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Chapter 60

Chapter 60

Qin Chuan and Jiang Wenchi looked at each other, and Jiang Wenchi took a step forward: "Mister, are you afraid of this corpse chaser?"

Na Chun seemed to be very speechless about Jiang Wenchi's question: "That's a corpse chaser. If you go to Haixi Village to inquire about it, who wouldn't be afraid?"

Jiang Wenchi looked curiously: "Can you tell me why in detail?"

Na Chun hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but said: "Our Haixi Village was built on a mass grave in ancient times. It is said that the powerful monk who saved the woman who drove the corpse set up a formation here to calm down Those corpses, let us Haixi people live and work here in peace."

When Na Chun said this, he was a little bit embarrassed: "Later, I met that lewd dog emperor. When something like that happened, the woman who chased the corpse took revenge and rebuilt the Haixi village. She dared to kill the emperor, and killed us. Isn't it easy for the people in the village?"

Jiang Wenchi said seriously: "But as far as I know, the performance in the theater only started in June this year. There was no such play before. Your wife passed away last year. Even if the corpse chaser wants revenge, it is not impossible to predict Right? And what does your wife have to do with the show?"

Na Chun was taken aback, as if he hadn't expected this, and immediately hesitated: "What you said seems to make sense."

Jiang Wenchi: "Are you and Zhai Lao acquainted on weekdays? Have you had any holidays?"

Na Chun blinked, as if he had realized something, and blushed: "Emotional people come to me repeatedly, are they suspicious of me? How is it possible! I have a very good relationship with Mr. Zhai! We have never had a holiday, otherwise he would not Give me such a good errand to manage the theater!"

Jiang Wenchi: "Is the job in the theater arranged for you by Mr. Zhai?"

Na Chun nodded: "Of course, Mr. Zhai is the best. Seeing that my wife is dead and I have no children, I specially arranged this kind of easy and profitable job for me. In our whole village, the last person I want Mr. Zhai to die The person is me!"

Walking out of Nachun's house, Haixi Village is already full of stars.

Looking at the starlight in the sky, Jiang Wenchi couldn't help sighing.

"In such a beautiful place, with fresh air, beautiful scenery, no pollution and no junk food, why are there so many childless and dead people in the village? Or did we just happen to meet them all?"

Qin Chuan followed Jiang Wenchi's gaze and looked at the stars all over the sky. The stars were beautiful, but Jiang Wenchi's star-filled, focused and persistent eyes shone brighter than the most dazzling stars.

Qin Chuan: "The least coincidental thing in this world is a coincidence."

Jiang Wenchi nodded when he heard the words, and his gaze became firmer: "If something goes wrong, there must be a demon. This may also be a key clue!"

In the evening, in the small hotel room, Jiang Wenchi, Qin Chuan, Li Yiran, and Zhang Xuan carefully screened the information of the staff one by one.

Li Yiran: "The management of the theater is relatively loose, and the staff basically only have basic information such as age, education, gender and contact number."

"The two of us went to the police station before getting off work in the afternoon, and got the detailed household registration information of each of them, but there was only basic family information."

As Zhang Xuan said, he sighed.

The happiest thing about going on business in Haixizhai is that I can use delicious beef noodles instead of instant noodles for overtime meals.

The four of them drank a bowl every morning and evening, and felt that their work was more energetic than usual.

"Captain Qin, come and see this man."

Jiang Wenchi said, pointing to a name in the data sheet: Mu Tian.

Qin Chuan glanced at his household registration information: "He is the only one on the household registration, and his parents and sisters have passed away one after another in recent years..."

Jiang Wenchi nodded: "Yes, they all said that they died of illness. Although many of these employees had parents who passed away due to illness, I checked carefully and found that many of them's parents were indeed elderly, and some Only one relative died. Only him, the only one left in the family."

Li Yiran sighed: "He is only 21 years old. He is placed in the city, that is, at the age of just graduating from college. He became an orphan within three years. It's really a bit miserable..."

Zhang Xuan smacked his lips: "If this is placed in a superstitious place, this child won't be given the name of 'The Lonely Star'?"

Jiang Wenchi blinked: "Haixi Village, aren't you superstitious enough?"

Sure enough, everyone in Haixi Village kept a secret when they mentioned Mu Tian, ​​and only said that he was smart and good grades when he was young, but he became very strange when he grew up.

And everyone in Mutian's family seems to be withdrawn and introverted. Jiang Wenchi and others inquired around, and the descriptions of the Mu family by the people in the village are very uniform, "I don't know, I don't understand, and the family is weird."

When a few people came to Mutian's house, it was lunch time, and every household in Haixi village lit up the cooking smoke. The taste in the village was so spicy, and the green pepper and bacon were cooked together. The aroma was overflowing, and the whole village was filled with a mouth-watering aroma. .

Except Mutian's family.

Compared with Nachun's family, Mutian's family is bleak in another sense.

Clean and tidy, but empty, without any smoke and smoke of life.

At lunch time, Mu Tian was sitting alone on a small bamboo bench in the yard, eating steamed buns with a bottle of chopped chili sauce, nothing else.

Zhang Xuan couldn't help muttering in a low voice: "This child is too foolish. If his parents were still around, he would feel so sad seeing this scene."

It seems that he has completely forgotten the days when he was in the police force for instant noodles.

While speaking, Mu Tian had already noticed several uninvited guests at the gate of the courtyard. He didn't get up, and there was no doubt in his eyes when he looked at everyone. He was clearly a young man in his twenties, but his pair of black eyes seemed like an ancient well without waves and in the dusk. elder.

He didn't speak first, so Qin Chuan had no choice but to take the initiative to show his police officer's card to show his identity.

Seeing Qin Chuan's police officer ID, Mu Tian still had no expression on his face. He just hesitated for a moment, then got up slowly, looked at the yard, then at the main room, opened his mouth, but was embarrassed at not knowing what to say.

Jiang Wenchi understood, stepped forward and smiled: "It's okay, we can just chat with you in the yard."

As he said that, he moved a few clean small bamboo stools from the corner of the wall and put them on for Qin Chuan and others, and he moved one to sit beside Qin Chuan.

Mu Tianchong nodded gratefully to Jiang Wenchi, and a barely visible arc rose from the corner of his mouth, which was already the biggest expression he had ever made.

Upon closer inspection, this shy boy has profound facial features, a high nose and thin lips, and his skin is several shades whiter than other men in Haixi Village. .

Jiang Wenchi couldn't help but whispered to Li Yiran: "A Meng and Mu Tian, ​​they should be regarded as the two-faced tyrants among the boys in Haixi Village, right?"

Li Yiran laughed out loud: "'Salt'? What about the monosodium glutamate, don't look at the handsome guy when you are on a mission, be careful to knock over the jar of vinegar!"

(End of this chapter)

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