Chapter 172 Master?

Amidst the ruins, the two stood facing each other. At this time, both of them were examining each other, each with their own calculations in their hearts.

It's just that at this time both of them have already lifted their acting skills, and they are facing each other with their original faces.

Standing in front of him was a middle-aged man full of heroism, like a falcon, his tall and straight figure showed a strong and powerful aura, his figure was tall and straight and powerful.

His body seemed to exude an aura of confidence and determination.

His face was deeply contoured, with sharp edges and corners, and a pair of sharp eyes were inlaid on his broad forehead, as sharp and translucent as a falcon.

There was a sense of depth and wisdom in those eyes, as if he could see through people's hearts. His eyebrows were long and thick, slightly arched, showing firmness and unshakability.

His thick black hair has been slightly grizzled, but this does not weaken his majesty and imposing manner.

They were blown messily by the wind and fluttered freely, as if telling the story of his fearless flight.

His facial features are deep and powerful, with high cheekbones and a small beard under his resolute chin, which adds a touch of mature charm to him.

He wears a loose yet sturdy cloth garment that seems to have been adapted to his brave and fearless actions, and he is surrounded by bold tattoos around his arms that seem to celebrate his wildness and strength.

The strength and confidence exuded from him make people think of the eagle flying in the sky. He walks with firm steps, like an eagle walking vigorously on the cliff.

No matter standing or moving, he exudes a kind of nobility and majesty. At this moment, just standing in front of his eyes gives people a sense of oppression.

His heroic middle-aged appearance seems to have been polished more exquisitely by the baptism of the years. His eyes reveal the light of perseverance and wisdom, as if he can perceive all kinds of changes in the world.

His face is tough and well-defined, with a firm outline, and his broad and straight nose is proudly upright, adding a bit of ambition and authority to him.

His lips were slender and slightly upturned, exuding an imperceptible confidence.

The years of middle age did not make him lose the charm of his figure. His figure was tall and well-proportioned, exuding a strong and powerful breath.

That strong body seemed to be polished into a perfect sculpture, and every muscle showed strength and the will to do it.

His thick black hair was mixed with traces of silver and white, just like the stars dotted in the dark night. His long hair was a little messy and fell freely on his broad shoulders, outlining his resolute and bold temperament.

Under the sunlight, his hair shone with silver light, like eagle feathers soaring in the sky.

His facial features are exquisite and deep, especially those eyes, with a mysterious light shining in the deep pupils, as if they contain endless wisdom and courage.

Whether it is the sharp eyes or the stability between the brows, they all reveal his confidence and decisiveness as a leader and decision-maker.

The appearance of this middle-aged man contains the breath of strength, wisdom and freedom, which makes people fascinated by it, as if they have witnessed the greatest and most noble creatures in nature.

"Are you also Fang Xiangshi?" Zhu Yuan directly asked the question he was most concerned about, which was something he had to understand.

Although the original reason for coming to help was because of that mandrill's aura. After all, it was hard for that guy to show his skills so recklessly without being noticed, but after all, it was not the reason why he really made up his mind to come here.

That human mandrill has a cultivation base of 500 years, such an existence is not simple at all, if it is in normal times, I would rather choose to walk around.

It's not a very wise choice to go head-to-head with such a dangerous guy, but in the end I chose to continue, the reason is also aware of the breath of the Nuo beast, which is the familiar breath of the Nuo beast.

It was Qiongqi's aura. Although I had never tried to tame Qiongqi, I had seen how powerful that guy was.

Therefore, at that time, he could clearly perceive that that guy was Qiongqi.

And the moment he saw the other party, he confirmed his conjecture. Although this guy didn't use the Nuo mask to perform his acting skills, he was still a witch Nuo. This is a question that can be confirmed, and there is basically no big doubt.

But my question is why the other party is Fang Xiangshi. Obviously, this seems to be a bit beyond my cognition.

Compared with Zhu Yuan's aggressive spirit at this time, Xu Fu looked much more embarrassed at this time, and his tattered clothes were even more unbearable after the battle.

However, Xu Fu, who was originally arrogant, did not choose to confront the other party head-on, but was as obedient and submissive as a student standing in front of the teacher.

He didn't immediately answer the question raised by the other party at this time, but was just thinking about how to answer it.

When the other party asked this question, Xu Fu showed such an expression, as if he could tell at a glance that the other party was a Wu Nuo. No one could be more familiar with Fang Xiangshi than the other party.

Fang Xiangshi is a single biography, although it is only one branch of Wu Nuo, but I have never heard of a second Fang Xiangshi existing at the same time.

Therefore, before the disciples have not really inherited the Fangxiang's Nuomian, they are not really passed down, and they are just apprentices.

The main reason why I can evolve without a Nuo face now is because the furnace in my body has captured the ghosts of those Nuo beasts for me, so I only need to use another medium to perform the performance.

Without the engraving of the soul beast in the stove, he would still not be able to perform the spell just by relying on the staff.

Therefore, I have already guessed the identity of the other party. My master has not been inherited by Fang Xiangshi at this time. This should be my master...

Although I basically don't have the impression of this master after I remember things, more impressions I got from the old man.

Sharp, serious, serious.

Sure enough, it was exactly the same as the description. Standing in front of the other party, I even dared not look into the other party's eyes, and subconsciously gave birth to a deep sense of awe.

In addition, it is said that this master has a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart, no matter how sharp he looks, his heart is always soft.

At this time, two more people ran over from a distance, and the leader was a bald young man. He was a young bald man with sunken eye sockets, exuding a deep and mysterious aura.

He has no hair, and his smooth scalp shows his firmness, while also highlighting the outline of his facial features.

Those eyes were deep and dark, as if hiding endless stories, and the sunken eye sockets added to the sharpness of his face, revealing signs of hardship and struggle he had experienced.

The sadness and thought revealed in his eyes seemed to be a reflection of the burden and confusion deep in his heart.

His features were lean and well-proportioned, with no excess flesh, prominent cheekbones and a strong chin giving him a quality of determination and determination.

It seems that the traces of the years are deeply imprinted on his face, making him look mature and vicissitudes.

He is slender and well-proportioned, revealing a tired look, with faintly visible muscle lines, as if he has experienced a period of fatigue and challenges.

Although his appearance shows a little tiredness, his posture is still straight, exuding an aura of determination and confidence.

This bald man exudes a deep and mysterious charm. His appearance is somewhat unique, as if it is a symbol of abandoning external restraints and showing inner strength.

The most noticeable depressions in the eye sockets made his gaze sharper and deeper, like a deep black hole, attracting people's attention.

His face is well-defined, with tough and powerful lines, and the prominent jaw line outlines his firmness and determination. Although he has no hair decoration, his facial features are more prominent, and every outline reveals firmness and calmness.

His skin is slightly tan, and has withstood the years of wind and frost, but has not lost its youthful luster. The faintly visible scars on the delicate skin are the marks of the battles he has experienced.

Xu Fu just took a look at this person and identified this person. This person should be Xia Liuqing when he was young. Although he was much younger, he still recognized it at a glance.

I didn't expect that the two parties would have a chance to meet again. This feeling of seeing someone who died in their own hands is very strange, but it is still expected.

Xia Liuqing's muscle lines are clearly visible. Although there is not too much muscle texture, it is full of explosive power and endurance. His shoulders are broad and firm.

Although this guy didn't get the inheritance of Fang Xiangshi at this time, let alone the evolution of advocating excellence.

Even though this guy is in his prime, he is just a tiger without claws and teeth, and it is easy to kill this guy again.

Of course, I obviously can't do this at this time...

After Xu Fu saw Xia Liuqing appearing, he couldn't help but searched to the side. Since this guy has come, then his master should be there too, right?

Sure enough, he noticed another young man who came from a distance.

He is a simple, honest and lovely fat man, his fat and chubby body exudes a kind and warm atmosphere.

His face was round and full, and his smile was like a bright moon, bringing endless joy and joy to people. At this time, when Xu Fu saw the other party, he couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

The young man's face was plump and round, melting with an amiable temperament, his round cheeks were as soft as a piece of cotton candy, his skin was fair and smooth, as tender as a baby, which made people want to get close.

His eyes were big, bright, shining, revealing a kindness and innocence.

There are sparks of happiness in his eyes, always full of love for life and an optimistic attitude. His thick and soft eyebrows add a bit of gentleness and kindness to his face.

The young man's figure is plump and strong, giving people a sense of stability and reliability. His belly is round, like a natural cushion, and his arms are thick and powerful, giving people a sense of security and warmth.

He wears loose and comfortable clothes, which not only allow him to be free, but also show his cuteness and casualness. Even the simple cloth clothes are worn by him in a lazy and relaxed style.

The appearance of this simple and honest fat man is full of affinity and kindness, like a warm sun shining on the people around him.

This person is also very familiar to me, and I can be sure that this is my mentor and the only close friend who brought me up, Dou Song, just by looking at it.

Zhu Yuan was originally a little displeased with Xu Fu's lack of answer for a long time. Although this guy's posture was somewhat unexpected, he thought that this guy would have a violent confrontation or even a conflict when faced with a stranger's questioning.

But at this time, the obedient student's appearance made him feel a little uncomfortable, as if he asked something wrong.

At this moment, the other party seemed to have seen something and suddenly completely let go of his guard. The change was also very inexplicable, but it inexplicably touched the softness in his heart.

Zhu Yuan was silent for a long time, then followed the other party's gaze to look behind him, and noticed who the other party's gaze fell on.

"Yes, I am also the inherited Fang Xiangshi's method." Xu Fu slowly looked away, gradually calming down his emotions.

Seeing that familiar face again at this time, I couldn't help but still fluctuate violently. At this time, I realized that it was meaningless to recognize each other. After all, the two parties may not be from the same world.

But at this time, I can have a chance to see him again from a distance, and I am already very satisfied.

"Forget it, don't ask." Zhu Yuan snorted, not knowing what was wrong, seeing the other party's look of letting go of his guard, he was not interested in questioning.

Since the other party is upright, it seems that there is really no need to question him, although he knows that Fang Xiangshi has only one lineage.

Since there is another vein, maybe it's not a bad thing, at least it can prevent this ability from falling into my own hands, so it's not a bad thing anyway.

Xu Fu couldn't help laughing, and when he saw the man in front of him, he turned his head and left without asking any questions, as expected, his master is still soft-hearted.

Then he couldn't help but went up to chase after him, then bowed down and bowed down, performing the disciple's salute.

Zhu Yuan was a bit puzzled. Seeing the other party's appearance, he suddenly froze for a moment. He was about to ask but then he seemed to realize something.

In the end, he was silent for a long time, and finally swallowed the words back, but what came out was another sentence.

"If you have a request, come to Gannan and look for it. I think you can still find me." Zhu Yuan just dropped this sentence in the end, and didn't say anything more in the end.

At this time, his two apprentices had already come close, and before Xia Liuqing could open his mouth to flatter him, he kicked them over.

Xia Liuqing was a little baffled, but she still smiled apologetically. The three master and apprentice quarreled, and then seemed to ignore Xu Fu very naturally.

Only Dou Song looked at the young man bowing to him at this time, feeling a little different in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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