From one person to nine to five

Chapter 145 and so on Chapter 146 How to become a first-generation master with a gun

Chapter 145 and so on Chapter 146 How to become a master without a gun

The night gradually fell, and the moonlight reflected between the peaks of Longhu Mountain.

Zhang Lingyu was dressed in white clothes, her long hair fluttered in the wind, and her figure was like lightning. After leaving the room, she immediately headed towards the surrounding commotion.

Although I haven't seen who caused the commotion, I really didn't expect that someone would dare to make trouble on Longhu Mountain.

The only thing that can be thought of is the all-natured demon. People from the company have come forward before, saying that the all-natured people may have plots against Luo Tiandajiao, and may choose to make trouble in it.

Therefore, during the Luo Tian Dajiao, everyone had the spirit of twelve, and would rather believe what they had or not, and everything was based on ensuring that the Luo Tian Dajiao went smoothly.

In the end, after everything came to a successful conclusion, I thought that these guys had finally given up those unrealistic ideas, and finally gave up their plot against Longhushan, but they didn't expect that they would still make a move at this time.

At this time, the aliens from all sides on Longhu Mountain who originally came because of Luo Tianjiao have already left. I am afraid that these guys are due to this part of the reason, so wait until they leave before doing anything, but even the power of the Tianshi Mansion itself is not enough. These all-sex monsters can shake.

What's more, besides the power of Tianshi Mansion on the mountain at this time, part of the company's people still reside here.

Instead, we need to see how many full-sex monsters dare to fall ill at this juncture.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps, he stopped immediately, and looked around vigilantly. Several people came out of the forest with weapons in their hands, staring at him eeriely.

"Zhang Lingyu, I came here for a walk in the middle of the night!" The leader laughed, as if he was not surprised by the other party's appearance.

Even as if they had been waiting for each other for a long time, the two behind them lined up, with smug and playful smiles on their faces.

The leader was a big bearded man, flanked by a thin man and a short man on the other.

Zhang Lingyu snorted coldly, a powerful aura emanated from him, he was not afraid, he knew that this was a battle of life and death.

Bright golden light surged from his body, and then protected his whole body, his eyes were focused, ready to face the battle.

The battle was on the verge of breaking out, and he was fighting fiercely with several people. He moved quickly and flexibly avoided the enemy's attack. The golden light kept leaping, turning into a pair of big hands and grabbing towards several people.

Seeing that Zhang Lingyu was so strong, the leading bearded man was unwilling to show weakness. He yelled violently, and slashed at Zhang Lingyu with the big knife in his hand.Zhang Lingyu frowned slightly, and with a flash of her figure, she avoided the attack of the big knife, and quickly displayed a sharp palm technique beside the opponent.

Not to be outdone, the thin and short people on both sides rushed towards Zhang Lingyu one after another.

Without fear, Zhang Lingyu stood steadily on the spot, relying on his extraordinary skill and quick response, easily dodged the opponent's attack, and counterattacked with a quick combination of punches and kicks.

The golden light on his body was ever-changing, but in the end, under the joint attack of the three of them, he gradually fell into a disadvantage.

The battle entered a fierce stage, and the scene was extremely fierce. The golden light on Zhang Lingyu's body became more dazzling, and his body skills became more flexible. He shuttled across the battlefield like a cheetah, sometimes launching fierce attacks, and sometimes quickly dodging the enemy's counterattack.

But these three people are not common hands, and the cooperation of the three people is almost perfect. When facing such a scene, you have to use one mind and three things, which consumes a lot of energy.

"It seems that we have to solve a few of them first, otherwise the consumption will be too great..." Zhang Lingyu thought silently in her heart, and at this time she had slowly spread out the golden light on her body.

I understand that not all the enemies are in front of me, and there are still many enemies waiting for me after I solve these guys.

So you shouldn't waste too much time here.


The pure golden light began to show signs of turbidity, and then it seemed to melt and turned into a piece of pure black turbid water, slowly flowing on the ground.

Water Dirty Thunder - Cangtan in the North

In an instant, the black water of the Cangtan dispersed outwards, opening the huge mouth of the abyss towards the three of them.

"Huh!" The short one couldn't dodge for a while, and got a little stained, but after all, there was no big problem.

It doesn't seem to feel any special damage. This thing looks scary. Could it be just a scary thing?

The short man was about to continue to attack, but his feet softened, and he fell to his knees.

"Be careful with the black thunder, we can't fight against the water-dirty thunder that squeezes the marrow and eliminates the will, but this is not your martial arts arena..." The bearded man smiled, and glanced coldly at the one on the ground who was no longer able to fight. guy.

I don't really care about that guy, anyway, it's just drained of strength, but it doesn't hinder my life.

At this time, we still have to focus on attacking the enemy in front of us. Sure enough, the high skills of the Tianshi Mansion are not easy to deal with, but it is this kind of opponent that has the meaning of taking action.

The bearded man laughed loudly, and then the big knife in his hand was thrown forward suddenly, making a sound of piercing the air instantly.


Facing the oncoming attack, Zhang Lingyu didn't dare to take it directly, and had to dodge and dodge, and then the sharp blade brushed past her.

Then I saw that the flying knife was caught by another tall man, and then threw it back at a faster speed.

Among them, catching the original force, using the body as the axis, the force on the knife became more ferocious, and at this time, he was still at a disadvantage.

After all, this is not a martial arts field, and it is impossible for them to cover all the range here, and the two of them can avoid their own influence by choosing to attack in this way.

It really is a bit of a hassle...

Zhang Lingyu frowned slightly, knowing that at this time, one person should be dealt with first, otherwise she still couldn't turn the situation around.

But at the next moment, a loud divine voice burst out, attracting the attention of the three of them.

The tall man froze for a moment, then touched his wet head, only to realize that a bullet had penetrated his head from the back of his head just now.

Then the whole person fell to the ground, and it seemed that he was dead.

Xu Fu slowly walked out of the woods on the side, with a bit of impatience and helplessness on his face, he didn't expect that he would not let him sleep well, these guys really deserve to die.

Then he aimed the gun at the short man on the ground, pierced the other man's head with a bang, and said, "Master Lingyu, there are instructions from the company, shoot and kill, don't leave anyone alive, don't bother..."

Zhang Lingyu: ...

"How do you sneak attack with a gun, do you talk about martial arts!" The bearded man became alert immediately after noticing the person who appeared.

Why did this target come here? Didn't he use another person to go down the mountain? How could it be so fast.

Xu Fu couldn't help laughing when he heard this, he just pointed the muzzle of the black hole at the other party, and said with a smile, "How can you become a grandmaster if you have a gun and don't use it?"

(End of this chapter)

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