From one person to nine to five

Chapter 193 The Magic Flute

Chapter 193 The Magic Flute
As the night falls, the stars shine like diamonds in the endless night sky, and the mountains and forests are immersed in a mysterious darkness. The hustle and bustle of the day gradually subsides, replaced by a piece of tranquility and peace.

In the dark forest, there is faint moonlight, and many tall trees stand like black shadows, and their silhouettes gradually emerge under the moonlight.

There is a faint scent of pine in the woods, the breeze blows, and the leaves make a slight rustling sound, as if talking softly with the night wind.

In the silence, the animals began to move, and the birds on the branches called to each other, and they flew in the night sky, leaving flickering shadows.

The chirping of birds echoed in the valley, adding a sound to the darkness.

Against the backdrop of the night, there is a thin stream deep in the forest, like a Milky Way, the water flows softly, making a faint gurgling sound, and the stream at night is in contrast with the stars.

The night puts a layer of mystery on nature, and the mountains and forests exude a charm different from that of the day.

Under this quiet and peaceful night, people seem to be in an isolated illusion, feeling the tranquility and vitality of nature. In the dark forest, a figure shuttles between the trees.

The night wind gently brushed his sleeves, reflecting an elegant figure.

This figure is wearing a black robe, like a ghost in the night, he is slender, his steps are light and steady, as if he is integrated with the mountains and forests.

In the darkness, through the cold light in his eyes, he could feel a strong determination and purpose.

He skillfully walked through the dense forest, avoiding hidden roots and weeds without hesitation, his movements were light and agile, and he hardly made the slightest sound, as if he was silent with the night forest.

The figure's face was difficult to discern in the shadows, only the firm light in his eyes could be seen.

Sometimes he stared ahead, sometimes at the ground, as if he was looking for some important clues.

As the figure moved forward, the animals in the forest seemed to be aware of his presence, and retreated from his path.

It seems to be able to feel a mysterious and majestic aura emanating from this mysterious figure.

The young man is tall and straight, looks young and full of strength, his muscles are strong, showing traces of health and exercise, his face is handsome and resolute, and it seems to contain endless courage and determination.

His slightly black short hair was neatly combed on the top of his head, and the slightly wet hair shimmered. There was a trace of determination between his brows, and his eyes were deep and sharp, revealing a sense of intelligence and vigilance.

Those eyes were deep, as clear as a blue lake, and when he stared intently into the distance, there seemed to be a flash of light in them.

His jaw line is clear and powerful, slightly open, exuding a kind of confidence and firmness, and his lips are tightly pursed, giving an impression of firmness.

He was wearing an exquisite cyan robe with slits at the hem for easy movement. The cyan fabric complemented his short black hair, adding a sense of mystery and sternness.

Holding the staff in his hand, Xu Fu was still vigilant about his surroundings. He always felt that something was staring at him, but he couldn't find what it was.

This feeling appears very abruptly, but disappears also very abruptly, so it has been unable to truly capture it.

But at least I can really feel that something is following me.

Although the night was shrouded in the mountains and forests, Xu Fu didn't seem to care about it. He continued to move forward firmly, shuttling through the mountains and forests, like an invisible lightning, moving forward quickly and firmly.

However, at this very moment, an accident happened suddenly, and then stirred up his nerves.

In the silent mountain forest, as the night fell, a melodious and strange flute sound suddenly came from a distance, floating in the air like a ghost.

The sound of the flute is light and elegant, as if it came from another world. It passes through the thick leaves, shuttles between the valleys, and echoes in the silent night sky.

Its melody is distorted and mysterious, and people can't help but feel a strange and charming charm.

The sound of the flute is sometimes high-pitched and passionate, sometimes low and sad, as if telling a long-standing legend. It carries a mysterious power and guides people into a realm full of fantasy and unknown.

The owner of the flute is hidden in the depths of the forest, his figure is hard to detect, only the melodious flute swaying under the night, as if leading the people who come to listen to enter a mysterious ceremony.

Xu Fu was involuntarily attracted by the weird and beautiful sound of the flute, and he approached it quietly, or listened intently with his breath held.

The melody of the flute echoes in the night wind, making people feel a power beyond reality, as if being pulled by an invisible hand, leading them into an unknown situation.

The sound of the flute gradually weakened, as if saying goodbye, leaving a trace of sadness and endless thoughts.

The mountains and forests returned to tranquility, and the night was deep and mysterious. The melodious and strange sound of the flute became a memory deep in people's hearts, which will never be forgotten.

As the sound of the flute weakened, a mysterious atmosphere pervaded the forest, and the trees seemed to be trembling slightly, as if they had resonated with the strange sound of the flute.

In the lingering sound of the flute, bursts of strange light began to flicker between the mountains and forests. The faint and soft light, like the favor of a ghost, dotted the dark branches and grass.

These rays of light are either light blue, or dark green, or deep purple, each of which exudes a mysterious and indescribable aura.

They danced under the night, slowly drifting towards the direction of the sound of the flute.

Xu Fu's vigilance had been raised to the highest level at this time, and then he waved the staff in his hand, turning into a golden long dagger, and walked towards the jungle with the long dagger in hand.

Those who are not kind will not come. Since this guy actually showed his location on his own initiative, it is a relief.

He shuttled through the dense forest, crossed the rugged path, and followed the mysterious approach to the unknown destination.

And the sound of the flute sounded again, as if it wanted to continue to attract people.

As the footsteps advanced, the faint and strange sound of the flute gradually became clear. It was like an invisible clue, pulling people's souls, making them intoxicated, and desperately pursuing it.

At last, when we came to an open meadow, the sound of flute and light reached its peak.

A huge stone platform stands in front of you, on which a figure sits cross-legged, holding an exquisite ancient flute.

The middle-aged man was dressed in a traditional kimono, revealing a simple and solemn atmosphere. The color of the kimono was soft dark blue, which brought out his tranquil and reserved temperament.

His figure is well-proportioned and tall, his figure is light and elegant, his skin is pale, showing the quality of health and pampering, his long hair is natural and smooth, hanging down to his waist, and his delicate black hair shines faintly in the sun .

The middle-aged man's face is delicate, with soft and balanced facial lines, his slender and thick eyebrows, slightly arched, outlining a pair of deep and spirited eyes.

Those eyes are like bright stars, revealing inner wisdom and meditation.

His nose bridge is straight and elegant, revealing a slight solemnity and confidence. His lips are red and plump, slightly upturned, giving people a kind and cordial feeling.

The cuffs of his traditional kimono are covered by the wide sleeves, revealing only his delicate wrists. His fingers are slender and soft, like the hands of an artist.

On the wrist, there is a string of ancient jade bead bracelets, exuding a simple and mysterious atmosphere.

His eyebrows were slender and thick, showing a deep black color, and the eyebrows were slightly sunken, exuding a gentle and calm atmosphere.

The slightly arched eyebrows show his intelligence and thinking ability, giving people a warm and powerful feeling.

Those eyes were deep and bright, shining with mysterious light like obsidian. There seemed to be thousands of words hidden deep in the eyes, revealing the depth of the inner world. His eyes were clear and bright, full of wisdom and insight.

The corners of the middle-aged man's eyes are slightly raised, forming charming small crow's feet. These smiling lines outline his peaceful and friendly character, exuding a kind and kind atmosphere.

His nose was high and straight, which added dignity and nobility to his face.The nostrils are slightly open, revealing natural and deep breathing.

This nose gives an impression of excellence and self-confidence, showing the nobility of his inner qualities.

His lips were ruddy and full, slightly upturned, exuding a natural charm.The corners of the mouth are slightly raised, outlining a gentle and kind smile.

His lips seem to exude a kind and friendly atmosphere all the time, which makes people feel comfortable and relaxed involuntarily.

This middle-aged man is holding an exquisite bamboo flute. The body of the flute is as white as jade, exuding an ancient and mysterious atmosphere. The texture of the bamboo flute is smooth and delicate, as if carved by nature.

His slender and dexterous fingers rest lightly on the bamboo flute, showing his familiarity and skill in music.

The place where the fingertips touch the bamboo flute is slightly pale, showing the traces of years of music playing.

When he played the bamboo flute, the notes flowed like a stream, the sound of the flute was melodious and melodious, like the breeze floating in the air, each note was full of emotion and spirituality, which resonated with people's hearts.

The middle-aged man closed his eyes and focused on playing the bamboo flute. His brows were slightly frowned, as if he was chasing some distant memory.

As the music flowed, a peaceful and joyful smile gradually bloomed on his face.

The sound of the bamboo flute danced in his hands, as if it had vitality. The notes traveled through the mountains and forests, and echoed between the earth, filling the whole space with a mysterious rhythm.

But at this time Xu Fu had raised his vigilance to the highest level, waving his spear in his hand, pointing at the target.

It is obvious that what is in front of them is an enemy rather than a friend.


Keita Chida blew the flute in her hand again, and the sobbing and melodious sound drifted with the wind, and then continued to echo around.

He gently pressed the bamboo flute to his lips, a warm breath came out, and the sound of the flute gradually sounded.

At first, it was a soft bass, like a low voice echoing in the depths of the valley. As he breathed and played, the notes gradually rose and blended into the surrounding nature.

Suddenly, the surrounding trees seemed to sense his music, and the roots emerged from the ground, dancing into the air like a dragon emerging from water.

The roots of the trees are tangled together, forming a huge root and fiber net, which seems to be dancing with the rhythm of the music. They sometimes sway lightly and sometimes roll and dance with the flute sound, just like a feast of life.

The leaves on the canopy seem to be activated by the music, like a group of birds flying, weaving a green intertwined picture. They dance with the changes of the notes, fall lightly, and return to the canopy like a dream.

The roots and vines seemed to be activated by some mysterious power, and began to grow and dance crazily.

They wriggled out of the ground, like snakes and scorpions in a strong wind, and went straight towards the sky.

The chaotic interlacing of tree roots is like a natural painting, outlining a wonderful picture.

Some tree roots spiral up like snakes, some stretch out like lion's claws, and some coil around like boa constrictors. They are intertwined and intertwined into a complicated net, spreading in all directions.

The vines also joined the feast of wild dancing. They fluttered like long hair, graceful and graceful. Thin vines danced in the air and tangled together, like a picture scroll of life.

Some vines hang from the branches like beautiful water curtains, while others hang from the heights of the tree crowns like streamers in the sky.

Roots and vines fly through the air, like a carnival of nature.They dance with the melody of the music, fluttering lightly, as if telling the story of the earth.

Their growth and dancing seem to merge with the rhythm of nature, showing the infinite vitality of nature, but at this moment the posture they show can not help but make one's hair stand on end.

Xu Fu felt the abnormal changes in the surrounding atmosphere, and noticed the crazy dancing of vines and tree roots.

He raised his head vigilantly, his eyes revealed a trace of solemnity and determination. In front of him, vines and tree roots formed a huge wooden wall, expanding rapidly towards him.

The vines writhed like snakes, and the vines quickly tangled and twisted, like a ferocious army, gathering anger and majesty.

They are no longer graceful dancing scenes, but become violent and powerful, as if driven by some irresistible force.

The tree roots also became more and more violent, they were as sharp as a sharp sword, stabbing towards Xu Fu.

They were like tentacles in the ground, keenly looking for Xu Fu's position, and they were about to knock him down completely. Their roots pierced the ground one after another, setting off a turbulent wave of earth and rocks flying.

Xu Fu reacted immediately, he dodged quickly, nimbly shuttled between the tree roots and the vines, his eyes flashed with determination, he knew that he had to resist this menacing force of life.

He raised the Changge in his hand, and then quickly danced his hands, instantly disappearing a piece of vines and roots.

But even so, the vines and tree roots gushing out from the ground are still endless, as if there is really no end at all.

(End of this chapter)

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