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Chapter 118 Alphabet Serial Murder Case

Chapter 118 Alphabet Serial Murder Case (14)

Everyone gathered in front of the computer, looking at the trending Weibo searches on the computer screen, an article titled "Xinchuan City's rich second-generation yins are killed one after another after chatting in disorder, is it the annihilation of human nature or the loss of morality?" "'s article was popularly searched, and the post was full of clear screenshots of the group chat.

Zhang Xuan: "This article broke the news at three o'clock in the morning today, and now it has millions of comments!"

Li Yiran was shocked while flipping through it: "This article not only exposed the screenshots of the group chat records, but also exposed the identities and time of death of those people in the group!"

Qin Chuan: "Immediately contact the exposed self-media account and find out where their news came from."

After Qin Chuan finished speaking, he added another sentence: "Also, tell them to delete this article! Bureau Song specifically warned last night that this case must not be exposed!"

Everyone: "Yes!"

Jiang Wenchi and Li Yiran arrived at the self-media studio where this article was published half an hour later. This studio is very small, in a commercial and residential apartment, and there are only two staff members in total.

The thinner of the two men is the person in charge here. After Jiang Wenchi handed in his police officer's certificate to explain his intentions, the other party remained silent.

Jiang Wenchi: "Where did you get the news?"

The fat man lowered his head and remained silent. The fat boy with glasses on the side was a little hesitant, but the boss didn't speak, and he just pursed his lips and lowered his head, not daring to speak.

Seeing this, Jiang Wenchi stared into the fat boy's eyes seriously: "I hope you understand the seriousness of the problem. At present, this news is only known to the murderer except our police. If you don't cooperate, we can only act as suspects. I took you back. It’s just for a job. It seems unnecessary to go to the police station, right? You have to inform the family about this kind of thing.”

As Jiang Wenchi said, he touched his waist and made a gesture of pulling out the handcuffs.

The fat boy adjusted his glasses, hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke.

"This chat record is indeed someone who broke the news to us, but we don't know who this person is. He sent us the information by email."

Jiang Wenchi: "Is that email still there? Please provide us with his email address."

The fat boy glanced at the thin man next to him again. The man sighed helplessly, pushed the computer, and signaled him to hand over the mail to the police. It was given to Jiang Wenchi and Li Yiran.

In the Office of the Special Case Brigade of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, Jiang Wenchi and Li Yiran reported the information they found to Qin Chuan.

Jiang Wenchi: "Based on the registration information of this mailbox, we found out the mobile phone registration identity of the whistleblower, whose name is Lin Jiaxu."

Qin Chuan frowned: "Lin Jiaxu? Are you sure?"

Jiang Wenchi nodded, and showed Qin Chuan the printed ID card information: "Yes, this is the person, Team Qin, he was the one you greeted at Heiba ​​Nightclub yesterday!"

Li Yiran: "Captain Qin, this Lin Jiaxu is also Di Xingchang's friend? Is he also a rich second generation?"

Qin Chuan nodded: "Yes, he is the second son of Xinchuan Star Hotel Chain Group."

Li Yiran frowned: "Could it be him the murderer?"

Jiang Wenchi shook his head: "This whistleblower didn't even use a virtual number, and let us find out his real name and ID information so quickly..."

Qin Chuan: "Clues that are too easy to get are often traps."

Qin Chuan and Jiang Wenchi looked at each other tacitly, and both saw the same worry in each other's eyes.

Jiang Wenchi: "If my guess is correct, this Lin Jiaxu should not be the murderer, but should be the murderer's next target!
Qin Chuan: "Find this Lin Jiaxu immediately!"

In a high-end residential area in Xinchuan city center, several police cars roared past and stopped at the downstairs of a residential building. Qin Chuan rushed up with Jiang Wenchi and others with guns.

Jiang Wenchi reported the situation while walking: "Lin Jiaxu's relatives and friends said that since he left the bar last night, he has been unable to be contacted. His mobile phone location shows that he is still at home."

Qin Chuan: "Is this his own residence?"

Jiang Wenchi nodded: "Yes, he didn't live with his parents after graduation, and moved to this house by himself."

While talking, he had already reached the door, Qin Chuan stepped forward to listen, the room was very quiet, there was no movement, Jiang Wenchi made a gesture to break the door, Qin Chuan nodded, Jiang Wenchi immediately slammed the door open with a door breaker.

Although it's not the first time to see Jiang Wenchi's "craft", Li Yiran can't help but click his tongue every time he sees it.

But this time he didn't have time to marvel for too long, because as soon as everyone rushed into the room, they saw Lin Jiaxu's body lying on the dining table in the middle of the dining room facing the door.

Qin Chuan saw that the corner of the table was still dripping blood, and immediately rushed to the bedroom with a gun.

Qin Chuan kicked open the bedroom door with a gun, raised the gun and aimed at the door, and saw that the window of the bedroom was open, and the screen was lifted up.

He rushed to the window, looked around, and saw a footprint on the dust on the air conditioner outside the window.

Qin Chuan: "The murderer just ran away! Yiran, bring someone to chase after me!"

Li Yiran and two police officers quickly followed Qin Chuan out, Jiang Wenchi was about to follow up, but Qin Chuan didn't look back: "Xiao Jiang, Xuanzi, stay at the survey site!"

Jiang Wenchi was stunned, and finally looked at Zhang Xuan helplessly, and stayed at the scene with the two policemen.

Zhang Xuan patted Jiang Wenchi's shoulder: "Qin team is also for your own good."

Jiang Wenchi nodded: "It's okay, Brother Xuan, I understand."

Although I understand, I am still a little bit lost.Is it because I was too reckless every time before?Because of this, Qin Chuan no longer trusts her arresting ability so much?

However, freezing three feet is not a one-day cold, since this problem can cause her to lose her life in the previous life, it is not something that can be corrected by time travelling.No matter how time travels, she is still her. How can a person's personality change suddenly, even if it is consciously changed, there must be a process.

I hope this process will not be too long, until Qin Chuan has no patience to wait for her to grow up.

Thinking about it, Jiang Wenchi felt a little absurd. He was obviously older than him, but he wanted him to grow up with him. The more he lived, the more regressed he was.

So she tossed her hair, decided not to think about those things, and concentrate on doing the things in front of her.

Zhang Xuan had already notified his forensic and technical colleagues. Jiang Wenchi went up to check Lin Jiaxu's ankle, and saw the letter "C" engraved on the deceased's right ankle.

Zhang Xuan sighed regretfully: "Hey, it's one step too late, why does this murderer always seem to be able to predict our actions? This passive feeling is too uncomfortable, it feels like being teased."

Jiang Wenchi's expression was serious: "Because he lured us every time. He is probably just teasing us."

  Thanks to all book friends who support genuine reading!Love you guys!

(End of this chapter)

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