Chapter 179 Onmyoji

In this lush mountain forest, the verdant woods are densely arranged, forming a dense forest labyrinth.

The dense foliage covered the sky, leaving only the weak sunlight sprinkled on the ground through the gaps, forming mottled light and shadow.

There is a tense atmosphere in this mountain forest, as if the air is full of gunpowder.There are rustling sounds among the trees from time to time, as if an invisible existence is shuttling through it.

The sound of branches and leaves rubbing against each other became low and subtle, as if to herald the coming battle.

Although the environment is beautiful, the mountains and forests exude a depressing atmosphere, with gusts of cold wind passing by, bringing bursts of fishy smell from time to time, revealing the smell of blood.

The birds stopped singing in the woods, and the silence was almost eerie.Only the occasional bird song came from a distance, making it even more lonely and desolate.

The vegetation in the forest thinned out, revealing an open space.

In the middle of the clearing, broken tree trunks were lying on the ground, bloodstained, and wreckage and weapons were scattered on the ground, showing that fierce fighting had once broken out here.

The curved traces and deep sword traces left on the ground show the brutal fighting.

From time to time, there are low-pitched roars and ferocious roars in the jungle, like the roars of wild beasts, the battle is about to break out, and every place is full of tension and danger.

People in it felt the air tightening, their hearts beating faster, and anxiety filled every inch of their skin.

Under the tense atmosphere, the environment in the mountain forest became more and more harsh, and the space between the trees became narrow, as if they were suffocating some kind of malice.

On the barren land, blood was stained, and the muddy ground trampled on was like a trap.

The enemies hidden in the bushes are silently waiting for the opportunity, and every sound of restless branches and leaves makes people nervous.

In this mountain forest, the atmosphere of tension and battle are intertwined, every inch of space is full of crisis, people feel an invisible pressure, as if the whole world is hanging on the edge of the sword.

As time goes by, the battle is about to break out, and the environment in the mountains and forests will also become a stage for ruthless fighting.

When the sun was setting, the brutal fighting atmosphere gradually reached its climax in the forest, and the reflections of the trees were distorted and deformed on the ground, as if they were the reflection of dark forces.

A gust of wind blew by, carrying the smell of blood and fireworks, which made people shiver.

The tense atmosphere became more and more intense. The leaves trembled in the wind and made rustling sounds. The chests of the Japanese soldiers in it rose and fell violently, their eyes were fixed on everything around them, and they watched every corner vigilantly.

The slight friction of each leaf makes them alert, ready to deal with possible attacks, after all, the enemies they have to face are too weird and dangerous.

Although the guns are not completely useless against him, the problem is that it is only useful if you can hit the opponent. After the first confrontation, this guy hid, so that it was almost impossible for everyone to find him.

But the only thing that is certain is that this guy still exists around, and is preparing to launch the next wave of attacks.

The environment in the mountain forest became dark and dangerous. The dead branches creaked under their feet, as if reminding the existence of the enemy. The damp and decayed atmosphere filled the thick trunks, as if the atmosphere of death permeated.

The ground, full of broken branches and hideouts, makes travel difficult, requiring careful exploration at every step.

A muffled low growl sounded from a distance, echoing in the mountains and forests, and the existence of the enemy was like a ghost, appearing and disappearing from time to time.

The tense Japanese soldiers tensed their bodies, feeling the desire to fight in their blood, and at the same time felt the threat was approaching. Night began to fall, casting a dark shadow.

The environment in the forest is even more strange, the outlines of the trees become distorted and strange, and the dim moonlight shines on the ground through the gaps in the leaves, forming hideous mottled light and shadows.

This eerie scene adds a touch of eerie and terrifying vibes.

The tense atmosphere reached its peak, and the battle was about to break out. Every nerve was tense, and every breath carried the fighting spirit.

The soldiers were silent, with firm and dignified eyes, waiting for the appearance of the enemy. The environment in the mountains and forests became the stage for their decisive battle, and the bloody wind was about to rage in this darkness.

At this moment, the open space not far away is already full of corpses, and countless lives have turned into mummies, losing their vigor and vitality.

Their faces were pale and their eye sockets were hollow, as if the last flame of life had been sucked dry.

The fallen corpses covered the entire battlefield like cold statues.

Their skin was pale and thin, like dry bark, without a trace of blood, their limbs were distorted, and their expressions were distorted, as if they had experienced great pain and torture before they died.

Withered fingers grip the weapon tightly, as a symbol of last-ditch resistance and struggle.

The bloodstains had dried up, forming speckled dark red traces, reflecting the cruel reality under the sun, and the smell of decay and decay filled the battlefield, intertwined with the atmosphere of death.

There was an eerie silence on the battlefield, only the low groans of the wind blowing over the corpses.

These sounds are no longer the calls of life, but more like the wailing of the dead, which makes people feel chills down the spine. Birds and beasts seem to be scared away by this dead silence, and stay away from this realm of death.

The mummy lost the radiance and expression of life, their eyes were empty and lifeless, as if they had seen through everything and saw the endless pain of war.

They became lonely witnesses on this battlefield, silently telling cruelty and destruction.

On this battlefield full of corpses, life has been completely taken away, leaving only desolate wreckage. Every mummy is a victim of war. Their existence reminds the living of the cruelty and price of fighting.

The scene on the battlefield was solidified and engraved in people's hearts forever, making them deeply understand the horror and desolation of war.

However, at this moment, from a dark corner, a dry and thin zombie quietly appeared.

Its body has been eroded by time and death, presenting a terrifying sight.

The skin of this zombie is as pale as paper, and there is almost no trace of flesh on the face that is close to the skeleton. The protruding eye sockets are empty, there are no eyeballs, only deep darkness.

The cheekbones under the eye sockets are prominent, revealing the texture of bone, as if evidence of being eaten by decay.

Its mouth opened to reveal broken teeth and dark abysses between the gums.

The rotting tongue twitched as if searching for something, but it had lost the ability to speak and chew.

The neck was shriveled, revealing withered blood vessels and twisted bones.

Dry hair was messily covering the top of its head, and the color had faded, leaving only pale gray. These hairs were like dead grass, swaying in the breeze, giving people a gloomy and terrifying feeling.

It was the mandrill, but its condition was much worse than the last time it was seen. At this time, the incomplete parts of the body had not been really repaired, and the bones and flesh were still exposed.

The shriveled mandrill's body was scrawny, skinny, and its muscles had been exhausted.

Its limbs are shriveled and twisted, like broken branches, which may break at any time.

But it exudes an aura of death and corruption. Its existence makes people feel the evil power of death, like a nightmare drilled out of the darkness.

As the mandrill quietly appeared, and then slowly approached a soldier, an evil aura permeated.

Feeling the approach of death at this moment, the soldier turned his head abruptly, his eyes met those empty eye sockets, his heart beat faster, his muscles tensed, and his fighting instinct drove him.

The mandrill raised its thin arm, with protruding bones and long black nails. Its movements were slow and stiff, but it contained incomparably terrifying power.

The soldier aimed at the mandrill and raised his gun, but he was attracted by the darkness in the mandrill's empty eye sockets.

In an instant, Mandrill's claws pierced through the air and accurately grabbed the soldier's wrist.

The soldier let out a violent roar, but his voice was drowned out by Mandrill's cruel laughter. There was a terrible force in Mandrill's arm, and the soldier felt the cracking sound of his own bones.

The severe pain spread all over his body, and he couldn't resist it, couldn't break free.

The soldier's body began to tremble, and blood gushed from his wrists.

The zombie's nails dug deep into his skin, penetrating his muscles and bones.

An expression of pain and despair was engraved on the soldier's face. He was struggling feebly, but he couldn't escape the claws of death. At this moment, the vitality in his body was rapidly passing away, and his whole body was quickly sucked dry like dehydration.

In the end, the soldier's body collapsed, he fell to the ground, lost the last trace of life, his eyes were empty, his face was as pale as a zombie.

The dry, thin zombie continued to laugh, a cold, vicious laugh.

Its eye sockets filled with darkness again, as if celebrating its own victory, this demonic existence claimed another life, leaving dead silence and fear on the battlefield again.

Victory this time brought it even greater ecstasy and ferocity, the dry muscles on its face contorted, a cruel smile hanging from the corner of its mouth.

The breath of death churned over it, as if endless dark forces were dominating its existence, this place was no longer his battlefield, but his dining table.

Devouring the vitality of a living person can re-condense the damaged Yin Qi and repair the lost part.

It moves its decayed body like a dull and brutal hunter, every time it raises its arms there is a terrifying roar, and the air is filled with the atmosphere of death.

The soldiers were shocked by the ferocity of the zombies, but they still fought back.

They used strong will and well-trained combat skills to try to fight against this incarnation of death. However, the strength of the mandrill was beyond imagination, and its attacks were swift and precise.

Soldiers fell one by one, their bodies torn, crunched and broken, each dying more miserable than the other.

Blood was splashed on the battlefield, screams, shouts and desperate cries intertwined. Every kill was a cruel portrayal of war, and every fallen life suffered great pain.

The mandrill was pacing forward at this moment, and there was no emotion in its eyes, only endless longing and desire to destroy.

It bit down the soldier's throat with its hungry mouth, and the blood gushed out, completely strangling the flame of life. Its nails pierced through the soldier's chest, tearing out the heart and obliterating the soul.

The battlefield is full of corpses, and countless enemies are helpless in front of the zombies.

Mummified corpses intertwine with fresh flesh and blood on the battlefield, forming a terrifying and cruel scene. The brutal behavior of mandrills is chilling, and the shadow of death shrouds the entire battlefield.

The wizened, skinny zombie became the master of the battlefield, taking life with relentless force, proving time and time again the horrors of death.

Its existence makes people experience the cruelty and helplessness of war. Fear permeates the battlefield, and all hope seems to be slim.

On the battlefield littered with corpses, the withered and thin mandrills continued to wreak havoc, killing endlessly.

It opened its ragged mouth, and its bloodthirsty teeth gleamed terrifyingly. Every pounce was fatal, and every grab made the enemy lose the last resistance.

The soldiers were knocked down by the swift and ferocious attack, their bodies crumbled under the minions of the zombies, and blood gushed out like a fountain, staining the ground red, forming a terrifying sea of ​​blood.

And the mandrill's eyes became more fanatical, it seemed to be more and more addicted to the pleasure of killing.

It is no longer just killing, but seeking greater pain and fear with each kill.

The cries and screams of the soldiers echoed on the battlefield, but were soon swallowed up by silence. The nightmare of war became a reality, and people were forced to face the end of death.

At this time, some people wanted to escape, but it was not so easy to escape. As the fallen mummy stood up again, one after another human mandrill ushered in a new life.

The number of mummies is increasing, and they seem to be an endless army of demons, relentlessly chasing the remaining survivors.

Flesh was torn, bones were crunched, and the scene on the battlefield was like a hellish dance.

The hopes of the living were gradually shattered, and fear and despair enveloped everyone's hearts. They watched their companions fall one by one, and the fragility of life could not resist the torrent of death.

This shriveled and thin zombie has become the demon king on the battlefield, and its existence symbolizes destruction and ending.

Life on the battlefield trembles at its feet, powerless to resist.

The vortex of death expanded, the battle continued, and the mountain forest became a hell of depravity and sorrow.

Until this time, there was a white figure standing in front of the fleeing crowd. The man was wearing a gorgeous white robe, and his appearance showed a mysterious and majestic temperament.

His figure is tall and straight, with well-proportioned muscles, revealing his cultivation of body and spirit. His deep eyes are shining with the light of wisdom, and it seems that he can see the secrets of the world through his eyes.

His face was somewhat feminine, but he could also be called handsome, and his long hair hung down to his shoulders like a black waterfall.

He wore a tall black hat on his head, and patted his palms with a folding fan in his hand.

Wangyueliao - Onmyoji.

(End of this chapter)

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