From one person to nine to five

Chapter 223 Puppet Master

Chapter 223 Puppet Master
Xu Fu was restrained by the puppet warrior's attack, he felt the gradual consumption of power, the puppet warrior seemed to show no sign of fatigue, and continued to launch deadly attacks.

The silk thread wrapped around Xu Fu's body like a chain, binding him firmly. He struggled hard, but the strength of the thread became stronger and oppressed every inch of his muscles.

Xu Fu understood that if he continued to wait for death, he would not be able to escape the fatal blow of the puppet warrior, so he decided to look for the last chance to break this desperate situation.

He began to observe the puppet warrior's attack pattern, trying to find out its weakness, the gap between the puppet warrior's attack was small, but Xu Fu had to seize every opportunity.

Finally, he discovered a small flaw. When the puppet warrior attacked, the defense on his back was slightly negligent, which seemed to be its weak point.

Xu Fu concentrated his attention and waited for the puppet warrior to attack again. When the silk thread hit again, he dodged at an extremely fast speed and rushed to the puppet warrior's back. Xu Fu felt a burst of despair. Such a powerful force, able to continue to attack.His body was entangled even tighter by the silk threads, making him unable to move.

The puppet warrior's attacks became more ferocious and swift. Silk threads wrapped around Xu Fu's limbs like poisonous snakes. He felt great pain, but he refused to give up and was determined to fight to the end.

Xu Fu concentrated his attention and tried to find the weakness of the puppet warrior. He understood that only by finding the weakness of the opponent would he have a chance to fight back.

Suddenly, he noticed a tiny crack in the puppet warrior's body, which seemed to be its weak point.Seeing the right moment, Xu Fu tried his best to break free and attack the puppet warrior's weak point.

However, the puppet warrior deserved to be a formidable opponent. It was keenly aware of Xu Fu's intentions, quickly dodged his attack, and immediately counterattacked.

New silk threads surged in, binding Xu Fu tightly like vines.Xu Fu struggled hard, but he couldn't break free no matter what.

His body was in excruciating pain, but his will was unwavering.He gathered his last strength and tried to find a way to break through.

In an instant, his thoughts cleared, and he suddenly realized that, to fight against his power, he needed to find the source of the puppet warrior's power and weaken its foundation.

He closed his eyes, calmed down, and went deep into his heart. He began to mobilize his inner energy and condensed a bright light.

Xu Fu's body began to emit light energy, and there was a warm and peaceful atmosphere around him, and the power of light gradually dispelled the dark forces of the puppet warrior.

The puppet warrior felt the threat of light, its attack gradually weakened, Xu Fu felt his heart sank, he did not expect that the puppet warrior still had enough strength to continue the attack, even though his body was restrained, he did not give up the will to resist .

The puppet warrior's attack became more violent, and the silk thread tightly wrapped around Xu Fu's body like a chain, trapping him tightly in place, and each silk thread carried deadly power, attacking Xu Fu.

Although Xu Fu was facing a severe situation, he didn't show the slightest fear. He took a deep breath, gathered his mind, and looked for a solution.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Xu Fu's mind.He remembered the puppet warrior's weakness—the thread that held it.

Without hesitation, he focused his attention on the silk thread around the puppet warrior, and he sensed a special energy contained in the silk thread, which was the source of the puppet warrior's power.

Xu Fu used his thoughts to try to interfere with and undo the controlling power of these silk threads. He poured his mind into the silk threads and tried to weaken their power.

The threads began to vibrate, their strength became unstable, and Xu Fu noticed that there was a gap in the puppet warrior's attack.

He immediately seized the opportunity and tried his best to break free from the shackles. His body struggled like a beast, and finally managed to break free from the shackles of the silk thread.

Xu Fu quickly dodged the puppet warrior's attack. His skill was exceptionally agile. He used his own weapon to target the puppet warrior's weakness and launched a fierce counterattack.

Every attack is extremely precise. Chang Ge pierces the body of the puppet warrior, causing huge damage. The puppet warrior roars in pain, but it still keeps attacking without fear. Xu Fu's brows are furrowed. The fighting power of the samurai was so tenacious that he was able to continue to attack.

Despite his best efforts to break free and fight back, the puppet warrior did not flinch.

The puppet warrior's attacks became more violent and ruthless. The silk thread rushed towards Xu Fu like a sharp blade, trying to completely defeat him. Every attack was full of destructive power, which made Xu Fu feel tremendous pressure.

Xu Fu took a deep breath, he knew it would be impossible to continue like this, he had to find the weakness of the puppet warrior in order to have a chance to defeat it.

He carefully observed the puppet warrior's movements and attack methods, trying to find its flaws. Suddenly, he noticed that the puppet warrior's movements seemed a little stiff, and the attacks had certain regularity.

Xu Fu immediately seized this opportunity, quickly dodged the puppet warrior's attack, flexibly dodged every silk thread attack, and at the same time observed the puppet warrior's weakness.

Finally, he discovered that the heart of the puppet warrior is its biggest weakness, as long as it hits there, it can make the puppet warrior lose the ability to fight.

Xu Fu concentrated his mind and prepared to launch a fatal blow. He used his agility and flexibility to avoid the puppet warrior's attack while looking for the right time.

Finally, a momentary gap appeared, and Xu Fu quickly rushed to the puppet warrior, piercing its heart with the spear in his hand.

However, the puppet warrior was not willing to fall easily, it reacted quickly, wrapped Xu Fu's long dagger tightly with silk thread, and launched a fierce counterattack at the same time.

Xu Fu felt great pressure and pain, but he didn't give up. He kept struggling, trying to get rid of the shackles of the silk thread, and at the same time kept attacking the puppet warrior. Xu Fu was wounded all over his body, but he was not discouraged. Attack, he gripped the weapon in his hand tightly and resisted with all his might.

The puppet warrior's attacks became more violent and cruel. The silk thread cut through the air like a sharp blade, and continuously attacked Xu Fu's body. Xu Fu dodged every attack, but his injuries became more and more serious.

His body could no longer bear such torture, but his will was still firm. He understood that only by persevering would it be possible to find a way to fight against the puppet warrior.

Suddenly, a wave of courage surged into Xu Fu's heart, and he decided to take a risk and take more drastic actions.

Xu Fu concentrated his mind and looked for the puppet warrior's flaws. He noticed that the puppet warrior's movements were a little stiff, and the gap between attacks was slightly enlarged.

He immediately seized this opportunity and quickly approached the puppet warrior. He waved the weapon in his hand vigorously, trying to break through the puppet warrior's defense line.

However, the puppet warrior would not give in easily, it reacted quickly, entangled Xu Fu's weapon with a silk thread, and increased the intensity of its attack.

Xu Fu felt that his strength was gradually exhausted, and he knew that this was his last chance.He mobilized all his strength and violently attacked the puppet warriors again and again.

The puppet warrior was not to be outdone, it continued to attack violently, and silk threads wrapped around Xu Fu's body, trying to restrain him.

In this life-and-death struggle, Xu Fu's physical strength was gradually exhausted, but he did not flinch.He knew that only by persisting until the last moment would he have a chance of defeating the puppet warrior.

Gathering his last strength again, and delivering a final blow, he prepares to charge into the heart of the puppet warrior, hoping to kill him with one blow.Xu Fu charged at the puppet warrior with all his strength, trying to deal a fatal blow, but the puppet warrior didn't intend to back down easily, it continued to launch violent attacks without fear, and the silk thread struck quickly like black lightning.

The scorching pain in Xu Fu's body could not stop his determination. He dodged the puppet warrior's attack, always looking for an opportunity to fight back.

In an instant gap, Xu Fu waved the weapon in his hand, aimed at the weak point of the puppet warrior, and launched a merciless attack, but the puppet warrior nimbly avoided his attack and quickly counterattacked.

The silk thread wrapped around Xu Fu's limbs, imprisoning him in place, making him unable to move. Xu Fu felt cramped and restrained, but he did not give up.

He concentrated on finding the weak point of the puppet warrior, knowing that he must find the source of the puppet warrior and weaken its power.

Suddenly, he noticed that the position of the puppet warrior's chest seemed a bit unusual, and he understood that it might be the puppet warrior's energy core.

Xu Fu struggled hard, trying to get rid of the shackles of the silk thread, he gathered the last strength, launched a decisive attack, aimed at the energy core of the puppet warrior.

However, the puppet warrior dodged Xu Fu's attack, and the silk thread wrapped around his body more tightly. Xu Fu felt tremendous pressure, but he did not give up.

He kept struggling, trying to find a chance to escape, and he was determined not to let the puppet warrior continue to break his will.

Xu Fu concentrated his mind and looked for a solution.He knew that he had to use all possible methods to decipher the puppet warrior's attack.

He recalled his past fighting experience, looking for inspiration, and in an instant, he thought of a breakthrough, Xu Fu realized that his efforts were not enough to defeat the berserk attacks of the puppet warriors, who seemed to be tireless, constantly launching deadly attacks, silk threads Wrapped around his body, making him unable to move.

However, Xu Fu would not succumb easily. He gathered his internal strength and met the puppet warrior's attack with a calm mind.

He used the rest of his strength to dodge the silk thread's attack as much as possible, and at the same time, he was looking to crack the weakness of the puppet warrior. He observed the puppet warrior's movements and attack patterns, trying to find its loopholes.

Suddenly, he noticed that the puppet warrior's speed had slowed down and his attacks had become slightly monotonous, which gave him a glimmer of hope.

Xu Fu seized this opportunity and quickly counterattacked. He used his sword skills to target the key parts of the puppet warrior and launched a fierce attack.

However, the puppet warrior didn't flinch, it continued to dodge Xu Fu's attack quickly and responded with greater strength.

Xu Fu felt powerless, and his body began to show signs of fatigue, but he did not give up. He knew that this was a life-and-death struggle, so he could only go all out.

He struggled, tried to stay calm and concentrated, he found a balance between attack and defense, and kept trying to find the puppet warrior's flaws.

The puppet warrior's attacks became more and more ferocious. Silk threads entangled Xu Fu's body like a poisonous snake. He felt severe pain attacking his whole body, but he gritted his teeth and persisted.

Knowing that time was running out, Xu Fu decided to launch a final blow, rushing desperately towards the puppet warrior, trying to break its defenses.

Gathering all his strength, he let out a roar, and rushed towards the puppet warrior with all his strength. He hoped that this attack would bring him a chance of victory. Xu Fu was determined not to waver, and the puppet warrior attacked again.The silk thread is entangled like a snake, and its power is even more terrifying.

Xu Fu was struggling with severe pain all over his body, but he did not give up. He realized that he must find the weakness of the puppet warrior in order to defeat it.

He concentrated on observing the puppet warrior's movements and attack methods, trying to find its flaws. However, the puppet warrior's attacks were extremely fierce, which didn't leave him much chance.

Xu Fu tried his best to avoid the puppet warrior's attack, while thinking about the solution, he decided to change his tactics and find a breakthrough.

It suddenly occurred to him that although the puppet warrior's attacks were fierce, they also had certain rules. He began to observe the interval and rhythm of the attacks, trying to find opportunities to take advantage of.

Finally, he found a tiny flaw, the interval between the puppet warrior's attacks was slightly uneven, and there was a momentary pause.

Xu Fu quickly seized this opportunity and rushed towards the puppet warrior at an extremely fast speed. He used the remaining strength to deliver a fatal blow, aiming at the puppet warrior's vitals.

However, the puppet warrior seemed to have been on guard for a long time, and quickly dodged Xu Fu's attack, and immediately counterattacked.

The silk thread wrapped around Xu Fu's body and bound him tightly. He felt suffocation and severe pain, but he was unyielding.

He struggled with all his strength, trying to get rid of the shackles of the silk thread. He knew that this was his last chance, and he was determined not to let the puppet warrior continue to destroy his will.

Xu Fu gathered his last strength and launched a counterattack again. Although his body was exhausted, he did not give up any hope.

Using his skills and wisdom, he finds the weakness of the puppet warrior and launches a deadly attack. He constantly evades the attack of the puppet warrior and looks for flaws at the same time.

The golden long dagger in his hand was constantly dancing, trying to cut off the densely covered silk threads.

But it was obviously not that easy, but at this moment, the other party suddenly seemed to display extremely powerful strength at this moment, and countless silk threads rushed up together.

The white silk thread network is like a drizzle, and at this moment it is densely sprinkled towards him.

The opponent's attack spread all over every corner, and Xu Fu at this moment is also facing a formidable enemy.

With the long dagger in his hand constantly waving, he was even more afraid of the enemy in front of him.

At this time, it has been confirmed that this guy is the real puppet master.

(End of this chapter)

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