only god

Chapter 103 The Angel Didn't Get Anything

Chapter 103 The Angel Didn't Get Anything

How long does it take for an angel to give up on people, and what kind of suffering does he have to go through before he can be disappointed in people?
Nobody knows, not even the angels.

But those people who believe in God's Logos don't know that an angel came to the earth quietly.

He was insulted and hurt on earth, as prophesied.

Bazel ran around for the three-eyed ape-man, and he wanted to bring the "Book of Two Kings" to the elder Gula of the three-eyed ape-man.

But Ram wanted to follow Bazel, but was ordered by Bazel to stay at home. During this time, he could not leave the house.

Ram was unhappy, but had no choice but to agree. He read the "Book of Kings and Prophets" over and over again, and then prayed to the god who endowed reason, and prayed for Bazel's safety.

Under the influence of Bazel, Ram believes in the god who endows reason, the Lord who saves the world.

Ram always imitated Bazel's general prayers and general sacrifices, and after Bazel went to the desert, Ram's prayers and sacrifices became more devout.

This three-eyed ape-man child wishes all the best.

Bazel, who went to the desert, persuaded the leader of the three-eyed ape-man to reject King Dorio's decree in the court before the matter became irreversible.

Elder Gula is the third elder after Elder Salas. Because of Elder Salas, the three-eyed apes have maintained a long-term friendship with Bazel, and Elder Gula often discusses various issues with him. kind of knowledge.

Not long after, Elder Gula realized the seriousness of the problem and was quickly persuaded by Bazel.

The nearly sixty-year-old Elder Gula decided to personally go to the Kingdom of Logos to refute his own race.

above the palace.

King Doro looked gloomy at the long steps outside the palace.

His eldest son Ruiying stood beside the throne with a playful expression on his face.

What the father and son didn't expect was that after the three-eyed apes learned of King Doro's decree, they would actually send an envoy to the Kingdom of Logos to ask the king to revoke the decree.

King Doro clenched his hand resting on the throne.

The father and son originally imagined that in 100 years, the three-eyed ape people would be slowly reduced to slaves, and everything would happen naturally, and it would all be a stable and peaceful development.

At first, only a small number of three-eyed ape-men were enslaved, and as time went by, the scope of enslavement gradually expanded.

Until... the whole race became the cornerstone of the Logosians.

Even if among the three-eyed ape people, there are angry and rioters, bringing chaos to the kingdom, but the Logos people are far longer than them, and time is on the Logos people's side.

Generation after generation of domestication, the three-eyed ape-men will forget the previous stories, the Logos people will shape their thoughts, and those heretics will eventually realize that they are born slaves.


The idea of ​​the father and son was broken.

Now, the elder named Gula actually expected to use the history and laws of the Logos to refute the king's decree.

The father and son were greatly astonished by this, and at the same time they were puzzled.

How could those three-eyed apes know the history and laws of the Logos people?

You must know that among the Logos people, very few people can read and write, and those who are familiar with history and law are only the priests in the Law Garden.

Most of the Logos discriminated against the three-eyed ape-man, and the priests who served the gods even looked down on the three-eyed ape-man, Kagaus, how could he teach them history and law?

The sky was shining brightly, and the nobles and ministers of the kingdom gathered in the palace. They were more or less aware of King Doloo's fright and anger. At this time, no one made a sound, and almost all of them were waiting quietly.

Waiting for... the arrival of the three-eyed ape-man elder.

King Doloo stared at the long steps outside the palace, and the shadows fell on him and his eldest son Ruiying, especially the eldest son Ruiying, who stood further back than the throne, and no one could catch his expression.

No one knows what the heir to the kingdom has in mind.

Elder Gula raised his head and saw the stairs leading to the palace.

"Bazel, these stairs are really magnificent. We three-eyed apes have never been able to make them."

Elder Gula said softly.

Bazel nodded slightly. He looked towards the palace, feeling uneasy.

"Don't worry, Bazel, I've memorized everything you told me beforehand and kept it in my heart."

Sensing Bazel's uneasiness, Elder Gula said so.

This refutation against King Doro is not so much about Elder Gula using his own knowledge as a weapon, but rather using Bazel's knowledge as a weapon.

Although the down-and-out poet stuttered, he was not stupid. He had been planning for today and carved nearly twenty wooden boards.

These boards explained when to quote that sentence, when to be wary of falling into the other party's trap, and when to speak out to counter...

Inside is almost the condensation of all his knowledge.

Elder Gula memorized every word and every word in it by heart.

Witnessed by all eyes, he slowly climbed the long steps outside the palace.

Bazel followed behind him, following him step by step into the palace.

King Dolo raised his face and looked at Elder Gula who walked into the palace.

When Bazel's figure appeared in the field of vision, King Doro's hand clenched even tighter.

The king felt betrayed.

Bazel, who had been rewarded by himself many times and given the status of priest by himself, actually stood on the side of the three-eyed apes.

He was originally just a prostitute's child, a stuttering poet, if it wasn't for his reward, how could he have entered the law garden, how could he have been able to ascend to the palace many times?
King Doroe was furious.

Why, is he going to join those three-eyed ape-men to destroy his hope of achieving greatness?

"Elder Gula."

King Doloo said in a deep voice, staring at Bazel, and said:

"Bazel, it turned out to be you."

All the people present heard the king's displeasure, and all eyes turned to Bazel.

The nobles who supported the king's decree saw a Logos man standing beside the three-eyed ape-man elder, and they became emotional and talked a lot.

As a Logosian, he actually taught the three-eyed ape people the law and history, using it as a weapon to attack King Doro.

In addition to "ignorance", the only word "traitor" can be used to describe it.

Standing on the palace, Bazel felt the anger of King Doro and the hatred of others, as if there was a verbal criticism waiting for him at any moment.

But Bazel was still standing.

The stuttering poet does not feel that he has done anything wrong, that he has done nothing wrong.

Elder Gula patted Bazel on the shoulder. One of the successors of Elder Salas, he gave Bazel great confidence.

Bazel felt courageous, and he looked straight at King Doro.

Yes, I didn't do anything wrong, so why should I be afraid of others' scrutiny?Only those who make mistakes should be afraid.

King Dolo sneered, looked away from him, and looked directly at Elder Gula.

"Dear Elder Gula, what are you here for?"

The voice fell in the palace, and anyone could hear that the voice of the person on the king's throne was almost ice-cold.

"Great King of the Logosians, I have come for my people and to reaffirm our eternal friendship."

Elder Gula took a step forward, he didn't care about King Dolo's bad tone, he saluted King Dolo, and said.

The nobles and ministers held their breaths, their eyes were either on King Dolo or Elder Gula.

Everyone knows that this refutation may change the direction of the two races.

This debate about the fate of the race kicked off.

"Our prophet Ar said: Is there anything incorruptible in this world but God?"

King Doloo stared down at Elder Gula from a high position, and then said slowly:
"You are Elder Gula, not Elder Salas who established friendship with us."

"Our friendship was given to your fathers and grandparents."

The voice was clearly audible in the palace, and the nobles looked at the three-eyed ape-man elder coldly, and they all understood what King Doriot meant.

Elder Gula raised his head, without giving in, he spoke slowly:

"I am naturally familiar with your history, and I am also familiar with the words of the Prophet Yar, but the friendship between the two races does not end with the death of a certain person.

Just like King Alesto passed away, but did King Deltrian end the friendship between the two kingdoms? "

Elder Gula's rebuttal resounded in the palace, and King Doloo's pupils shrank slightly. This rebuttal was so convincing that he didn't know how to answer for a moment.

The nobles couldn't help talking, no one thought that this three-eyed ape-man could be so eloquent.

Bazel was delighted by Elder Gula's refutation, and he wrote those words on the wooden board.

After a while, King Doroe asked again:

"Elder Gula, we Logos gave you wheat, cattle, sheep, pottery... These are our gifts, so many rich gifts, why did you ever give us anything?
The spices you give are just gifts from God, and you don’t need to pay anything, while our wheat, cattle, sheep, and pottery are the crystallization of a kingdom that has gone through generations.

How insignificant your gift is in comparison. "

King Dolo's question was extremely tricky, he took advantage and continued:
"And now, for the sake of the friendship between the two races, we want to take back from you the reward we deserve. You gave us freedom, and we gave you a great civilization.

Don't you want your descendants to see that a great civilization has been established by the hands of the three-eyed ape-man, and be extremely proud of it?
If you are willing, God will bless you and me. "

Elder Gula turned his head and exchanged glances with Bazel for a moment.

Then, he took another step forward and said loudly:
"That civilization is so great in the eyes of future generations, but it requires us to be the eternal cornerstone.

King Tertullian once said that man is the son of God and must not be tamed and enslaved. Wouldn't this sentence become the law of the Logos in the future?Don't you know that the law is going to be established, but you want to break it before then? "

Elder Gula's words were so loud that some nobles felt speechless for a moment, and after looking at each other, they shook their heads one after another. They had no choice but to look back at King Doro, waiting for the king's answer.

King Doroe sneered, he had already prepared for this.

Most of him on the throne was shrouded in shadow.

"The great god gave us language, gave us reason, gave us 'logos'.

However, these divine graces, "

"But it has never been given to a three-eyed ape-man!"

The majestic voice resounded in the palace, and King Duolue's contemptuous gaze made people lower their heads.

"Elder Gula, you do know our laws and our history."

"But you don't know that only Logos is the Son of God!"

"And you are not!"

The king's voice overwhelmed the nobles present, and they couldn't help but marvel at it.


Only the Logos is the Son of God.

And those three-eyed apes are not only not the sons of gods, but also believe in the so-called prophecy god Kagaus.

Elder Gula's complexion was steady, without the slightest bit of stage fright, let alone incoherent speech or embarrassment.

But Bazel's mouth was slightly raised, and he couldn't help it.

This was the trap he had already set for King Doloo, and it was also one of the traps he was most satisfied with after discussing with Elder Gula beforehand.

Elder Gula looked directly at King Doloo and said:
"If you want to make us slaves, we will shed blood. If you use the power of prophecy to find God, we will sacrifice."

"King Doriot,"

"Since you claim to be the sons of God, why do you want to sacrifice animals?!"

Everyone was shocked, how similar Elder Gula's words were to those of King Tertullian.

In the past, King Tertullian also used animal sacrifices to refute the accusations of the nobles, leaving indelible scars on the nobles.

But now, Elder Gula uses the "Book of Two Kings" as a sharp sword to stab at the old wounds of the nobles, and wants to tear the wounds open again, expose them to the sun, and ruthlessly smash them to pieces.

King Doroe on the throne was furious, but he was speechless.

He pondered, looked directly at Elder Gula, his lips trembled a few times, but he hesitated to speak.

Ruiying next to the throne watched all this. From the beginning to the end, the heir of the kingdom did not take any action.

No one knew what he was thinking.

When King Dorre was about to speak from his throne,

Ruiying raised her hand to stop her father.

The heir to the kingdom slowly walked out of the darkness, and he walked up to Elder Gula.

"Father, I am overwhelmed by Elder Gula's words."

Ruiying spoke slowly.

King Doro was astonished.

He couldn't guess what Ruiying wanted to do.

"The friendship between the two races is really not allowed to be trampled on. Once trampled on, the friendship will cease to exist."

Ruiying bowed to Elder Gula, showing great respect.

All the nobles present were in an uproar, and the noisy voice spread to everyone. No one thought that Prince Ruiying would speak for the three-eyed ape-man.

Those words come from the heart...

still is……

Elder Gula looked at the heir to the kingdom in front of him with admiration. He had never known Ruiying before, but he just felt that this prince might be different from his father.

"You are right, noble prince."

Ruiying lowered her head humbly and said softly:
"Elder, all my words are because of the friendship between the two races."

Bazel looked at Ruiying, he couldn't imagine that the victory would come so suddenly.

He prepared twenty wooden planks for this purpose, and asked Elder Gula to memorize them all, but now he didn't even use three.

Ruiying turned around and waved for a servant to come forward.

Holding a bowl of ale in his hand, the servant walked slowly to the center of the palace.

"Elder Gula, please drink this bowl of ale and reaffirm to my father the eternal friendship between the two clans."

Ruiying delivered the bowl of fine beer to Elder Gula.

The simple three-eyed ape people don't have so many twists and turns. Elder Gula looked around. Under the eyes of everyone, the three-eyed ape elder let go of his guard.

Elder Gula took the ale and drank the wine in one gulp.

Then, Elder Gula continued to look directly at King Doloo, and continued to take a step forward,
"King Dolo, it seems that Prince Ruiying..."

Before the words could be fully uttered, they got stuck in his throat.

The blood on Elder Gula's face faded quickly, and the chill burst out from his bones.

He widened his eyes, turned his head away, and looked at Prince Ruiying in disbelief.

Elder Gula only saw a cold smile.

Elder Gula's head went down and hit the palace heavily.

The nobles were stunned at first, and then screamed in panic. For a while, the palace became chaotic, and people rushed to crowd each other, unable to believe what happened before them.

Bazel froze in place, looking at the fallen Elder Gula in astonishment.

The poet's brain seemed to be frozen all of a sudden, and he couldn't listen to him.

Prince Ruiying turned his back and walked slowly towards the throne.


"It's time for the friendship between the two races to end."

Bazel originally thought that this debate would bring back freedom for the Three-Eyed Ape-Man.

But in the end,
The kindness of the world, the laws and history that were once praised, disappeared completely before the throne.

An ambitious man ended everything and destroyed everything in the simplest way.

The angel left God and wanted to find God's favor on earth, but he found nothing except pain.

 I'm going to write to the climax tomorrow
(End of this chapter)

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