only god

Chapter 215 Is there such a god in this world?

Chapter 215 Is there such a God in this world?
In the forest, a brown bear slowly emerged.

Those fierce eyes peeped at Assis who asked "Who am I?", and it approached little by little.

It had been hungry for several days, and now it saw someone appearing alone again. The brown bear, who was originally unwilling to provoke humans, let go of almost all scruples at this moment.

Assis didn't notice the changes around him, still staring at the reflection in the water, thinking about the answer to the question.

"Who am I?" This seemingly simple question is unimaginably profound.

There are some eyebrows in Assis' thinking. In the sentence "Who am I?", "is" means definition, means existence, and "who" means the content of definition.

The young man was engaged in abstract and philosophical thinking, and was deeply fascinated by it, completely unaware of the approaching danger.

"Who am I? What a deep question."

Assis murmured:

"According to common sense, I am Assis, but who is Assis? What does the name Assis mean? Why do people think of me when they talk about Assis, but not others?"

He is the second son of a wise man. He is good at thinking and has solved countless problems. But when he saw this problem, he still couldn't find the exact answer.

"We are like frogs who cannot jump out of a well, thinking that the sky in front of us and the moss around us are the whole world."

Assis said with emotion.

Immediately afterwards, he suddenly had another whim.

"Is there any god who thinks 'Who am I?'?"

Thinking of this, Assis' eyes lit up,
"Which god knows the answer to this question? Do they really know who they are?"

Assis's thoughts flowed into the tide, surging wave after wave, while the brown bear in the forest was getting closer and closer, showing its mottled fangs slightly.

Nakbet, the god of death, looked at Assis quietly.

"'Who am I?' is an interesting question."

Nakbet thought to himself.

But He didn't go into it, and just slowly waited for the death of this life.

Assis patted the ground in front of him violently, and he suddenly thought of something that made his skin crawl all over.

"Is there any god,

The answer to 'who am I' is... I am 'yes'? ! "

A philosophical supreme god emerged from Assis's mind without warning, and he was suddenly surprised by his own thoughts. A wise man was trembling all over. The crushed leaves were so crisp, and the bright air gradually Heavy, but he didn't notice the arrival of death at all.

The word "is" is a definition and an existence.

And Assis wondered, could there be a god, who is definition itself, who is existence itself.

He is "yes", who is He, then He is.

Assis murmured:

"Is there such a god in this world?!"

The voice just fell.

The brown bear behind him opened its mouth wide and bit Assis hard on the neck.

The young man hadn't reacted yet, his whole body froze, his neck was broken in an instant, and his face was still in the confusion just now.

This wise man, the brown bear ate him.

Nakbet, the god of death, moved forward slowly. He raised the death scythe, and slowly hooked the soul of Assis, not letting him go to the top of the distant mountain.

"You are an interesting and thoughtful soul."

Nakbet whispered,

"Very suitable as the first visitor to the afterlife."

Then, His eyes turned to the Celestial Kingdom.

"I don't know how Herris' forging is going."



The blowing of the cold wind on the snow-capped mountains.

The sky was pale, and the dawn had quietly descended.

Herris stood guard in front of the altar. He sat on his knees and waited for a whole night.

The God of Mountain and Craftsman slowly raised his eyes, looked at the altar in front of him, and his clasped hands trembled slightly.

On the altar, the lamp was burning, and its lamp oil had dried up, as if it would go out at any moment.

It is not surprising that the lights go out. still burns.

Herris' eyes were a little moist, and he couldn't believe it.

He lightly touched the altar with his forehead and murmured:

"I... know the answer."

No matter how much lamp oil there is, there will always be a time when it burns out. The cold wind in the mountains will always have a wisp of it blowing out the lamps on the altar.


this flickering light,

God kept it from extinguishing all night long.


Heres knew their Father's answer.

The Father promised all and set them free.

Hearing the footsteps of someone going up the mountain, Herris stood up slowly from the ground. He no longer hesitated, kicked his feet, stepped on the strong wind in the mountains, and headed towards the Celestial Kingdom in a blink of an eye.

The priest slowly went up the mountain. He came for the sacrifice. When he stepped on the last step, he looked up.

In front of him, the lights on the altar were actually burning.

The priest watched this scene in disbelief, and just as he was about to approach, the lights went out.

"Is illusion?"

the priest murmured.

The lamp oil they added every night could not support a lamp to burn all night.

Logically, the lamps on the altar were supposed to go out in the middle of the night.

"It should be an illusion."

 I don't have any manuscripts saved, so I can only write a little less in order to update.But there are a few more tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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