only god

Chapter 202 The Legend of the Prophet

Chapter 202 The Legend of the Prophet

The battle that nearly destroyed the city wall of Ajia King City ended abruptly.

What happened at that time was like a miracle that quietly appeared at a certain moment. Claudio, who was galloping on the battlefield, suddenly fell from mid-air. His waving wings froze instantly, and he fell motionless. On the city wall, it was like a sudden sudden death.

The soldiers on both sides did not react to this scene, until a certain exclamation broke the silence, and those three-eyed apes covered in blood rushed forward, and countless spears pierced through the stiff body in an instant.

The tyrant Claudius, died in a strange way.

And when he died, the army that was originally condensed by fear collapsed and disappeared almost overnight.

A disaster powerful enough to destroy the entire Agha came with great vigor, but the ending was so absurd that it was incomprehensible.

That is too inexplicable, the three-eyed apes can only attribute it to miracles.

The retreat of the enemy caused the three-eyed apes to flock to the great temple to offer sacrifices. They offered countless sacrifices to the statue of Cargaus, and the entire hall could not be piled up. The remaining three-eyed apes will worship The halls of the gods, as well as a hall without statues but only murals, are enshrined with countless sacrifices.

The entire Great Temple was filled with sacrifices, and the three-eyed apes who survived the catastrophe were immersed in joy and happiness. Among the temples in the streets and alleys, there was not a temple that was not full of sacrifices.

In the New Law Garden, the excited believers also offered sacrifices one after another. The ancient altars could not be filled, so they were piled up around the base, and the surroundings were crowded, so they were placed on the floor, layer by layer, in a circle Surrounding the circle, the believers shed tears and kept reciting prayers and words from the two sacred scriptures taught by Professor Norn.


finally saved.

Under the blessing of God, the menacing tyrant fell on the walls of Aga.

But amidst the joy that permeated the city, the faithful waited long for the Prophet's return.

As time went on, restlessness took some place for joy, and worshipers knelt through the night in prayer, chanting scriptures and begging God to bring the prophet back.

This situation lasted for seven days.

The believers in the New Law Garden did not wait for the return of the Prophet after all.

But the believers did not despair because of this. On the contrary, after the initial anxiety, they found hope from their memories. The miracle on the city wall was so real, and their faith prompted them to believe that the prophet did not die, but received the Lord Calling to walk with God.

At first, this statement was just a guess. For seven days, believers who were puzzled by the departure of the Prophet would speculate on the Prophet's whereabouts from time to time.

But soon, it spread to ten or ten to hundreds. Compared with other guesses, this kind of speculation was more credible and more contagious, spreading to the ears of believers.

Among the believers, those wise believers began to recall the contents of the scriptures and search for evidence.

"Didn't the Prophet Al say, 'Love, praise, walk with you.'?

As is Arr, so is our prophet norn! "

As a confident shout sounded in the New Law Garden, the believers no longer had any doubts, and they all began to believe that Norn did not die, but left the secular world and walked with God.

With psychological support, the believers were no longer confused, surrounded by happiness, they sang songs loudly, and the nobles among them even took the lead in playing the harp or other musical instruments.

On the earth, people miss and bless the Prophet.

They say that the prophet is the proof of the existence of the miracle when the miracle has not yet been manifested.

As the royal city held a grand celebration for the victory of the war, the story of the prophet Norn was not limited to the believers, but began to spread throughout the city.

In the first few days, like the last war, the bards sang the achievements of the heroes and praised the favor of the prophecy god Cargaus, but in the stories of the prophets, they soon showed their influence in poetry.

In those poems, the achievements of the heroes gradually fade, and the miracles of the prophets occupy the climax. The prophecy god Cargaus, benefiting from the common belief of the entire race, has not been replaced, but the supreme god and the creator The revelation and care in the book began to be mentioned repeatedly.

Those ministers and nobles who had never set foot in the New Law Garden expressed deep concern about this, and they advised Queen Isis one after another, but to their surprise, the woman in charge of power ignored her, she neither objected , do not agree, or even take the initiative to mention.

The priests of the Great Temple also remained silent throughout the incident.

The ministers and nobles didn't know what happened to them, but they had no choice but to give up due to lack of support.

The celebration lasted for a full 41 days, which corresponded to forty solar eclipses, and the extra day indicated that the sun would rise as usual.

All in all, the disaster is over.

The tyrant who conquered the kingdoms is gone, and the three-eyed ape-man has returned to peace, and no one can offend the land of Aga.

These races created by the God of Prophecy lived in this river-nurtured land for three thousand years. The dynasties changed and the stars moved. One generation passed and another generation came again. The land of Ajia will last forever.


Baird stood on the top of the wall.

Standing beside this great hero is not the other Aga heroes, but Kasas.

"Noen... really went to walk with God?"

Baird asked softly.

"I don't know, I didn't see him leave with my own eyes."

Casas' voice was full of regret,

"But people always say,
This is,

The legend of the prophet norn. "

Baird smiled. Although he was not keen on war, he was also delighted by the singing of the bards.

Now the poets sing of the norn,

It is obvious that
The legend of Norn, along with the praises of the believers, will continue to be embellished and passed down forever.

"I'm leaving here."

Baird whispered.

Casas was a little surprised and asked:

"Where are you going, Baird?"

"Looking for the gem from the sky, remember, my sweetheart, she is still sleeping."

Baird stroked the hilt at his waist and said with a smile.

Casas stopped it aloud:

"You are Aga's hero, as long as you are willing to speak, do you know how many people will open their arms?
Why should you bother with this? "

Baird was stunned for a while, his eyes looked into the distance, and then slowly said:
"I don't know, maybe this has become an obsession of mine,
Maybe... I've already paid too much for this, and I don't want to give up.

But I... will definitely get that one heavenly gem,
I've only won two big wins,

And the third big win is still to come. "

 There are still a few chapters in the afternoon

(End of this chapter)

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