Unconvinced, Xie Jiuniang asked, "Why am I being hasty?"

"Is it enough to grow it in a jade basin? If it can be grown in this way, then the spirit washing grass will not be a rare thing in the world of cultivating immortals." What Xuanyuanyou saw was only a layer of spiritual soil on the surface of the jade basin.

When he came to other people's caves, he had never touched his spiritual consciousness, so naturally he didn't know what was under the spiritual soil.

Xuanyuanyou said again: "In the past, it was really impossible to breed anyone. It was very difficult to feed, and the requirements for the environment were extremely harsh."

He felt this way because someone in his family had put in great effort to plant the spirit-cleaning grass, so it was a big loss.

Xie Jiuniang recalled the spirit-washing grass found in Yunmu Mountain, and shook her head: "This spirit-washing grass should not have high requirements on the environment. It is likely that there are some special conditions that make it difficult to grow."

"How to say?"

"I found one in Yunmu Mountain back then."

"Yunmu Mountain? Is it a mountain range near your home?"

"Yes, nothing good."

"Where there are no good things, can you still produce spirit-washing herbs?" Xuanyuan You was shocked, "Are you kidding me?"

Xie Jiuniang became angry, "How do I know? It's no secret that the area of ​​Yunmu Mountain is barren."

Besides, did she plant it casually?

Does anyone plant Nasir soil casually?

The soil is not enough, and the best spirit stones are buried.

This is also why the spiritual grass grows more slowly. If it is replaced by other people's spiritual grass, it will grow into a plant in minutes.However, when she returns to her family, she will go to Yunmu Mountain again.

Might even come across something good.

According to the records of the Xie family's classics, Yunmu Mountain used to be rich in materials, but was patronized by immortal cultivators over and over again. Gradually, the resources began to be exhausted, and now it has become a barren land.

Xie Jiuniang listened to Xuanyuanyou's words for a long time.

I don’t know where this guy heard the gossip, he didn’t finish talking for a long time, and he didn’t have a heavy sample, even a disciple of Danfeng who walked and peeked at the female cultivator hitting the tree trunk with a sword, or a certain male cultivator Concubine, whom to flirt with, etc.

Not even a serious gossip.

In the end, Xuanyuanyou chatted comfortably, and before leaving, he told Xie Jiuniang, "Little profiteer, I will go to retreat next, and I will specialize in hammering, and I will never leave the customs until I achieve a small success."

"Okay, I wish you a speedy success."

Xie Jiuniang made a perfunctory sentence and told him to get out of here.

When Xuanyuanyou left, Xie Jiuniang found that he had left behind a spirit jade bottle, which was very small. She picked it up and scanned it with her spiritual sense, and found a space the size of a cubic meter inside.

It is filled with spiritual liquid, which can be used at the golden core stage.

Then, a sound transmission talisman flew over, and it was Xuanyuan You's high-spirited and trembling voice: "Little profiteer, I'm sure enough, the elixir that can be used in the Golden Core Stage, I asked the ancestor to get it, so I gave it to you. "

Hearing this, Xie Jiuniang chuckled.

Even if she doesn't lack this thing.

But for outsiders, she is lacking.

Xuanyuanyou's move was very sincere.

You should know that the most common psychic liquid that can be used for Qi training requires about [-] spiritual stones for a small bottle of about one catty.

The elixir available in the golden elixir stage is more expensive.

This cubic psychic liquid is a sky-high price if left outside.

Based on his stubbornness, he definitely won't get it, and it's probably an indirect thank you gift from Daoist Guangcheng who figured out the process of the day.

Xuanyuanyou usually has no mind, and almost always puts on his face what he thinks. In front of familiar relatives, he doesn't even need to open his mouth to know what he is thinking.

Want him to hide things?It's too hard for him.

Fortunately, she just didn't want the little fat baby to be found out, and the rest was up to her.

Put the ectoplasm on the shelf of the small turtle shell.

Then, Xie Jiuniang began to retreat again.

It's not an ordinary retreat, but after opening the formation of the cave, he took out the treasure leaf of time and input it with spiritual power, and kept going until there was only a thin layer of spiritual power left in the dantian. Time Leaf.

A silver light emerged, hiding Xie Jiuniang in it.The scene presented in front of her eyes was exactly the long silver river she was familiar with and yet mysterious.

Going forward is foreknowledge, and going back is going back in time.

Xie Jiuniang took a step forward, thinking about secretly leaving the sect and going back to the family.

[Using the invisibility talisman and the hidden jade talisman, Xie Jiuniang quietly left the sect, avoiding the registration at the mountain gate, and went straight to Xi'an City.

Cross the city without stopping, sit on the broken sword and rush on the road.

The next day, I noticed that someone was following me.

The sword spirit speeded up and did not shake off the opponent.

Four days later, Qu Yupo was ambushed.

Was attacked by a very powerful force.

Pawn! 】

The prediction was interrupted suddenly, and Xie Jiuniang fell out of the long river of time.

The result of this prediction made her face livid with anger.

Xie Jiuniang knew that those aristocratic families would not let her go, but she thought that the incident with the Gongsun family was a warning, and they shouldn't act so soon.

Unexpectedly, people probably thought of this layer earlier.

It is to surprise her when she doesn't expect it.

She couldn't help but rejoice that she didn't leave the sect recklessly.

The force that attacked her was so strong and so fast that she didn't have a chance to react at all, and even the jade tablet for help given by her master was too late to crush.

From this, it can be seen that those families have paid a lot of money.

In such a situation, the four demon guards are probably useless. You must know that the last time they joined forces to kill her was a few Huashen.

Xie Jiuniang meditated cross-legged, and while taking the spiritual liquid to recover, she asked the sword spirit: "Little cheap, you said that these deities have united to kill me, the man of destiny, so you don't worry about encountering the backlash of heaven?"

Sword Spirit was silent for a long time.

It was so long that Xie Jiuniang thought that he would not answer, so she said slowly: "It is because of the fear of backlash that several people will take action together, so that the backlash of heaven will be divided, and the intensity of falling on everyone will inevitably be weakened a little. point."


"That's the way of heaven."

"This is too unreasonable." The folks have the law not to blame the public, and they are all in the world of cultivating immortals.
No, not irresponsible.

It is to share the responsibility.

The same backlash, if several people bear it together, will probably be unlucky for a while, but it will not be a backlash to death.

Such is the law of heaven.

Even the Dao of Heaven cannot violate the rules.

If the Dao of Heaven could do whatever it wanted, it would not have been aggrieved for tens of thousands of years. It must have killed several immortal cultivating families. Of course, for tens of thousands of years, none of the major families had ascended to the ascension.

This discovery made Xie Jiuniang look very bad.

You can only wait for recovery and predict it again.

Unless it is safe, she just stays with the sect.

Xie Jiuniang gradually calmed down her impetuous heart and turned into meditation.

It was already early the next morning when I woke up from the samadhi again, and the spiritual power in my body was full.

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