Corrupted Nation.

Chapter 36 Night Demon

Chapter 36 Night Demon
Maya took out a flare and opened the fuse, and walked around the edge of the container without finding any zombies.Maya greeted Lin Wu with a flare in her hand, pointed to a tent four meters away from the corner of her eye and said, "Medical tent." A red cross was pasted on the top.Ready to jump down after speaking.

Lin Wu hastily stopped: "We just suffered a loss. Military checkpoints and military isolation areas are of course rich in supplies. There are no zombies in such places. Take stock, and it is easy to deal with the first zombie. Under the light, the movements are clumsy. Even a novice can take it with a blunt weapon. The second one is very insidious. Players will definitely be attracted by the power supply car and will definitely open the door. The next thing is the pit where the car has no gas and no electricity. Overall Give me a feeling: this sentry post is a trap."

Maya said: "I'll go down and have a look. If there's any problem, I'll jump up and you grab my hands and pull me back."

Lin Wu said helplessly: "If you want to go, I will go. You have 65 kilograms at least, and I can't pull you without adding strength."

"..." Maya raised her thumbs up for a long time without saying a word: "It's really thoughtful." Inner thought: Really straight man.Objective thinking: Lin Wu doesn't have any unreasonable thoughts about himself, so he doesn't need to consider his own feelings at all.

Just as Lin Wu was about to get out of the car, he heard the sound of a motorcycle.The two immediately lay down on the container, and saw two motorcycles and four people coming from the direction of Zuo County.Riding to the streetlight, the three of them watched carefully. A woman went to light up the power supply car. After a while, she came back and reported, "Brother Cheng, there is no electricity."

The man called Brother Cheng said: "The system won't allow us to get electricity so easily. The kid will take the lead."

The four walked downhill from the streetlight to the tent area.The four-member team is not badly equipped, each of them is equipped with relatively high-end melee weapons, the woman carries a pistol, and brother Cheng has a very old rifle in his backpack.

Listening to their conversation, I learned that they are players from a nearby base.There are a lot of zombies at the sentry during the day, and half of the zombies wear body armor and helmets, which is very troublesome to deal with.The little ghost and Lin Wu belonged to the same type of people, they belonged to the nimble players who came out at night, and he found that there were only one or two zombies at the sentry post at night.

There was a disagreement between the day shift and the evening shift. They set out to investigate together yesterday evening and found a very strange phenomenon.After sunset time, the sentry radio sounded the bugle.The zombies heard the bugle and walked slowly back to the tent area. The kid followed the last zombie and found that the zombie walked back to the tent area, walked into a container, and closed the door of the container.

So why didn't they do it yesterday?The answer is that they need to prepare night lighting equipment: torches.

One person took out a torch and lit it, and the flame was still dazzling even in the rain, which brought an intuitive sense of security to people.Lin Wu thought to himself: Why didn't I think of the torch?Maya thought about the torch, but unlike the flashlight system, the torch allows the player to see the zombies, and also allows the zombies to see the player.

The container where Lin Wu and Maya were located was at the T-junction, and the four of them had already confirmed the important supplies tent, and followed the kid straight.Lin Wu, who was at a high place, vaguely saw movement at the intersection on the other side with the help of the firelight.Lin Wu poked Maya's arm lightly, pointed to the right, and approached Maya's ear in a very slow motion: "Mutation."

As soon as the word was said, Lin Wu and Maya heard the sound of someone stepping on a puddle five meters away.That position was a blind spot, Maya and Lin Wu remained motionless and held their breath.The sound of trampling on puddles and gravel slowly reached the edge of the container.

Hearing the sound passing by below, Maya gently took out the display mirror, poked her head out to look at the place where the sound was coming from in the darkness, then slowly retracted the display mirror and got down on the ground.Lin Wu looked at Maya, and Maya made a silent movement.Lin Wu could only temporarily put away his curiosity.

The monster didn't seem to intend to cover up the sound of its footsteps, and ran forward at the T-junction. The speed of the sound should not be much worse than Kuangmeng.Soon the footsteps disappeared, and about 10 seconds later, a girl shouted: " me..." But within three to five seconds, the girl's voice was no longer heard.

Only then did Maya say to Lin Wu, "Night Demon."

Gunshots were heard 20 meters away and Brother Cheng cursed: "Where did you go?"

Kid: "I don't know, where is Brother Jian?"

Brother Cheng shouted, "Ajian, where are you?"

A male voice came from a distance of seven meters: "Brother Cheng, I am here."

Brother Cheng: "How did you get there?"

Male voice: "Go ahead and there is an intersection, follow the container and turn right... Grass, what?"

Brother Cheng: "Hold on, we'll come right over."

Lin Wu stood up, walked to the edge of the container and saw the fire, and saw a man holding a torch in both hands and waving forward, and a night monster quietly appeared behind him.

The bald night devil's body is like a human being without skin, and the muscles of the whole body are clearly visible.Compared with other zombies, except for the larger mouth, the night devil's face is closer to that of a human.

The night demon threw the man down from behind, opened his mouth, it was a big mouth, almost covering the whole face.One bite on the man's shoulder, the naked eye can see that a piece of flesh has been torn from the man's shoulder.The man wailed in pain, Ye Mo grabbed the man with both hands and smashed it at the container with tremendous strength, smashing the container out of a human body.

The night demon didn't like to fight, and ran into the darkness, and Brother Cheng and the kid arrived in the next second.Brother Cheng glanced at his brother on the ground, raised his gun and looked left and right: "XXX, come out for me."

The man who was attacked by the night demon said anxiously: "20 points of life, heavy bleeding, dropping 3 points of life per second."

Brother Cheng hurriedly said: "Little devil, bandages, bandages."

The little ghost said: "The bandage is on Sister Hua's side."


Amid Brother Cheng's helpless and helpless curses, the man bled to death.Brother Cheng was very angry, but he was also very careful, raising his gun to stand guard: "Little devil, lick the bag."

Maya stood beside Lin Wu and said in a low voice: "The speed is fast, but not as fast. The power is infinite. The player will cause severe bleeding after being bitten."

Lin Wu took a double-barreled shotgun and said, "It doesn't sound very strong."

Maya said: "Night Demon, just like the blind bat, is a zombie that appears at night. It is good at sneak attacking players without lighting, making players hard to guard against."

The two thought that Ye Mo was dealing with Brother Cheng and the others, and Ye Mo was indeed dealing with Brother Cheng and the others.The two thought there was only one night goblin...

Lin Wu stepped on his feet to watch other people's excitement, but he didn't know that he had become a prey.On the top of the container eight meters away, a night demon was slowly approaching Lin Wu. It walked to the edge of the container and was still several meters away from Lin Wu.Night Demon squatted and jumped to attack Lin Wu, and the container made a lot of noise due to the force.Lin Wu heard the strange sound behind him, and decisively activated the wind thorn to jump across the path in the middle and reached the top of the container on the opposite side.Looking back, I saw only a night monster with its mouth wide open standing beside Maya.

Before Maya and Ye Mo could react, Lin Wu had already stabbed back with the barrel of the gun against Ye Mo's head.Before Lin Wu could pull the trigger, Night Demon had already jumped out of the container, and his body merged into the darkness.It wasn't that Ye Mo reacted quickly, nor did Lin Wu react slowly.When Lin Wufeng stabs back, he needs to see clearly who he is aiming at before he can pull the trigger. What if Maya collapses?
"Withdraw." Maya finally digested what happened in two seconds, and took the lead to jump out of the container and run towards the streetlight.

(End of this chapter)

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