Chapter 105 Wow, Another Wave of Fat

Chao Yan and Chao Ruo hurried forward to salute.

Daoist Qiansha nodded, and turned his eyes to Daoist Ziyang calmly.

At this moment, not only Taoist Ziyang, but also Taoist Guangcheng and Guangluo restrained themselves.

Taoist Ziyang said solemnly: "Master Uncle Qiansha must not have misunderstood, just now my apprentice said that the things returned are missing."

"Really less?" Daoist Qiansha asked back.

Taoist Ziyang turned to look at Xie Ying.

"it is true!"


Xie Ying and Xie Jiuniang answered almost simultaneously.

Xie Yingfeng glared at Xie Jiuniang with anger.

Xie Jiuniang took the lead and said: "I can open the storage bag and let the eldest sister check it. But the elder sister must first explain what is missing. You can't see my things, and you can tell what is valuable."

Xie Ying said again: "You have a storage ring."

"No problem, check everything. I didn't take your things, I feel calm." Xie Jiuniang patted her chest, calm and composed.

It doesn't make people look a little guilty.

Even Taoist Ziyang was confused. He believed that his apprentice was not lying, and he could see that what Xie Jiuniang said was true.

Xie Jiuniang's solution to the problem is peaceful and effective.

Both sides agreed.

Xie Ying said: "What I lack is a token with a tree pattern on it."

She really wanted to take the opportunity to take away Xie Jiuniang's token, but in the face of so many avatars, she dared not lie.

Xie Jiuniang simply undid the identification of the storage bag and the storage ring, no need for others to search, and let everyone's spiritual sense check.

The deities are clear at a glance.

There are not many things to own, and there are even fewer things worth money.The only exception is a top-quality spirit stone about the size of a fingernail?

The young disciple, who imagined to be very rich, searched and found that only the big tortoise shell and the colorful stones could still be seen.

Xie Ying checked it over and over again: "Impossible, impossible, how could it not be there? You obviously took the things away!"

"Elder Sister, that's enough." Xie Jiuniang looked at Xie Ying, as if you don't want to be so unreasonable and don't be so ignorant.

Xie Ying was so angry that she was half dead.

The Fusang Token must have been taken away, but it was not found.

She didn't care about her image, so she went up to search Xie Jiuniang.

Touching Xie Jiuniang's body was itchy and dodged left and right. Xie Ying pulled down her skirt a little, and found that she was not wearing anything around her neck and let go.But no matter how determined Xie Ying was, it was useless. The most valuable thing on Xie Jiuniang's body was the defensive jade plaque hanging around her waist.

Xie Jiuniang said helplessly: "Sister, I said earlier that I threw away things before they came to the sect, but you don't believe me? This time I searched, I should give up. I hope that the elder sister will stop being so willful. We are all a family." , I don’t want to make it too ugly.”

She sighed again.

In the eyes of outsiders, she is just a well-behaved and sensible younger sister who tolerates her wayward and unreasonable elder sister.

Thinking about her words again, it is easy to think that Xie Ying said that she was bad in one thing, but it was not really bad, but she wanted to get a token from Xie Jiuniang.

Reminiscent of Xie Ying's previous act of concealing her identity and sneak attacking Tang concubine, this statement is very tenable and highly credible.

Xie Ying was in distress, so she reluctantly let Xie Jiuniang go.

Daoist Guangluo glanced at the rubbish found in Tianshui Secret Realm, such as glowing stones, and asked, "Your junior, have you been to Tianshui Secret Realm?"

Xie Jiuniang was stunned for a moment, and realized that she was asking herself, so she could only reply: "Yes, I have been there."

"The colorful stones are also obtained from the secret realm?" Daoist Guangluo asked again.

Xie Jiuniang nodded again.

Daoist Guangluo asked: "Sell it? Colorful stones are of great use to me."

Xie Jiuniang turned to Chaoyan.

Seeing that Master didn't stop Chao Yan, it might really be of great use to Daoist Guangluo.

Xie Jiuniang has more than one colorful stone. The one used to fill the small hole earlier is very common, and there is less chaos in it.

Now that it has been exposed again, it is not impossible for Daoist Guangluo to buy it.

Xie Jiuniang said: "Mr. Dao, yes, but let's discuss it later. I will solve the problem with the elder sister first."

Therefore, Xie Jiuniang looked at Xie Ying, and then looked up at Daoist Ziyang: "Just now you said that you should compensate me for today's loss, is that true? I can swear that I will not talk about the amount."

"I keep my word." Daoist Ziyang said expressionlessly.

Xie Jiuniang's small face immediately relaxed, and she said happily: "Thank you, the total is 11 yuan of top-grade spirit stones, and 130 eight pieces of top-grade spirit stones."

Ziyang Daojun's complexion changed slightly.

This is no small sum.

The best spirit stones are very rare, and he doesn't have a few of them.He wanted to question Xie Jiuniang's random reporting, but suddenly remembered that the previous formation had blocked his attack, and his heart was bleeding again.

Those few strokes were his faults?
Xie Jiuniang explained in time: "Part of this amount was used by Elder Wu when he attacked the formation."

Daoist Ziyang originally wanted to say, Wu Sheng actually wanted him to tie the knot?
Xie Jiuniang met Daoist Ziyang's eyes frankly, and then blinked at him, which made him understand a key point in his heart, which is to ask him to ask the Wu family, and he doesn't necessarily need to bleed heavily.

Taoist Ziyang left a sentence saying that he would send compensation later, and left with Xie Ying in his arms.

One of the parties involved in this matter left.

The rest of Wu Sheng was ashen-faced, he didn't expect that the backer of this young outer disciple would be the famous female killer in the world of cultivating immortals.

Daoist Qiansha has been famous for thousands of years, and no one dares to provoke him.

If there is a list of god-forming combat power in the world of cultivating immortals, Daoist Qiansha will definitely be ranked in the top three.

It is rumored that when Daoist Qiansha was young, regardless of his figure, appearance and temperament, he was like a vixen cultivated for thousands of years. of.However, such a woman has a fighting power that countless people can't match, killing those people with fear, no one dares to count her again.

At this time, Daoist Qiansha glanced over, and Wu Sheng was terrified.

Wu Sheng took the initiative to take off a storage ring, bowed his head and apologized: "This is all my net worth, how about today's apology to Chao Yan's apprentice?"

Chao Yan took the storage ring, scanned it with his spiritual sense, and handed it to Xie Jiuniang if there was no abnormality.

Xie Jiuniang blinked, and also swept into the storage ring with her spiritual sense.

Wow, another wave of fat.

How could the net worth stored in Yuan Ying be lost?

Xie Jiuniang nodded with a smile on her face, so Chao Yan said generously: "Elder Wu also made an unintentional mistake, so let's pass it at this time."

It doesn't work if you don't overturn it.

Here in Zongmen, they cannot be killed.

Wu Sheng left in despair.

Daoist Guangcheng asked: "Junior, do you sell turtle shells?"

Xie Jiuniang shook her head and replied, "I'm sorry. I plan to use the big tortoise shell to refine my life magic weapon in the future."

Daoist Guangcheng regretted it, and he didn't force it. He said goodbye to the people present and left first.

Then to the colorful stone trading.

In front of Qiansha Daojun, Guangluo didn't dare to let Xie Jiuniang suffer, so he used a sword formula he got from a secret place in exchange for the colorful stone.

(End of this chapter)

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