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Chapter 109 Alphabet Serial Murder Case

Chapter 109 Alphabet Serial Murder Case (5)

I saw a disembowelled corpse lying on the operating table. Even the nurse, who was used to seeing the operation scene, was frightened by the bloody scene, her legs and feet were weak, and an exclamation stuck in her throat. After a long while, it became There was a strange cry that changed its tune.

Female nurse: "Ah! Jiang... Dr. Jiang..."

Jiang Wenchi and Qin Chuan looked at each other, quickly put on gloves and shoe covers, and checked the traces of the scene. While investigating the scene, Qin Chuan called colleagues from the technical team and the forensic department.

Soon, the operating room of the hospital was cordoned off. Li Yiran and several criminal policemen from the technical brigade were taking pictures to collect evidence and check the ground marks.

Chen Mo, Jiang Wenchi, Qin Chuan and others surrounded Jiang Hongyi's body and were analyzing the case.

Jiang Wenchi: "At present, it seems that this Jiang Hongyi is not only not a criminal suspect, but also the second known victim. The murderer stole his car in advance. It should be to mislead our investigation direction and buy himself time. .”

Qin Chuan: "Puyang Hospital is a private hospital. Jiang Hongyi is the director of surgery of Puyang Hospital. His parents passed away many years ago. He has a biological brother named Jiang Hongwei who is the president of Puyang Hospital."

Jiang Wenchi frowned: "Another rich second generation?"

Chen Mo: "The letter 'E' was engraved on Jiang Hongyi's right ankle. It was also engraved posthumously, and the cutting techniques on the two dead bodies were highly similar, so it should be done by the same suspect. The only The difference is that the deceased named Jiang Hongyi had all his internal organs emptied."

Jiang Wenchi stepped forward to observe, thinking in his mouth: "What would a 'B' and an 'E' mean... If killing people in order, what about 'A' and 'C, D'? Haven't Discovered? Then why did one have their organs hollowed out, and the other didn't..."

Qin Chuan: "Section Chief Chen, how long is the difference between the time of death of this deceased and the No.1 deceased?"

Chen Mo: "Based on the rectal temperature of the deceased, the time of death of this victim and the time of death of No. 1 deceased were not more than three hours apart."

Qin Chuan: "That is to say, after the two criminal suspects escaped from the dense forest next to the national highway, they immediately returned to Xinchuan City, came to Puyang Hospital, killed Jiang Hongyi, and took his organs..."

Li Yiran, who came over, heard Qin Chuan's analysis, and couldn't help being shocked: "This...isn't it too crazy?!"

Jiang Wenchi frowned: "If it's a serial killer, this person has no cooling-off period at all, and his actions are too crazy. Such an arrogant and blatant crime feels like he is going to kill someone... Isn't it a random killing, is it a vendetta?"

Qin Chuan: "Yiran, Xiao Jiang, immediately investigate the relatives and friends of the two deceased!"

Jiang Wenchi and Li Yiran: "Yes!"

Early the next morning, Jiang Wenchi was reporting to Qin Chuan in the office of the case brigade.

"Captain Qin, neither Jiang Hongyi's brother nor his wife could get through on the phone last night. When we went to his home, his wife was not at home, but we found Jiang Hongyi's wife Qu Xiaowen at his brother Jiang Hongwei's home."

Qin Chuan frowned, and Zhang Xuan smacked his lips: "Hey, the relationship in this family is complicated enough!"

Qin Chuan: "Did you bring him back?"

Jiang Wenchi nodded: "Jiang Hongwei and Qu Xiaowen have completed the body identification process, and are now in the inquiry room."

Qin Chuan: "Xiao Jiang, you and Yiran go meet Qu Xiaowen, Xuanzi, come with me to meet this Jiang Hongwei."

Jiang Wenchi and Zhang Xuan: "Yes!"

In the No. 1 inquiry room of the Special Case Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of the Xinchuan City Bureau, Jiang Hongyi's older brother Jiang Hongwei wore gold-rimmed glasses, a suit and leather shoes, and a serious face, exuding the temperament of a business elite.

Qin Chuan and Zhang Xuan sat across from Jiang Hongwei and were questioning him.

Zhang Xuan: "We found out that less than a month after your father Jiang Wenxiang passed away, your younger brother Jiang Hongyi went abroad to study. At that time, Jiang Hongyi was still dissatisfied. Why did you marry your eight-year-old brother just after his father passed away?" How about sending them out of the country immediately?"

Jiang Hongwei was dissatisfied: "What does this old thing have to do with my brother's death?"

Qin Chuan: "You just identified the body. I think you should know that your brother's death was not an accident. We asked about your brother's past to find clues as soon as possible."

Jiang Hongwei said displeasedly, "Are you doubting me?"

Qin Chuan: "The case is in the preliminary investigation stage. We need to understand all the relatives of the victim. As a relative of the victim, I hope you can cooperate with our investigation."

Jiang Hongwei thought for a while, and said indifferently: "At that time my father had just passed away, and I was busy taking over the family business, so I didn't have time to take care of him. He just said that he wanted to study medicine abroad, and the school had already applied, so I sent him to study first. , is there any problem with this?"

Qin Chuan: "According to our investigation, your brother just graduated with a Ph. Don't you meet?"

Jiang Hongwei is still indifferent: "We are very different in age, and we have no common language since we were young. After the death of our parents, there are no elders in the family. It is not surprising that we don't see each other during the New Year."

Qin Chuan continued to ask: "Your father Jiang Wenxiang owned 80.00% of the shares of Puyang Hospital before his death. After his death, he left 70.00% of the shares to your brother, leaving you only [-]% of the shares and some cash and real estate. , Do you have any objections to such an obviously unbalanced inheritance distribution?"

Jiang Hongwei's eyes turned cold, and he looked at Zhang Xuan with restrained anger: "I respect my father's last wish very much. Although he left most of the shares to my brother, as the president of the hospital, I will also carefully Run the hospital he left behind."

Qin Chuan: "We also found out that your brother's shares have also been managed by you?"

Jiang Hongwei: "When inheriting the inheritance, my brother was dissatisfied and could not participate in the board of directors, so the board of directors invited me to manage his shares. This is more conducive to company management."

Qin Chuan asked back: "When he graduated and returned to China at the beginning of the year, he had already grown up for many years and also worked in a hospital. Why didn't you return the company shares to him?"

Jiang Hongwei said impatiently: "Xiaoyi is obsessed with medicine, and his ambition is not in business management, not to mention he has no objection. What exactly do you want to ask?"

Qin Chuan stared into Jiang Hongwei's eyes, and suddenly asked, "Apart from medical treatment, does your hospital have any other business?"

Jiang Hongwei was speechless: "Of course the hospital is only treating diseases and saving lives, what else can it do?"

Qin Chuan kept staring at Jiang Hongwei, thoughtful.

(End of this chapter)

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