thinking about the woman: "The last time I went to Hanjiabao, Miss Han still smiled at me, probably because she is interested in me."

Li Yanchu laughed dumbfoundedly.

"I slept so deeply, I heard you bragging here, Miss Han can see you, don't dream!"

Liu Fang's second uncle Liu Lin woke up and scolded with a smile.

Liu Fang has been scolded for a long time, and he didn't take it seriously at all: "Second Uncle, you don't know that the way Miss Han looks at me is different from the way she looks at other people. She is definitely interested in me."

Liu Lin sat up, and said angrily: "The Han family is so rich, Miss Han is so beautiful, I only fell in love with you when I was blind, it is true to earn money, don't think about these things No."

Liu Fang smiled and said, "Second Uncle, you are wrong. Maybe Miss Han likes a poor boy like me just like the lady in the storyteller's mouth."

Liu Lin curled his lips and said, "Putting his mother's dog's farts, I also believed in this when I was young, but later found out that his mother's is purely for people's boredom."

Liu Fang wanted to say something else, Liu Lin pointed to Li Yanchu: "You see Li Daochang is so handsome, if Miss Han really likes him, she also likes Li Daochang."

Liu Fang said with a smile: "Li Daochang is indeed nothing to say, but I am not bad either. Second uncle, look at my body, how strong it is, those women like my tightness."

Liu Lin scolded with a smile: "You animal, you think this is breeding, pick a healthy one."

Li Yanchu couldn't help smiling when he heard the conversation between the two.

This reckless atmosphere of the rivers and lakes really makes people unable to hate it.

The next morning!

Biting cold.

The camp suddenly became chaotic.

A man with broad shoulders, thin waist and extremely long legs ran back with a look of panic.

"Something happened, something happened!"

"Dead, all dead!"

He was a little incoherent, obviously frightened.

Everyone gathered around and asked what was going on.

His name is Gao Zhenbang, he is a Jianghu from the north, he is good at leg skills, he can break a thick wooden stake with one kick, and he is also very good at lightness skills.

A spy-like character in caravans.

Just now, he was going to explore the way ahead, and he didn't know what happened to him, so he frightened this bloody northern Jianghu into this appearance.

Li Yanchu leaned forward, untied the wine bag from his waist, and handed it over.

"Don't worry, drink some wine to warm up your body."

Gao Zhenbang glanced at him gratefully, gulped down a few mouthfuls of wine.

A hot breath rose from the lower abdomen, and the body gradually warmed up.

Teeth no longer chatter.

What Li Yanchu handed him was Liaodong's Liaodong Liquor Shaodao prepared medicinal wine, including angelica, cistanche, and epimedium.

Invigorate blood energy, aphrodisiac.

Dispels wind and cold, and has a miraculous effect on unblocking the blood.

Gao Zhenbang nodded gratefully at Li Yanchu, and handed over the wine bag.

"Thank you."

Li Yanchu waved his hand, just now Gao Zhenbang was shocked when he saw it, the cold air entered his body, if he didn't pull it out in time, there would be some terrible sequelae.

This aphrodisiac wine is just right.

"What happened?"

Meng Hai rushed over to ask at this time.

Gao Zhenbang recalled the terrifying scene he saw just now, and couldn't help showing a look of horror in his eyes.

"The caravan of Quemu was all killed in the desert ahead, their internal organs were all hollowed out, and no one survived."

Gao Zhenbang said.


Meng Hai lost his voice.

The crowd suddenly became chaotic.

"Quemu's caravans are all dead!?"

"How could someone hollow out their internal organs? It's too scary. It doesn't look like a sand bandit!"

(End of this chapter)

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